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Madden NFL 09: Ups and Downs

So how many of you have bought into the madness? Are you all pressed up against the windows, your breath fogging up the glass, your eyes all sad and puppy dog-like, whimpering for the clock to strike 12 on August 12th? Has the EA Sports marketing hype machine injected that sweet addictive substance straight into your veins, making us a gaggle of itching, drooling junkies hungry for that late-summer fix?

I must confess, I used to be among you. Not an August would pass that I wouldn’t get that tingly sensation in my belly, with my thumbs feeling somehow sad and alone. Even with NCAA Football releasing only a short few weeks prior to Madden, that game usually could not quench my ravenous thirst for football video gaming. Now, however, things have changed.

While Madden’s release used to signal the time for NCAA to begin its somber chore of dust collection, it is now barely a blip on my radar.

Perhaps it is that I have grown older, reaching the creaky age of 27. Perhaps it is that now I live in a quiet apartment, as opposed to a 1,400 square foot ranch filled with liquor-fueled shenanigans on Francis Drive in a certain land of ‘Paign. Perhaps it is that my life is now dominated by a rigorous and stress-filled routine that often exceeds the normal five-day 8 a.m.-5 p.m. time clock, rather than 12-hour-a-week class schedule that includes Fridays and Mondays off. Perhaps it is because, for whatever reason, I now prefer the college game to the NFL. Or finally, it might just be because Madden NFL has lost its luster.

For the past couple of years, I have failed to find that giddy inner child that used to dominate my psyche every second week of August. While Madden’s release used to signal the time for NCAA to begin its somber chore of dust collection, it is now barely a blip on my radar. Don’t get me wrong, I will shuffle into my local Gamestop next week and lay down three Andrew Jacksons for this year’s installment, but I won’t break the sound barrier racing home for a five-hour freak-out session.

Despite my new-found sense of apathy, I cannot ignore Madden 09’s brash boasts of 85 new features, set to right the recent wrongs of next-gen Madden offerings. Are they enough to re-invigorate my since-faded love affair with the NFL’s only video gaming option? Time will tell. Here are some features I find promising, and others that might have the same appeal of tightly-coiled piles my neighbor’s dog leaves on the sidewalk.

Madden NFL 09 isn't out yet and we know there definitely needs to be a roster update upon release.


The Ups: Adaptive AI

Last year’s NHL 08 marked my return to hockey gaming after a four year hiatus -- and my experience couldn’t have been better. The right-thumbstick control scheme had a lot to do with my delight, but not so much as the Adaptive AI system. No longer could I attack with the same mind-numbing strategy of one-timers across the slot. I also could not to check my way out of odd-man rushes every time.
Money plays have long been the scourge of sports video games, and historically all of our favorites have suffered from this flaw.

If Madden’s new Adaptive AI system is as remarkable as that of its hockey step brother, we might be in for a very big treat. Money plays have long been the scourge of sports video games, and historically all of our favorites have suffered from this flaw. The old NHL games suffered from hyper-effective wrap-arounds and wristers while cutting across the slot. The NFL 2K series failed to address out-routes and sweeps as legitimate offensive threats. And finally, any defense in Madden has failed miserably to stop the roll-out deep corner combo, even in the most recent editions.

Hopefully, Madden 09’s new system will cure this malignant vexation for the football gaming genre, and do so for the foreseeable future. Here’s hoping this system might find its way into NCAA Football 2010 as well.

The Ups: Old-School Uniforms

In the grand scheme of things, this is a minor detail. But for those of us who were part of the last-generation orientation, the re-inclusion of old-school alternate uniforms is something to stand up and applaud.

While the on-field attire is ultimately insignificant when compared to the overall gameplay, the return of past and alternate uniforms is somehow symbolic (at least to me) that EA Sports may be hearing our collective groans about stripped-down next-gen, and have finally decided to appease those who help line its pockets every summer.

The Ups: Online Leagues

Hot on the heels of NCAA 09’s Online Dynasty (problems or not), Madden 09 aims to please the online community with online leagues, allowing up to 32 users to compete in a season.

For those of us who have tired of the drudgery of Madden online drawbacks, this new system could very well breathe new life into the dullness of quick matches and lobby searching. Thankfully, I will no longer have to satisfy my need for human competition against the Patriots or Colts every single time. I mean, seriously.

Madden NFL 09 will be here next week, but is it a huge event nowadays?

The Downs: Online Leagues

So why the duality when it comes to one of Madden’s biggest features? Online leagues are set to completely overhaul Madden’s tired online experience. The only reason I list online leagues as a negative, is that they are not online franchises.

Although online franchise is the obvious next step, it is unfortunate that it did not make this year’s game. I get that old tingly feeling when I think about importing a draft class from my online dynasty into my online franchise. Sounds wonderful, does it not?

