Feature Article
MLB: The Show, Living up to the Hype?

Is MLB 08: The Show living up to its billing?  I took a browse around both the OperationSports and MaddenMania forums for what users impressions of the game are.  Here are some of the more detailed bits.

Chodite: "I just finished my first game.

Bluejays (CPU) @ Orioles (me)

Final score:
Bluejays - 12
Orioles - 6

Difficulty: All Star (no sliders touched)

A freakin hit fest on All Star difficulty. Toronto had 17 hits. Baltimore had 12.

- Oriole Park @ Camden Yards was beautiful. Best ever. Back drop was just about dead on.

- Graphics look slightly more polished than in the demo

- Gameplay is just solid. Pitcher vs batter feel is perfect

- Good hit variety and defensive plays. I watched the Bluejays' first baseman fall to his right to make a play on a sharp grounder, fall on his butt and make the throw to 1B from his butt to the pitcher covering the base (see below for one issue on hit variety though)

- Commentary = best in any sports game, ever. Little things blew my mind here. Example - I bring in Chad Bradford and I'm pitching to Greg Zaun. Dave Campbell says, "That's one advantage to being a switch hitter when going against a submarine pitcher like this." The commentary was always fresh and the little things being said continued to blow my mind

- Good CPU management. Dustin McGowan was up to 97 pitches and with no outs in the 8th, gave up back to back leadoff singles when the manager called in for a reliever.

- Awesome presentation. The game just oozes TV quality presentation. You could see that from the demo, but during a 9 inning game - you see even more. I love the rewinds too, when a batter hits a HR and that HR is shown during his next AB


- Too many hits! I guess I'll either bump the difficulty up to HOF or tweak some sliders. But then again, it was only one game. My next game might end up being 1-0.

- I saw more than a fair share of singles up the middle. Some went right through the pitcher. If I had to guess, I'd say there were about 6 total singles right up the middle. Though the rest of the hits was a nice variation. Some gappers, doubles, one ball was line to the first basemen who dove to his right only to have the ball bounce off the tip of his glove.

- The players look skinny in a lot of cut scenes. Not a biggie. Just something I noticed.

Can't think of many more negative things to say. The game is almost perfect. I really enjoyed my first game, even with all the hits.

Edit: Oooh I just heard A Tribe Called Quest's "Award Tour" over the PA after my game ended! Nice music selection all around.

For Screenshots/Videos click here"

art1bk: "For those asking about bat boys. There are none in this game. For the poster talking about the graphics in this game. They look very sick. Day games look better because of the lighting. 1080p or I run the game at 30fps while 720p is smooth as butter. Having a blast with this game. The game is not perfect but its great. Everybody who likes baseball has to try this game. Its classic!!!!"

Dspezzano: "I've been playing RTTS mode mostly and have been seeing some weird things. I'm still in spring training as a 3B with the Cubs.

- I have yet to been given a sign. No steals, no hit and runs, no bunts. I'm batting in the 8 hole and this morning I am up with runners on 1st and 2nd with no one out and we are down by 1. I was thinking I would get the bunt sign..nope.

- Another 9th inning head scratcher, we are down 1 and I am up with a runner on first and 2 outs. I double so we have 2nd and 3rd and the manager lets the pitcher hit. At least the commentators were smart enough to notice the blunder.

- I am manning 3rd and i see a little message play for the bunt so I do. Bunt is popped up on the first base side, no way i can get to it. But the pitcher and the catcher just go stand there and let it drop between them.

- Fielding is still pointless you don't get any training points for it so I don't get why I need it.

- Same goes for base running, whats the point.

I haven't played enough single games to notice any weird managerial logic but I was hoping for more from RTTS 2.0. Still a great game, just guess my expectations were too high for this mode.."

hoosier4974: "Just finished my first game:

Whitesox (me) 1 run, 8 hits, 1 error
Cubs (cpu) 0 runs, 3 hits, 0 errors

It was Buehrle vs Zambrano at Wrigley. The game was scoreless until the top of ninth when Konerko dropped a 368' missle in the left field basket for the inning run.

Some observations after 1 game:

1) The perceived speed of the incoming pitch while batting or pitching seems noticeably slower than the demo. Anybody else get that feeling??

2) The two catch indicator options under display settings seem like they are not working right. I can only get it to where have nothing at all on the screen other than the ball shadow (no catch region or catch location icon at all) or both. It would appear that you should be able to switch them off independent of each other but it's not working that way. I tried several different combinations during my first game and was everything or nothing at all

3) It plays an awesome game of baseball. I was a little put off by the high amount of weak hits on both sides but I'll try some of the slider settings that you guys have been discussing in this thread.

4) An observation in the replay vault. Nothing major but something I noticed. Atlease on Wrigley's centerfield scoreboard, when your'e watch a replay through the vault feature, the scoreboard will show the count at 0 and 0 with no outs. This does not match up with the actual count that was in place just before the play you are watching. I watched a Dye strikeout video and he was supposed to have a 2 and 2 count oh him but in the video replay it was 0 and 0. Like I said, nothing major, just an observation.

