Feature Article
MLB The Show 17: Is It a Buy?

Mike Lowe: I just installed the game having returned from vacation, so my impressions are based almost entirely off of simulating some franchise seasons to see how the engine was holding up. I also played the demo game a few times while the game downloaded, but probably for 10 innings total or so.


  • Franchise carryover seems to work very well. The only thing I see missing would be something like "Player of the Month" if you import during a season -- completely understandable as the option didn't exist last year. Aside from having to rename some guys like Darin Ruf, the carryover seemed to work quite well.
  • The intro video is really well done this year.


  • Simulated CG/SO stats are still inflated compared to MLB stats when using default sliders.
  • Option years are still not accurate, although some players will have some option years used up now.
  • Trades seem really strange. I saw the (auto trades on, default trade slider) Tigers trade for CF Cameron Maybin, then for CF Andrew McCutchen, and then trade McCutchen to Toronto about a week later. A last place Braves team traded Teheran for Verlander.
  • There seems to be some elastic bounce of the ball around the wall around homeplate. Seems odd, but maybe just needs a patch.
  • Online franchise, a mode that has shown brightly for a game like Madden with CFM, continues to be neglected based on "data" that people aren't playing it -- chicken or egg.

Josh Houtz: MLB The Show might be the best sports game on the market, and the guys over at SCEA continue to improve a game that, in my opinion, is nearly flawless. However, despite how great The Show may be, it has been several years since the last time I purchased the iconic baseball simulation.

The developers over at Sony continue to make necessary improvements to Road to the Show, Franchise Mode, Diamond Dynasty, among other popular game modes. After playing my first several games, new animations, enhanced AI and improved ball physics are very apparent. However, with all these great improvements, one thing that remains a huge disappointment is online play.

I consider myself an online gamer, but I ignored the franchise for several years due to the unstable network that plagued it before recent times. Online play has gotten off to a rough start this season after being relatively solid last year -- it does seem to be a bit better today -- but I'll be interested to see how all that shakes out in the coming weeks. If you're an online gamer who has very little interest in franchise mode or Road to the Show, I recommend you wait until the servers are corrected before buying the game. The Show is the same great game it has been for several years, but until the online modes are completely fixed, it's worth nothing more than a rental for me.

Elliott Jenkins: To me, the biggest and most important difference in this year’s iteration is the hit variety. I immediately saw a huge variety in hits that matched my timing and directional hitting. The coveted opposite-field bloops and down-the-line line drives that Sony San Diego highlighted in their Twitch streams have been a part of almost every game I have played, which is a very welcome change.

Hiccups while pitching seem to have vanished. The entire animation sequence of pitching -- the catcher catching, the umpire calling the strike, and the catcher throwing the ball back to the pitcher -- look incredibly smooth. Slight tweaks to camera angles and animations have been nice as well. I launched what I wrote off as a foul ball due to Bregman’s slow stroll and the announcers’ new audio, but it wound up a home run about 20 feet to the right of the foul pole.

Server issues aside, Diamond Dynasty is excellent. The amount of missions are almost overwhelming and reward you for gameplay in every mode. The exchange missions are nice ways to utilize your duplicates that have little Stub value, and the postgame rewards have felt very generous. After my third game, I received a Gold Justin Turner, which I can only hope is an indication of stronger postgame rewards and not a server blip.

Last year’s version saw server issues as well to the point that players were rewarded packs for the downtime. However, Sony San Diego has a proven track record of not only making amends with fans but also providing them with additional content that lasts well after the conclusion of the real season. The servers were sharp last night and should be normal in the coming weeks (I hope).

All-in-all, this year’s version is a dream for baseball fans. The smooth mechanics and hitting variety make the game feel very complete and provides a lot of variety -- and that’s without the bounty of modes to choose from.

Member Comments
# 61 RunN1st @ 04/01/17 11:55 PM
Get it and enjoy every hit that slices, curves, spins and drifts!
# 62 mike24forever @ 04/02/17 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Jaysonguy
The people who are saying this is a must buy right now are doing people who don't have the game a huge disservice.

The problems with the game are on social media and other sites besides this one, they are not isolated incidents.

These aren't little glitches, the servers being a problem days after launch, the game resetting people's experience sometimes multiple times a day, the game freezing mid game, games played but not counting, getting booted out of games and being credited with a loss, load screens that are 30+ minutes, having to wait minutes for menu screens to change.

The argument of "well it's not happening to me" does not work because not only do other users in here say they're having the problems but SDS says yes, they know these things are happening.

