Feature Article
Happy Together: Hardcores and Casuals Living in Harmony

We live in a very polarized world. Black or white. Republican or Democrat. Rich or poor. We are a society of extremes where the terms “gray area” and “middle ground” are foreign concepts.

The same can be said of sports videogames as well. As developers and publishers look for more ways to make their games appealing to “casual” sports gaming fans, the stage is set for an epic battle between “arcade” and “sim” gamers. While the casual gamers make up the vast majority of the market, any attempt to make the game more simple and accessible for these players is met with fierce resistance by the hardcore crowd.

So, who wins? Should developers cater to the casual fan, or the hardcore?

It’s time us to step outside of our “all-or-nothing” mentality and understand that it is possible for a game to please both audiences. Yes, that’s right -- an experience that both arcade and sim players can enjoy, all on one disc.


One word: options.

No, not the Pat-White-to-Steve-Slaton kind of options. I’m talking about the ability to turn things on and off, the ability to fiddle with settings, the ability to decide how I want my game to play.

...we’ll even do all the work ourselves -- we’re called “hardcore” gamers for a reason

I think I speak for my fellow hardcore-gaming types when I say we don’t expect perfection out of the box. We understand that the typical casual gamer would like to come home from buying Madden, pop in the disc, and pound the CPU 62-0 again and again while never even contemplating touching a slider or changing the difficulty level.

If that’s your idea of fun, more power to you.

But for those of us searching for a different kind of experience, give us the ability to create it. Hell, we’ll even do all the work ourselves -- we’re called “hardcore” gamers for a reason -- by tweaking sliders for hours, days, even weeks on end. The only work required on the developer’s end is implementing the ability for all gamers to substantially change how the game plays.


Hardcore fans have no problem staring at screens like this one for hours customizing games.

Give us sliders that actually work. I, and many others, have been harping on this for a while now, but it bears repeating. If I set the interception slider to zero in Madden or NCAA, it should be impossible to intercept the ball. If I maximize this slider, I should be consistently hauling in 10-15 interceptions a game. Similarly, if I set the offensive holding penalty slider to 100, I want holding to be called on every single play. Yes, the results at the extremes would be very extreme, but that’s exactly the point: having this kind of range gives the users the ability to adjust the game to their liking, whether that is ridiculously arcade, hyper-realistic, or anything in-between.

A lot of the ideas proposed by hardcore gamers that would make sports games more realistic have been shot down by developers...

Give us more options. A lot of the ideas proposed by hardcore gamers that would make sports games more realistic (bad snaps in football games, bad hops in baseball games, etc.) have been shot down by developers who claim these types of things would “frustrate the casual fan.” Of course they would. Why would any casual fans want to have their head-to-head matchups against their buddies decided by a random high snap that ends a potential game-winning drive? By simply having these random-but-realistic occurrences defaulted to off and including an option to toggle them on, hardcore fans can have these minor details that they have always wanted without disturbing the game for the casual fan.

So what is preventing developers from providing the options that would help sports games satisfy both arcade and sim players? Here are three potential reasons, with my arguments for why they are unjustified:

1. Developers don’t want to jeopardize their casual fan base. As I've previously explained, this is a rather weak excuse. Developers can simply make the default settings arcade-friendly and give those seeking more realism the sliders and options to make it so. Casual gamers probably won’t even notice (or care) that these options have been included and could continue running for 800 yards a game or averaging 70 points a game with Chris Kaman without being affected even a bit.

2. Developers become attached to the game they create and are reluctant to relinquish full control over how it plays. This may sound a bit far-fetched at first, but consider the response of Adam Thompson (OS user OMT), a designer with EA’s NCAA 09 team in this thread, which questions the user’s inability to control the time and weather conditions for offline dynasty games:

"This is done on purpose. If we were to allow this, it would be setting the time on your non-conference games. We certainly wouldn't let you set the weather. We want to make it as realistic as possible. You're a football team, not GOD!"

I understand and appreciate Thompson’s desire to make the game realistic, but is there any good reason why someone shouldn’t be able to adjust these things? If I want to play every game in my dynasty in the middle of the night in a driving rain, what should stop me? If that’s what I find fun, I should have the ability to play that way. I don’t ever recall hearing anyone complain about having too many options or too much control.

3. It’s difficult to include these options in the game while maintaining game balance. Since it seems like very few games have ever nailed down the art of providing effective sliders, I’m more willing to believe that they are genuinely hard to program correctly. But there are some examples of games that have done it (try messing with a High Heat tune file or the shooting sliders in 2K’s basketball games) and done it well. A little extra work during implementation would hopefully create effective sliders, which would go a long way towards finally appeasing the hardcore gamers who want to tweak their games to perfection.


Member Comments
# 1 asu666 @ 09/04/08 07:17 PM
It's the diehards that have purchased tons of games over decades that have kept the business going over the years. The casuals always come and go. I just hope that devs and publishers remeber in their rush to court the Barbie's Horse Adventure crowd that it is people like the ones who visit this sight that spend big money in good times or bad.
# 2 Cardot @ 09/06/08 03:06 AM
I agree with the article 100%. With a good set of sliders & options, everyone can be happy. Infact while I enjoyed and was very impressed by NHL '08, the inability to customize gameplay to my preferences ultimately led me to shelving the game in frustration....and casting some series doubt on a purchase of '09.