5) The fielding and occasional throwing issues is probably my biggest gripes with the game. Just doesn't feel responsive at times especially when certain animations kick in and you can't move your player to finish off a play. I can overlook these for now as it doesn't happen a lot......just hope they improve this in 09!!!

I'm going to play a new game at 720p and see if that helps with the aforementioned graphics issue while playing at Wrigley with the 1080i setting on my PS3. Heck I might even break down and fire up a game at Fenway and see what 1080i looks like there in the full game compared to the demo. More to follow.............

Overall, I really enjoy this game. It's going to be hard to beat as far as gameplay and immersivness."


Member Comments
# 21 metallidevils @ 03/05/08 10:30 PM
I said it before, but its clear that everyone who had anything to do with this game, really loves baseball. I feel the same way about the NHL 08 devs, which is why I feel that game will also keep getting better and better. NCAA Football is a different story - it's like those guys never went to a college football game before. But yeah, these guys...kudos to them, they put out an incredible game, and there's no doubt that it'll be even better in years to come.
# 22 bkrich83 @ 03/05/08 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Squint
No, they can't make a licensed football game because EA owns the exclusive rights.

As for The Show....it's the best baseball game I've played to date and, although it's still early, it could be in the discussion as best sports game ever.

If you are a sports gamer then it is worth the purchase of a PS3. You won't be disappointed.
It gets my vote as best sports game ever.
# 23 bkrich83 @ 03/05/08 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
BK, I have to agree. I've said it once, will say it again. This is one fine, beautiful game on HD. Plays great, great crowd, great announcing, great cut scenes. It's going to be the best baseball gaming season. Hands down the best I've ever played.
Totally agree.

Not to mention, I am totally addicted to the RTTS mode as well. MOM is awesome, and with in game saves now, just makes it all the better.

I was a die hard High Heater, this game has all the goodness of High Heat, but with all the added unbelievable presentation and graphics stuff to go along with it.

This is the game I have been waiting for, for longer than I care to say.
# 24 PadresFan104 @ 03/06/08 12:00 AM
What BK said. Best Baseball Videogame Ever. Exceeded the hype for me.
# 25 sbmnky @ 03/06/08 12:33 AM
It's living up to the hype for me. Heck, I would have been overjoyed to keep playing MLB '07 until they released '09!

To put it in perspective, I've had 2 friends immediately go out and buy a PS3 along with The Show after playing game exactly one-time each on Saturday night.
# 26 Smokey @ 03/06/08 02:00 AM
Easily the best baseball game I've ever played, and I've played them all.
# 27 ASB37 @ 03/06/08 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Smokey
Easily the best baseball game I've ever played, and I've played them all.
This game really is the complete package for me, graphics, presentation, announcing, atmosphere, and most importantly gameplay...Oh yeah and RTTS might be the single most addictive game mode ever.
# 28 LingeringRegime @ 03/06/08 02:29 AM
It redefines sports games a whole.
# 29 Tomba @ 03/06/08 02:57 AM
I'l be very honest. I thought is was so-so at first playing through about 8 stadiums and 16 teams respectively.

NOW?! Ohh man it's like gotten a millon times better. I have to still get used to the timing swing and i notice pitches break for certain pitchers differantly so...i need to adjust how i throw as well. needless to say i'm playing a ton of exhibition games to get the feel of it so i can properly play a season/franchise etc.

It's not the best baseball game i've played. i reserve that still to pro yakyuu spirits 4 for the PS3 last year. which to me was just a awesome pitching and hitting mechanic. VERY similiar to the Powerful pros game for the wii except with real japanese league players.I just thought it wasn't smooth transitional from cutscene to gameplay. there were blank black screens that would show up every few secs after players thatw ere like 1-2 secs long sometimes that took you away from the action and made it annoying. THAT said, this year those things are said to be gone and fixed. i'll check with my man bigmanzam to make sure they are befor eopening my game but i'm hoping.

2k8 on the other was a BIG letdown and has gotten me on the defesive whenever i see a "2k8 is great!" post. i wasted money on the game...thinking or being led to beleive it was decent.

But yeah MLB 08 the show is more than awesome. It's playable through an entire season and has alot of "regular' gameplay depth. (meaning it's a the same old standby gameplay we just KNOW works so it's safe on that which i like) it's has reliable gameplay.
# 30 Rocky @ 03/06/08 08:04 AM
Yep, I love this game. They just need to can these pitching and fielding mechanics. I'm not saying go make some hard, complicated thing like the other game, I'm just saying give us more control and chance for human error.
# 31 chuckm1961 @ 03/06/08 09:03 AM
Aside from:

1) I find it way too easy to throw strikes, even on HOF, even with Pitch Command on -10 and Pitch Movement on +10, even with Classic Pitching, even using Pitcher or Outfield View; and

2) Whenever you go to the bullpen to even warm a reliever, your current pitcher's confidence level in his pitches vanishes, which is incredibly annoying.....(unless, it was intentionally done that way?)...

