Feature Article
What Not to Do When Releasing Downloadable Content

On the current-generation consoles, it seems as if each new release comes with the promise of future downloadable content (DLC). With so many games embracing the idea of DLC, some potential pitfalls are becoming apparent. Allowing these problems with DLC to continue could turn the potentially excellent idea of add-ons for games into a terrible example of how some companies are trying to squeeze consumers for as much money as possible.

As many people are aware, there are two kinds of downloadable content: free and premium (see: costs money). Obviously, there are also many potential problems with downloadable content, including unreasonably high prices for DLC and having to pay for content that is already on the retail disc. Because of these problems, there are a few basic rules that developers should follow when releasing downloadable content.

Burnout Paradise is a prime example of how developers should handle DLC.

Rule One: Do not charge for content that comes out shortly after a game's release.

While it is understandable that it takes extra time and money to make content available for download, developers would be better off if they released more free content to consumers. Though game development is a money-making business, consumers do not want to see extra premium content become available after they have just spent $60 on a new game.

This makes the consumer question why the content was not released on the game disc. Then he or she will wonder why the developer did not delay the game a week or two in order to include the premium content with the game. From there, the developers will only succeed in angering and alienating part of their fan base.

Rule Two: Do release free content for a game as a reward for consumers

No developer has applied this idea more perfectly than Criterion, the developer of Burnout Paradise. While the developer has released some premium content for the game, Criterion has also supported Burnout Paradise with several massive, free downloadable content packs. It is amazing that Criterion has not only continued to support a game that was released in January 2008, but also that the free additions to the game have significantly changed the game experience.

This is also a good marketing technique by Criterion because consumers are more likely to support the developer’s premium content after receiving so much other DLC for free.

$5 to unlock everything in Skate 2?! What happened to good old cheat codes?

Rule Three: Do not release unreasonably priced premium content

The most notable and infamous example of a developer releasing downloadable content at a price that far exceeded its value did not come via a sports game. However, it was such a terrible example of a developer attempting to get more money for extra content that I felt it could not be neglected in this article.

In April 2006, Bethesda Softworks, developers of the Elder Scrolls series, and more recently, Fallout 3, released a Horse Armor pack for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which cost roughly $2.50. While it certainly was not enough to break the bank, it was deemed unnecessary by many people because it was a very minimal addition to the game, giving many consumers the feeling that they were being asked to pay for something that added almost zero extra value to the game.

A more recent example of a developer charging more than necessary for downloadable content comes via Skate 2. Just a few days after the game was released, the Time Is Money premium DLC became available. This content package unlocked all locations, skaters and gear -- all of which could be unlocked by simply playing through the game. Some people may not have a problem with this kind of downloadable content, especially because the company obviously is not forcing the consumers to buy it. However, what happened to the days when consumers would rent a game and type in a cheat code so that they could enjoy the game to its fullest, without having to put in hours of effort?

The Time Is Money content was priced at roughly $5. Again, this is not an excessive amount of money for the amount of replay value the consumer could receive from it, but it feels like developers are gravitating towards the idea of squeezing the consumer for every last dime, instead of providing an enjoyable experience for everyone.

The Future of Downloadable Content?

Downloadable content is a huge success for games on the current-gen consoles. Allowing consumers to download new courses in Tiger Woods or new activities in Burnout Paradise is a big positive. In addition, the majority of available content increases the replay value of the game and is priced reasonably. But, there are a few scary trends that are beginning to appear, which should worry consumers a bit.

If people continue supporting unreasonable downloadable content, such as Horse Armor and the Time Is Money pack, some developers will continue to ask for even more money from consumers while giving them less value in return.

Member Comments
# 1 NYwRiter94 @ 02/17/09 12:20 PM
Although this might not be able to be applied to sports games, the best example of DLC is Rock Band/RB2. Every week they release a minimum of 3 songs, sometimes even going up to an album plus a song pack. This has led to around 600 songs since the release of RB1 back in November of 07. They release a wide variety of choices so everyone gets what they want, and every song costs $2, which is definitely worth it for four instruments and four difficulties, not to mention multiplayer possibilities, which leads to 128 ways to play a single song. For a long song like Constant Motion, that's hours and hours of replay value. And that's only a maximum of a third of a single week's content.
# 2 larma @ 02/17/09 01:01 PM
Skate 2 is a great example of a ripoff. EA released the game with a basic (read stripped) replay editor and shortly after the release they "gave" us the Filmer pack. 7.50 for something that clearly should've been included with the game. And from what I hear the original skate.'s editor is still better than what the Filmer pack offers.

More and more developers seem to use DLC as an excuse to release an incomplete game and make easy money while not doing their job properly.
# 3 Trini G1aDiaToR @ 02/17/09 01:21 PM
I also like what Rockstar is doing with GTA IV. The downloadable content that comes out today is a whole new story with a new character, plus new vehicles, etc...

So far, RockBand, Guitar Hero, Burnout Paradise & GTA IV seem to have the best models in place for downloadable content. They all add to the game, in some cases changing the game in a truly value added way. I hope more developers follow their lead.

I'd love to hear some ideas for worthwhile downloadable content in sports games. Any ideas there? I don't think throwback jerseys or alternate unis are worthwhile... those should be included in the game already. Make them unlockables if anything, but I refuse to pay extra for them.
# 4 slimcranky @ 02/17/09 03:28 PM
You can also add don't make promises than you won't keep as in 2K Sports not delivering DLC materials in MLB 2K8 and Top Spin 3.
# 5 asu666 @ 02/17/09 03:34 PM
I hate it when content is on the disc and then a tiny download is needed to unlock it later. If it's on the disc the person who purchased it should own it and have unlimited access to it. Only content created after the retail game goes gold should be downloadable, otherwise it's just holding content out of the game.
# 6 vegaas @ 02/17/09 04:04 PM
Good article but while you were making the case for the consumer you also made a case for the developer charging for DLC with this statement :

"what happened to the days when consumers would rent a game and type in a cheat code so that they could enjoy the game to its fullest, without having to put in hours of effort?"

The problem is the developer is not making money by the consumer renting the game and putting in cheat codes to enjoy the game to the fullest. They want us to buy the game not rent it and see everything. Renting is only good for them if is causes us to purchase the game, not see everything with a cheat code. This way they can make money off the renters as well
# 7 Topov81 @ 02/19/09 07:08 PM
How ironic that that 2 days after writing this article, EA are now selling a 'Time Saver' pack for Burnout Paradise, which does exactly the same as Skate 2's 'Time is Money'.
# 8 brewersfan84 @ 03/01/09 10:50 AM
I think some games use DLC to rip us off! GTA IV is a great example of how to make dlc worth while!
# 9 DirrtySouth78 @ 03/06/09 03:24 PM
So was Shivering Isles DLC for Oblivion. yeah the one mentioned in the article was a bad example of DLC. but Shivering Isles is on other end of the spectrum. Yeah it was expensive for DLC but it was basically an Expansion pack

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