Feature Article
NBA 2K15 Fact or Fiction: Is NBA 2K15's Gameplay the Best in Sports Gaming?

NBA 2K15's release has been anywhere from rocky if you are an online gamer, to pretty well received if you happen to play offline. As time goes on, and severs continue to stabilize, it's likely the reception for NBA 2K15 will only continue to warm.

With that said, we are bringing in three of our staff writers to talk about NBA 2k15 in a fact or fiction format. We'll discuss everything from the best mode in the game, to whether NBA 2K15 has 'best in class' gameplay.

Take it away boys...

#1: MyGM is the best mode in the game.

Ben Vollmer: Fact. Yeah, I think so. MyGM took a big step forward from last year's efforts in NBA 2K14 and it's hard to imagine that the mode won't keep me interested for as long as I continue to play the game. I've yet to determine if it's a game mode I feel will hook its target audience into years of play, but the potential is definitely there. Until MyCareer provides that gripping feeling of progress that MyGM seems to have this year, it's going to be hard to place it at the front of 2K's game modes.

Dustin Toms: Fact. My GM mode is hands down, 100 percent, the best mode in this game from a quality point of view. It's incredibly immersive and time consuming, and the realism is off the charts for a video game. However, MyTEAM will still be the popular, addicting mode of the game, and the sheer volume of gamers will show it's dominance.

Matthew Coe: Fiction. I personally enjoy the total control that comes with MyLEAGUE. I really missed Association mode in NBA 2K14 so the fact that it's been not only reintroduced, but significantly improved, makes it the best mode in NBA 2K15.

#2: NBA 2K15's gameplay is the best in-game gameplay in sports gaming.

Ben Vollmer: Fiction. It's close, but I'm going to disagree. I think FIFA and The Show edge it by just a hair, even though I don't think The Show has produced it's real "next-gen" potential gameplay like NBA 2K has. The core gameplay still has a little ways to go.

Dustin Toms: Fact. Hell, NBA 2K14 was the best in-game gameplay. No chance I expected anything less than better than the best.

Matthew Coe: Fact. Honestly, I don't think this is really all that close either. MLB 14: The Show is great and really engaging on the diamond. Both FIFA 15 and NHL 15 are strong gameplay experiences on the pitch and ice, and Madden made real improvements this year. But the truth is that NBA 2K14 is only surpassed by this year's iteration. NBA 2K is still best in class.

#3: Team's don't play nearly enough like their real-to-life counterparts still.

Ben Vollmer: Fact. I think this is going to be the case for sports video games for a while. Until we have true, adaptable AI that is able to take in the deep context of a game, we probably aren't going to reach the true-to-life gameplay from CPU teams. So I'll say this: team's play a little bit like their real-to-life counterparts, but not even close to playing exactly like them. And that's okay, given the state of sports gaming right now.

Dustin Toms: Abstain. I haven't been able to play enough teams yet, but from what I can tell you can feel a difference. I've seen James Harden take control and Russell Westbrook go 4-for-20. I've played Cleveland once, and LeBron didn't feel very dominant, and Love was just there. But we have no idea how they'll truly play together, so 2K gets a pass for now.

Matthew Coe: Fact. Teams play like their real life counterparts this year more than any sports game that I've ever played. That said, there are still real issues. A lack of 3 point attempts in general are a problem this year, and it's especially noticeable with teams like Golden State and San Antonio. Another issue sees every team try to force their way into the paint regardless of whether they have the correct personnel to play that way. There is a distinct lack of skilled passing big men kicking back out to the perimeter appropriately as well. Even with these issues, NBA 2K15 is still amazingly authentic.

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Member Comments
# 61 GisherJohn24 @ 10/19/14 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by bumpyface
Fiction. 2k11 had the best gameplay of any sports title I've ever experienced! If I could buy 2k11 with updated rosters, graphics and soundtrack each year I would.Oh, did I fail to mention the online lobbies?
2k11 is my #2 now. That first sequence with Jordan coming out the entrance in Chicago to Alan Parsons project was sick
# 62 seanhazz1 @ 10/20/14 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
You're being a little dramatic here.

A lot of what Rip posted (I still don't know why he quoted me to say it) has already been mentioned....even by people who are enjoying the game. That's the thing, guys think if your not writing a daily diatribe about your issues, your blind to them, which is not the case...

I see Borns thread has hurt a lot of feelings...but if you cross reference the posters in that thread with the patch request/ impressions thread you'll see they all have their fair share of gripes...they just don't let it define their experience..kind've like how you enjoyed Live and never saw the issues the majority of users were having ...now you don't see how that's possible when it comes to this game?

