The WWE video game series lingered around directionless for years. The graphics weren’t great, gameplay was stale and it often didn’t feel like a wrestling game at all. Once it got brought under the 2K umbrella, fans of other 2K series’ immediately had high hopes and felt the series would finally make a leap to the next level. After a few years in the partnership, there is reason for optimism. Let’s take a look at a few things WWE 2K17 should focus on improving.
This is where it all starts. If fans cannot get behind the gameplay mechanics, then nothing else matters. NBA 2K has the following it does in part because the gameplay is so smooth, and it has been for quite some time. There is a solid foundation upon which the 2K team has the ability to make tweaks and adjustments, rather than starting from scratch each time.
This is easier said than done, but it’s best for the sake of the series if WWE 2K can start to cement the gameplay foundation. The developers have made some strides since taking over the franchise, but it’s been a bumpy ride with no clear destination. For example, after fans complained of too many reversals in 2K15, 2K16 attempted to right that wrong. Fan reaction was mixed -- the reduction in the number of reversals was appreciated, but it also had an impact on match strategy.
Professional wrestling is far more complex than it gets credit for, and getting that complexity to translate to a fighting game is easier said than done. Far too often, bouts get reduced to a button-mashing, clunky mess. It has no doubt gotten better in recent years, but 2K should really focus as much of its efforts as possible on polishing up the gameplay.
"It would be nice to have the ability to set a framework for a feud that includes the duration, as well as the number of matches."
Universe & Career Modes
Fans crave much more than solid gameplay. In addition, we expect captivating gameplay modes that will hold our attention until the next version is released. The Universe and career modes are what 2K has to offer. There are solid foundations here, but both could use some tweaking.
The career mode is already pretty strong. The point system by which you move up the ladder in NXT and then the main roster is solid. However, the temptation to pay money in order to boost your attributes is somewhat frustrating. Some middle ground here would be appreciated so as to avoid the initial frustration of getting whooped early on in your career.
2K also made some improvements with the Universe mode last year. They are headed in the right direction, but some more customization and more flexibility would be nice. Wrestling fans live to play fantasy booker, and while this mode allows for that to some degree, it could use more. Setting up rivalries is a nice idea, but the execution is quite basic and leaves a lot to be desired. It would be nice to have the ability to set a framework for a feud that includes the duration, as well as the number of matches.
"...it’s best for the sake of the series if WWE 2K can start to cement the gameplay foundation."
When it comes to graphics and animations, WWE 2K is a mixed bag. Some of the wrestlers look just like their real-life counterparts, while with others it can be difficult to tell. The animations have always been an issue, even if that's less so the case in recent years. Still, it can be frustrating to be in the flow of a good match only to have it ruined by a few awkward animations. Some more polish in this department would go a long way.
The WWE 2K series finally appears to be on the right track. This is not something you could confidently say even five years ago. Progress may be slower than we’d all like, but as long as WWE 2K17 takes another step in the right direction, it will go a long way in helping to solidify the franchise's greatness.