Feature Article
Top Five NCAA Football Games of All Time

With under a month to go until the NCAA Football 09 release, and with a demo that dropped yesterday, I figured it was the right time to list my top five NCAA Football video games of all time.

#5. NCAA '08 (Xbox 360)

I know I will take some heat for this, but I thought last year's game was solid. In other words, it was what the first installment on next-gen should have been in my eyes. Graphically it was a step up, and they tightened up the gameplay controls from the year before.

The new recruiting was also something that was interesting, although a bit tedious after a while. Nonetheless, offseason was fun to play overall and on the field resulted in some good times, especially post-patch. Once you could drop the balls in over the linebackers and in before the secondary the game played very well, and head-to-head was then more about play calling and execution rather than money plays.

#4. The Original, Bill Walsh’s College Football (Sega Genesis)

This game was literally the “granddaddy of ‘em all.” The first college football game didn’t have every D-1A team, let alone have real college names. BYU was Provo and Penn St. was State College, but still you got the point. The game was so much fun to play -- perfect for having friends over and playing all night with a couple of bottles of Mountain Dew to help your cause.

I remember running with the '88 Notre Dame team almost exclusively. Nobody was able to matchup with the option when Tony Rice was under center. His spin move was beastly, and people would just bounce off him. Basically once he got into the open field it was game over. Combine him with Rocket Ismail and a few other All-Americans that had great pro careers and you have an unstoppable team.

The game was ahead of its time in the gameplay department. And that's why what the game lacked in season mode it made up for with fun factor and replay value.

#3. College Football '96 (Sega Genesis)

Finally a season mode worth playing nonstop in the NCAA series. This game featured the pageantry and excitement of college football in all its mid-'90s 16-bit glory. The game played fast and smooth, and had real polls and teams, with your choice of a tournament or bowls to crown the winner at the end of a great season.

Running the option in this game was fun, and choosing your own playbook was a feature that helped the college football genre turn a page in history. This game was the first to feature the BCS and set the stage for what dynasty would become down the line.

#2. NCAA '99 (PS1)

One of the most fun head-to-head games I ever played. I remember teaching one of my best friends to play the series on this game. He rolled with Big Kat and the OSU Buckeyes as I usually took UCF with Daunte Culpepper or Indiana with freshman Antwaan Randle El. The most memorable moment I recall was throwing a pick with Daunte one time, and as my friend is running it back Culpepper is the last man to beat. I had the angle on him for the stop so rather than making a move my friend tries to run virtual Daunte over, and instead Daunte just lays him out, pre-Hit Stick.

This game also had a few neat futures, like a postseason all-star game in the Shrine Game. You could also play games in other stadiums; I remember playing dynasty games in Pitt Stadium as well as Three Rivers, something that blew my mind at the time.

#1. NCAA 2004 (PS2)

EA hit the jackpot with this game. Everything was closer to perfection than ever accomplished before in a football game. Online was stellar, and dynasty mode was epic as well.

Gameplay was tight and tended to roll towards the offensive side with a few money plays, but head-to-head was outstanding with one key stop or turnover usually deciding the outcome.

My favorite was running my Pitt Panthers dynasty and talking Larry Fitzgerald into staying his whole career. He won three straight Heisman Trophies and set every possible school and NCAA record for me. The guy was a beast!

Online was fun too. I lived in a big apartment in Pittsburgh and had two roommates and a girlfriend at Pitt at the time. I would get home from work late at night, as would my buddy. We would play online from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. He would run the offense and I would put my defense down on anyone who tried to cheese us. It ended up being a lethal combo and provided many nights of fun.

On weekends we would go to the Pitt game and see Larry do his thing in person, and come back and have a party which usually led to a NCAA tournament (something the girlfriend never appreciated).

So that was a fun trip down memory lane. How would you guys rank your top five NCAA football games?

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Member Comments
# 41 RaychelSnr @ 06/21/08 12:34 PM
My personal list would have probably included these two games as well:

A)NCAA Football (SNES)

I honestly don't remember the exact name...and honestly, the game probably wasn't that good. But I remember running the otpion with Oklahoma as i battled through best of the decades tournaments with them running the option out of the wishbone. I was a cheesy mfer as a kid too, as I played punt block as my default defense.

