Feature Article
Team USA in NBA 2K17?

Ever since Paul George was announced as NBA 2K17’s cover athlete, fans of the series have focused on a small, but key cover detail: one of the pictures of Paul George features him in his Team USA uniform. Of course, this doesn’t guarantee we will see some sort of international competition in the game, but it would be an odd choice to feature that jersey on the cover if it weren’t somehow in the game.

If 2K does decide to include Olympic teams, it wouldn’t be the first time. Back in NBA 2K13, users could not only play as the star-studded 2012 team, but also the original 1992 Dream Team, including Charles Barkley. There wasn’t much beyond the surface, though. Users could use these teams in exhibition mode, and that was about it.

So what would Olympic play in 2K17 look like? The most obvious choice is the inclusion of the 2016 Olympic team. But what about beyond that? Who would they play? It’s unclear if the 1992 Dream Team would be included again. Scottie Pippen was not on the original list in 2K13, but was added later due to fan backlash. But the bigger issue is Charles Barkley. Prior to 2K13, he had not appeared in a video game since the Sega Genesis days, nor has he appeared in anything since 2K13; not as a player, or even as part of TNT's Inside the NBA crew. Sure, you could include the Dream Team without him, but it wouldn’t be the same.

"What about taking the countries with the most NBA talent and allowing users to build a team comprised of the best all-time players from that country?"

But what about the teams from all the years in between 1992 and 2016? What about the teams from 1996, 2000, 2004 and so on? It would be fun to pit the various iterations of Team USA against each other. Yes, the 1992 team is the gold standard, and the 2012 team is perhaps the most star-studded since 1992. And yes, the squads in between those two teams were somewhat disappointing. But there was a significant amount of talent that passed through Team USA basketball during those years. Maybe it’s just me, but attempting to take down the 1992 Dream Team with the 2000 roster, for example, seems like a fun challenge.

If 2K really wants to include the authentic Olympic experience, they should get as many international players and country licenses as they can so users can replicate the actual Olympic games, all the way through awarding bronze, silver and gold medals. I’m not sure of the feasibility here, but with plenty of NBA players who play for other countries, it’s worth looking into.

Or if 2K really wants to think outside the box, what about taking the countries with the most NBA talent and allowing users to build a team comprised of the best all-time players from that country? Sure, Team USA would be the clear favorite here, but it would be interesting to see how all-time teams from Spain, Canada, Germany, etc. compare to each other.

Of course, this is all speculation. For all we know, Team USA will not be featured in 2K17 at all. But if it is, here’s hoping 2K takes it a little further than a quick exhibition game. A feature-rich Olympics mode would breathe some fresh air into the franchise and give users another way to enjoy the NBA 2K series.

Member Comments
# 1 ricardo.13 @ 07/25/16 10:23 AM
Australian team is in and you have doubt about USA Team? lol
D.Gallinari cover is out and NO Italian uniform, so Italian Team is off.
Only olympic teams will have in the game, we dont know if all or only few teams.
# 2 Mintsa @ 07/25/16 11:11 AM
They can probably skip the 2004 USA team........yikes!!
# 3 eNUFFplays @ 07/25/16 11:12 AM
Definitely think there will be Team USA in the game. MyTeam will definitely be interesting.
# 4 stocksy @ 07/25/16 11:23 AM
Id like National teams in, as many as possible and the ability to create them and add them to international tournaments.

Would also like to see the D-League back... the year that had the d-league in the franchise/GM mode was my fave version.
# 5 Vni @ 07/25/16 11:39 AM
As long as we don't have proper fiba rules implemented, a different athmosphere aswell as the gameplay based on the shorter three point line, national teams will always be a gimmick to me. It's still cool though.
# 6 Barbatrucco @ 07/25/16 12:09 PM
This post is too funny!
There is the Australian national team in the game and you think that there is the American one?
# 7 Phreezy P @ 07/25/16 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
As long as we don't have proper fiba rules implemented...
They already have the high school and college rules in; I'd be more surprised if they were left out than included.
# 8 The_Gaming_Disciple @ 07/25/16 01:29 PM
Can anyone list 10 reasonable benefits of having the USA team in the game?
# 9 CookNBA03 @ 07/25/16 01:32 PM
Hopefully, Olympics are part of MyGM/MyLeague.
# 10 cthurt @ 07/25/16 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by The_Gaming_Disciple
Can anyone list 10 reasonable benefits of having the USA team in the game?

Come on now can you list 10 reasonable benefits of any feature that's put into the game? How about this for a benefit NBA players are apart of it, and that's the only benefit that matters.
# 11 2_headedmonster @ 07/25/16 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by The_Gaming_Disciple
Can anyone list 10 reasonable benefits of having the USA team in the game?
who cares?......
# 12 stocksy @ 07/25/16 01:57 PM
1- it's always good to control your national team in the virtual sense
2 - more variety of teams is good
3 - jerseys are nice
4 - All star teams are good to use when your mates come round that are hopeless and you still beat them when they use the dream team.
5 - if the USA team is in so should other team. (See point 2)
6- international tournaments would add shorter ways to enjoy the game in bursts rather than full NBA season
7- different set of rules would be a fun addition
8- since when is more of any modes/teams a bad thing.
9- give me ten reasons why it isn't a good thing
10- I'm sure I missed something I'll save ten for later
# 13 Mauer4MVP @ 07/25/16 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by The_Gaming_Disciple
Can anyone list 10 reasonable benefits of having the USA team in the game?
No but I don't think there needs to be 10 reasons for it to be a great addition.
# 14 SeaTownGamer @ 07/25/16 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
Come on now can you list 10 reasonable benefits of any feature that's put into the game? How about this for a benefit NBA players are apart of it, and that's the only benefit that matters.
I sure as hell can't lol
# 15 extremeskins04 @ 07/25/16 02:25 PM
Nice feature. I'm sure there are those that will love this.

But with that being said, I sure hope gameplay is improved this year as it was very frustrating last year.
# 16 HakeemOlajuwon @ 07/25/16 03:28 PM
nba2K17 commercial with Coach K

# 17 janmagn @ 07/25/16 03:49 PM
And all of those guys are in Team USA

Lähetetty minun LG-H440n laitteesta Tapatalkilla
# 18 Mauer4MVP @ 07/25/16 03:56 PM
Probably just wishful thinking and obviously coach K is a huge name, but I really hope that is a sign that coaches got more attention this year.
# 19 deetoman @ 07/25/16 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by HakeemOlajuwon
nba2K17 commercial with Coach K

That's a nice find. I think they will have Team USA plus other teams and maybe give us some sort of FIBA/Olympic mode.

But if they added that in MyLeague/GM/Career they would have to start filling those teams with generic players the more you advance in those modes.
# 20 23 @ 07/25/16 05:56 PM
I think this is the very first thing I asked for last year once i saw we could edit teams fully.

I think i've played around 3 tournaments, although its a pain to set up, its fun

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