Feature Article
Why You Should Come Back To WWE Games

As fans of sports video games, we tend to gravitate towards franchises we know we like, while also being cool on the franchises we know we don’t like. For instance, I am a die-hard fan of NBA 2K and MLB The Show. NASCAR and golf, however, are not necessarily in my wheelhouse. For the past few years, WWE games fell in sort of a gray area.

Prior to WWE 2K17, the last wrestling game I purchased was WWE 11 on the PlayStation 3, which followed a gap of another five years or so between purchases. Like many of you, I looked back lovingly on the days of WWF No Mercy on the N64 and felt that modern-day WWE games were unpolished and clunky.

That’s why I let six years go by before even considering another purchase. I perked up once 2K took over, but decided I would give them a few years before diving back in. Now that I’ve spent some time with WWE 2K17, I realize this break was well worth it and that, while some nagging issues remain, 2K is definitely taking this franchise in the right direction.


The Universe and career modes are meaningless without a smooth gameplay experience. I am happy to report that 2K17 succeeds in this area. Is it completely smooth? No. Is it perfect? Of course not. Do improvements need to be made? Absolutely. But whereas the games that pre-dated the 2K takeover felt like they needed a complete overhaul, 2K17 feels like it has a nice foundation that is poised for a breakout release at some point this generation.

That’s not to suggest WWE 2K17 itself is an unsatisfying gaming experience. On the contrary, it is a lot of fun with tons of replay value. The star-rating system for each match adds a twist to every contest. You are actively encouraged to not just beat your opponent, but to put on a great five-star match. You can’t just stomp and hit the same suplex over and over and get a great rating. The game encourages you to mix things up, which is refreshing.

The reversal system is also much improved. As usual, timing is everything, but now you have a limited number of reversals available at a given time before they replenish. In years prior, you could just simply try to reverse every move, which led to boring matches. Now, you have to consider whether you want to try and reverse a simple suplex or if you should save them for when John Cena tries to give you an Attitude Adjustment.

But there are some gameplay tweaks that need to be made. Matches are a lot more fun now, but the pace of each match isn’t entirely accurate. Every match feels like it has the pace of a Kane vs. Big Show. This is fin if you are using larger wrestlers, but a Sami Zayn vs. Dolph Ziggler match should feel like it goes at a different pace.


The graphics are on par with what I would expect from a current-gen release. Hair and mouth movements during speeches come off as a bit awkward, but that’s fairly common across the board. Player models are incredibly accurate, even if some of the muscle tones are a bit exaggerated -- but not nearly as bad as they were in past releases.

Ring entrances still feel a bit off. Using Sami Zayn as an example once again, 2K clearly studied his mannerisms and dance moves on the way to the ring, but in the game they remind me of the Elaine Benes dance. Lesnar is another example where they got the framework correct, but the animation is a bit awkward. But during gameplay, even if it’s a bit slower than I would like, the wrestlers look great as do the animations. It plays and feels more like an actual wrestling match than ever before, and that’s what really matters.

MyUniverse And Other Thoughts

I don’t begrudge 2K for cashing in on the downloadable content wave that has exploded this console generation. It’s unrealistic to expect anyone to throw away money. But if you take the cost of the game, plus the season pass, plus the other content not included in the season pass, you are spending well over $100 to get the entire game.

Of course, none of this is required. You can simply buy the game and try to re-create the 2K content in the creation studio or search for it in the community section. But having to shell out money to get Gallows, Anderson, Nakamura, Eddie Guerrero and several others is a little frustrating.

That said, the 2K community is a huge asset to this game. You can find an infinite number of belts, wrestlers, you name it. This is especially useful if you want to get really detailed with creating your MyUniverse, which is the mode with which I have spent the most time. Again, it has a great framework and offers a lot of replay value, but it needs some more polish.

Since I never played 2K16, I’ve read that they made editing your Universe a lot easier this year, but they could re-arrange and edit the screens a bit to make editing each show (if you do Raw vs. Smackdown, for example) a little less cumbersome. It isn’t terrible by any means, but little tweaks like being able to view the entire game roster and filter between who is on Raw, who is on Smackdown, and who is not currently assigned would be a nice addition.

Now that I’ve spent more time with the game, I’ve noticed a few of the bugs other players have already mentioned. The empty/null match on the card, for instance, is puzzling. The most frustrating thing I’ve found so far is when the game puts Brock Lesnar in the Money in the Bank ladder match despite me not having Lesnar on any of my rosters.