B)NCAA '99

This is the game that started it all for the NCAA community back in the day. It deserves it's spot because before 99, there weren't really any big sites out there. Afterwards..you had Doug's NCAA 99 site, good times.
# 42 bigwill33 @ 06/21/08 12:56 PM
These are some good lists and fun to hear everyone's memories with these games!
# 43 Solidice @ 06/21/08 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Soldier
I would amass 60-70 INTs a year,
wow, i was lucky(if you want to call it that) to get 20 INTS a year after the patch in '08. the most was 24, least was 11.
# 44 cdawg44 @ 06/21/08 03:15 PM
For Me its:

1.) NCAA 04 simply the GOAT.
2.) NCAA 2000 PSX. I still play it to this day. This game had everything i wanted including Division 1-AA dynasty, the ability to have neutral site games in dynasty and post season all-star games. I played 20 seasons with Princeton and Florida A&M. Right now I am doing a dynasty with Prairie View.
3.) NCAA 07 (XBOX) Campus Legend was a nice touch ( I loved taking Chemistry tests), discipline was toned down in dynasty and impact players were toned down as well.
4.) NCAA 09 XBOX 360
5.) Bill Walsh
# 45 Longhorn33 @ 06/21/08 08:59 PM
I think my favorite NCAA game was in 98 or 99.. on the playstation.. All i remember is playing it in college against my buddys. We had some awesome dynastys.... the game even had play editor where you could create your own plays in 98 i think.
You know its been nine years since I have played a dynasty with those guys and thanks to 09.. we get to relive our glory days online dynasty!!!! THANK YOU EA!
# 46 richmond_rocket @ 06/22/08 12:38 AM
the best 5 ncaa games are ncaa 04 to 08
# 47 BSherrod @ 06/22/08 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by OMT
Notre Dame was the only real entrance. The others were generic. Did you watch it every time? Just wondering.
After about the first 2 or 3 months I was done with the team entrances, but don't they say in absence the heart goes fonder?

I think there are elements of the last gen game that I enjoy now, more than ever. I dream of the day when I play Colorado's buffalo comes out before the game, the Clemson players rub Howard's Rock and Corso puts on a crazy hat in beautiful next gen glory. I have so much more faith in you guys now, that I feel you guys are building up to a great game on now gen and I am eagerly waiting for 09.

1. NCAA 2004
2. NCAA 2006
3. NCAA 08 Tecmo Bowl ( Best rom hack ever.)
4. NCAA 2007
4. NCAA 09 (?)

P.S. 2k5 and 2004 are close, but I have to give the nod to 2k5. Unmatched presentation still impresses me to this day.
# 48 auburntigersfan @ 06/22/08 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by 2krules
That being said, I think it wasn't as good a game overall as NFL 2K5 or even NFL 2K4. If those games had been college games, they would be sitting at the #1 and #2 positions on this list.
reads post, looks at username.
# 49 auburntigersfan @ 06/22/08 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by 2krules
Say what you want about my moniker, but the fact is that ESPN NFL 2K5 was voted best sports video game ever by the people of these forums. In other words, more people here agree with my statement that NFL 2K5 is better than NCAA 2004 than OMT's statement that NCAA 2004 is better than 2K5.

If you are implying that I'm nothing more than a 2K fanboy, read on.

Usually, I post a disclaimer about my moniker because people automatically assume that if I say anything negative about EA, it's because I only like 2K Sports games. I have posted the story several times, but I guess one more time won't hurt.

I chose my moniker back in the days when 2K was still allowed to make NFL games, and there was intense rivalry between 2K and EA. It was simply my way of saying that 2K football was the best. However, it does not mean that I do not play or like EA games at all. In the very post you quoted, in fact, I stated my appreciation of NCAA 2004, saying it was the best college game ever.

I've bought many EA football games:

Madden 98, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
NCAA 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2008

To sum it up: while I do prefer 2K football, I also play EA football.
I about pissed my pants, it was funny. I didn't need paragraphs of explanations.
# 50 KISSfreak @ 06/23/08 01:25 AM
NCAA 2002 on PS2 blew my mind...Not only was I coming off my time with the PS1 but this game made such a large advance for me, I couldn't say enough good things about it...Me and my roommate were blown away by the details of that game and played non-stop for months.
# 51 jdrhammer @ 06/23/08 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by KISSfreak
NCAA 2002 on PS2 blew my mind...Not only was I coming off my time with the PS1 but this game made such a large advance for me, I couldn't say enough good things about it...Me and my roommate were blown away by the details of that game and played non-stop for months.
I was such a huge hoops fan, and played in college, and 02 pretty much helped change my perspective. I don't know if College Hoops is even close to 2nd now, that's how big College football has gotten. I literally played the disc so much it wouldn't work properly.
# 52 jdrhammer @ 06/23/08 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by radiohead
i have to give it to you adam. you earned my respect for speaking the truth about '05.

i have not bought an ncaa game since 2005. it was SO bad that it really soured me on the series. whereas before '05 ncaa was an automatic purchase, after 05 i looked at ncaa with a jaundiced eye. that's just how bad 05 was to me

the game was bad independently, but coming on the heels of 04 made it seem that much. worse. i guess there's no way to predict how future games will turn out but i hope that that game is the gold standard for how the game shouldnt be.

