Feature Article
NBA 2K17 Gameplay Tweaks We'd Like to See

Years of griping about basketball have finally worked to my advantage and we've got one of the best versions of NBA 2K ever this season. But the key to being the best and sustaining is knowing that the journey is about constant growth. If you're not getting better, then you're just wasting away. Standing as the sole competitor in this corner of gaming, it would be easy for 2K to remain stagnant. Here's my take on how to prevent such stagnation.

1. "Guaranteed Momentum Shifts:" I stand by that this addition was made in the last few years. My boys brushed me off when I initially started to notice and reference it because I'm notorious for writing people off as trash. But once they started to realize it, it's been accepted as being a thing. I've seen teams turn what 2K's intended to be a mini-shift into a game-changing run based solely on the video game and not user ability. Sure, when the intent was to keep people playing it worked. But now with the punishment for quitting games being all out of whack -- that I won't even complain about this article -- it's pointless and a bit frustrating. I'm still trying to accomplish a 100 point victory in Pro-Am.

2. Random Variance Nonsense: I mean.... really? These are supposed to be professional athletes, most of which have been playing basketball for at least 10-plus years. A three foot pass isn't going nine feet in the air, and the receiver isn't going to jump in the complete opposite direction the ball is being thrown. I get what is trying to be accomplished here, but no. The ball being a little bit off-target and the receiver possibly having to change his route? Yes. Me being a 95-overall point guard throwing away passes for nothing other than animations?

3. Reaching Overkill: Sure. Punish guys who spam the steal button the whole time. But let's be consistent. I swear, I get away with tons of contact when guarding the ball up the floor. However, let me be in good position, not making any contact and then reach just once. WHISTLE! I shudder to think about the number of times my team has done everything right defensively, only for someone to reach once, the video and audio both support that ball was what was hit, yet the foul is called anyway.

4. Illegal Screens: Maybe I haven't done the best job of keeping up with the plans 2K has but this particular critique is in reference to Pro-Am. I'm not of the ilk that thinks this concept is unbeatable. I've adjusted to and stopped the cheese from happening. It's more a matter of playing with the right people who know what to do than anything else, but it's frustrating to have to deal with on a game-to-game basis. The offense is already overpowering this year. Aiding the opposing team with illegal screens makes the game almost unplayable at times.

5. Artificial Intelligence: There's definitely some tweaks that need to happen here. Regardless of skill level, the AI playing with you are never as smart or basketball savvy as the opposing team, primarily in MyCareer. Seeing guys miss wide-open lanes or read the play incorrectly is bad enough as it is at the professional level. Going back to the other end to watch the CPU play with 73-and-9-like laser focus and picking apart your defense can lend itself to quite a bit of frustration.

...Now, I've never been big on caveats, but this is important. In recent years as competition has dissipated, 2K has made claims of being the most realistic and authentic basketball game on the market. These critiques are all in response to that. Of course, I'm well aware this is a video game and there's going to be limitations that just cant be overcome in a year's time. I like the trajectory the franchise is on though. The foundation laid last year and the changes so far this year lend themselves to optimism -- something I've regularly been very selective with allowing with video games.

What do you think needs to be done with NBA 2K17's gameplay? Sound off with your suggestions below!

Member Comments
# 21 fluent2332 @ 11/16/16 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Smirkin Dirk

Part of the reason the court can feel crowded is how much time and space some of these animations take. The behind the back dribble as an example needs about 5 feet of space to start and end. By that time, the ball has either been knocked lose or the animation has caused that gap to close.
Been an issue forever. Like I said before, the game is set to a "macro" scale, not a "micro" one. What I mean is that you need 5x the space as you would in real life to get a clean look, a good dribble move, an open shot or open lane, etc.

I've been waiting for a game to represent the "micro" scale for a long time. Because of the "macro" scale of 2K video games the mid-range game especially never has the realism or subtlety of real life basketball.
# 22 Smirkin Dirk @ 11/16/16 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by BryceDouglasRules
Anyways... What we need is a consensus tho. We need to literally have a place where everything is consolidated. It's more than just shooting, it's everything..
I don't think we'll ever get that. Too many people want too many different things from 2K for us to ever reach a point where we have a list of 10 things we all agree on.
# 23 Black Bruce Wayne @ 11/16/16 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Smirkin Dirk
I don't think we'll ever get that. Too many people want too many different things from 2K for us to ever reach a point where we have a list of 10 things we all agree on.
Not only this, but too many people want unrealistic things based off their lack of ability to play the game. Everything people want is not all legit
# 24 Black Bruce Wayne @ 11/16/16 01:43 AM
1. "Guaranteed Momentum Shifts:"

I think they should be earned and not guaranteed

2. Random Variance Nonsense:

Professional athletes, no matter how long they have been at their craft, still make mistakes.

