Feature Article
MLB 15 The Show Anticipated Features

When February started, what we knew about MLB 15: The Show was slim. Since then, we’ve been treated to a deluge of information, including weekly live feeds and frank discussions about the development process. As I wrote previously, this marketing strategy is a unique one in the industry — but certainly helps us set our expectations accurately.

Now that March -- and release month -- is here, here are my most anticipated changes and additions, as featured in the streams thus far.

Diamond Dynasty:
I broke this mode down earlier, following the dedicated feed, but this mode is slowly inching its way toward relevancy. What used to be something I’d abandon by May might actually be a mode that sees a large percentage of my time.

First, it’s much more streamlined. It also helps that it is ingrained throughout the other modes — modes which I historically tend to play much more. I like the focus on real life MLB players; while the “feeding” concept and created superstar feels a bit odd, they do help retain the creativity found in previous versions of this mode.

GM Contracts:
While I was hoping for something more interactive and dynamic, like NBA 2K15’s RPG-like GM mode, this addition to Franchise mode is a welcome one. I like that it gives shape to a very broad and open-ended mode, and puts urgency on your ability to make positive changes.

The goals demonstrated seemed to be reasonable for the teams shown; though, in the future, more short-term goals would be welcomed. This would help create a more fluid GM rating, and perhaps variable length contracts.

As it is, this addition represents what the Show team does well: carefully implement a small but meaningful change and give the users the option to turn it off.

Radio Show:

I’m an admitted “presentation guy,” so any addition like the "Inside the Show" is a big one for me. From what was shown over the course of two feeds, it seems like the developers did a good job of adding a daily recap that feels authentic and provides detailed context.

I do worry about it getting old, especially if you are playing every game and listening every day. How soon will the announcements start to get repetitive?
That said, I love the decision to make it an audio recap. Allowing users to listen while they navigate a menu-heavy mode maximizes our time and allows us to get back in games faster. As cool as video replay shows are --and I’d gladly welcome them in the future! — I tend to skip through them in favor of doing other things in-game.

Trade Improvements:
The developers touted the increased trade logic — something that has been needed for a while. Scamming the AI wasn’t necessarily easy before, but it was possible to squeeze an unrealistic trade. I like that they used this busy offseason to test out the trade engine.

I more excited for the Trade Finder feature, something that has been introduced into other sports games over the past few years. I use it to great effect in NBA 2K15, and it’s nice to see it making the jump. While I’ve never been a real GM, I imagine there’s some system in place to make players readily available — I hope no one has to cold call the league directory to start negotiations. Hopefully, these two features combined will make transactions easier and more realistic.

Throughout all of the feeds, the new lighting has been apparent. It looks very good; better when you compare it to MLB 14. This one isn’t likely to get anyone to buy the game who wasn’t already sold, but it will be appreciated by long time users. Improved lighting is a perfect example of one of the “little things” The Show team does to produce a quality title year after year.

What revealed additions/improvements are you most looking forward to?

MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 dmendenhall_9 @ 03/05/15 06:53 PM
I am surprised there is so little talk about hitting and pitching mechanics. The Show has all the bells and whistles presentation wise but man there is something to desire when the choices for hitting and pitching don't even compare to pro yakyuu or power pros for that matter. I really just want them to rip off pro yakyuu. the batting in that game is sick and then rip of power pro for pitching. i want something more interactive and representative of baseball. pulse pitching is a joke, way too simple, the meter is ok and analog is getting closer. then with hitting analog is boring, the reticle is ok but so random at times. check out pro yakuu where your bat has to actually make contact with the ball. it is so awesome, and you pick a pull or push swing using the face buttons. hmmm. oh well. maybe next year.
# 2 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/05/15 06:58 PM
Diamond Dynasty , I have no anticipation for this as I don't play it.

GM Contracts , I'll most likely play with this turned off, though I promise to give it at least a cursory look.

Radio Show , before I knew any details on this, I did highly anticipate it, as I had visions of the Tony Bruno Show dancing in my head. Now that has tempered as it may prove too repetitive for my taste.

Trade Improvements , I never had a problem with crazy trades like Albert Pujols for Ricky Romero or Big Papi for Nick Swisher. I've always treated my franchise as a alternate universe, a bizarro MLB if you will.

Lighting , this has potential to make the game look drastically different. We shall see.