it' great to see this type of interaction with the hardcore community. however, i also hope that the ncaa team will remember the former hardcore fans like myself who are looking for reasons to come back on board to the series but just haven't found them yet.

again, much respect.

now on to my top 5:

1. '04
2. '03
3. the one with charles woodson on the cover
4. n/a
5. n/a
I don't remember how the playbooks were, but had it not been for the drops alone, I think 05 would have been right there with 04. I loved playing 05, although I'd eventually get sick of not being able to complete a short pass due to "hearing footsteps." That took the dink & dunk game out of the picture, but had that not been as big a problem, 05 would have been the best sim-style game IMHO. I guess it was due to the drops, but the best dynasty games I've ever played against the CPU was on 05. You had to battle.

1- 04
2- 07 - the game had everything, smooth gameplay, spring game etc.
3- 05 - the drops did suck
4- 06 - chase the rabbit
5- 03
# 53 Mizzou23 @ 06/23/08 01:49 PM
1. NCAA 2004 (ps2) - Everything came together gameplay wise, plus we had entrances, SI covers and a great dynasty mode. For what it's worth, I played 4-5 seasons on the Xbox, then traded it in for the PS2 version since the import function on Madden only worked on the PS2, and still played another 5-6 seasons.

2. NCAA 2003 (ps2/xbox) - I don't even know how many seasons I played of this incarnation of NCAA. It was probably in the 15-20 season range though. I easily logged more time on this one than any of the rest. Basically every hole in the gameplay (weak DB AI to name one) was fixed in the next version.

3. NCAA 2007 (xbox) - This game finally fixed the drops that plagued '05 and made '06 rather annoying to play. This also toned down the easy deep ball that ruined '06. Overall I thought the Jump the Snap was overdone, which prevented this from being a truly great game. Was this also the first game to feature momentum? I didn't care for it either. It was too easy to dominate if you had momentum.

4. NCAA 2002 (ps2) - Not a great game by any means, but visually, I had never been so stunned while seeing a game for the first time. For a first release, it was pretty darned good. And I still get the theme song stuck in my head from time to time.

5. NCAA 2008 (xbox360) - I haven't played the game post-patch, but it did a lot of things right. The turnovers were the biggest problem for me, and in the games where they got out of control, it was just flat out annoying.
# 54 DoomsDayD1978 @ 06/23/08 02:19 PM
My top 5:

5. NCAA '98 - Simply because of the eager anticipation I had for this game on the PS1.

4. NCAA 2002 - The graphical stepup from NCAA 2001 to this game on the PS2 was just unreal!

3. NCAA 2006 - After basically being forced to take a year off from gaming after the absolute trainwreck that was NCAA 2005, this game was like a breath of fresh air. The first installment of "impact" players, but the last installment that didn't include the dreaded "jump the snap" feature that needs to go I might add.

2. NCAA 2004 - Highly anticipated game that lived up to the anticipation. EA nailed it with this one and has yet to recapture the glory. Fondest memory has to be being ranked #2 online in the first couple months of this game behind only some cheeser who EA banned eventually because it turned out that he was playing the game with 2 PS2's online to boost his ranking.

1. NCAA 2000 - This was the 1st title for NCAA that set the stage for the indepth recruiting we now all know and love. This game, HANDS DOWN, got more hours logged into it by me than any other game I've owned since. I had an Ole Miss dynasty going that I was 17 years into before the game crashed. I had more fun with this version of NCAA than I have any others. I remember being at work counting down the hours til I could get back home and resume my dynasty. I would sit at work and get antsy thinking about how I was going to handle my offseason recruiting. No other game has ever had me that committed like this version did.
# 55 TheLastMohican7 @ 06/24/08 05:21 AM
I can't really speak for any games prior to 05 because I didn't get into the game until then. I guess I missed out in 04. NCAA 06 for old Xbox has been my favorite because of girlfriends, the soundtrack (kill your television, me myself and I, etc.), the first heisman mode, impact players, mini games and practice mode were awesome, online was great, lack of jump the snap, nasty playbooks that you could create your own, it was Texas' year, and it was just enjoyable even though it wasn't very realistic (the 5 yard spins, the jukes, ridiculous speed, deep ball's effectiveness, etc.). I also loved when being in the zone meant something even if the broken tackles were a little over the top. I was also a big fan of 07 for old Xbox mainly because of online play. The clans were introduced, and I was top 10 online.

From worst to best:
1)NCAA 05
2)NCAA 08
3)NCAA 07
4) NCAA 06
5) NCAA 09 (I hope)

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