Feature Article
MLB 15 The Show: Some Tips on How to Throw a No Hitter

Pitching a no-no in MLB 15: The Show is a herculean task. To be honest with you I’ve never done it, although I have gotten close throwing a few one-hitters.

It’s something that can be done and many have done it, but for those who haven’t here are some tips that may help you.

1. Use an ace pitcher. This is a pretty obvious tip. I would say your chances decrease exponentially if you aren’t using an ace pitcher. I’ve come very close throwing one hitters with Corey Kluber and Clayton Kershaw.

2. Don’t nibble. You need to conserve energy. You gotta be able to throw nine innings without getting tired. Yes, you should still be trying to hit the corners, but you should also not be afraid to go into the zone. Pound the hitters cold zones and let them make contact. You don’t need 10 strikeouts to throw a no-hitter.

3. Don’t give in. OK, this may sound like a contradiction, but you have to do this when you are ahead in the count. On 0-2 or 1-2 pitches, stay out of the zone. Make the hitter chase. This is one of the most important keys to a no hitter that so many people forget. Never groove a fastball on 0-2.

4. Keep your cool. If you get behind in the count, or you walk a guy or two, don’t panic. You’re still in control. Or at least tell yourself that. If you do get behind in the count, pound the hitters cold zones. If you walk one or two guys just forget about them. Heck, think of it as just another base to get an out at.

5. Use mound visits. If it works like it’s supposed to, a strategic mound visit could settle your pitcher down in a sticky situation.

6. Build confidence in your pitches. Strategically use your best pitches to elevate your confidence meters on pitches. You probably won’t use all of your pitches effectively in a game, and that’s OK. What you want to do is try to pick a few pitch types and build up confidence in them from there. I usually always try to max out my fastball, a breaking ball, and an off speed pitch. If my other pitches aren’t working. I stop throwing them.

7. Know your enemy. I know this sounds like an easy way out, but play against a bad team. Or at least a bad hitting team. If they have mostly left-handed hitters, use a left handed pitcher. Hey, sometimes you have to stack the deck to win.

8. Mix it up. Keep the hitters on their toes by mixing your pitches. Don’t be afraid to start a hitter out with a changeup or curveball. And don’t be afraid to go fastball high and tight with the count in your favor.

9. Know when to fold em’. Sometimes you just have to give in and put a guy on. Don’t be afraid to intentionally walk one of the other teams’ best hitters if the situation calls for it. If its late in the game, and a bad matchup, or you have a runner on second, an intentional walk could be the difference between a double play to end an inning or facing the extra hitter and losing your no-hit bid.

10.Dont forget to celebrate. If you do throw a no-hitter in The Show, tell all of your friends and family. They need to know of your monumentus acomplisment. Take a screenshot, post it on Twitter and Facebook, Heck, post the whole game on Youtube if your were recording it.

And hey, if you don’t get it. Just reset the game and try again.

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Member Comments
# 41 bsmith14843 @ 02/02/16 10:47 PM
I threw one perfect game, and I was belligerently drunk. For some reason I can't do it sober.. haha. It was with a player in RTTS and it he was about a 75-80 overall.


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