I guess me and you disagree on what "gameplay" is...all good..
If your definition of gameplay is "the tactical aspects of a computer game, such as its plot and the way it is played, as distinct from the graphics and sound effects"(right from the net), I have already acknowledged that offline is as you described, and is as most have already expressed here, well played, beautiful, and beautiful in to watch motion, but it’s not a flawless product as some have chosen to state in their opinion here, and is why I piggybacked RIP’s opinion. When I want to do “A” by button/joystick manipulation, it should do “A”, and if I want my OFFLINE GAMEPLAY experience to mimic my ONLINE GAMEPLAY experience, it should, and since it does not, I call FICTION.

If they only wanted offline only gameplay impressions, the thread should be appropriately titled for offline impressions only, not ambiguously titled with a superlative (BEST in Class?) to feature focus only its strong traits, just to sell the hype, and knowing it will bring out the eventual flame posts to follow. This poll could have simply included a vote with the other games comparisons included if the intention was to minimize negative opinions of 2K15. IMO, looking through the sleaze, that BEST word in the title is to help ensure that our opinions are already biased before we have even seen the LIVE 15 gameplay via EA Access (also sleazy) demo to compare it to, and to that point this topic is premature and I refuse to be a lemming, because I truly want the best and complete sports games to be offered to us, so sorry, still FICTION. OS is natively 2K biased because they have been the only real basketball game around for a number of years worth touting, and rightfully so.

To the "Best in class" comparison, IMO, Madden 15, Forza 5, FIFA 15, The Show, Golf Club to name a few deserve mention and eclipse 2K15 in specific gameplay aspects such as controls(FIFA 15, Forza 5) , dynasty/franchise mode (Madden 15), ball physics (FIFA 15, The Show), player control (FIFA 15), graphics (FIFA 15, Forza 5), customization options (Madden 15, Forza 5, Golf Club), presentation (FIFA 15, The Show) etc. (a lot of FIFA eh?) they all have their issues but IMO they do those things I mentioned better than 2K15 at the moment, and are sports games.

Prior to your quote post of me, I never referenced LIVE anything in this discussion, because IMO there is no direct comparison to be noted that is even worthy at this point, other than servers and possibly halftime shows, because we haven't seen LIVE 15 in action, to the dismay of many, and besides, the bar is not set nearly as high by the LIVE fans, so the fall is from hype short, unlike 2K.
To mention my opinion of a playable live 14, to an unplayable 2k14 (for the time I played it, before I traded it in for LIVE 14 due to its well documented and lingering online issues) is a troll-ish move. That forum and those opinions are sure to heat up soon on their own, since both of us acknowledged that LIVE 15 will have to step it up significantly, period. That’s the reason in all seriousness why I asked in that forum if we are allowed to openly compare them, because I planned to, as many other will as well, to help make each better. The truth and the facts are one and the same. The other games get raked over the coals in their respective forums for not meeting expectations and this is no different, no matter where the bar is set. To compare the two in series history, for me, Live controls and gameplay has always felt,”light, twitchy and precise” while 2K has always felt “heavy, deliberate ,and powerful”. Some might redefine is as Arcade vs. Sim, but a marriage of the two concepts is probably the right answer, which both companies are attempting to do.
# 63 BezO @ 10/20/14 02:08 PM
Best I've played.

But I haven't played the latest MLB. I wouldn't argue against it.
# 64 The 24th Letter @ 10/20/14 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by seanhazz1
Trolling? lol Just trying to understand your mentality...pretty sure I got it now. It's amazing what we'll choose to overlook for our own personal preference.
# 65 GisherJohn24 @ 10/20/14 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
Best I've played.

But I haven't played the latest MLB. I wouldn't argue against it.
The gameplay of mlb is great but nba is much more in depth. Well plus it's basketball . Basketball has more depth then baseball, I'll stick with that sentiment till the end of days
# 66 bkrich83 @ 10/21/14 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
The gameplay of mlb is great but nba is much more in depth. Well plus it's basketball . Basketball has more depth then baseball, I'll stick with that sentiment till the end of days

10 char.
# 67 Boilerbuzz @ 10/21/14 01:48 AM
No disrespect to personal opinions and especially experiences. If people want to talk about Show and PES in it s heyday. Cool. Even FIFA gets some credit. But this Madden talk? Although it is LESS maddening (no pun intended) than years past, if you think that game come within a block of real football, the your depth of knowledge of football is in kiddy wading pool. Sorry. I'm not saying the game isn't fun and in many ways is a fun interpretation of football. But I want the depth of a true sim. Madden is too far away from that at this time.
# 68 HarrySTruman @ 10/30/14 12:30 AM
I think NBA 2k15 is best in class, but the gap is narrowing! MLB the Show is terrific, and Madden made great strides this year. FIFA is always a class act, but I didn't feel it improved all that much from last year to this. NHL 15 is great on the ice, but the modes really need work; some of them went backwards this year. For me it's a close call between NBA and the Show, especially as baseball is my favorite sport, but I find NBA 2K15 a bit more compelling.

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