Feature Article
Implementing a Better Spring Training in MLB: The Show

Every sports game is forced to tackle the same issue every year: how can you add a pre-season that feels both efficient and meaningful?

It is a complex issue because, while hardcore gamers are going to want spring training to feel as important as it is in real life, others simply want to simulate right through it and get on with the regular season. So accommodating both sides is the crux of the problem. Giving those who would normally simulate a reason to actually play through spring training seems like the most simple answer, so here are five ways MLB: The Show could more successfully implement spring training:

1. Treat it as a true tryout: This is one problem that is going to persist in sports gaming for as long as ratings exist. The Show tackles it the best, with hot and cold streaks often dictating a player's performance despite rankings. Still, it would be nice if player-ratings were a little more vague and slightly more flexible around spring training. Then, as spring training goes on, their ratings become more fixed and the picture of who your best options are becomes more clear. Depending on performance, the rating might be slightly higher or lower going into the regular season than when going into spring training.

2. Unique Presentation: Spring training should have a unique feel. The games are relaxed, broadcasts are much less formal, and fans react differently. This should be apparent in MLB: The Show.

3. Substitutions should be extremely frequent: This would require a major overhaul to CPU A.I., but it would be nice if teams were constantly replacing players on the field with new ones -- so as to get a look at everyone.

4. Create-A-Park: Would there ever be a better time to have a created ballpark than for spring training? Being able to use your own park for about a month every year would keep the game fresh and give more incentive to play some spring training games.

5. A time for "gems" and "busts": Having some kind of system where spring training opens the door for one "gem" and one "bust" every year would keep things interesting. This could be dictated by statistics over the course of spring training.

Have any spring training implementations you would like to share? Let's hear them!

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Member Comments
# 1 tnixen @ 03/13/15 10:59 AM
"2. Unique Presentation: Spring training should have a unique feel. The games are relaxed, broadcasts are much less formal, and fans react differently. This should be apparent in MLB: The Show."

"3. Substitutions should be extremely frequent: This would require a major overhaul to CPU A.I., but it would be nice if teams were constantly replacing players on the field with new ones -- so as to get a look at everyone."

I would 100% like to see these 2 things added to MLB The Show!!!
# 2 Cowboy008 @ 03/13/15 11:02 AM
I maybe wrong but I think one of the devs said that #3 was fixed and that the cpu would sub players in more.
# 3 Armor and Sword @ 03/13/15 11:08 AM
Correct on subs.

Ben before The Show 14 the CPU did sub frequently and quite realistically and then it stopped on 14. The team informed us it has been addressed (as well as for the All-Star game too!).

So you should see a good amount of subbing, especially early in ST.

As far as The Show's Spring Training. I like some of the suggestions you have made in regards to ambiance and try-outs etc. I actually use it as a proving ground for bubble players on my 40 man roster. I do some of my own position battles, and guys vying for roles on the team.
# 4 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/13/15 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

1. Treat it as a true tryout: This is one problem that is going to persist in sports gaming for as long as ratings exist. The Show tackles it the best, with hot and cold streaks often dictating a player's performance despite rankings. Still, it would be nice if player-ratings were a little more vague and slightly more flexible around spring training. Then, as spring training goes on, their ratings become more fixed and the picture of who your best options are becomes more clear. Depending on performance, the rating might be slightly higher or lower going into the regular season than when going into spring training.

2. Unique Presentation: Spring training should have a unique feel. The games are relaxed, broadcasts are much less formal, and fans react differently. This should be apparent in MLB: The Show.

3. Substitutions should be extremely frequent: This would require a major overhaul to CPU A.I., but it would be nice if teams were constantly replacing players on the field with new ones -- so as to get a look at everyone.

4. Create-A-Park: Would there ever be a better time to have a created ballpark than for spring training? Being able to use your own park for about a month every year would keep the game fresh and give more incentive to play some spring training games.