The Downs: Rewind

Beating a dead horse here, I know. But still, I cannot shy away from a chance to throw grenades at the general direction at this abomination.
I just find it bothersome that actual dollars were spent in developing something that appeals to a fringe audience before the game was perfected for the core following.

I am from the school of thought, that sports video games were made with the avid sports fan designated as the target market. From Tecmo Bowl to Madden, we have always seen games become more complicated, more realistic, and thus, increasingly satisfying. The Rewind feature in 09 is a step in the wrong direction, robbing the game of its true sense of sports simulation.

Yes, I know all the arguments. You do not have to use it; it won’t be available online; etc, etc. I just find it bothersome that actual dollars were spent in developing something that appeals to a fringe audience before the game was perfected for the core following. Just my opinion.

The Downs: I’m a Pessimist

This really is not the fault of EA Sports' developers, but then again, maybe it is. My expectations have been set so triumphantly low, that even a braggadocios list of 85 new features sounds like a lot of smoke and mirrors. In fact, after scrutinizing the list, it sounds like these “features” should be rightfully named “improvements” or “upgrades.” With as many problems as NCAA 09 experienced, I cannot help but be skeptical about such a vast list of potential tweaks.

Whatever the reason for my dispirited nature, I will still be among the masses trekking to Gamestop to lighten my wallet in honor of the EA Gods next Tuesday. Good or bad, at the very least, Madden 09 will be a temporary diversion from watching Brett Favre updates.

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Member Comments
# 1 RaychelSnr @ 08/07/08 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by PodSquad
Bunk link?
Fixed! For some reason it pasted over as something that was totally different than what I copied...probably user error
# 2 asu666 @ 08/07/08 03:42 PM
We are several years into the current generation now. I think EA needs to get off its butt and finish NCAA 2010 the right way next year. The fact that it still doesn't have all of the stadiums, a lot of last gen features, and so many bugs on the retail copy has really put a damper on my expectations for Madden. Maybe it will be like going to a movie I think will stink and then when it's just okay, it seems like it was actually better than it was. EA may lower our expectation by releasing a crap version of NCAA and then foloowing up with an okay version of Madden. That is caring about your customers.
# 3 cdon2k @ 08/07/08 03:47 PM
Thanks for bringing up NCAA in the comments of a Madden article.
# 4 ChubbyBanana @ 08/07/08 04:15 PM
Good article.

I am an older gamer, about the same as as the writer.

With my busy schedule I understand what he means about finding time to play the games, and not being as excited.

However with me it's the exact opposite. I find myself more and more excited to get these games each year. I am not really sure why, maybe I'm addicted.
# 5 allBthere @ 08/07/08 04:30 PM
I never get excited for madden. I bought 07, and after a while learned that I don't jive with the game, so I won't even be renting 09.

I get excited for fresh gamming like fallout3 left4dead backbreaker etc...

The only marketing that got me this gen has been halo3 and i returned it in 1 week thinking 'why did I feel like I had to buy this?'
# 6 DocHolliday @ 08/07/08 06:08 PM
Couldnt agree more.

I want to buy this game EA, but until I hear some OS sim vets say its good, I wont.

I forsee many threads on problems the first day. Its the way of EA
# 7 KofiJamal @ 08/07/08 06:28 PM
I always been very, very excited this time of year. But it's not because of Madden (now) or 2K (years past). It's because of football itself. For me, when NCAA and Madden drops, that's my signal that the season is about to start. When the teams first get into training camp, I really start to feel that need to play.

Last year I worked at a game store and worked the Madden Midnight launch. It wasn't some epic event, but it was pretty cool to see a group of people, we had like 60-80 cats that night, hanging out and talking football. Just having fun and waiting to have more fun later. This year I'll be in line and will run home like Forrest Gump to play. Not because it's Madden (and I really enjoyed last years game), but because it's football.

And every year, football puts me under it's spell and iron fisted grasp. This year is no different.
# 8 JMD @ 08/07/08 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by AugustSatellite
Good article.

I am an older gamer, about the same as as the writer.

With my busy schedule I understand what he means about finding time to play the games, and not being as excited.

However with me it's the exact opposite. I find myself more and more excited to get these games each year. I am not really sure why, maybe I'm addicted.
Ha, older gamers, you guys are babies at 27, Talk to me when you're in your late 40's like I am. Every year at this time I'm like a 5 year old waiting for Christmas morning. First I look forward to the new Madden game and second I can't wait for the first Sunday that kicks off the NFL season. Football kicks ***.
# 9 FredoXV @ 08/07/08 08:23 PM
JMD- I would talk to you when I'm in my late 40's , but chances are you'll have both feet in the grave when I get to be that old! (A bit below the belt there, but I couldn't resist. So sorry!)