The carry over saves & editable contracts are probably what I'm looking forward to most, though I realise editable contracts are probably a minor detail to most, it is the little things that make the Show great.
# 3 ajblithe20 @ 03/05/15 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by dmendenhall_9
I am surprised there is so little talk about hitting and pitching mechanics. The Show has all the bells and whistles presentation wise but man there is something to desire when the choices for hitting and pitching don't even compare to pro yakyuu or power pros for that matter. I really just want them to rip off pro yakyuu. the batting in that game is sick and then rip of power pro for pitching. i want something more interactive and representative of baseball. pulse pitching is a joke, way too simple, the meter is ok and analog is getting closer. then with hitting analog is boring, the reticle is ok but so random at times. check out pro yakuu where your bat has to actually make contact with the ball. it is so awesome, and you pick a pull or push swing using the face buttons. hmmm. oh well. maybe next year.
I think a whole lot of people will disagree with you on the presentation point lol. I'm really excited for the new directional hitting this year. But it'll be interesting if they come up with a new pitching mechanic in the future
# 4 hb5239799 @ 03/05/15 07:01 PM
I'm loving the areas SCEA made improvements in (Especially Busch). The evolution of this title is coming along nicely, and with these streams you can see that they acknowledge our input. If you're not happy there's always R.B.I.
# 5 dmendenhall_9 @ 03/05/15 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I think a whole lot of people will disagree with you on the presentation point lol. I'm really excited for the new directional hitting this year. But it'll be interesting if they come up with a new pitching mechanic in the future
directional hitting definitely is a step in the right direction but it feels like too much of a guessing game. have you seen how pro yakyuu spirits hitting works? it is incredible. http://youtu.be/yu5YStaUlSg?t=5m40s
# 6 Bullit @ 03/05/15 07:13 PM
For me one of the biggest new additions is the new Dynamic Difficulty. Basically for me this eliminates slider chasing and the getting it right where I want it. Truly amazing.

Then a close second is GM contracts and Licensed equipment.
# 7 ajblithe20 @ 03/05/15 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by dmendenhall_9
directional hitting definitely is a step in the right direction but it feels like too much of a guessing game. have you seen how pro yakyuu spirits hitting works? it is incredible. http://youtu.be/yu5YStaUlSg?t=5m40s
Yeah I have seen the hitting in that game. Don't get your hopes up for the exact same thing because I saw on these forums a couple weeks ago that the dev who focuses on hitting mechanics for The Show doesn't really like that mechanic (I forgot the explanation why, if there is one).

Real hitting is a little bit of a guessing game though. Like Chris said in the first stream, if you set up and are thinking for a pitch inside, you'll almost never be able to hit for a fastball on the outside corner
# 8 MrOldboy @ 03/05/15 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by dmendenhall_9
directional hitting definitely is a step in the right direction but it feels like too much of a guessing game. have you seen how pro yakyuu spirits hitting works? it is incredible. http://youtu.be/yu5YStaUlSg?t=5m40s
From playing Pro Yakyuu it feels like a modified zone with auto-aiming. The batting cursor is much smaller, but it feels as if it sucks the cursor towards the pitch. I'm sure there were difficulty settings I missed, but I never really got it to where I wanted it. The Pawapuro and MLB Power Pros had similar hitting (Konami after all). I like the hitting in Pro Yakyuu, but it feels similar to Zone, just easier to make contact due to the cursor speed I feel. In The Show you often overshoot where you want to aim due to the sensitivity of the Zone cursor.

Actually my ideal control scheme would be the new directional hitting + Zone. I hope they try and revisit this again next year, but some combination of aiming a cursor and also having extra influence on which direction to hit the ball would be my ideal choice. I want the difficulty of zone, but I also would like to set my influence before the pitch.
# 9 countryboy @ 03/05/15 07:33 PM
I am anticipating the whole game, but as for new features it has to be the improvements to the franchise mode. Really looking forward to how contracts, trades, radio show, and how everything else works.
# 10 Cowboy008 @ 03/05/15 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I am anticipating the whole game, but as for new features it has to be the improvements to the franchise mode. Really looking forward to how contracts, trades, radio show, and how everything else works.
I feel the same way. The only thing I don't really like about GM contracts is if you complete all the season goals but fail at the contract goal you will be fired no matter what.
# 11 dmendenhall_9 @ 03/05/15 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
From playing Pro Yakyuu it feels like a modified zone with auto-aiming. The batting cursor is much smaller, but it feels as if it sucks the cursor towards the pitch. I'm sure there were difficulty settings I missed, but I never really got it to where I wanted it. The Pawapuro and MLB Power Pros had similar hitting (Konami after all). I like the hitting in Pro Yakyuu, but it feels similar to Zone, just easier to make contact due to the cursor speed I feel. In The Show you often overshoot where you want to aim due to the sensitivity of the Zone cursor.