Everyone who has the game right now and is dealing with problems have paid a premium. They have the game during launch week when it's going to be it's most expensive. They are rewarded with a game that is currently broken.

Saying right now the game is a buy is irresponsible. If you want to say once things are fixed it's worth a buy that's one thing. To suggest that it would be in someone's best interests to get the game right now with all this going on is misleading, it makes the community look bad. They should be watching each other's backs and preventing others from getting in the same situation.

Your post is a disservice to anyone looking for a great game of video game baseball and understands that this game track record for server issues during it's first week. If your only interested in online games, wait a week or two. If you want to play offline and enjoy 4K HDR video game baseball with ridiculously amazing bat and ball physics, pick it up immediately and enjoy a great game of baseball. Period.

Completely broken = a blank disc or a game that doesn't load or constantly freezes, etc. MLB The Show 17 IS NOT completely broken. I'm all for people having their own opinions, but the hyperbola of this game being broken is a joke.
# 63 bailey4mvp @ 04/02/17 01:48 AM
Is it worth Trading FIFA 17 and NBA 2K17 in for?

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# 64 The JareBear @ 04/02/17 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by bailey4mvp
Is it worth Trading FIFA 17 and NBA 2K17 in for?

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Probably a pretty subjective question. How much do you still enjoy and play both of those games? Is The Show your favorite sports game? What's your favorite sport?

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# 65 bailey4mvp @ 04/02/17 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Probably a pretty subjective question. How much do you still enjoy and play both of those games? Is The Show your favorite sports game? What's your favorite sport?

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I am a massive NBA fan but this year I can't get into the game for some reason, I got FIFA for something else to play and had some fun but it has sat in the case for the last 2-3 months.

I played 15 and loved it, still actually have it. They have just started to release the game in Australia. I am a Red Sox fan

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# 66 jeffy777 @ 04/02/17 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Tonic
I've always known this series exists but I've always had an Xbox and have never played it (last baseball game I think I played was MVP Baseball 2005). I'm hearing a ton of good things and have seen a lot of videos and it looks amazing! Especially franchise mode!

I love NHL but sadly it'll never be anywhere as good as MLB or NBA 2K. I'm highly considering buying a PS4 just to play this game (and a few others that I've heard good things about). I love sports games and while baseball isn't my favorite sport, this franchise mode looks too deep and detailed and fun for me to pass up.

Should I do it?
Yes. I played baseball as a kid, but lost interest after the strike of '94 and as a teenager moved on to other things (mainly girls and skateboarding). I basically ignored baseball completely till I got a PSP and someone recommended MLB 06 The Show. That game singlehandley renewed my interest in baseball. I was always an Xbox guy, but finally got a PS3 just so I could play The Show because MLB 2K just wasn't cutting it.

So this game is the only reason I have a PS4, and I just upgraded to a PS4 Pro just for this game. It's definitely worth it.
# 67 mr23frahee @ 04/02/17 06:50 AM
Yes, frankly after playing it for a week.. this might end up being my favorite sports game ever.

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# 68 Jaysonguy @ 04/02/17 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by mike24forever
Your post is a disservice to anyone looking for a great game of video game baseball and understands that this game track record for server issues during it's first week. If your only interested in online games, wait a week or two. If you want to play offline and enjoy 4K HDR video game baseball with ridiculously amazing bat and ball physics, pick it up immediately and enjoy a great game of baseball. Period.

Completely broken = a blank disc or a game that doesn't load or constantly freezes, etc. MLB The Show 17 IS NOT completely broken. I'm all for people having their own opinions, but the hyperbola of this game being broken is a joke.
Your post is exactly the problem I'm talking about.

It's not just online and the fact that "well just play offline" is being parroted over and over does nothing to educate people about the actual state of the game and in turn is going to screw over people who buy the game at a premium right now.

The experience you gain while playing any game mode online or offline is being reset so if you played 100 offline games since launch you lost everything you earned. People's EXP are being reset multiple times this week, I personally had it reset three times. Someone on Facebook said their just reset for the 6th time yesterday.

The game is freezing during offline games or just erroring out and going back to the main menu, even people in the batting practice part of the game have reported freezing.

The main menus in the game, not the online portion, have taken over 30 minutes to change.

These are not isolated cases, it's not like what we see 6 months in that someone is having something wonky happen in their game. These are widespread problems that are happening to many people. As I said before these problems are being brought up not only here but social media and other gaming sites.

When I say the game is broken I mean the game is broken. The offline has problems and the online has problems. Now maybe every single problem is caused by the servers and when that's fixed they all go away, that would be swell.
# 69 mike24forever @ 04/02/17 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jaysonguy
Your post is exactly the problem I'm talking about.