It's a great game. So, no it did not live up to the hype for me ... yet.
# 32 agonytheclown @ 03/06/08 10:37 AM
Wha about the strike/ball counts? Are pitchers throwing a realistic amount of balls, or is just like the previous strike-fest games? In OOTP -- even though that game has no animation aspects to speak of -- you get realism in the way of pitchers walking batters. I don't want to have to intentionally walk batters, and I DON"T WANT AI pitchers to be throwing strikes all the time.
# 33 PsychoBulk @ 03/06/08 10:44 AM
Im not enjoying it anywhere near as much as i thought i would.

Im enjoying it a HELL of a lot more than i could have ever dreamed of.

Ive said this in the impressions thread, instead of listing everything great about this game (which would take hours), i just now prefer to say...

This is Baseball.
# 34 Knight165 @ 03/06/08 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by agonytheclown
Wha about the strike/ball counts? Are pitchers throwing a realistic amount of balls, or is just like the previous strike-fest games? In OOTP -- even though that game has no animation aspects to speak of -- you get realism in the way of pitchers walking batters. I don't want to have to intentionally walk batters, and I DON"T WANT AI pitchers to be throwing strikes all the time.
I think you're talking about the wrong game.

# 35 TKEON230 @ 03/06/08 11:28 AM
I should start out by saying that I own MLB 2k6, 2k7, and The Bigs. I also own Amped 3, Top Spin 2, Prey, and Table Tennis all on the Xbox 360. So, I have nothing against 2k Sports or Take 2 Games.

This year is the first year I've switched over to The Show. There are a lot of things that I really enjoy and just a couple I wish were more like the 2k series.

I think The Show does a much better job of capturing the "feeling" of being at a baseball game. The announcers seem very realistic with very few repeated calls. Stadiums seem a LOT more accurate. I love seeing Citi Field in the background of Shea stadium. They even put in that stupid Dunkin Donuts cup in Left Field.

I do miss the presentation aspects of the 2k games, though. I really liked seeing the outside of stadiums during the "pre-game" talk. I also like the menu and between inning animations a bit better in the 2k version. 2k makes me feel like I'm watching the ESPN game of the week while The Show makes me feel like I'm watching a mid-week game on a local channel. I hope future versions of The Show show can find a middle ground.
# 36 Pared @ 03/06/08 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Chizzypoof

NBA 2k8.... MLB '08 :The Show

The best representation of the their sport in a video game to date.
Pretty much.

I'd have to add NHL08 up there as well.. it's close.

The Show is probably one of the best video game representations of a sport I've ever played. Topping NBA 2k8... High Heat...

It's a shame a few people refuse to buy a PS3 just for this game. It really is a system seller. That damn good.
# 37 Sportsforever @ 03/06/08 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Pretty much.

I'd have to add NHL08 up there as well.. it's close.

The Show is probably one of the best video game representations of a sport I've ever played. Topping NBA 2k8... High Heat...

It's a shame a few people refuse to buy a PS3 just for this game. It really is a system seller. That damn good.
You know, I told my wife I was going to trade in my 360 for a PS3 (she told me no way...don't trade the 360 in, just buy a PS3) and the Show if 2K8 was a dud...unfortunately I am really enjoying 2K8 and can't justify getting a PS3 just for The Show when I am enjoying 2K8(sort of a funny catch-22, eh?). I'll probably end up buying a PS3 at some point, but it's really hard to justify $500+ on one game when I have another baseball game I am loving. Having a Blu-Ray player goes a long way to justifying it...right?
# 38 Pared @ 03/06/08 12:06 PM
That's what I tell everyone to do. Just tell yourself you're buying a Blu-Ray player.

The PS3, because of it's built-in BR player, isn't going anywhere any time soon. It's a much better built system than the 360. Plus you can upgrade it via firmware!

I was skeptical on getting one and I loved my PS2. Bought it for The Show '07 and the series and the system's capabilities have made me a believer.

I just personally feel you're cheating yourself not trying out The Show. It's arguably the best sports game ever made if you read most of the accounts in any forum. They way you can tell is you have a lot of ****** fans saying, "I don't even really like baseball that much and I'm loving this game." That's a huge testament to a sports game, IMO. When it can transcend both the die-hard and ****** fan, you know you have yourself a winner.

I can only point to Uncharted as a similar game. I've read many accounts of people saying they only play sports games but absolutely love Uncharted. Those are the games, as a video game player, you owe it to yourself to try, IMHO.
# 39 videobastard @ 03/06/08 12:23 PM
The show was living up to the hype just off of the demo release! I mean especially when you see what 2k8 has to offer this year Its like night and day. I have never felt more engaged into a sports title. The game makes you want to have some popcorn, and hot dogs beside you while your playing. It makes me feel good to own a ps3 right now.
# 40 huggerorange73 @ 03/06/08 12:24 PM
Without question, im my humble opinion it lives up to the hype.

This is simply the best baseball game I've played to date.

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