5. A time for "gems" and "busts": Having some kind of system where spring training opens the door for one "gem" and one "bust" every year would keep things interesting. This could be dictated by statistics over the course of spring training.

Have any spring training implementations you would like to share? Let's hear them!
What he said ^^^

Would love if there was some sort of coaching staff recommendations telling what the status of each player is. In terms of what they have progressed most at or what they need to work on most. And then incorporate that with some sort of special spring training workout routines. NBA 2k does this with an offseason training camp interface. Maybe you get 3-5 per season, that you can send a player to to improve their ratings in the related categories.

So you can send that light hitting prospect to a weight training "camp", and get a few points added to his power ratings. Or that Power Hitting first baseman that strikes out a lot can go to a pitch recognition "camp" and get a few points added to his contact and discipline. Or the super-speedy center fielder with the unreliable glove can go to a fielding camp and get a few points added to their fielding and reaction ratings. Etc.

It would be nice to have some sort of off season or spring training workout programs to develop players between seasons. I know others have suggested adding Arizona Fall League or Dominican League. Same concept, having some sort of facility to train up players between seasons.
# 5 ShowTyme15 @ 03/13/15 11:27 AM
Woodweaver mentioned the sub issue is fixed in MLB 15.

Rosters need to expand to more that just 40 for Spring Training. You'll never get a chance to see guys like Kris Bryant or Joey Gallo in the show during spring training unless they are added to your 40 man roster. That needs to change in my opinion. Expand the roster to allow 60-80 players at a time like in real life (Non-roster invitees).
# 6 Knight165 @ 03/13/15 11:32 AM
Mr. Vollmer.

This is an excellent piece. I absolutely agree with everything you said.

Spring Training is one of the most exciting times of the year for baseball IMO.
New blood.....position battles.....big questions on who's making it and who might get caught up in the numbers game.

Info should be abound. Who's playing well...poorly. What's happening with the other teams....

Your suggestion on pace of play is also spot on. Perhaps having the radio show guy do the announcing for spring training would work. Make it feel different.

While ratings will never go away....I think that the final piece would be if two like players vying for the last few spots on the roster...if they have similar ratings, their spring training performance should factor in rather large.

# 7 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/13/15 11:37 AM
Until they include non roster invitees, Spring Training isn't going to be something that I will be too interested in. I try every year to play through it, and one or two times I have made it through. But I just get tired of it after about a week in. It feels meaningless, and unrealistic when you still have AllStar calliber players playing the games in the 9th inning.
# 8 LastActionHero @ 03/13/15 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Your suggestion on pace of play is also spot on. Perhaps having the radio show guy do the announcing for spring training would work. Make it feel different.

That's a great idea!
# 9 CaseIH @ 03/13/15 12:04 PM
I have wanted to see Spring Training improved upon, as Im one of those persons who plays the Spring Training games. I know Im probably in the minority with playing and enjoying Spring Training, but I think if the devs made Spring more interesting then others probably start playing it. Having Subs to be like it is done IRL would be a huge improvement for me, last yr the devs screwed up Spring and teams wouldn't sub position players out, and even before last yr they didn't sub out nearly as much as possible. Plus you might see a Starter in the rotation pitching way to often. I got to the place last yr where I would just switch teams and adjust the lineups thruout games, and ended up playing other teams games as well to get my Spring stats more in line with how they should be. Yeah I know Im very OCD about stats, even in Spring Training,lol.
# 10 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/13/15 12:11 PM
Split Squad games would be nice.
# 11 jkra0512 @ 03/13/15 12:42 PM
I'd like to see pitchers actually have to stretch out. Make their stamina attribute dynamic as Spring Training progresses. This could lead to players being sent to minor league camp later in the spring because innings are harder to come by.

