Feature Article
Taking a Good Manager Mode and Making it Great

If you’ve played FIFA 2008, I’m not breaking news when I tell you the manager mode is a lot of fun. You have room to build a team in a number of different ways, a ridiculous and almost overwhelming slew of teams and leagues to choose from and a core system that works very well.

The current transfer system is both a blessing and a curse. If you want to see what Ronaldinho looks like in Chelsea Blue before it happens in real life, you can make it happen. If you want to see how Taylor Twellmen does in the Premiership, you can buy him out and give him a plane ticket.

But at the same time all it takes is money. If you can pull together enough scratch you can bring Wayne Rooney to Real Salt Lake. If a club doesn’t seem interested, just increase your offer until it is accepted. And honestly that’s call it takes – more money.

Luckily the answer to the problem is already in one of EA Sport’s titles – NCAA Football. Wouldn’t the interest system from NCAA be perfect for FIFA? Rhetorical question, of course, since the answer is yes.

All you would need is two interest bars – one for the clubs interest in selling the player to you, and the other in the players interest in playing for you. This does a couple of things. First it makes sure the top flight players stay in the top flight leagues. You can throw a ton of dough at Kaka, but good luck getting him to play in anything other than Serie A, La Liga or the Premiership.

It also keeps competitors from transferring amongst each other unless one side is seriously overpaying. Last year the final piece in the puzzle for my Liverpool FC side was acquiring Robin Van Persie from Arsenal. Never in a million years would you see a player like Van Persie sold among two teams at the top of the league for the fear of exactly what happened in my manager mode – Van Persie turning a good team into a juggernaut.

A dual interest meter takes care of both of these things. The club interest meter will be influenced by the money involved as compared to the market value of the player, your team and the league it competes in and the players importance to the teams as a whole.

A player’s interest meter will be influenced by the new contract they’d be receiving, your team and manager prestige in relation to their skill, any jump up or down in league prestige, and their happiness with the current club.

Free Agents
The same interest could be used for players who are free agents.

At the same time though, one change that needs to be made is making sure any top caliber players aren’t landing on the free agent floor. There are tons of League One and Two sides out there right now kicking ass because they signed Drogba – somebody who’d never be left out in the wind to sign with whoever he wants minus a transfer fee.

In my Southend United franchise, I picked up Philipp Lahm – a then 25 year old, very talented left back for Bayern Munich who would go for a ridiculous amount if ever put on the transfer market. And here he is signing a free agent offer with a team in England's second-tier league.

It’s just not realistic. Teams are always going to resign these players and work out a transfer if it’s determined its time for the player to move on. Or if unable to reach a deal, they are going to transfer them before their current contract is over. Even some of the lower-tiered players have value on the transfer market and probably shouldn’t be out there too often. After all one clubs trash is another’s prize.

So unless a player is in the 50 overall area, or so old nobody wants him, there shouldn’t be free agents.

The biggest flaw in the next gen versions of the game is not being able to select your team's host country to scout. Personally, I have regularly canvased Europe looking for the best young talent only to find a handful of English or Scottish players.

This is especially true for the lower tiered teams who aren't going to be doing a lot of recruiting in Turkey.

I would also like to see the recruits come in at a younger age (15, 16, 17) and be more of a project to build into a world class player. This would require overhauling the progression system (see below about non-starter progression) and possibly require the addition of some sort of academy system.

But in the grand scheme of things it is pretty unrealistic to be recruiting 19 year old players better than Jozy Altidore, Freddy Adu or Ryan Babel that nobody has heard of.

While it is fun building your team through recruiting, I also feel a little dirty "finding" all of these level 80 to 85 players. After recruiting what is now my star striker I literally had to take a shower - Ace Ventura style.

Moving on.

Loans are another area that needs to be rehashed. In theory it works – you send your players to other clubs, retain their rights but they play for the other club who also pays their salary.Where this is most useful is taking your younger players and farming them out to clubs in the lower leagues so they can play and get experience.

But as the game is currently setup, you’re unable to see if the player is likely to play for that club (since you can’t view rosters outside of your league). And when you do make the move, there’s no guarantee they aren’t going to just be benchwarmers.

