Feature Article
2015 Sports Game of the Year: Best Gameplay
Reader's Choice

If there's one thing sports games did well in 2015 it's that they mostly got it right on the field/pitch/ice/insert other playing surface here. It's hard to argue many (if any) sports games really went backwards this year in the gameplay department, and that's something that probably should not be taken for granted at this point. That being said, this improvement may also be a byproduct of developers getting a hang of the new consoles, so the hope is this is just the start of another renaissance in sports games as developers hit their stride and continue to push forward in 2016. Now let's get to the winners for Best Gameplay of 2015.

3. Rocket League

To me, nothing sums up what gameplay should be all about in a sports game more than Rocket League. It is a poster child for what all sports games should strive to be about: The controls are only as complex as they need to be, with every button used serving a purpose. The game is inviting yet incredibly deep. The pace of the game allows you to get in and out in five minutes and make you feel like you got a full experience, yet it's just as fun to sit back and play for hours at a time. The game allows for moments of brilliance and technical skill, and yet a well polished team can take down just about any individual star. In short, it's my personal choice for best gameplay, and it's a reader's choice for best gameplay of 2015.

2. MLB 15 The Show

Quality and consistency have come to define The Show franchise. It's a series that will take chances with its gameplay when the timing feels right, but the developers are also not afraid to leave something as is even if it means you can't say something is "all-new" in the game. In other words, if it's not broke don't fix it. Looking beyond everything great about the game, the batter/pitcher duel is what should be the most important aspect in any baseball game, and as always, these showdowns are what The Show franchise does incredibly well. In fact, I still don't think the developers get enough credit for batter/pitcher duels because again, think about it, you're only using your wits and focusing on timing. This isn't some team sport where there are insane amounts of variables at play at all times that constantly change what you're looking at. Instead, this is more like a fighting game except you don't even move. It's mental chess mixed with a side of timing. And yet the developers make this one portion of the game so enjoyable that people play the game for months on end. All in all, it was another great year for The Show and it's the reader's choice runner-up for best gameplay of 2015.

1. NBA 2K16

Perhaps what makes the gameplay in NBA 2K so special is that in some ways it rejects even the notion of being welcoming to new users. And what I mean to say is that gameplay may not be the reason a new user sticks around at first. What might keep people around instead are the graphics, or the create-a-player aspects or just the "hype" from friends saying "you got to play this game." But then you pull off that one magical crossover and signature slam, see some awesome celebration and that's somehow all you need. The game is still daunting and hard -- even frustrating -- but that sliver of brilliance is what keeps you churning. The series is constantly trying to push forward by implementing or tweaking mechanics, and while at times that can be confusing due to year-to-year changes in controls or mechanics being drastically changed year over year, the end result is still usually a great game that feels unique each season. Finally, what I would say is when you match up with another person who is looking to play the game in a more "sim" style like you, no sports game comes as close to mimicking the ebb and flow of the real-life sport quite like NBA 2K. For this reason and more, the Reader's Choice for Best Gameplay of 2015 is NBA 2K16.

Staff's Choice

NBA 2K16

The staff had the same three games at the top of their power rankings. Again, while I had Rocket League atop my personal rankings, it's hard to argue with any of these games taking home the championship. NBA 2K16 is a game that is enriching both offline and online, which should not be overlooked. And while we seek out a more "sim" style here, this is a game that can be played in a variety of ways, which is one reason the appeal of the title seems to transcend the sports genre. All in all, gameplay is one area where this year's crop of sports game really shined, and NBA 2K16 led the charge and wins the Staff's Choice for Best Gameplay of 2015.

Member Comments
# 1 jaynral @ 01/08/16 02:46 PM
EA should be ashamed that Madden didint make this list..they have no competition, the most finances, the most resources and its the best sport in america....Terrible...Well deserved for the 3 winners!!!
# 2 statum71 @ 01/08/16 05:36 PM
I'm sure Rocket League is a cool game. But what "sport" is that again?
# 3 ChaseB @ 01/08/16 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by statum71
I'm sure Rocket League is a cool game. But what "sport" is that again?
NASCAR Soccer.
# 4 tril @ 01/08/16 06:01 PM
this is the fist year that I disagree with the choice.
2k this year is frustrating in a bad way.
there were too many changes to the control schems this year. some which were down right awful, play calling and subbing players come to mind.
and did they get rid of the box out feature for rebounding?
and where's the defense. defense. some folks like defense. like playing defense. this includes team defense.

the game is still good but not as good as some of the versions from years past. (2k15 is my favorite followed by 2k11) IMO< 2k16 is beautiful to look at, and presentation are what shine, not the gameplay.

Id give the title to MLB the Show. the commentary is the only issue, but I believe that is on purpose. The commentary is purposefully bland, cause I believe they are trying to capture that lazy Saturday afternoon baseball feel. iid still like to see amjor overhaul though, to give the presentation more life.
# 5 Semipro91 @ 01/08/16 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by tril
this is the fist year that I disagree with the choice.
2k this year is frustrating in a bad way.
there were too many changes to the control schems this year. some which were down right awful, play calling and subbing players come to mind.
and did they get rid of the box out feature for rebounding?
and where's the defense. defense. some folks like defense. like playing defense. this includes team defense.

the game is still good but not as good as some of the versions from years past. (2k15 is my favorite followed by 2k11) IMO< 2k16 is beautiful to look at, and presentation are what shine, not the gameplay.

