Feature Article
For Better or Worse, The Show is in the Details

If there has been a theme to the recent MLB 15: The Show live streams, it's that the development team is focused on the details. From skin tones to lighting, the new additions reinforce the idea that The Show is a series which gets a lot of the "little things" right.

There's a dual danger to this approach though, albeit one mitigated by Sony San Diego's commitment to a deep and transparent marketing strategy: casual users may miss these minute improvements, while long time fans can find plenty of details that are still missing.

For someone who only dabbles in baseball or sporadically buys The Show, it's easy to overlook subtle graphical and gameplay improvements. Does he or she care if skin-tones are more accurate if "Road to the Show" is more or less the same? Are the differences in dynamic monthly lighting noticeable if one rarely attends a game in real life? Is anyone really watching the third basemen during a routine single to right field?

It could be argued that these types are gamers aren't necessarily the target audience of The Show. In some ways, The Show is the micro-brewery or jazz music of sports games--pleasant enough for the uninitiated, but full of intricacies designed for the aficionado.

If you are a self-proclaimed student of the game, you'll most likely be bothered by the details the development team hasn't got right yet. Domes that don't close. Wrong seat types or colors. Empty camera wells. Ball boys, but no ball girls. You may care less about licensed equipment than if the position of a uniform number is too high or low.

So, these details can be a double-edged sword, though it's a sword Sony San Diego has had great practice wielding. I haven't played MLB 15 yet, but for my money, no series has been as consistently good as The Show. Nor does any other game come as close to truly representing its sport.

These opinions are due largely to this constant focus on the details. Whether you agree with this strategy or not, you have to appreciate its uniqueness. In an industry where flash tends to trump substance and noise sells, The Show is nearly cerebral. Instead of effects-laden trailers, we get two-plus hour Twitch feeds looking at lighting shifts, background buildings, and wet turf.

So, when MLB 15: The Show drops in just over two weeks, we'll first marvel and/or complain about the big things: the equipment, Inside the Show, online play. Maybe there'll be some game-breaking glitch that takes months to patch. Some may trade it in within a month, claiming that too little has changed from 2014. Given time, though, many will be posting their favorite "little thing" well into the fall, taking the time to catch the nuances of Sony's subtle approach.

Time will also tell whether the newest version of The Show can also be called the best. Regardless, this Spring, I encourage you to be a connoisseur of virtual baseball. Look for those little touches that regularly make The Show a special series.

What "small" addition has you most excited for MLB 15: The Show?

MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 seafoamgreen @ 03/20/15 11:57 AM
I remember a time when one year of MVP didn't even have night games because of a bug that was never fixed (updates were really difficult on PS2, of course) so all these minute changes are like magic to me. I can't imagine working on this game and seeing people complain about how the color of a cap brim isn't quite the right shade of chartreuse without going full Hulk. Obviously, the devs invite feedback and most people here are grateful and respectful about it but man I get some serious empathy rage reading some of the comments.

Great work, guys. Really looking forward to trying my first DD (thanks to the universal rewards system) and wasting many hours of my life in the revamped Franchise mode!
# 42 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/20/15 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by seafoamgreen
I remember a time when one year of MVP didn't even have night games because of a bug that was never fixed (updates were really difficult on PS2, of course) so all these minute changes are like magic to me. I can't imagine working on this game and seeing people complain about how the color of a cap brim isn't quite the right shade of chartreuse without going full Hulk. Obviously, the devs invite feedback and most people here are grateful and respectful about it but man I get some serious empathy rage reading some of the comments.

Great work, guys. Really looking forward to trying my first DD (thanks to the universal rewards system) and wasting many hours of my life in the revamped Franchise mode!
The Triple Play game on the first year of the PS2 didn't have day or night at all some stadiums were day, some were night, some were dusk. It just depended on what stadium you were at.
# 43 johnnyg83 @ 03/20/15 08:45 PM
I love the small details. I love the gameplay. Every year has been step forward. With franchise carry-over, it's a delicious dream.