Actually my ideal control scheme would be the new directional hitting + Zone. I hope they try and revisit this again next year, but some combination of aiming a cursor and also having extra influence on which direction to hit the ball would be my ideal choice. I want the difficulty of zone, but I also would like to set my influence before the pitch.
That would be sweet. directional and zone. i just wish the zone more resembled an actual bat (ken griffey anyone?) instead of this perfect circle brakcet thing.
# 12 eaw913 @ 03/05/15 08:01 PM
This is more in line with the lighting mentioned in the article, but I am most excited about the new colors. It's extremely accurate and really adds to the realism of it all. The colors were so off in MLB 14 it ruined it for me in some ballparks.

Another interesting thing that I noticed is the dirt starts off dark (from being watered) and becomes lighter as the game progresses. That mixed with the degradation of it really adds to the immersion. Especially considering the dirt really didn't change at all throughout the game last year.
# 13 countryboy @ 03/05/15 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
I feel the same way. The only thing I don't really like about GM contracts is if you complete all the season goals but fail at the contract goal you will be fired no matter what.
Yeah I'll turn GM Contracts off. I have no desire to play as any other team but my Cardinals.
# 14 KennyJ1976 @ 03/05/15 10:15 PM
Why no mention of The Show Live? Hopefully, if it returns this year will finally work the way it was intended with real time stats all the time and a more dynamic commentary where it actually seems like a live broadcast and not just another exhibition game.
# 15 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/05/15 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
I feel the same way. The only thing I don't really like about GM contracts is if you complete all the season goals but fail at the contract goal you will be fired no matter what.
Where did you see that? There is a grade based on goals obtained. I do not belive it is a hard and fast rule you are fired for not hitting the long range goal.
# 16 Cowboy008 @ 03/05/15 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
Where did you see that? There is a grade based on goals obtained. I do not belive it is a hard and fast rule you are fired for not hitting the long range goal.
It was during the franchise stream when they simmed the world series.
# 17 thaSLAB @ 03/05/15 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
The lighting intrigues me. I have a question,is it going to more gradual going from twilight at the beginning of a game to full nighttime? It seems like it didn't take very long to go to complete dark in the Show 14. When you go to a real Majore League baseball game it doesn't get completely dark that fast.
Time in the game is accelerated. Basically, 3 hours condensed into 1... The game time announced after the game, however is the real-world equivalent time.

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# 18 CaseIH @ 03/05/15 11:41 PM
Biggest addition for me is the revamped Franchise mode, its been needed for a while, and its the only mode I play, I could care less about DD, I have never even looked at it to see what it is,lol.

The lighting system is something Im excited for, I like that depending on where you play and what time of year it is, and time of game will determine how light or dark it is.

New hitting mechanics sounds nice, at 1st I thought great, now I have to learn a new way to hit and I already struggle, but more I think about the more I like it, and being able to have more impact on trying to pull the ball, hit the other way, along with more influence on grounders and fly balls is great, and I look forward to using it.
# 19 sydrogerdavid @ 03/06/15 12:03 AM
When it first came out on MLB 12, I was really excited to try Diamond Dynasty and really get into it. Unfortunately, the only way to progress was playing online. I was stuck playing MLB teams offline on the road.

By the time they improved that by allowing you to play other DD teams controlled by the CPU, I was already done experimenting with the mode. It was stale.

Now, by integrating it across the entire game, I'm sure I'll pay much more attention to it. Even if I don't end up playing in the mode itself. I imagine I'll still try to complete card sets to get the legendary players on my DD team. The only card collecting game I ever tried was in ASB 2004, and it was fun. I never really did the ones Madden had on PS2, but it seems like it's all the same. Just that you actually get to use them now.
# 20 dubeau @ 03/06/15 04:09 AM
The GM feature and better trades are quite intriguing. It's not as deep I would like for the franchise revamp, but enough to justify buying over MLB14. For the rest I hope the infeilder throwing delays have been fix with the animation changes.

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