What is needed is a criteria system. Instead of just saying a player is available for loan, you should be able to put him out for loan as long as teams meet certain requirements. Among these, a set amount of playing time or role (starter vs. super sub vs. backup vs. bench), the prestige of the team the player is being loaned to (you might not want your prized prospect playing in a dump), and where you are willing to loan the player out (country, region, continent, or anywhere). In the case of playing time, you also need to have the club live up to the agreement.

Without this, the loan system will continue to be rarely used by players. Most will notice within a season or two they’re usually better off just selling a young player if he isn’t getting playing time, because more often than not loaning him is just a waste of time.

Non-Starter Progression
Loans are a nice segue into the next problem facing a Manager in FIFA – what to do with those players who are good enough to hold onto but not good enough to crack the starting lineup.

In a revamped system, hopefully loaning out a few of your prized possessions will be an option, but you always need to carry some backups and an option to some how allow your second and third string players to progress would be nice.

While I love the current expertise system, linking a player’s growth to their playing time and performance, the weekly practices we don’t see in FIFA are still taking place, and players do benefit from these in real life. Perhaps not as much as a star player competing at a top level, but players do get better on the practice pitch.

There are a couple of potential solutions here. My favorite option is allowing a scrimmage mid-week. This could either be an intra-squad scrimmage or a friendly against another team’s reserves. The players in these games would get expertise points just like in the real matches – but at a fraction of the total value. Fatigue from these games would carry over to the next game, so managers would need to balance practice for progression and keeping players fresh for games.

This combined with cracking a few real games would let some decent players progress and continue to be valuable members of the team – and provide an alternative to farming out your prospects. Even better, this lets the manager get a feel for his entire team and perhaps see something they liked and could utilize in games.

With the vast amount of skill ratings in this game, often a player with some sort of special skill slips through the cracks. For instance in my Southend United franchise I have a recruited striker named Theo Ireland. Theo is probably the fifth or sixth best striker on the team based on his overall – at 78 not very high for the Prem. Theo, however, is among the strongest strikers in the world (91) and great at not only bullying his way into position for headers, but also at taking the ball from defenders or midfielders starting their teams attack and quickly counter-attacking.

Many Southend goals have been scored starting with an Ireland shove and steal around midfield. Now if he hadn’t been a starter in the lower leagues before more talented strikers found their way to the club, I never would have noticed his value in creating goals through his physical play. I would have just seen “78 overall striker that needs to find a new home.”

Having a weekly practice would let players find similar diamonds in the rough. Perhaps your current keeper is expendabe because your find your backup is actually very good? And it works both ways. You might find certain defenders have a knack for dangerous fouls. Or that one of your wing players is really too slow to push the ball up field.

Another option would be to have a system similar to training camp/spring training in past football and baseball games. Each week your team spends a certain amount of time practicing certain skills. Based on your staff’s score, all players on the team will receive a modest amount of expertise points each week. But you lose the grassroots feel of watching your backup players on the pitch.

I Want To Be Like Rafa!
Little known fact: a lot of people simulate almost as many games as they play in person. Who knew right? The reasons vary but it happens.

One big flaw in the game is not being able to tweak your lineup before a simulated game like you can before a normal game.

Liverpool’s Manager Rafa Benitez would not be happy. There are, after all, flocks of FIFA players out there who would like to rotate 22 people through 11 positions all season long with little or no reason behind their moves.

In all seriousness though, you aren’t going to sport the same starting 11 every single match and while given the option to juggle before a match you’re going to play, any juggling you do before a simulation needs to be done in the Squad section and then needs to be undone in the same fashion.

For some reason most other games do the same thing and its always bugged me. Baseball games seem to be the lone ray of light – most let you fiddle with the starting lineups before any game, sim or play.

Should be a very easy fix and would let Managers do their job much easier.

Other Odds and Ends
There are a few other things EA could do. Personally I love the interaction with the Board, press and fans. More of those would be great.

A little more fanfare for big accomplishments would work. For instance, how about something showing the announcement of the draw for the Champions League or UEFA Cup? For something that is a pretty big deal in real life, it is almost ignored in Manager Mode where games just show up on your schedule.

It would also be nice to see some of the other leagues and be able to keep a tabs on what is going on outside of your current league. While I understand the challenges (that’s a lot of simming) at the very least being able to see what’s up in the league above or below you would be nice.