Are there things I'd like? Such as fielding camera options, better uniforms, grass that looks like grass, hits down the line that should be doubles, not singles, not as many opposite field HRs, more bloopers, better ball flight tracking, better OF wall play... well, yes, but it's still the best baseball game ever.
# 44 BlingBling19 @ 03/21/15 04:26 AM
I'm curious to know if the infield/batters box degradation will be different this year? I always felt it was weird not having the batters boxes disappear over the course of the game and be totally gone by the late innings. Yes the "spike dirt clumps" are cool and while not having the batters boxes disappear doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the show I always thought it would be cool to have them totally degrade over the course of the game.
# 45 BeatArmy @ 03/21/15 04:35 AM
For a post trumpeting the "Details", please consider the fact that drafted rosters last year had 15 pitchers often on the Opening Day MLB roster for franchise. The roster/lineup/rotation/call up AI has been less than stellar for at least two iterations of The Show and hasn't been great at least since I started playing with 09.

I could not possibly care less about licensed apparel and cannot figure out why those obsess about it but different strokes, I suppose. What does bother me is AI that seems less than thought out.
# 46 LastActionHero @ 03/21/15 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by BlingBling19
I'm curious to know if the infield/batters box degradation will be different this year? I always felt it was weird not having the batters boxes disappear over the course of the game and be totally gone by the late innings. Yes the "spike dirt clumps" are cool and while not having the batters boxes disappear doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the show I always thought it would be cool to have them totally degrade over the course of the game.

You can see it in the last 2 streams.
# 47 Woodweaver @ 03/21/15 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by artgamer72
Wasn't the same thing said on the PS3? They would have to tear apart some things to really take it to the next level.

I don't think the guy you quoted said anything of that nature and I'm unaware of the statement to which you are referring, but generally speaking in engineering it is true. Oftentimes when faced with new technology and/or feature sets, existing systems must be refactored or completely rebuilt.
# 48 Woodweaver @ 03/21/15 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
What do you mean the resource commitment hasn't been worth it? Fans of the Show have requested the option of playing with either the roof closed or open for a quite awhile now! I know there are quite a few people out there wanting it to be put in the,and year after year it is still not put in the game the option. Madden has been doing it for years now! Every time the subject is brought up and requested,there is always some new excuses why it can't be done and won't be done. It's getting old. It isn't a minority wanting this option,so you can't say your not doing it because it's not a big request from fans! I just don't get. I'm at the point where I've pretty much given up on you and your dev team to put the option in the game. It is what is.

I'm not sure what Madden has to do with features in our game, but I think Ramone's statement is pretty straight forward and easy to understand....

Given the time and resources available to our team, the nature of this feature, and the priority of other features, it does not and has not made sense to implement this feature...yet. Currently, it would be to the detriment of other features that we feel are higher priority and add more value to the title.

In the future, this may change.
# 49 My993C2 @ 03/21/15 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
Given the time and resources available to our team, the nature of this feature, and the priority of other features, it does not and has not made sense to implement this feature...yet. Currently, it would be to the detriment of other features that we feel are higher priority and add more value to the title.
I am a software developer myself (presently working on a commercial auto insurance application) and we have a huge list of changes our users would like to see. But every release cycle, business, the analysts and the developers sit down to prioritize what are the most important change requests that we can deliver in a timely manner. Obviously not all feature change requests make the cut and some users are not happy because in their minds we neglected them if their requests are not fulfilled. But we only have so many man-hours we can throw at a release (and I am sure I work a lot less hours than the SCEA devs work) and after every release is delivered, I know the application is the best it has ever been. Until the next release.

When it comes to sports gaming, I usually skip years. I am still playing with NBA2K14 and FIFA14 and have no plans to update them anytime soon as I just don't play them enough to warrant always having the latest release. This calendar year I did buy the latest NHL 15 and Madden 15 (Madden was only purchased as a Black Friday 1/2 price deal) and I will be definitely skipping both titles next season. However ever year since I began playing "MLB The Show" (I only date back to the MLB 12 release), I look for an excuse to skip a year. But every year SCEA comes out with new changes to their game which makes one year's game that much better than the previous year (something the other sports titles can not replicate) and this year is no different. I looked for a reason to save myself the $70 and looked for a reason to skip MLB 15, but the changes made from last years game were too huge to ignore. It may not be perfect, it may still have some missing features like closed stadium roofs. But I have no doubt in my mind that 9 days from now when I get to fire up "MLB 15 The Show" on my PS4, I will be playing the best baseball game the world has ever seen, until next year of course when MLB 16 is released.
# 50 countryboy @ 03/21/15 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
I'm not sure what Madden has to do with features in our game, but I think Ramone's statement is pretty straight forward and easy to understand....

Given the time and resources available to our team, the nature of this feature, and the priority of other features, it does not and has not made sense to implement this feature...yet. Currently, it would be to the detriment of other features that we feel are higher priority and add more value to the title.