I disagree a bit with the opening paragraph. I think there are alot of shades of grey when it comes to sports gamers. While I like my sports games to be fairly realistic, I don't go to the extent of playing 15 minute quarters and letting the play clock tick down every rep. Ofcourse that doesn't mean I want a game where players catch on fire and body slam each other either.

I think there are many on these forums that aren't as hard-core sim as they might think they are. One good test is to join an online league with other OS'ers. The honeymoon of the first season will be ok, but by season 2, people will start to voice their opinions, and you will quickly have an arrary of different interpretations of "sim".
# 3 tril @ 09/07/08 03:18 AM
I agree with the point of sliders set at 100 or at 0 should work as intended. But these games are programed to give random results over a course of a season or dynasty.
Correct me if Im wrong, I dont think there is really such a thing as 100% in programming when dealing with randomness.
My question, has anyone of the hard core gamers ever really tested the sliders in a quick game mode to see if the sliders are actually working. This is the only place where the sliders may work as intended.
# 4 sportyguyfl31 @ 09/08/08 04:30 PM
I Honestly do not know what constitutes a "hardcore" gamer, or why someone would themselves labled as such.

I play a game expecting to be entertained, and with my sports games, I expect to see a reasonably realistic depiction of what happens on the field/court/ring/rink, whatever.

If the game does this, and its a fun experience, I'm going to play it. A lot.

Does that make me hardcore? Casual? I dont know, nor do I care.

Just make good games, and I'll play the heck out of them Simple.
# 5 sixtydashone @ 09/09/08 01:29 PM
Great article. I was the type that up until NCAA 09 (patch 2) would always play my NCAA or Madden games without ever touching sliders. After finally messing around with them, I'm convinced they really are a crucial feature. Everybody has different ideas about how the game should play, and the sliders allow everybody to tailor the game to their own liking. Plus the fact that if the developers give players this customizability, then they don't have to hear the players complain that, for example, it's too hard to get sacks, or the AI's running game sucks, or it's too easy to get picks, or the Robo QB is routinely completing passes at an unrealistic percentage regardless of the pass rush, and the list goes on.
# 6 uhnpom @ 11/13/08 01:55 AM
Hey belton boy, I see your still posting ur writtings and " quoteing" without stating ur sorce. hahaha! I luv gamers but only when I cant get out & do stuff!
# 7 BrianFifaFan @ 11/13/08 11:23 AM
I think games like the Nascar series and Fifa handle the "casual gamer" really well. They offer aids. Be it for shifting the gears or braking help or passing and shooting assitance in Fifa, they help overcome the casual gamers lack of abilities, be it stick skills or reflexes. You can have a fully functional game that faithfully recreates the sport and it helps you play it and makes it enjoyable. Then as you become better you can turn them off. Best way to do it....
# 8 RogueHominid @ 11/13/08 11:47 AM
I think the possibility of symbiosis is there, but sliders are not the cure-all that many seem to think. The game engine itself represents a fundamental and non-alterable choice to cater to one kind of gamer or the other. Because I play football games, I will use the two I have played in this generation as examples, not to suggest that one is better and one is worse, but to demonstrate that each has made a choice in the design of their engine to cater to one or the other type of gamer. I'm not sure a compromise can be made here.

Madden NFL 2009 has a distinctive player movement system characterized by the ability to change direction and string together moves very rapidly. Some have called the feeling generated by this system "skating," but whatever the term, it is clear that the players in the game are designed to move according to the absolute whim of the gamer--a move that caters to the casual crowd who might not want to be limited in their movements to things real-life players could actually do or not do.

APF 2K8 also had a distinctive player movement system, much "heavier" than the Madden system. In this system player size and momentum have a significant impact on how players can move while traveling at different speeds. Only certain players are capable of extra-quick cuts, and all players are forced to slow down if they want to make quicker, sharper moves. This choice clearly caters to an audience that wants their players' movements to be restricted by physics, and players of Madden frequently don't like the decisions APF's game engine makes for them. The reverse is also true.

Now both games make different communities of gamers happy, but designers have to either choose to make things like physics matter a lot, or have them matter a little or not at all. There isn't really a middle ground on these types of issues.

I'm sure more examples are out there, but these are the ones that come most quickly to mind. Thoughts?
# 9 Pared @ 11/18/08 01:24 PM
I somewhat touched upon this in my Arena Blogs.

I think it's just time for the "hardcore" to be a little more forgiving. Think of things that happen in the sports we watch that are incredible. Yet, if it ever happened in one of our games, the game is "too easy" or "broken."
# 10 Jonny Toe @ 11/19/08 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
In this west coast lunch hour update, Ryan Spencer takes a look at how hardcore fans and casual fans can live in harmony. Spencer takes a look at how developers can bridge the gap between both and make both crowds happy in his article, Happy Together: Hardcores and Casuals Should be Able to Live in Harmony.
Its good that such a situation has finally arrived....

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