I can't remember, is the training portion of franchise open in Spring Training? If not, I'd love to have the option to have my pitchers throw bullpens, simulated games, and live batting practice...although that might be too much, but it would serve to help "stretch them out".
# 12 ASUBoy93 @ 03/13/15 01:09 PM
I just find it annoying in RTTS for Spring Training that I am limited to just pinch hitting duties instead of starting the occasional game or getting in on defense.
# 13 garyjr33 @ 03/13/15 02:03 PM
I like this idea. Good stuff. It would be a lot of fun.
# 14 zippy2212 @ 03/13/15 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Correct on subs.

Ben before The Show 14 the CPU did sub frequently and quite realistically and then it stopped on 14. The team informed us it has been addressed (as well as for the All-Star game too!).

So you should see a good amount of subbing, especially early in ST.

As far as The Show's Spring Training. I like some of the suggestions you have made in regards to ambiance and try-outs etc. I actually use it as a proving ground for bubble players on my 40 man roster. I do some of my own position battles, and guys vying for roles on the team.
I do this as well. Like IRL I have the last couple of roster spots up for grabs and then just pick the player or players with the best stats. I figure it might carry over and I just play better with them. Last year Baez and Soler actually played their way out of starting jobs and found themselves in the minors in my franchise.

I will also sometimes turn waivers to manual early in ST for the other 29 teams just so I can add and subtract players from my 40 man without using options or losing them to waivers. Then turn them back to auto late so it works lime it should. Just a work around for non-roster invites.
# 15 burjeffton @ 03/13/15 02:13 PM
Fantastic post. The radio guy doing more of a "skeleton broadcast" would give the game a different feel.

I love the idea of phasing in the Create-A-Park system thru Spring Training, then adding it to the full MLB parks as the series continues.
# 16 aukevin @ 03/13/15 02:25 PM
Good article. Knowing the ratings of my players lets me have a good idea who is best and who I should have on my MLB roster, which is why I never play Spring Training games. I just sim them. I could see playing some Spring Training games if I was trying to feel out a couple similar rated, borderline pitchers, because I may control a certain one better due to their delivery, but position players all control the same basically. So I'm fine fielding a team based on ratings and get right to the regular season. So for me to use Spring Training, ratings would have to be significantly altered based on the player's play prior to Opening Day, or some other incentive to keep from going right into the season.

Do many people play Spring Training games?
# 17 T_O_p12 @ 03/13/15 02:27 PM
Great suggestions. It is very true that spring training (all sports preseasons) are stale and boring. I don’t really see a benefit in playing the games so I sim them almost 100% of the time. Even if I hit crazy with the worst rated person on the team, I’d probably still cut him just based on the player attributes and not preseason performance.
# 18 seafoamgreen @ 03/13/15 02:35 PM
Big thumbs up on more realistic subs and non-roster invitees.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I remember players accumulating service time during ST games (which would be inaccurate). Also correct me on this, but doesn't demoting a guy during ST also use an option when it shouldn't? I remember the first year I played The Show, I let the CPU auto-select my roster at the end of ST and half my players ended up lost to the waiver wire. And more recently, I remember getting out of options warning when trying to demote my AAAA guys who weren't on the 25-man. I didn't get a chance to play franchise in '14 much so maybe these are moot points or I'm misremembering!
# 19 Jimmydm90 @ 03/13/15 03:05 PM
I feel like there's a lot of potential drama to be mined in RTTS spring training at least when you're first trying to break through to the bigs.

Maybe during spring training new players' ratings could be a range (of potential?) Ex. 63-76. The more you use that player in spring training the more the rating zeroes in. Ex. goes from 63-76 to 69-74. Until you finally get the player's true rating.

They can set it up so you only have enough time to get the true rating of a few players so you have to be smart and not waste time on lost causes. Some players could be high risk, high reward while others have smaller potential ranges so they're less risky but also less rewarding. There'd likely need to be rewards or punishments to incentivize unlocking true ratings like any still locked player automatically gets their lowest potential or a +2 bonus to unlocked players or something.
# 20 NAFBUC @ 03/13/15 03:06 PM
Would be nice if SCEA could once again have an early March release. I like to replicate the Cub and Yankee roster moves as Spring Training unfolds.

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