In the future, this may change.
logical reasoning/explanations aren't going to help matters. No matter what you say its not going to be good enough because its not what they want to hear. People either refuse to understand how game developing works or refuse to accept the explanations. Any explanation of how the process works is simply an "excuse"
# 51 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/21/15 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by My993C2
I am a software developer myself (presently working on a commercial auto insurance application) and we have a huge list of changes our users would like to see. But every release cycle, business, the analysts and the developers sit down to prioritize what are the most important change requests that we can deliver in a timely manner. Obviously not all feature change requests make the cut and some users are not happy because in their minds we neglected them if their requests are not fulfilled. But we only have so many man-hours we can throw at a release (and I am sure I work a lot less hours than the SCEA devs work) and after every release is delivered, I know the application is the best it has ever been. Until the next release.
As a fellow software developer (like you, not in the game industry, but in financial/banking), I fully endorse this post.

To take it a level further, even within our development area, we have managers and business analysts asking for the moon, but giving us a budget (IE, man hours) that will only get us short plane trip. So it is not just the customer who demands everything they want be included, but even within our own organization we have people making requests of us without understanding how those requests are even accomplished.

Scope creep is bad, people. When you have a limited budget and a set time line you must hit, decisions must be made and features get pushed back for another time.
# 52 Bacong @ 03/21/15 12:40 PM
what is this article even saying? you start by seemingly criticizing SDS by "paying too much attention to details" and later on praising it by saying no other "game come(s) as close to truly representing its sport."

I would have rather read the article I was thinking I was about to read, something explaining why the show may obsess a little too much into mundane details, as opposed to spending a little more time making the game more friendly to the casual user. There's an argument to be made there, an article to read. Just a little confused that the article's tone changed so abruptly.

Speaking of beginner mode, my wife is not much of a gamer but with beginner mode she finished an entire 162 game season and won the world series in MLB 14. She loves baseball and is a very casual gamer and she enjoys the details too and notices things. I think the game is a tremendous learning tool for fans of the game, especially with beginner mode almost making it so easy that you can focus on those details instead of stressing about the game.

Sorry for rambling.

Excited for 15!
# 53 Jimmydm90 @ 03/21/15 10:10 PM
I can see where the roof proponents are coming from.

It's hard not to be a little irked when a big detail that's important to them like roofs is left out year after year because of time and resource constraints. Then you watch something like the stadium stream where the show off minute details (pictures and fridges in the luxury boxes, tucked away buildings in the far far off distance, etc) that are literally impossible for players to see in game since they don't have the fly-cam.

I get it.
# 54 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/22/15 12:25 PM
Why does every single thread, regardless of its beginning topic have to turn into a debate on retractable roofs?
# 55 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/22/15 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Why does every single thread, regardless of its beginning topic have to turn into a debate on retractable roofs?
You can usually count on a thread derailing on either retractable roofs, online play, or advanced stats.
Is there any other talking points I'm missing?
# 56 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/22/15 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
You can usually count on a thread derailing on either retractable roofs, online play, or advanced stats.
Is there any other talking points I'm missing?
I think that about has it covered.
# 57 countryboy @ 03/22/15 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Why does every single thread, regardless of its beginning topic have to turn into a debate on retractable roofs?
Because its the "hot button issue" this year that someone knows will trigger responses if mentioned and will get a group to support their claim. Its the cool thing to do this year.

It has been said repeatedly why they aren't in the game this year, but people refuse to accept and continue to complain for the sake of complaining.

If it wasn't this it would be something else. Its become the norm around the forums these days. Find something not in said game and continuously beat it to death.
# 58 thaSLAB @ 03/22/15 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Because its the "hot button issue" this year that someone knows will trigger responses if mentioned and will get a group to support their claim. Its the cool thing to do this year.

It has been said repeatedly why they aren't in the game this year, but people refuse to accept and continue to complain for the sake of complaining.

If it wasn't this it would be something else. Its become the norm around the forums these days. Find something not in said game and continuously beat it to death.
Hit the nail on the head, cb...

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# 59 potsey7 @ 03/22/15 02:26 PM
Can we just get a sticky thread that says "Post complaints about retractable roof here" and then anyone that posts in other threads about it gets moved to there?
# 60 kehlis @ 03/22/15 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by potsey7
Can we just get a sticky thread that says "Post complaints about retractable roof here" and then anyone that posts in other threads about it gets moved to there?
Individual posts can't be moved.

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