Letting folks add friendly matches would be fun. I’d love to see my Southend United team beatup on AC Milan or Ajax before the season beings. Perhaps treat it like scheduling in NCAA or preseason games for Madden.

A create-a-team function would be awesome. Create a team, jump in the lower league and see how far you can advance.

And the manager mode needs some sort of practice feature - especially for set plays like corners and free kicks from various spots. The arena is good for practicing the kick part of those, but it would be nice to practice the entire play from kick until the ball is either cleared or play stops.

This article originally ran on Dec. 10

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Member Comments
# 1 Acid @ 06/12/08 01:59 PM
Free transfers happen a lot.

Mathieu Flamini left Arsenal for AC Milan on a free transfer. And last year, Michael Ballack left Bayern on a free transfer for Chelsea.

Maybe there should be less world class players leaving on free transfers in the game, but it shouldn't be <50 like you said.
# 2 avad @ 06/12/08 05:04 PM
Ballack and Flamini are definitely the exceptions and not normally the rule. It's frustrating when Ronaldinho or Podolski are out there for free. Bayern must have been pretty sure he'd come back or must have wanted him gone to let him get to that point.

Great Article Dave, i agree completely with your points. I do however wish there was a way that we could check in on the loaned out players as well as check statistics of other leagues i'm not currently playing in. I'm shocked that the game is that narrow.
# 3 jsrowe @ 06/22/08 08:12 PM
You make very good points Dave as do you Avad.

And Acid, the main problem with the free agents and free transfers is not that it happens. Its that it happens very unrealistically. It does not happen as often as it does in real life as it does in the game, but the most important point is that players like Ballack and Flamini are not joining MLS and horrible teams when they would/could be playing in the top leagues.

Granted, some players like Beckham don't mind playing in the US in lesser leagues having already accomplished a lot. I think that plays into Dave's interest system, which I think it a neat idea. Perhaps also have interest based on geographic location.

I really wish they would have create a team.

Also, I don't like how easy it is to build a team up. I think by addressing some transfer/free agent issues that Dave talked about that would help a lot.

Another thing that bugs me is how easy it is to remove fatigue from the game. I don't care if you have the best trainers in the world, playing someone all the time will run them into the ground. If you upgrade your trainers, which is cheap to do, all the way to 8-10 players won't ever get tired. They can play the entire game. Which, is nice considering the pain of changing your roster when you sim. However, if you fix that, I think it would only make sense to make players fatigue easier.

Just my opinion.

I think there is a lot they can do to make the manager mode better.
# 4 Vince @ 06/24/08 09:17 AM
ECC night games????
# 5 bad_philanthropy @ 06/24/08 03:11 PM
Actually having the cpu change its starting 11 over the years would be nice too.
# 6 BROman @ 06/24/08 07:16 PM
i'd be cool if other teams would court you to be the manager, like success @ lower levels = inquiries from top flight teams.
# 7 lojic @ 06/26/08 07:38 PM
I like the idea of it being more like NCAA Football recruiting. It shouldn't be easy to pick up Xabi Alonso when you're Real Salt Lake. But if a player is on the downside of his career it could be possible. Beckham for example.

Also, as a manager or player that is doing well you should get a chance to coach/play for your home country. And it should be allowed to actually play international games. EURO, World Cup, COPA America, etc............ It should at least be an option.

Also, in leagues such as the K-League or MLS, you should be able to host tournaments during manager mode. The CONCACAF Champions' Cup for example. Or create your own.
# 8 {*Jubz_} @ 07/24/08 09:05 AM
in this manager mode , if chelsea bid for scholes they should take it into consideration and not say "no" straght away because its a rival team.

In real life we have seen rival teams buy players from eachother e.g Arsenals Ashley Cole went to Chelsea and Gallas went to Arsenal..

At halftime they should have a halftime talk discussing the possesion and the errors of the teams and what is going well and looking at the highlights of the game while the commentators converse over whats happening and the missed chances etc..

During the match the manager should be shown doing reactions to whats happening in the game.

in manager mode you should get lots of offers from other clubs as well, and they must offer even when your player is not for sale , and if you say no to letting the player go , then the player gets to decide if he really wants to go and that can be determined by his morale and how much he gets paid and how much he gets game time.

Sponsors should be allowed to be changed and you must choose if you want the sponsor on your jersey etc..