Id give the title to MLB the Show. the commentary is the only issue, but I believe that is on purpose. The commentary is purposefully bland, cause I believe they are trying to capture that lazy Saturday afternoon baseball feel. iid still like to see amjor overhaul though, to give the presentation more life.
You might be confused with a different NBA title. 2K16 has some flaws but it is by far, the best Defensive Basketball game to date.
# 6 tril @ 01/08/16 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Semipro91
You might be confused with a different NBA title. 2K16 has some flaws but it is by far, the best Defensive Basketball game to date.
you might be right. Ive watched videos etc, and defense still breaks down consistently. especially the transition defense. if you can point me to some videos or tutorials on how to play defense. Id appreciate it.

I hate being hard on 2k. cause Im such a 2k fanboy.
# 7 JasonLin @ 01/09/16 10:22 AM
I don't like the gameplay of NBA 2K16, the shot stick control is 100 times worse than NBA 2K14 era. It's unresponsive, inaccurate and often does things that you don't want to see.
# 8 Badasi12b @ 01/10/16 03:45 AM
"NBA 2K16 is a game that is enriching both offline and online"
That comment right there! This is why I can't take 2k16 praise seriously! The game is overrated. Haven't played it online because I can't yet. But that's how I know noone has seriously played this game offline yet and reviewed it. I had to sale the game because unlike nba live 16 (which I bought after selling 2k16) the game borders on unplayable offline! The retail case needs a buyer beware warning saying ONLINE REQUIRED! The game literally doesn't save ANYTHING if you play offline! It's a glorified demo and everything is either limited or locked! The only thing available to play if you're offline is play now or blacktop. NO REVIEWS MENTION THIS! So misleading and dishonest. I may not ever buy another 2k again.
# 9 Badasi12b @ 01/10/16 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by misterkrabz
I don't get the fascination with the NBA 2K Franchise. To me, the controls are clunky and confusing. The control scheme it'self seems like a confusing maze of button and stick combinations to navigate to get the player you're controlling to do the simplest maneuver. Even the game menus are confusing. I buy into the hype about every other year and pick the game up and every other year I play it a handful of times (maybe a half dozen 10-15 minutes play sessions) and never touch it again. I usually play the cpu and turn the game off before the first game is over...I let it sit then come back to it a couple weeks later and do the same thing over again. It could be that I just don't have the patience to learn the complex control scheme but it seems to me much of this game could be way more intuitive. And I'm talking everything from performing moves on the court to making substitutions in game.
I played three games of it before I decided to return it. I was only into the presentation.
# 10 DJ @ 01/10/16 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Badasi12b
"NBA 2K16 is a game that is enriching both offline and online"
That comment right there! This is why I can't take 2k16 praise seriously! The game is overrated. Haven't played it online because I can't yet. But that's how I know noone has seriously played this game offline yet and reviewed it. I had to sale the game because unlike nba live 16 (which I bought after selling 2k16) the game borders on unplayable offline! The retail case needs a buyer beware warning saying ONLINE REQUIRED! The game literally doesn't save ANYTHING if you play offline! It's a glorified demo and everything is either limited or locked! The only thing available to play if you're offline is play now or blacktop. NO REVIEWS MENTION THIS! So misleading and dishonest. I may not ever buy another 2k again.
You have to let the game download and install first. All modes are available to you after that is complete, not sure what was going on with your copy.

I prefer 2K15 to 16, but 16 is still very good. I thought Madden deserved a spot in the Top 3.
# 11 NELL86 @ 01/11/16 07:28 AM
2k16 best gameplay??? I want what y'all smoking smh
# 12 tril @ 01/11/16 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by NELL86
2k16 best gameplay??? I want what y'all smoking smh
cosign... stop lieing to us...
the game is pretty and the presentation is top notch.
but again that defense.
I dont care what anyone says the defense does not work as intended........Ive watched tutorials, made adjustments. again, it doesnt work as intended.
Ive never rage quit this much in a 2k game. its Madden like
# 13 bumpyface @ 01/12/16 06:30 AM
I think 2k16 is better than the previous 4 installments but I get the complaints in the above posts. For the life of me I don't understand why 2K insists on making things that should be simple (play calling, and substitutions) more difficult. It's like they don't want you to touch the subs, just leave it on auto and let the cpu do everything for you. The game is much better online but it still isn't what I would call "stable." I will add that All-Star Team Up is my S%#&. Surprisingly, I have noticed less lag and fast-forwarding (Benny Hill S#$!) in team up than I have in online player vs player.
# 14 Armor and Sword @ 01/12/16 11:41 AM
Madden 16 truly deserved a spot here...at least in the top 3.

Rocket League? Come on guys. It's fun.....but come on.

NBA 2K16 is a very solid game but Not that much better than 2K15 on the court to be frank.

MLB The Show 15 is close to perfect. But Madden 16 really shined this year and between that and MLB 15 that is where the majority of my sports gaming has been invested.

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