09-05-2008, 07:04 AM
OVR: 11
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: brooklyn, nyc
before ea locker, it was common practice to go out a buy the annual college magazine, and sit there and re-edit alll the teams, with names, numbers, attributes, etc. NCAA is for the hardcore, period. Casual gamers play for the first three weeks of a title, and move on or don't stay competitive. Hardcores tend to still be playing last year's games up until the midnight release of the new title! lmao. Hardcore keep this industry alive. Casual gaming has been around, Casual gamers are a new breed with their brain age and cooking mama, I know on madden, my son still wants to play me on all-pro or all-madden, he doesn't like that my skill stuff, I've borned a Hardcore....