Regardless, I am extremely happy with my purchase. I am having fun just with exhibition matches, but MyCareer and MyUniverse both offer replay value for those who don’t enjoy quick matches. If you’re like me and you gave up on WWE games years ago, it’s definitely time for you to reconsider. 2K has put in a lot of good work with this series and the results are beginning to show. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this series.

Member Comments
# 1 DBMcGee3 @ 10/25/16 11:41 AM
I'm waiting for 3 things:

1) Massive price drop
2) All DLC to be released
3) Some serious patchwork on all these bugs

If all 3 of those stars align, I'm in. Otherwise, can't justify the price tag on what is essentially a minor upgrade from last year's version. And still no custom music option? C'mon man!!!!!
# 2 stocksy @ 10/25/16 11:41 AM
This is the worst one for years! - a buggy unfinished mess with so much removed from last year in terms of roster and current CC Is unusable...

My advice buy 2k16 cheap... wait out until they patch this and buy this cheap

No one right now should pay full price for this game...
# 3 TheShizNo1 @ 10/25/16 11:50 AM
I just disagree. Although people don't have to (as you said) you're asking people to drop $100 for the complete game on top of what seems to be the most buggy/glitched iteration of the game (and that's saying a lot) as well. I'd say this article would've been perfect a couple of years ago when they did the chronological era showcase/roster.
# 4 zrohman @ 10/25/16 12:04 PM
This game is great. Haven't noticed a single bug myself. They are there I'm sure but they are minor and will be patched. You can edit match participants and work through some bugs on your own, many of the rest will probably be patched. I'd give it a 8/10. Needs a tad more variety in my career still, even though they added a lot, but great game and gameplay
# 5 CEOHaize @ 10/25/16 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by stocksy
This is the worst one for years! - a buggy unfinished mess with so much removed from last year in terms of roster and current CC Is unusable...

My advice buy 2k16 cheap... wait out until they patch this and buy this cheap

No one right now should pay full price for this game...