We remember this happened.

Do we not want this to happen in a game that is supposed to mimic the real NBA as much as possible? Im sure Otto Porter has been playing basketball all his life, but that still happened.

3. Reaching Overkill: Again, this happens in the NBA when refs make bad calls. We see it all the time. Some guys get away with it and some dont.

5. Artificial Intelligence:
Right now, as I write this, the Blazers are getting destroyed by the Chicago Bulls. If you were playing this matchup in 2k then what you wrote in #5 would have fit this game perfectly. You would have said I have Damian Lillard on my team, the Blazers are good, why am I getting killed? Why are my teammates making mistakes? As far as My Career is concerned, do people want the CPU to not have game like this?

I will continue to ask this question of everyone who feels like OP feels: Do you want NBA2k to exist in its own vacuum away from what actually happens in the NBA, or do you want the game to mimic what actually happens in real life which is good players having bad games, good teams occasionally getting blown out by bad teams, bad teams playing up to competition, refs making bad calls, players making wild shots, players missing assignments...? All of this happens in the NBA on a nightly basis. Watch NBA highlights and you will see all of what people dont like in 2K.
# 25 CujoMatty @ 11/16/16 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Black Bruce Wayne
1. "Guaranteed Momentum Shifts:"

I think they should be earned and not guaranteed

2. Random Variance Nonsense:

Professional athletes, no matter how long they have been at their craft, still make mistakes.

We remember this happened.

Do we not want this to happen in a game that is supposed to mimic the real NBA as much as possible? Im sure Otto Porter has been playing basketball all his life, but that still happened.

3. Reaching Overkill: Again, this happens in the NBA when refs make bad calls. We see it all the time. Some guys get away with it and some dont.

5. Artificial Intelligence:
Right now, as I write this, the Blazers are getting destroyed by the Chicago Bulls. If you were playing this matchup in 2k then what you wrote in #5 would have fit this game perfectly. You would have said I have Damian Lillard on my team, the Blazers are good, why am I getting killed? Why are my teammates making mistakes? As far as My Career is concerned, do people want the CPU to not have game like this?

I will continue to ask this question of everyone who feels like OP feels: Do you want NBA2k to exist in its own vacuum away from what actually happens in the NBA, or do you want the game to mimic what actually happens in real life which is good players having bad games, good teams occasionally getting blown out by bad teams, bad teams playing up to competition, refs making bad calls, players making wild shots, players missing assignments...? All of this happens in the NBA on a nightly basis. Watch NBA highlights and you will see all of what people dont like in 2K.
I mostly agree with you but you kind of hit my problem. By replicating the real NBA and in the quest for sim the skill of the human player gets compromised. Forcing an outcome because of it happening in real life just completely ruins the purpose of playing video games in my opinion. I want to lose because the CPU is better than me and vice versa. I don't want to lose because the CPU forces momentum changes that make them shoot 90% and I shoot 30%. If I can't control my own destiny why am I playing?
Almost every game either the CPU or myself go off on these ungodly runs. I'd like to have close games mostly with the blowouts being exceptions but it's been the opposite for me this year. I didn't mind so much when there was definite reason in past games such as poor team chemistry meant my team wasn't playing well. I could fix that. So many times this year I feel helpless and I know sometimes early in the second quarter that I'm screwed no matter what I do. I dunno, maybe that's getting a realistic outcome but it's not fun.
# 26 Snyder187 @ 11/16/16 08:25 AM
Very well written article i couldnt have said it better thats for sure. What got to me in a positive way is the word 'tweaks'. Its true that the game requires tweaking on patches and in turn improving next years release.

Every year its the same thing story. 2K brings out a nice game (rushed since they don't have 4 years to develop this beautiful AAA title. They patch it to complete it and like clockwork people start to complain. Its a thankless job and even when they listen on twitter to what fans like or dont like (i remind you all that Ubisoft or EA for example does not do this). I fear that at some point in time 2k devs will turn a blind eye to all fans not the serial complainers only.

What people havent figured out so far:
Every year one or two aspects gets a major overhaul and the rest gets tweaked. People expect 2k to go all out in every direction in 1 season time.
# 27 The 24th Letter @ 11/16/16 09:28 AM
A lot of great points...but I don't feel momentum is anywhere as heavy as its been in past editions. Especially post patch.

