Feature Article
NBA 2K16 Road to the Finals Qualification System Rewards Best Cheesers, Not Best Teams

In the real NBA, it doesn't matter how you win -- all that matters is that you win. But in NBA 2K16's preliminary Pro-Am events, winning all of your games is not enough to ensure qualification for the eventual 16-team tournament. Road to the Finals is the only team competition I've ever seen where running up the score and padding everyone's stats is the key to becoming champion.

Under Road to the Finals' current scoring system, the teams at the top of the leaderboard will be the ones who are exploiting the mode's gameplay flaws by constantly throwing 90-foot outlet passes for fast-break dunks or corner threes, and trying to cause turnovers every defensive possession by repeatedly going for steals and charges.

If your team prefers to run a patient half-court offense with set plays that take time to develop, or tries to play positional defense without mashing the steal and charge buttons, then you'll be decreasing the number of possessions in a match. If you do this, you're killing your team's chance of achieving an event-winning rating because nobody is going to give you an award if your points per possession is higher than the next team.

Even if you get out to an early large lead, your team's score still won't come close to ranking at the top of the leaderboard if your opponents suddenly quit the match mid-game.

Collusion is also possible under the current matchmaking system -- unless 2K is doing something we don't know about -- because participants aren't limited to playing for only one team. If two team captains are geographically close and are hitting the "search for match" prompt at the same time, "dummy squads" could quickly be created to rig oodles of blowout wins.

A potential fix for Road to the Finals' structural problems exists inside another NBA 2K16 mode.

In MyTeam, users must progress from the eighth seed to the first seed by winning several series of games and climbing up the tiers.

Visual Concepts should let Pro-Am teams work their way up the seeds for a full month of unlimited, uninterrupted preliminary play. Once a team wins the first seed, it qualifies for the Road to the Finals knockout tournament:

  • 8th seed, 10-game series -- 2 wins to advance, you can't drop any lower than this
  • 7th seed, 10-game series -- 3 wins to advance, 1 win to stay put, 8 losses for a demotion
  • 6th seed, 10-game series -- 4 wins to advance, 2 wins to stay put, 7 losses for a demotion
  • 5th seed, 10-game series -- 5 wins to advance, 3 wins to stay put, 6 losses for a demotion
  • 4th seed, 10-game series -- 6 wins to advance, 4 wins to stay put, 5 losses for a demotion
  • 3rd seed, 10-game series -- 7 wins to advance, 5 wins to stay put, 4 losses for a demotion
  • 2nd seed, 10-game series -- 8 wins to advance, 6 wins to stay put, 3 losses for a demotion
  • 1st seed, 10-game series -- 9 wins to advance, 7 wins to stay put, 2 losses for a demotion

If an even number of teams make the final tournament field, then the bracket is easy to setup:

Seed the teams based on how quickly they completed the ladder. The first team to qualify plays the last team to qualify, then so on down the list.

If an odd number of teams make it in, then all you have to do is hold a single play-in game between the last two teams to qualify, with the winner earning a spot in the even-numbered field.

We're only in the “preseason” stages of Road to the Finals, with the first official qualification event not starting until February 15, so why not scrap this easily exploited points-based system and switch to something where winning is all that matters?

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Member Comments
# 21 nuckles2k2 @ 02/02/16 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Junior Moe
True. But I don't think that that's a bad thing necessarily. Business is business. If people are buying and enjoying the "arcade" experience then let them. I guess the way I see it is that it would be cool of they had like a "sim" lobby or game mode where the gameplay was tailored (as much as possible) to real NBA hoops. Play calling, matchups, etc. That MyPark stuff we see wouldn't fly there. I played a game online and it was unbearable. I would play more in a "sim" lobby or game mode where it played to the real strengths and weaknesses of the NBA. I can control that experience offline
Never said it was a bad thing. I'm not anti-business, I just want ppl to understand what's going into these decisions. Sometimes those decision makers balk at ideas that they think would hurt the revenue stream. (even if it wouldn't)

I love the idea of a lobby or portion of the game tailored to NBA-styled hoops, but that's probably never going to happen. The game's core would need to be overhauled for something like that. The problems that plague the game online are not exclusive to online. They're just exploited more there.