I'm interested in what you feel was removed in terms of the roster? As far as CC I've had no issues with CC besides 1 Caw I tried to download.
# 6 STEVE42_ @ 10/25/16 01:35 PM
Almost every match I've played has had something buggy happen. The biggest one was yesterday when I was having a triple threat women's match for the title and after all the entrances were done Enzo Amore appeared out of thin air In the middle of the ring. Once the match started Enzo began beating the crap out of Charlotte while sasha banks(me) and trish stratus fought each other. Eventually another bugged happened where Sasha was completely frozen stiff on the entrance ramp, taking her out of the match. Enzo won the match and became the Women's champ for my universe's RAW brand.
# 7 owenrock @ 10/25/16 01:56 PM
I have played this game a bunch since day 1 and personally haven't noticed a thing. I think at least one of the DLC should of been brought out about a week or so after it dropped but that is just nit picking. I have created wrestlers, downloaded some, did Universe mode, My Career and even some one offs and haven't found a bug yet. The only complaint, if you can call it that, is that they look really creepy with the whole "moving" facial expressions
# 8 hall31 @ 10/25/16 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by STEVE42_
Almost every match I've played has had something buggy happen. The biggest one was yesterday when I was having a triple threat women's match for the title and after all the entrances were done Enzo Amore appeared out of thin air In the middle of the ring. Once the match started Enzo began beating the crap out of Charlotte while sasha banks(me) and trish stratus fought each other. Eventually another bugged happened where Sasha was completely frozen stiff on the entrance ramp, taking her out of the match. Enzo won the match and became the Women's champ for my universe's RAW brand.
I guess "You can't teach that!"
# 9 Bionickle @ 10/25/16 02:19 PM
Aside from a few crashes, I've been fortunate to not have encountered some of the major, game breaking bugs other have had to deal with. Career mode does need some touches to correct the ranking system, the length of some feuds and the tag team AI. Also, in universe mode they need to fix not being able to control tag partners. Overall the game for me has been solid, matches are engaging, fighting in the crowd swings and the women's division has been nicely put together. I wouldn't have paid the extra dough for the NXT version or for the season pass either, not until it's on some sort of sale.
# 10 XxSpiritHunterX @ 10/25/16 03:45 PM
I like the game this year, but I haven't dived into it much yet because I'm waiting for a patch so I won't lose any creations. I'm definitely enjoying it more than the last 2 years, even though it is a buggy mess to many people which I think is because they released it earlier than usual a la NBA 2K17. I just wish they were not scamming people with DLC each year, but there's little prevention to that unless they overhaul their greediness. Then again, the publishers are the same people who released Evolve, but I digress. Anyways, the game is definitely the best and most progressive in years despite its bugs. Hopefully, they continue progressing the game and getting more features into the game, but more importantly I hope they give us a more polished game for once next year. And of course affordable DLC.
# 11 Buddywalker @ 10/25/16 05:00 PM
The replay and highlight system is totally broken on the XBox One.
"Make your own videos." That was some of their advertised features before the release.
It is s very difficult to see the highlights after a match when you only get the pin falls in the videos.
No finishing move or else.
In WWE 2k16 and also in WWE 2k15 you can see the move before the pin fall.
It was working.
# 12 nhthelegend @ 10/25/16 05:02 PM
This game has a great foundation laid for a future classic. Yeah, the glitches suck, and some of the MyCareer logic is asinine, but my hopes are that the patch solves a lot of the technical issues. I'm optimistic with where this franchise is headed, Showcase mode included or not.
# 13 Ruben2424 @ 10/25/16 07:27 PM
WWE 2K17 is a great game. Once the bugs are patched, it'll be good to go!
# 14 bluestar @ 10/25/16 08:14 PM
# 15 Mikeytheartist @ 10/26/16 01:23 AM
@bluestar this is the first time i have ever posted on this site and im an active user but im only doing this to save your money bro. This is officially the last time i am ever pre ordering a wrestling game. In my opinion its a great game when it wants to be but it was released broken. I've had every single glitch listed up there happen and then some and ill admit im a huge wrestling fan so i cant say im giving up on this series but had i known it was as bad as it is i would have never spent the money. By the time they patch this ill have already lost interest in the game. Even now because universe mode is literally broken i still keep 2k16 installed. I would seriously tell you to wait until you've seen that there is a patch and maybe some positive reviews post patch and hold on to 2k16 until then. Honestly the changes arent that drastic or even that much more fun hopefully sometime mid next year at least a quarter of the issues wrong this year might be fixed.
# 16 Black Bruce Wayne @ 10/26/16 11:34 AM
Can someone tell me what they changed in Universe this year as compared to last year?
# 17 flyarsociety @ 10/26/16 02:16 PM
I don't know how some people are stating that they haven't noticed any bugs in this game. lol 1) The very first match I played was elimination chamber. I irish whipped my opponent into the cage and he just started running....... infinitely, and eventually warped into the cage. 2) Another match I played with Sasha Banks and Charlotte. I tried to break out of a victory to attack her and the camera just completely panned out of the arena until I was starring at a black screen and my playstation was frozen. 3) In a falls count anywhere match, I go to pin a player on the ramp and the ref just doesn't count...... at all. Those were literally just 3 instances of the first day I played this game. So I don't know how people say they've played this game every day and haven't noticed a single bug. But anyway, more power to ya for not noticing. My problem with the game is that the game literally feels incomplete. There's no way the developers tested this game and didn't foresee these glitches. Not to mention the game isn't living up to its full potential. We are missing tag team ladder matches, a real weight detection system, have DLC characters that should be free in game characters, and have the same royal rumble/battle royal eliminations from 7 years ago. This game is fun, dont get me wrong. But it isn't a reason to come back to WWE games... If anything, this is a reason to stay away from WWE games until they get this fixed.
# 18 matthewk @ 10/27/16 11:05 AM
No. I'm not coming back. Not until there is a completely new game or this one has been rebuilt from scratch.

This may sound silly to some, but until the above happens I'm happy with past wrestling games and won't be buying any new ones.
# 19 pslieber @ 10/27/16 01:05 PM
Another great post, thread on OS.

What Brandon highlights - and others dis/agree with - is the conundrum of yearly release sport titles that arguably do/n't do enough to justify re-purchase. Let alone oodles of costly DLC.

Personally, I love WWE2K17 (albeit as a casual gamer), but skipped 16. And kept 15 because I liked the roster. Still, would I wish 2K...EA...Sony...and others...would simply update/refine their titles, continue to sell DLC/updates? 100 percent. It also keeps the studios in business. But I'm also of the belief gameplay is primary to secondary graphical upgrades. This approach would also significantly reduce noticeable glitches (due to engine/dev team continuity).

NHL, NBA2K, MLB all do not make (in my opinion) notable strides this year. PES is one of the few I can truly tell the difference, but a physics/AI patch would've taken care of that. UFC, in my opinion, gets it right.

Hypothetically: would you pay $30 yearly for season passes that perform regular roster/gameplay tweaks? Be willing to drop $5-10 for anything sizable as add-ons (i.e. the College Team addition in NBA2K)?
# 20 spacefunk @ 10/29/16 11:25 AM
Just like "No hair, no Flair".

"No showcase, no Space." I'll wait till next year.

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