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NBA 2K15 Fact or Fiction: Is NBA 2K15's Gameplay the Best in Sports Gaming?

NBA 2K15's release has been anywhere from rocky if you are an online gamer, to pretty well received if you happen to play offline. As time goes on, and severs continue to stabilize, it's likely the reception for NBA 2K15 will only continue to warm.

With that said, we are bringing in three of our staff writers to talk about NBA 2k15 in a fact or fiction format. We'll discuss everything from the best mode in the game, to whether NBA 2K15 has 'best in class' gameplay.

Take it away boys...

#1: MyGM is the best mode in the game.

Ben Vollmer: Fact. Yeah, I think so. MyGM took a big step forward from last year's efforts in NBA 2K14 and it's hard to imagine that the mode won't keep me interested for as long as I continue to play the game. I've yet to determine if it's a game mode I feel will hook its target audience into years of play, but the potential is definitely there. Until MyCareer provides that gripping feeling of progress that MyGM seems to have this year, it's going to be hard to place it at the front of 2K's game modes.

Dustin Toms: Fact. My GM mode is hands down, 100 percent, the best mode in this game from a quality point of view. It's incredibly immersive and time consuming, and the realism is off the charts for a video game. However, MyTEAM will still be the popular, addicting mode of the game, and the sheer volume of gamers will show it's dominance.

Matthew Coe: Fiction. I personally enjoy the total control that comes with MyLEAGUE. I really missed Association mode in NBA 2K14 so the fact that it's been not only reintroduced, but significantly improved, makes it the best mode in NBA 2K15.

#2: NBA 2K15's gameplay is the best in-game gameplay in sports gaming.

Ben Vollmer: Fiction. It's close, but I'm going to disagree. I think FIFA and The Show edge it by just a hair, even though I don't think The Show has produced it's real "next-gen" potential gameplay like NBA 2K has. The core gameplay still has a little ways to go.

Dustin Toms: Fact. Hell, NBA 2K14 was the best in-game gameplay. No chance I expected anything less than better than the best.

Matthew Coe: Fact. Honestly, I don't think this is really all that close either. MLB 14: The Show is great and really engaging on the diamond. Both FIFA 15 and NHL 15 are strong gameplay experiences on the pitch and ice, and Madden made real improvements this year. But the truth is that NBA 2K14 is only surpassed by this year's iteration. NBA 2K is still best in class.

#3: Team's don't play nearly enough like their real-to-life counterparts still.

Ben Vollmer: Fact. I think this is going to be the case for sports video games for a while. Until we have true, adaptable AI that is able to take in the deep context of a game, we probably aren't going to reach the true-to-life gameplay from CPU teams. So I'll say this: team's play a little bit like their real-to-life counterparts, but not even close to playing exactly like them. And that's okay, given the state of sports gaming right now.

Dustin Toms: Abstain. I haven't been able to play enough teams yet, but from what I can tell you can feel a difference. I've seen James Harden take control and Russell Westbrook go 4-for-20. I've played Cleveland once, and LeBron didn't feel very dominant, and Love was just there. But we have no idea how they'll truly play together, so 2K gets a pass for now.

Matthew Coe: Fact. Teams play like their real life counterparts this year more than any sports game that I've ever played. That said, there are still real issues. A lack of 3 point attempts in general are a problem this year, and it's especially noticeable with teams like Golden State and San Antonio. Another issue sees every team try to force their way into the paint regardless of whether they have the correct personnel to play that way. There is a distinct lack of skilled passing big men kicking back out to the perimeter appropriately as well. Even with these issues, NBA 2K15 is still amazingly authentic.

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Member Comments
# 1 rudeworld @ 10/16/14 12:53 PM
I've played Cleveland and LeBron was the man... His jumper wasn't hitting but his defense was crazy and his over all stats were LeBron James-ish... Same goes with the bulls where D.Rose was abusing my pg but I won due to no other offensive threat on the bull... Only one team that I've played so far that played differently was the wizards, Wall and Beal didn't seem to be the main focus of the offense.. But what ai can say is that down the stretch of the close games all the STARS PLAYED LIKE STARS.
# 2 rudeworld @ 10/16/14 12:56 PM
MyLeague is the best and the most fun I've had in a franchise since NFL 2K5. If this patch fixes that missing stat overlay bug, that would probably make it that much more better.
# 3 BL8001 @ 10/16/14 12:58 PM
I say the best because finally a sports game gets what is important, fifa, I am looking right at you.