It's not just online and the fact that "well just play offline" is being parroted over and over does nothing to educate people about the actual state of the game and in turn is going to screw over people who buy the game at a premium right now.

The experience you gain while playing any game mode online or offline is being reset so if you played 100 offline games since launch you lost everything you earned. People's EXP are being reset multiple times this week, I personally had it reset three times. Someone on Facebook said their just reset for the 6th time yesterday.

The game is freezing during offline games or just erroring out and going back to the main menu, even people in the batting practice part of the game have reported freezing.

The main menus in the game, not the online portion, have taken over 30 minutes to change.

These are not isolated cases, it's not like what we see 6 months in that someone is having something wonky happen in their game. These are widespread problems that are happening to many people. As I said before these problems are being brought up not only here but social media and other gaming sites.

When I say the game is broken I mean the game is broken. The offline has problems and the online has problems. Now maybe every single problem is caused by the servers and when that's fixed they all go away, that would be swell.
So, you've played the game?!? Then the game is not broken. No one is disputing your claim that there are severe issues with the servers, the servers maybe broken, I'll give you that. To say the game is broken, is misleading people.

You want an example of an MLB game being broken, I'll give you one. Back in the PS2 days, MLB was freezing for everyone. So much so, people were coming up with solutions like, boiling the disc in water for 30 sec to get it to work. I'm not joking, look it up. Another broken game was NCAA 10 Basketball (Xbox 360) where the game would freeze for everyone and EA walked away from the game without releasing a patch to fix the game.

These are examples of broken games. I'm 20 games into my Blue Jays game and the only issues I've had are with issues caused by the servers not working. Again, this game isn't broken. There are issues with the server and a few things that need to be patched. It's a shame that you are experiencing every single issue with the game right now. I would be upset too. What are the chances. However, stop with your absolutes. The game is not broken.
# 70 countryboy @ 04/02/17 01:21 PM
Mike you're wasting your time my friend.

We know the game isn't broken. Everyone that is playing and enjoying the game knows it's not broken. But no amount of discussion is going to change the mind of someone who has convinced themselves that it is broken.

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# 71 mike24forever @ 04/02/17 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Mike you're wasting your time my friend.

We know the game isn't broken. Everyone that is playing and enjoying the game knows it's not broken. But no amount of discussion is going to change the mind of someone who has convinced themselves that it is

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I just don't get the use of absolutes. I agree with him on so many things, however saying it is broken is just too much.
# 72 zfarrow @ 04/02/17 01:42 PM
The fact that there is a guy in the review/article saying don't buy who did nothing but play 10 innings of the install game and sim seasons in franchise is ridiculous. Sorry but what makes your opinion valid if you've admittedly barely even played the game? Why would they even bother putting this guys feedback in the article?

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# 73 lizardking89 @ 04/02/17 08:07 PM
Definitely a buy for me. I mostly play RTTS and I'm loving the new rpg element this year.
# 74 Bullit @ 04/02/17 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Jaysonguy
Your post is exactly the problem I'm talking about.

It's not just online and the fact that "well just play offline" is being parroted over and over does nothing to educate people about the actual state of the game and in turn is going to screw over people who buy the game at a premium right now.

The experience you gain while playing any game mode online or offline is being reset so if you played 100 offline games since launch you lost everything you earned. People's EXP are being reset multiple times this week, I personally had it reset three times. Someone on Facebook said their just reset for the 6th time yesterday.

The game is freezing during offline games or just erroring out and going back to the main menu, even people in the batting practice part of the game have reported freezing.

The main menus in the game, not the online portion, have taken over 30 minutes to change.

These are not isolated cases, it's not like what we see 6 months in that someone is having something wonky happen in their game. These are widespread problems that are happening to many people. As I said before these problems are being brought up not only here but social media and other gaming sites.

When I say the game is broken I mean the game is broken. The offline has problems and the online has problems. Now maybe every single problem is caused by the servers and when that's fixed they all go away, that would be swell.

Everything in bold is simply false. I have played 16 franchise games, 3 months of RTTS, Exhibition Games and none of these things have happened once.

You are entitled to your opinion, everybody is. But you are reaching Trolling levels and you need to reign it in.

Edit: I did not mean to include Online as not resetting because I know it is. What only intending to include offline modes.
# 75 josephid @ 04/02/17 08:57 PM
Love playing retro mode the most. Are they capable of making a patch to add a season or playoff mode with retro mode instead of just a single game? If so, what are the chances they do or would they wait till next year.
# 76 Jaysonguy @ 04/02/17 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
Everything in bold is simply false. I have played 16 franchise games, 3 months of RTTS, Exhibition Games and none of these things have happened once.