International duties should be taken into consideration.. every 4 years depending on your manager prestige you will be selected by an international team to go and do the world cup and choose your team etc.Then after the world cup you get taken back to the menu where you want to choose your club again..

Show the players lifting the cup and receiving medals and fireworks and the whole jumping up and down.
# 9 {*Jubz_} @ 07/24/08 09:10 AM
and lets not forget getting manager offers from other clubs, and not just you choosing your club the whole time , it makes life way too easy as a manager just choosing your club
# 10 Qb @ 07/24/08 11:35 AM
Good suggestions, Jubz and welcome to OS! The transfer market is in need of a lot of work. You can't even see what players are moved after each window in 08. Here are some additional ideas I have for improvements in no particular order:

1. Bosman transfers in the January window. This was in WE for the PS2 and was well implemented. You could negotiate a free transfer with any player in the last year of his contract during the mid-season negotiation period and if successful, they would join your squad for the following season. Not incredibly common, but it 'is in the game' so it should be 'in the game'...

2. More variety/logic in terms of what teams bid for a player. As it stands now, you'll usually only see teams from your league bid for any players that you list, with the exception of the occasional odd-ball offer from some tiny club that would never make such an offer. I think I had St. Mirren (Scotland) make multiple offers for Alex Hleb in my Arsenal MM. There should be more of an emphasis on the size/prestige of the club in relation to the quality of player in question, as well as consideration of what nation they are from. The latter would be cool for players who are past their prime who often return to a smaller club in their home-country to finish their career (recent examples: Ronaldo back to Brazil or Makelele to PSG) or if I wanted to sell Luca Toni from Bayern, there should be Italian teams lining up at my door, not a few German doormats...

3. We need a bidding system that pits teams against each other. I know past versions of Madden and NHL 08 have a system where you can see offers from other teams for free agents. Anyone who follows professional soccer's transfer market knows that rarely is one team involved in any potential move. If I want Klaas Jan Huntelaar, not only should I have to meet Ajax's value, but I should have to exceed the offers of other teams for wages & transfer fee...

4. The inclusion of swap & swap+money transfers. Another one that isn't terribly common, but fresh in my mind with the current Gareth Barry saga. We should be able to offer a player for player or player plus cash proposal. Not to harp on the subject, but this was also in the WE series on PS2...

5. The wage system needs to be completely re-done. At the start of manager mode you can successfully offer every player on your roster a contract extension for a significantly lower salary than they currently are making. Umm, yeah right! From time to time players should want more money and demand a transfer if they don't get it. Can you tell I'm an Arsenal fan?

6. The CPU should actually use any players they buy!!! No discussion would be complete without this dead horse-like point. Had to inlcude it...

Overall, FIFA needs a more robust, interactive and life-like transfer system that takes into account team factors, player desires the various other elements that influence who goes where. As of now, it's more or less deciding what player you want, accumulating enough money and buying them. There is no sense of competition for someone's signature, which is really what can make all this transfer business so enthralling (or frustrating depending on who you support). I think an interface more akin to the recruiting system used in college football & basketball games (interest, pitches, promises of PT,etc) would more accurately reflect the challenges of successfully acquiring players. That is all...
# 11 KG @ 07/24/08 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
6. The CPU should actually use any players they buy!!! No discussion would be complete without this dead horse-like point. Had to inlcude it...
Please make that happen
# 12 calcutta @ 07/26/08 05:22 AM
Some simple things i'd like to see, in addition to pretty much everything already noted:

1) Make the schedule a daily one, instead of the current way where you simply launch into the next game. To be honest, i'm mainly keen on this during transfer season where we can monitor transfers and organise friendlies on a daily basis...atm the entire month of July is skipped! During the season we can focus on things like training and perhaps oversee youth team games.

2) I'd simply like to know whats happening in other leagues, even if its just standings for now, but eventually i'd like to see stats and news from other leagues (such as goal scoring leaders and managers at risk of losing their job etc). I know i should focus on my club, but i'd like to know who is leading Serie A or a lower division within my region, for example.

3) Make European play available in the very first season. I want to take part in the Champions League in 08/09 with Fiorentina like real life dag-nabbit!!! And can we finally stop calling them ECC and EFA in the game!

4) Assist tracking in the TOP 20's please!

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