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MLB 15 The Show: Zone Hitting Guide

This post is the first in a new series from Jake Berger entitled, "The Show Training 101". You can check Jake out on YouTube here.

Welcome to the first episode in my new series, The Show Training 101, where we’ll take an in-depth look at various mechanics and control schemes, analyze how they’re implemented in MLB 15 The Show, and explore the ways in which you can leverage your newfound knowledge to take your game to the next level.

Today, we’ll be taking a look at zone hitting. When using zone hitting, the key to solid contact lies within how well you use the left stick to control your Plate Coverage Indicator, or PCI. The size of each player’s PCI is a product of their contact and vision attributes, and to a lesser degree, power, all of which are then modified by the opposing pitcher’s attributes. A larger PCI coincides with a greater bat coverage radius, which allows for a greater chance at contact, while a smaller PCI works in the opposite fashion. Very simple. This PCI, or zone of contact, can be adjusted as the pitch reaches the plate, right until the moment you press any of the three hit buttons. And it’s this element of the mechanic, the ability to maneuver your PCI with the left stick to match the pitch’s location, that differentiates the good hitters from the poor ones.

Of course, hitting in The Show is no easy task, but now that we have a basic understanding of the mechanic, how do we master it? First, let’s analyze the spatial arrangement of the PCI within the strike zone, which will provide us with insight as how best to physically maneuver the stick as the pitch is being thrown. You’ll notice that when left in resting position, the PCI, regardless of the hitting level or the player at bat, comprises a large percentage of the strike zone, and as such, the PCI does not need to travel large distances to cover much ground. Instead, matching the PCI with the pitch necessitates a more subtle manipulation of the left stick; a manipulation that requires an alteration to the traditional hand and thumb placement on the controller.

When playing a first person shooter, it is essential that your left thumb is given full range of movement to quickly position your reticule on your target. You need to be able to move the reticule over a large distance, and quickly. But in MLB The Show, while you’re attempting to match a reticule (i.e. the PCI) to a target, (i.e. pitch location) your reticule is much larger and the area of possible movement is much smaller, and therefore, we need to limit our range of movement to more precisely steer the left stick without overextension. To do so, we need to change our thumb placement on the controller. Let me show you exactly what I mean.

To restrict our thumb’s range of movement, we will dig the end of our thumb directly on top of the left thumbstick, firmly planted in the middle of stick’s concave top. Our thumb’s first knuckle should be pointing almost straight upward. This will lock our thumb in place, ultimately limiting our range of motion and thereby preventing the overextension that so often plagues many players. By restricting our thumb’s range of movement, we can now subtly maneuver the right stick to correspond to the slight changes in pitch placement on the fly.

I am completely serious when I say that this will increase your bat control tenfold. With a simple readjustment of the way we place our thumb on the controller, we mitigate our natural tendency to overextend the control stick to make contact by regulating our thumb’s natural range of motion. The result is more subtle, more precise 360 degree PCI steering, the likes of which will help you place your bat anywhere in the zone without a second thought.

Now let’s talk a little bit more in-depth about the zone hitting mechanic itself, and further analyze how its components can help us strategize at the plate. The PCI represents a zone of probable contact for the batter, the center of which designates the ideal spot for contact. As you expand outward from the center, the degree of solid contact decreases. But here’s the essential part. If your PCI is slightly above the pitch as you swing, you will be more likely to induce a ground ball, corresponding to a hitter getting on top of a ball in real life. And if your PCI is slightly below the pitch as you swing, you will be more likely to induce a fly ball, again corresponding to a hitter getting under a ball. Now given the situation, we can use this knowledge to our advantage. For example, if there’s a runner on third with less than two outs, and we only need deep fly ball to bring him home, we can place our PCI slightly below its resting position before the pitch is made, simulating a hitter’s desire to lift a ball to the outfield. By lowering our PCI’s initial position, we are more likely to get under a ball and drive it in the outfield. The opposite is true when trying to generate a ground ball. By placing the PCI slightly above its original position, you’ll be more likely to get on top of a ball and hit in on the ground. Whatever it is you’re looking to do at the plate, be smart and put yourself in the best position possible to get your intended result.

There is one more element to zone hitting that is worth understanding. That is, your swing timing also has some influence on your aim. Swinging too early will lift your PCI and influence ground balls, and swinging too late drops your PCI and increases fly balls. This effect is amplified when the batter swings too early on an outside pitch, or rolls over, or too early on an inside pitch, or gets jammed.

Now there are two more things I want to talk about with regard to zone hitting, both of which will give you an additional advantage when you’re up to bat. Firstly, make sure to utilize the “Swing Info Display” multiple times throughout the course of an at bat. After each pitch, by holding the right trigger and pressing left or right on the d-pad, the swing info graphic will show you the timing, contact, pitch speed, and pitch location results. This display is essential towards helping you better analyze and identify your own strengths and weaknesses at the plate.

Finally, go into gameplay options, and when selecting your PCI appearance, choose the “outline” option. While the choice is certainly yours, I find the outline option to be the least invasive and least distracting choice available, and as such, it allows the batter to better track pitch speed, pitch movement, and pitch location.

So that’s all for this week. Remember, when distilling the zone hitting mechanic to its essentials, we can adapt accordingly, and provide ourselves with a better opportunity to increase our hitting potential. With a little bit of scientific analysis to help augment the way we position our thumb on the controller, along with the employment of various strategies formed from our newfound knowledge of the mechanic, you’ll find your batting average climbing fast.

Zone hitting. See the ball. Hit the ball. Simple.

MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 Factzzz @ 04/28/15 01:53 PM
I can't get the pci on high pitches, therefore i suck at hitting high pitchers, especially high fastballs.

Anything low in the zone, i rake, but anything up, not so much.
# 42 iLLWiLL @ 04/28/15 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
I dont hold it the way the video creator does either. I just hold it normally, except my thumb intentionally extends past the analog stick a bit... so that I'm practically touching the stick with the underside of my knuckle, instead of the tip of my thumb. This helps me avoid the "overadjustment" problem that was described in the video, since I'm basically applying pressure to my entire thumb (which is heavier), instead of just the last segment.

I haven't tried it his way before though, so I'm going to give it a shot in my next game.
Jake aka wolverine, I finally get what you were saying about "overextension" lol I totally do that, I just always described it as my own "twitchiness", or excessive movements.

While I can't really use the tip of the thumb placement (it's too uncomfortable for my thumb, and creates too much tension when I prefer to be relaxed & loose), it is a great tip

I'm going to give Bobhead's technique a shot, and try using the underside of my knuckle and see how that feels
# 43 HimynameisMattyK @ 04/29/15 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Wolverines05
Hey guys, I hope you find the video helpful! I'll be making more MLB 15 guide videos, covering various hitting/pitching mechanics and interfaces, so stay tuned for more.

Here is the video on Youtube!

Thanks for posting Chris!
Exactly what I was looking for. I'm usually really good at hitting but I only find myself getting a few runs a game on average. I have the PCI turned off so I'm going to turn it back on and see how I do. Thanks for this!
# 44 HimynameisMattyK @ 04/29/15 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by joewillyjets
holding the right trigger after the pitch does not list the pitch speed. i wish it did.
I've thought about this as well. That would be a welcome addition for sure
# 45 iLLWiLL @ 04/29/15 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by iLLWiLL
Jake aka wolverine, I finally get what you were saying about "overextension" lol I totally do that, I just always described it as my own "twitchiness", or excessive movements.

While I can't really use the tip of the thumb placement (it's too uncomfortable for my thumb, and creates too much tension when I prefer to be relaxed & loose), it is a great tip

I'm going to give Bobhead's technique a shot, and try using the underside of my knuckle and see how that feels
Just wanted to bump this thread, and say thanks to wolverine's & Bobhead's tips on left-stick thumb positioning! Played 3 games last night, on Dynamic-All Star, and got my 3 most productive games at the plate!!! Games of 9 hits, 10 hits, and 11 hits! In the 11-hit game, scored a season-high 9 runs, with the Phillies of all teams including two hits by Cliff Lee!

I've been using Bobhead's technique of positioning the stick under the underside of my thumb knuckle (i.e., the crease). It does make it harder to reach the far-right side of the plate. But overall it feels like I get much more precision with shorter movements with this positioning, due to the restricted range of motion.

Hope last night wasn't just a fluke!!!
# 46 baseballsim @ 04/29/15 01:58 PM
I tried Bobhead's technique but found myself actually pushing down on R3 - which I think causes drag bunts which usually result in pop-ups in the infield. I going back to the 90 degree thumb.
# 47 iLLWiLL @ 04/29/15 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by baseballsim
I tried Bobhead's technique but found myself actually pushing down on R3 - which I think causes drag bunts which usually result in pop-ups in the infield. I going back to the 90 degree thumb.
R3? The right stick?

I incidentally push down on L3 (left stick), but thankfully L3 has no function.
# 48 baseballsim @ 04/29/15 02:56 PM
Sorry. Meant L3. In any case, I did see a lot of check swings pop-up in the infield for some reason.
# 49 iLLWiLL @ 04/29/15 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by baseballsim
Sorry. Meant L3. In any case, I did see a lot of check swings pop-up in the infield for some reason.
If you're check-swinging it's your other thumb that is the problem.
# 50 baseballsim @ 04/29/15 09:47 PM
Well, the problem seemed to go away when I used something that was more comfortable to me.
# 51 FenwayMac @ 06/24/15 09:43 AM
For what it's worth I think I have stumbled upon something that works pretty well so I wanted to share it with you, if it even only helps a few of you to hit the ball better

Firstly, I use the bottom of my knuckle. For some time I tried the 90 degree thumb and it just was not consistant for me.

Secondly, I have Kontrol Freek, so I have a concave control that my bottom of knuckle fit snugly in. Whether this matters or not I don't know, but it is comfortable instead of awkward. Just place the rest of your hand however it is comfortable on the controller, I have my two smallest fingers on the left handle, middle under the base, and index around L1 and L2, but whatever works.

I do NOT push down on L3, just rest the knuckle pad on the surface.

Now here is the part that really worked for me. While awaiting the pitch I lightly, but consistantly wiggle the stick side to side. Not a lot, just a fraction both direction, but the key is a steady side-to-side where you feel in control. If it feels awkward "step away from the plate" and readjust.

Now that your PCI is taken care of, you can just focus on the pitch. Watch the pitch, focus on a large portion of the strike zone but not the whole zone unless protecting the plate. Focus on timing the swing.

What the wiggle did for me is somehow cause my brain to react much more quickly and accurately to pitch location, while my main focus is watching pitch location and timing my swing.

This may sound odd, but I encourage you to do some BP and try it for about 5-10 rounds on discipline and watch where you PCI ends up after each swing.

My result has been more solid hits, and even the outs feel solid and controlled. Much less shallow pop ups and choppers!

Flat knuckle, controlled wiggle. Try it!

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