But why do that when end-users are willing to give you more revenue than you made from selling to retailers & distributors, with those same exploitable aspects already in the game?

I would love to hear Beluba's take on the way the game plays online. I would hazard a guess he doesn't like it, but also that he's not really allowed (time & resources) to make the necessary changes needed (no real way to know this tho).

Why would Take Two/2K give the breadth of both time & resources to Visual Concepts to make the game play any other way than how it does? If half of the first 4 million copies of 2K16 purchased $50 worth of VC, that's 100 million dollars from VC purchases.

They ain't too concerned.
# 22 Junior Moe @ 02/02/16 09:05 AM
Oh no man, I totally get what you're saying. Completely. I don't think people would care as much about the online "cheese" if there was another online component where more hardcore "sim" oriented players could get on and play their preferred brand of basketball. Neither one is better than the other; it's just a matter of preference. Heck, I'd take just being able to use one of these great slider sets here on OS and having that as a starting point. I really think that it would only benefit 2K as both camps could be happy.
# 23 Junior Moe @ 02/02/16 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by iam31yearsold
You can say that business is business all you want, buy if someone put out an indie basketball game based on balanced, realistic, and strategic gameplay for online competition (ala Rocket League) it would do well and people would spend money on it.

You don't need tatts, NBA teams, and a fully licensed game to sell copies or have people love it.

I mean in ProAm, you either play Black vs Yellow or created jerseys and courts...a game could easily have that, and put all focus into gameplay insted of licences and gimmicky modes.

Sent from my XT1528 using Tapatalk
You say that man but I honestly don't think it's that easy. In addition, NBA2K is a wonderfully polished game out of the box. The on court gameplay is widely considered the best. With a few slider tweaks I'm in basketball game heaven. There are some legacy issues I'd like to see fixed but by and large the gameplay is marvelous, IMO. And I can see and feel a clear difference between 2K16 and 2K15 (and 14). I don't care much for MyCareer or The Park or any of that stuff but I don't feel as if gameplay has been sacrificed for those modes. Online gameplay is a different beast entirely. That's why I avoid it. Though, I would like to see a more "sim" option available to folks like us who prefer that over the street ball stuff.
# 24 nuckles2k2 @ 02/02/16 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by iam31yearsold
That's kind of what I'm saying. A stand alone game based solely on online competition. Offline, is no question very very good.

I think it would do well in sale, if made well. To play and have fun online, I just don't think people need a fully licensed game. More money to be put into polishing gameplay.

Sent from my XT1528 using Tapatalk
I kinda like this idea. Separate NBA 2K & The Park/Pro-Am.

Who knows, maybe we're heading in that direction, but I don't see Take Two/2K Sports severing the tie between their NBA license & their tremendous revenue stream (VC).

I'm not saying they need to piggyback on the name "NBA 2K" to make money in micro transactions, but that's exactly how executives tend to think. They're not the developers, they don't necessarily relate all of the data the way it needs to be.

If the people who actually make the decisions on obtaining the NBA & NBAPA licenses & how they're used, as well as deciding to green light obtaining Khaled, Premier, & Mustard, also Spike Lee, and Jay Z in the past, etc -- are the same ones who'll pour over the details of "see...the majority of VC purchases come from people using it for parts of the game not associated with the NBA..." then we MIGHT see a separation of NBA 2K & MyPark/Pro-Am in the future.