You are entitled to your opinion, everybody is. But you are reaching Trolling levels and you need to reign it in.

Edit: I did not mean to include Online as not resetting because I know it is. What only intending to include offline modes.
You're in the "it's not happening to me so it's not happening" boat.

Again, I'm listing things that have been happening to me. The first day I did nothing but batting practice because of the problems everywhere and my EXP was reset. It's been reset another 2 times this week. All of my EXP was reset, not just my online EXP, all of it.

Batting practice is offline right?

I'm not talking opinion, I'm talking fact. The fact is that I've had all of these problems since launch, the fact is that others have had the same exact problems (plus others) since launch.

I'm not even going into things like games being put into a queue that may or may not eventually count or online franchises that cannot be created or even how pitchers are being pulled waaaay too early. I'm talking basic offline parts of the game that do not work without problems.

I've been a member here for 7 years, don't talk much, just read up on the games I'm interested in and read articles here. This may be the first time I've said anything negative about a game. If you think my goal was to lay low for almost a decade then purchase and post negatively about a game then so be it.

And yes, I know you meant online not offline resetting but I appreciate you clearing it up.
# 77 countryboy @ 04/02/17 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by josephid
Love playing retro mode the most. Are they capable of making a patch to add a season or playoff mode with retro mode instead of just a single game? If so, what are the chances they do or would they wait till next year.

I don't know if it's possible via a patch or not.

However I would say the chances are extremely slim that they do something like that this year.

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# 78 Bullit @ 04/02/17 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jaysonguy
You're in the "it's not happening to me so it's not happening" boat.

Again, I'm listing things that have been happening to me. The first day I did nothing but batting practice because of the problems everywhere and my EXP was reset. It's been reset another 2 times this week. All of my EXP was reset, not just my online EXP, all of it.

Batting practice is offline right?

I'm not talking opinion, I'm talking fact. The fact is that I've had all of these problems since launch, the fact is that others have had the same exact problems (plus others) since launch.

I'm not even going into things like games being put into a queue that may or may not eventually count or online franchises that cannot be created or even how pitchers are being pulled waaaay too early. I'm talking basic offline parts of the game that do not work without problems.

I've been a member here for 7 years, don't talk much, just read up on the games I'm interested in and read articles here. This may be the first time I've said anything negative about a game. If you think my goal was to lay low for almost a decade then purchase and post negatively about a game then so be it.

And yes, I know you meant online not offline resetting but I appreciate you clearing it up.
I am not intending to state that you are not having these problems or that others aren't. Up until this last post of yours, you seemed to be taking the stand that because it was broken for you it must be broken for everybody. That is simply not the case. I do not pretend to understand why, on a console of all things ( that should be identical) some have problems and some don't.

But for a lot of us, this game is not broken. You get frustrated because you feel that we are taking a stand saying well its not happening to us, so it is not happening. That is not the case. I/We understand that this is happening to you. But also you are not accepting the fact that it is not happening to us so therefore for us the game is not broken. If you want acceptance for your point of view and problems, then you must accept others opinion as well. You say you are stating fact, well guess what so am I.

For me this is the best MLB The Show there has ever been. I am sorry that you are not experiencing the same thing that a lot of us are.

But, AND THIS GOES FOR BOTH SIDES, you need to allow others to have their own opinions and experiences. If you keep attacking those that are not having problems and being of the wrong opinion, then how can you expect to be treated fairly about your problems and experiences.

Recommending this game is not a disservice. Nor is stating the bad experiences that you are having. Not allowing people to have different experiences is. I believe it is only fair for both sides of the argument to occur. But that has be a civil, intelligent and respectful argument on both sides. Which is sorely lacking from both fronts. You have stated your opinion and myself and others have stated theirs. Let it stand at that. Counter posting to every good post with another bad post, stating the same argument over and over does not help anybody. That applies the other way as well.
# 79 Speedy @ 04/02/17 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jaysonguy
Your post is exactly the problem I'm talking about.
Stop with the condescending tone toward others.

List out and explain the issues you have with the game and why it is ruining your experience and move on.
# 80 geisterhome @ 04/03/17 09:31 AM
Just stop saying that thing "the game is broken" guys, say what bothers you, name bugs you found, why you dont enjoy it and so on but don't use that phrase above. Those who are depending each and everything about this game will jump on you just cos you said what you said.

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