I think this is why we've seen some people say SS\HOF are as 'easy' as they've ever been...
# 28 perksg @ 11/16/16 12:54 PM
Wow, where do I even start. The game is a mess. It clearly isn't one of the best versions. With all the glitches and bugs and gameplay issues it simply cannot be the best version. Putting the user in control of the dribble moves doesn't matter if the gameplay is overrun with animations and the locks that accompany them. The shot meter is a step backward from last years game—there isn't a good reference point. The passing mechanics are plain awful. Transition offense and defense is bad to atrocious. The list goes on and on. I constantly ask myself if the developing team or the game testers know anything about basketball. The grind in MyCareer is a bit excessive but the story is better over last year's ghetto garbage. Still the whole OJ thing gets old quickly. And the Justice Young being a basketball god as a second rounder is totally ridiculous. The cons are easily equal to the pros in 2K17, which isn't how a franchise should be growing.
# 29 Jordanmike6 @ 11/16/16 01:59 PM
Nobody is thinking that gameplay could be better with a bigger court??

Ihave finally found the proof that the 2k court is too small!!

Watch on this picture the right foot of Derek Harper and compare with the real!!

# 30 jayman504 @ 11/16/16 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by swiftkid
game would change tremendously if they got rid of that elastic/molasses feel when trying to move your player

This right here!!!
# 31 meccs @ 11/16/16 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jordanmike6
Nobody is thinking that gameplay could be better with a bigger court??

Ihave finally found the proof that the 2k court is too small!!
It's funny, I always felt like the court is too small or the player models too big. It always felt too clogged especially if you happen to play basketball too.

Biggest things are the "magnetic feeling", getting sucked onto other players and the general "sluggishness" of the movement. I know it is hard to make a game that is also realistic but the more realism like perfectioning foot planting etc you introduce the more the player gets stuck in animations, making animations longer and you lose more and more control. Responsiveness is suffering. In the end, I'm still holding a controller and moving sticks around to make my player move. It's still a game. We are starting to lose the connection to the thing we are controlling on the screen.

My 2 cents.
# 32 wizfan2 @ 11/16/16 02:24 PM
Anything that gets it back to the feel the game had at release, player control and the like.
# 33 iimrampage28 @ 11/17/16 01:11 AM
50/50 balls need to be tweaked. They're more like 80/20 in favor of the offensive player who just lost the ball
# 34 Jordanmike6 @ 11/17/16 05:14 AM
no more reaction to my pictures?

maybe you want more pictures?
# 35 Jordanmike6 @ 11/17/16 06:27 AM
I have ever read this kind of positiv comment from some people here on this forum.
Will Player Size Relative to The Court Size Be Addressed?
"Its the movement of the players and spacing that makes the court seem small sometimes,....I feel like the actual player court size is OK. When I iso the court feels great...IMO it's more about getting players to be more aware of where they are on the court..."
Now i read that, i find it funny how this guy is naïve!!

With this, i let you with your bad game on your "PS4", 5, 6, 7 ......PRO, extra Pro SuperNatural Pro!! everything you want lol

Even the width of the paint is impacted; watch on the real picture, between the chin of the Bulls and the paint there is the space for a long foot, but not on the second photo!
All the court should be bigger!! Now we know this is not a legend, this is the truth!
# 36 BustinLoose @ 11/17/16 04:02 PM
NBA 2K17 is the best one yet, but as mentioned in the article, there are plenty of things that need improvement.
I especially despise the defense, where the CPU makes cuts to the hoop, and the team I control doesn't stay with their man. The Centers always do rim-runs towards the basket, and the opposing players are standing at the top of the key, lost. Help defense is also missing when nobody rotates to help on drives to the rim, and if they do, the CPU is smart enough to pass the ball to the open man. Defense on the 3 pt shot is a joke as well, when they make contested shots, and coming off screens is unguardable. If they improve the defensive aspect, this will be one of the best sports games ever.....
# 37 SirDAB @ 11/18/16 03:29 PM
I believe ratings drive animations. Ever notice how some players are so smooth, aware and instinctive while other are mechanical, slow and predictable. The right set of attributes produces better results (i.e. movements, results).

The problem is when 2K deems someone with a bad rating as a whole or singularly, that player's deficiencies are magnified. Example Russell Westbrook, no matter his overall rating, his 63 3-ball rating will never allow him to be better or to get hot from the 3-point line.

Somehow 2K's baseline ratings (worse players) only seem appropriate for middle-schoolers not grown men. Any person that's made a team in the NBA can play.

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