I just don't see why they'd even go through looking at who buys what micro transactions for what purposes. And it'll continue to be a packaged deal.
# 25 JayBillups36 @ 02/02/16 10:35 AM
I just had this conversation with my friends. We were really hoping to see the work up to greatest of all time like play now has. Would have made perfect sense. Now we're trying to get matched up with the worst team and we get rewarded for blowing them out of the water? Not very fun. And I do not want anything like EASHL to happen again, I worked my *** off for my 65 badges and 99 overall. If you don't put in the same work I should be better than you on the floor.
# 26 Kodii Rockets @ 02/02/16 10:54 AM
Visual Concepts should let Pro-Am teams work their way up the seeds for a full month of unlimited, uninterrupted preliminary play. Once a team wins the first seed, it qualifies for the Road to the Finals knockout tournament:

8th seed, 10-game series -- 2 wins to advance, you can't drop any lower than this
7th seed, 10-game series -- 3 wins to advance, 1 win to stay put, 8 losses for a demotion
6th seed, 10-game series -- 4 wins to advance, 2 wins to stay put, 7 losses for a demotion
5th seed, 10-game series -- 5 wins to advance, 3 wins to stay put, 6 losses for a demotion
4th seed, 10-game series -- 6 wins to advance, 4 wins to stay put, 5 losses for a demotion
3rd seed, 10-game series -- 7 wins to advance, 5 wins to stay put, 4 losses for a demotion
2nd seed, 10-game series -- 8 wins to advance, 6 wins to stay put, 3 losses for a demotion
1st seed, 10-game series -- 9 wins to advance, 7 wins to stay put, 2 losses for a demotion
If an even number of teams make the final tournament field, then the bracket is easy to setup:

Seed the teams based on how quickly they completed the ladder. The first team to qualify plays the last team to qualify, then so on down the list.

If an odd number of teams make it in, then all you have to do is hold a single play-in game between the last two teams to qualify, with the winner earning a spot in the even-numbered field.

We're only in the “preseason” stages of Road to the Finals, with the first official qualification event not starting until February 15, so why not scrap this easily exploited points-based system and switch to something where winning is all that matters?

# 27 Vroman @ 02/02/16 11:10 AM
Somebody already made online street/park basketball game without licenses :

Can't say how successful this game is, but reviews are pretty positive. However its a really arcade style with exaggerated moves and lots fluff cosmetics.
# 28 hanzsomehanz @ 02/02/16 01:17 PM
Interesting take.

It's like the took a handoff from the concept for Domination mode in My Team and ran with it.

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
# 29 ChaseB @ 02/02/16 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Vroman
Somebody already made online street/park basketball game without licenses :

Can't say how successful this game is, but reviews are pretty positive. However its a really arcade style with exaggerated moves and lots fluff cosmetics.
There was a week there where this game was really popular with streamers. Not sure how it has done since.
# 30 FilipinoBroskie @ 02/04/16 02:40 AM
I want to be in the tournament, need to join a team first lol

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
# 31 E The Rhymer @ 02/04/16 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Vroman
Somebody already made online street/park basketball game without licenses :


Can't say how successful this game is, but reviews are pretty positive. However its a really arcade style with exaggerated moves and lots fluff cosmetics.

I've played it and it is the definition of cheese absolutely no passing if u don't get out at PG u don't touch the ball unless on the odd chance ur a big man(almost no one is) and hope a shot misses(this almost never happens) and then hope ur guy can grab the board before someone who dropped 50 extra on the game to get a late stage character runs across court for a putback slam.

Btw this is one of the most popular F2P games on steams arm so I think that says a lot about what people seem to want which makes me fell that there is almost no hope devs will choose sim over arcade when making these games

Sent from my iPhone with minimal cares for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
# 32 ILLSmak @ 02/04/16 05:03 PM
I definitely don't understand why they chose to do it. During the qualifier, we played a few and smashed a bunch of teams by 20, but I doubt we would have made it if people are feeding each other wins. We beat a bunch of undefeated (altho you know most teams had only played like 4 games) teams, too.

I really expected it to be a longer thing and to pool into more than just 16 teams. That's a really small number considering what the prize is as well as the fact that in v good team vs v good team, it can go either way a lot if you slip up.

I was hoping it would have a more like ncaa sized bracket but with a lot more qualifying. I don't believe my squad can win (cuz life isn't so convenient), but I would like to think we could make it or at least have a time where we had a chance to make it. The way things are now, I think I'll just play to win games.

It should take everything into account: record, teammate grade, team composition... I dunno, it's disappointing.

