Feature Article
Dynamic DNA: What Does it Mean

When I load up a sports game, the first thing I do is look at the top players in the game; then I compare those ratings to what I think the real-life counterparts actually deserve.

Typically there are discrepancies, especially as the season progresses. It's safe to say, Mike Mussina (13-6 with a 3.26 ERA) wasn’t rated as an elite player in either MLB game this year, and Erik Bedard (6-4 with a 3.67 ERA) was probably expected to perform at a higher level.

Nonetheless, many game makers consider roster updates a luxury rather than a need -- or they simply don't want to sacrifice the manpower to work on a roster update, much to the chagrin of the hardcore gaming community. The problem with that philosophy is it not only shows a lack of concern for the people who buy a company’s video game, but it doesn’t account for the unpredictability of sports as a whole. No one can accurately determine who is going to have a breakout season or a sub-par one at that.

MLB 08: The Show is probably the only current game to have weekly updates to the lineups, accounting for position changes, ratings alterations and injuries. Sony’s support really gives the community a good feeling knowing that strides are continuously being made in order to create the best baseball simulation possible. Yet even those folks don’t completely take into account streaks and tendencies. This is where the newly announced "Dynamic DNA" comes in.

For those who don’t know, Dynamic DNA is actually a very exciting idea

Dynamic DNA was recently announced as a specific feature for NBA Live 09, and it's expected to be the answer to the dilemma explained above. For those who don’t know, Dynamic DNA is actually a very intriguing idea. The concept is that daily updates would be supplied to the game -- taking into account recent hot/cold streaks and player tendencies -- by utilizing statistics and other information to alter the way the athletes play inside the video game.

If LeBron is tearing up the NBA in the current month, expect him to be taking your team apart as well in the game -- unless of course you decide to use him and provide the pain to the opposition instead. That is just the beginning.

Say a sixth man like of Manu Ginobili has been making a lot of mid-range field goals as of late, but hasn’t been having any luck from beyond the arc. Presumably that should mean he won't be draining many threes in NBA Live 09 either. Players will be given patterns similar to stocks, showing their recent progression or regression in certain areas. The game then utilizes the information over time to mimic real life within the video game. Essentially, every day you load up the game, the players will execute differently -- assuming you download the latest file.

The biggest implication of this revelation is in online play. Instead of everyone playing with the most hyped team, such as the Celtics and Lakers in '08, they would play with a team that has the player with the hot hand or is on a big-time winning streak. With the ability to mimic the real-world counterparts and starting lineups, the online matchups would have a much sweeter feel to them.

Now imagine if you could play with the actual rosters every day of a game’s existence, without worry.

Some may say this provides an imbalance in gameplay however, and that remains to be seen, but it would be nice to see what teams are the most popular at any given time. In the same regard, it would be obnoxious if you enjoyed playing with a certain team, but at different points in the season you struggled due to underperforming players in real life.

Still, the implications of this development in sports gaming can not be emphasized enough. If you are fanatical like many of our readers, you have spent countless hours on forums trying to find out when the next roster download would be coming. Now imagine if you could play with the actual rosters every day of a game’s existence, without worry.

Taking this idea even further, this feature could be adapted into all of EA Sports' games. How fun would it be to not play every online game of Madden against Tom Brady and the Patriots or Romo and the Boys. NFL rosters can have a completely different look on a weekly basis, with nagging injuries bringing down players’ ratings or making them inactive, not to mention players shuffling around the depth chart due to good or poor performances. This would provide a much different strategy when selecting a team.

This would go much further towards bridging the gap between the virtual sports world and the real sports world.

Without a doubt, EA Sports is on to something because 2K has released details about the next NBA 2K game, and included is a DNA-lite feature that seems to be based more on real-time happenings in the game, rather than real-life data downloads, which is even more exciting in a way. (And In defense of 2K, no one knows who had the idea first, nor are they identical features by any means.)

Providing updates on a constant basis only gives gamers more justification to shell out $60 on a brand new game year after year. Logging in daily, knowing you'll be rewarded with fresh gameplay and the ability to experience something new potentially every time builds up trust and accountability.

This article is also featured on Bleacher Report. Bleacher Report is where the sports bar meets the press box, the place for fan-journalists to create and critique high-quality sports analysis. Visit Bleacher Report for more video games news.

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Member Comments
# 1 BSanders @ 07/25/08 05:24 PM
Good read... I'd rather have real-time happenings in the game instead of real life data downloads because it would seem that you would feel like you didn't have control of your team ingame. Who knows they both might be good or bad, we'll see...
# 2 23 @ 07/25/08 05:58 PM
Real time happenings?
# 3 ChaseB @ 07/25/08 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
Real time happenings?
What's the problem? Happenings = something that's taking place.
# 4 EWRMETS @ 07/25/08 06:59 PM
Is that really what 2k's feature is? It was my understanding that 2k's DNA is just for create a player and possibly editing.
# 5 23 @ 07/25/08 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
What's the problem? Happenings = something that's taking place.