I agree with you about the giddiness on the first Sunday of the NFL season. Although I've grown to love the college game more, there's nothing quite like waking up that first Sunday morning and feasting on a huge breakfast during Countdown. Possibly one of the best days of the year.
# 10 sportyguyfl31 @ 08/07/08 09:42 PM
There is no video game worth going out at midnight to get. I'll pick it up at a civilized hour =o)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesnt the online league REQUIRE that all 32 teams be user controled?
# 11 marc68 @ 08/07/08 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by JMD
Ha, older gamers, you guys are babies at 27, Talk to me when you're in your late 40's like I am. Every year at this time I'm like a 5 year old waiting for Christmas morning. First I look forward to the new Madden game and second I can't wait for the first Sunday that kicks off the NFL season. Football kicks ***.
Well I just turned 40 and this will be the first year in a long time that I go to a midnight release. I have fallen for the hype...I pray it lives up to it.
# 12 BigRick47 @ 08/07/08 10:06 PM
Over 40 gamers rock! Too old to play video games? Maybe. Financially able to buy any game we want? Definitely. Still getting excited about a video game that most of us can't go outside and play anymore PRICELESS! I still get excited about Madden (with hope that it returns to '05 glory) and love the regular football season both college and NFL! Go Wolverines, Go Raiders!!
# 13 Spanky @ 08/07/08 11:26 PM
My feelings changed after they announced the potential patch 2 improvements, which include CPU sliders and toned down CPU QB acc. I went from doubtful purchase to probable. But no way in hades will I purchase Day 1. I'm still patting myself on the back for resisting the urge to quench my NFL gaming thirst last year and avoiding the abomination that was Madden 08 (great save of $60). I will wait several days after release, after hearing credible feedback from many of the old guard on these boards. The thinking is that if they say it's good and promising and fun, etc., that it can only get better after patch No. 2.
# 14 krc1130 @ 08/08/08 12:05 AM
The games are always fun. That's why I buy them every year. I could be the youngest franchise junkie ever. I feel insulted when people say that rewind is for 12 year old Timmy. I'm only a couple of years older!!!
# 15 Vikes1 @ 08/08/08 12:43 AM
I'm an older gamer also [well beyond 27] and I'm really looking forward to the 12th.

One of the things I personally do to enjoy the Madden game the best I can, is to remember, it's a $60 video game...not a $600 simulator. You could consider that lowing my expectations through the years, but I had to...to preserve my sanity. However...I do feel my expectations headed upwards with people like Ian and Phil at the controls.

I'm a franchise nut, and I'm pretty excited about the possibility of a several seasons long franchise with Madden '09'. Something I haven't done for quite a while. I'm pretty sure I'll turn into a kid again on Tuesday morning!
# 16 ted23 @ 08/08/08 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by BigRick47
Over 40 gamers rock! Too old to play video games? Maybe. Financially able to buy any game we want? Definitely. Still getting excited about a video game that most of us can't go outside and play anymore PRICELESS! I still get excited about Madden (with hope that it returns to '05 glory) and love the regular football season both college and NFL! Go Wolverines, Go Raiders!!

Well said. (except for the Raiders part).
# 17 Spanky @ 08/08/08 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by BigRick47
Over 40 gamers rock!
Damn straight!!

I sometimes wish we had these games when I was a kid and had so much more time and less responsibilities. .... Then I realize if that were the case I undoubtedly would have flunked out of school and been relegated to a life of flipping burgers and mopping floors.
# 18 DaveDQ @ 08/08/08 08:52 AM
36 years old, a wife and three boys, busy schedule from morning to night. Gaming for me is an easy going hobby that I refuse to allow to grow into something bigger than it really is.
# 19 hndavis @ 08/08/08 09:10 AM
yall need to stop hatin on madden..like for real this is the best pro football game out since the 80's hands down..madden is the king of football gaming and video games itself..im going to be one fo those ppl wating in line at midnite wating for madden hopefully ill even sneak out of my moms house idc..i love madden and its all i play
# 20 medlinke @ 08/08/08 09:35 AM
I happen to think the rewind feature is great. I haven't touched Madden since EA's deal with the NFL was struck. This year though...since it looks like that crap deal is here to stay I am giving in to the hype. I will most certainly take advantage of Rewind while learning.

I also disagree that new players are a fringe audience for Madden. While I concede that the complexity of control, gameplay depth, and overall likeness to the real NFL has gotten better (and worse) over the years the core Madden player is guy in his dormroom hammering on his buddies. I played plenty of Madden in HS, but when I got to college Madden was insanely popular. We had leagues, tournaments, etc. Most of the guys that played it didn't even own a Playstation at the time.

Once I graduated if I know 3 other guys in my circle of friends who still plays Madden that'd surprise me. Everyone of them though used to love and play it though. The bottom line is that new players and casual gamers ARE the market. That's why EA has such a huge hype machine. You said it yourself that the game has lost its luster for you and that you're still going to plunk down 60 bucks for it. They don't need to market to you! Their "core" gamers will buy it regardless of gamey features. It's the casual or new player they want to hook!

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