I am not super mad at 'cheese' because it's all cheesy. The issue is balance. Don't make things that are easier to do than to stop. You have to be good to stop a fast break after a crazy outlet, but all you have to do is instapress icon pass then pg icon to start one.

Same with ridic cross over moves that people do without thinking where they are going.

It's not too late to change the method, 2k!

That being said (making a long post) I really think if we had to pick archetypes to run with and they all had their own strengths and weaknesses, even if you had to buy in for 15 or 20 bucks (that's all I'd ever spend on VC, usually on my 2nd guy), I think people would do it. 2k has the frame-work for a good bball sim (really) but they need to limit these overbadged myplayers. Not to mention... why can't you get upgrades and badges playing online? Why are people rewarded for playing rookie and fouling out of games? If I get 50 deflected passes online, I should get interceptor... even if it's 100, it's still better.

Makes no sense.

# 33 Rain723 @ 03/19/16 03:53 PM
Anyone interested in picking up a 99 SG with 53 badges for road to the finals? I'm on ps4. Add me
# 34 Kurupt_XxX @ 03/19/16 04:33 PM
yeah the system is stupid. NO point in trying if you know that even when you qualify it's going to be boring playing vs full court passing center and corner three cheesers. No resemblance of real basketball at all.
# 35 Da_Czar @ 03/20/16 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
For the guys saying this is how they want pro am, and this e sports thing, you're absolutely right.

You don't think 2K knows people are playing the game using these cheese tactics and exploits? They're fully well aware of this and they don't care.

Just a heads up, pro am and park will probably be the same way next year, and the year after that, and the year after that. If you were one of those people who complained all year about online play, get ready to "waste" your 60 bucks on 2K17 and start the complain train all over again.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

SMH... BS!
# 36 RusDids29 @ 03/20/16 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
SMH... BS!
Czar, you gotta talk to the team about extending offensive 3 seconds through baseline out of bounds. It's in the rule book of the nba if u want reference. This will stop paint campers from coming underneath for easy off rebs. Also, research the post entry pass to these bigs who just stand underneath the rim and the guard just RB LB to them for an easy catch and dunk or layup. Defense doesn't have an opportunity to knock that down. Ball goes through our bodies or animation pass is always 90% successful. The pass in the paint is the hardest pass to make in the nba. Way to easy right now in 2k
# 37 MontanaMan @ 03/20/16 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
SMH... BS!
I'm sure you can't get into specifics because of NDAs and what not, but he's right.

You guys need to show and prove. The game and the Park specifically seems almost catered to cheesers.

3 seconds in the key that are more like 6 seconds, speed burst animation abuse etc

Which hasn't been addressed in any of the 5 patches since the games release...
# 38 Afectar @ 03/21/16 11:45 AM
More then anything we cannot figure out the point system...

Our Team has been in the top 10 for the last 2 weeks at some point.

But the point system needs to be cleared up.

We beat at team by 80pts and only got 700+ pts whole team has A+
We beat a team by 30 and got 992pts whole team had A+

We can deal with everything consider cheese because once you seen it so much it does in fact become easier to stop.
# 39 JerzeyReign @ 03/21/16 12:30 PM
Somebody get the offering plate, Brother Jayson preaching! This is a shame.
# 40 ggsimmonds @ 03/21/16 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
I'm sure you can't get into specifics because of NDAs and what not, but he's right.

You guys need to show and prove. The game and the Park specifically seems almost catered to cheesers.

3 seconds in the key that are more like 6 seconds, speed burst animation abuse etc

Which hasn't been addressed in any of the 5 patches since the games release...
Then that is sim right?

I'm not much of an online guy (not at all actually) because of its cheesy nature. May make me sound like a pessimist, but I don't think it will or even can change.

2k is okay in my book because they seem to take the approach of letting cheesers/casuals have online while sim heads get offline myleague. I think if you want to experience online sim play, the best hope is a fully featured online myleague/mygm.

Maybe the change suggested in the op/article is a good one, but experience tells me it won't change much. People will still complain about cheese. Some of it may be legit (like the 1-3-1 zone of old), while some of it is actually people not that good at the game hiding by calling cheese.

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