Can you explain more about this to me. What makes it so much better than the DNA thing
# 6 ChaseB @ 07/25/08 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
Can you explain more about this to me. What makes it so much better than the DNA thing
Originally Posted by EWRMETS
Is that really what 2k's feature is? It was my understanding that 2k's DNA is just for create a player and possibly editing.
All we know is the following:

Adaptive AI: Adaptive AI will read, react, and adjust in real time to your strategies. Your teammates will initiate cuts, picks, and post-ups based on how you handle the ball, while your opponent modifies strategy to fit the pace of the game.

I would think it could be better in a sense because you won't need to DL anything to have the AI play differently, they'll just read and react to how you play.
# 7 23 @ 07/25/08 09:04 PM
Again just the same as Live, depends on how its implemented, and im not calling one better than the other.

With such limited detail at the moment, it raises alot of questions just as the DNA 365 ordeal.
# 8 King Gro23 @ 07/25/08 11:54 PM
Okay sounds good but thank good this is EA's system because I never remember Pau Gasol being 16% pick and roll ball handler and 15% pick and roll man and the other garbage lol idk It just looks fishy
# 9 tril @ 07/26/08 02:23 AM
Good idea,
but would this be really cost effective. That means sony, ea sports would have to hire number crunchers to update stats etc, especially if they plan on up****** player ratings and stats on a a daily basis.

This would be a great idea for injuries, and rookies but not an entire roster for every team, etc.

A better method would be to take a players and/or teams life time average's, cold streaks, hot streaks, etc, and work it into the code. The stats would be more random throughout a season or career/legacy etc.
# 10 tril @ 07/26/08 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by tril
Good idea,
but would this be really cost effective. That means sony, ea sports would have to hire number crunchers to update stats etc, especially if they plan on up****** player ratings and stats on a a daily basis.

This would be a great idea for injuries, and rookies but not an entire roster for every team, etc.

A better method would be to take a players and/or teams life time average's, cold streaks, hot streaks, etc, and work it into the code. The stats would be more random throughout a season or career/legacy etc.
In addition this can possibly turn into a paid subscription service in order to cover the costs of daily updates.
# 11 ChaseB @ 07/26/08 02:41 AM
Well one thing to remember is the DNA feature isn't handled by EA -- it's an outside company that gives the data. EA really doesn't need to put any manpower towards getting the data, it seems like they just needed to program the DNA system into the game and then drag-and-drop the real-life data.
# 12 RaychelSnr @ 07/26/08 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
All we know is the following:

Adaptive AI: Adaptive AI will read, react, and adjust in real time to your strategies. Your teammates will initiate cuts, picks, and post-ups based on how you handle the ball, while your opponent modifies strategy to fit the pace of the game.

I would think it could be better in a sense because you won't need to DL anything to have the AI play differently, they'll just read and react to how you play.
I think 2K's is better in concept because it is more towards what is going on in the virtual game, not the real one. While I can see the advantages to using dynamic DNA for online player or something (to keep the teams as accurate as possible), if it messes with guys ratings in franchise that'd be rather strange.

I'm foreseeing a very big problem as you progress in franchise mode in Live (if anyone is playing Live that is ) in that if Dynamic DNA is still up****** in year 10....should it be? Chris Paul will be in his near 30s (virtual time) by then and I don't think what he's doing as a much younger Chris Paul should affect his on the court performance. Maybe I'm not reading it right or maybe we don't know, as I honestly haven't read up on Dynamic DNA that much yet, but if that's what it's going to do the feature is going to be a huge waste.
# 13 23 @ 07/26/08 08:23 PM
Thats one of those things that needs explaining in if they implemented right.

Same as adaptive AI. Will you be able to go on serious hot streaks anyhow?

Will it be able to adjust to cheese moves or exploits if they're there?

It seems like one way or another guys find em which is why i stay away from the boards at a certain time because they complain alot about them.
# 14 ChaseB @ 07/26/08 08:56 PM
Well the Dynamic DNA doesn't pull real-life data into your franchise, because it's your franchise.

Just thought I should clear that up (since Chris isn't a fan of reading).

# 15 jewelz1132 @ 07/26/08 09:05 PM
i think if EA drops the ball with Live 09..DNA could be used to keep the game current instead of releasing NBA Live X or whatever and just get the game where it needs to be
# 16 goatdaddy @ 07/27/08 03:46 PM
Can you use the daily updates in dynasty? If not it won't do me any good.
# 17 ChaseB @ 07/27/08 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by goatdaddy
Can you use the daily updates in dynasty? If not it won't do me any good.
No you can't.
# 18 babythug23 @ 07/27/08 06:47 PM
They should let you do it in Season. Where you can keep the trades and DNA the same as the nba
# 19 ChubbyBanana @ 07/27/08 07:27 PM
I am very excited to see where this new technology will take us down the road.
# 20 acarrero @ 07/28/08 01:14 AM
I like the idea on a limited basis. For online play it makes sense. Sounds better for football or baseball. Will there be online franchise mode?

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