NBA2k shines with;

1. Teams playing like they do in real life
2. Stars being the ones who drive their team whether it's through defending, distributing or scoring. It's terrific.
3. It's like a classic PES game where there are all these little details you only see if you look closely and play the game a lot. I have no doubt that a few months from now I will see something happen that I have never seen before.

Contrast point 3 with most EA sports games where you see every new animation or AI routine within the first 10 hours of playing the game...

So yeah easily the best CPU AI/behavior I have ever seen in a console sports game.
# 4 Mauer4MVP @ 10/16/14 01:29 PM
Without a doubt.
# 5 TheCitizen @ 10/16/14 01:45 PM
Online gameplay is horrific imo. But if you're playing by yourself on MyCareer and MyGM/MyLeague then yeah it's definitely one of the best in the business. I'm a big fan of the FIFA gameplay as well.
# 6 Dazraz @ 10/16/14 01:54 PM
The best Gameplay. Oh yes. At last a game where individual players play to their strengths & teams collectively play to these advantages. To Ben, FIFA is a great game & very enjoyable but when I'm able to play the same way with Oxford United as I am with Manchester United I will always see this game as limited.
Never has a game captured the individual characteristics of a player to the same extent as NBA 2K15. So much of this games brilliance has been overshadowed by its Online Server issues. Putting these to one side I can honestly say there isn't a game close to this in terms of Gameplay or Depth. I love FIFA & MLB The Show but nothing touches this game right now.
# 7 jr86 @ 10/16/14 02:02 PM

R.I.P The Show...
# 8 RipCityAndy @ 10/16/14 02:13 PM
NBA 2k15's gameplay is grossly over rated. Good game? Yes. Fun? As long as you're not online. Balanced? Not by a long shot. Good representation of actual basketball? In select areas.

It just doesn't feel complete/polished enough to warrant a "Best in Class" title.
# 9 Armor and Sword @ 10/16/14 02:20 PM
I would have to put 2K15 and The Show 14 on a pedestal. Those two games hands down are my all time favorite console sports games. But I gotta tell ya...Madden 15 made huge, monster strides this year. I love that game and am just as addicted to it as I am the other two mentioned.

But more about 2K15 and things that are true stand out features.

1. Incredible depth on and off the court - The amount of coaching adjustments and playbook options at your finger tips is just incredible and it screams next gen. I find myself reading through all the draft boards, scouting reports, setting game-plans for each team I am about to face...and then as the season progresses I may adjust it depending on a key injury, or maybe the other team is not as good at a certain skill like they were perceived to be earlier in the year. On the court I love the play-calling options I have plus the free-flow system through the POE feature. I am a big fan of the new control scheme via the Pro Stick and find it easier to string together moves/iso moves than when I played 2K11.

2. My League - deepest franchise mode ever...bar none. The amount of control or lack of control you can have is awesome. I do wish D-League was still there so I can develop some draft picks I know will sit in a suit and tie most of the year, and the lack of pre-season games was a tad of a letdown as I do play them. But they really knocked it out of the park with MyLeague. I will try out MyGm as well. It has me curious as I love RPG elements in sports games as well.

3. Visuals - This game for me is gorgeous in motion. Every player looks and feels like their real life counterpart.

4. AI - Top notch. The Show 14 and NBA 2K15 for me are the most life like CPU opponents I have ever played against. It is truly awesome. And again Madden made some big strides in this area as well.

5. Soundtrack - yeah....I am old school and this soundtrack screams old school. I appreciate Pharell's taste and nod to the classics.

Fact - 2K15 is a AAA sports game and along with The Show 14....the very best example of what a dedicated and passionate team can do when their heart and soul go into making a sports video game.
# 10 GisherJohn24 @ 10/16/14 02:38 PM
It's definitely the most in depth sports game I've ever seen and the most fun. NBA 2k15 on the court is the best hands down.

Graphics: Yep. Best you'll ever see in a sports game. Better than Madden, and yes, the Show
Gameplay: Mocks the real NBA game perfectly. No, seriously! This is NBA on TNT for reals!
Sound: Pretty good. Commentary needs revamped.
Presentation: More stat screens please. Better post game show and signature replays need to return.
# 11 The Lob Mob @ 10/16/14 02:48 PM
Yes.. I agree.

Despite the bugs (like all games have) the fluidity & intuitiveness of NBA 2K15 put it head & shoulders above the rest, now all it need is an online to match.
# 12 NxckBrxdlvy @ 10/16/14 02:58 PM
Man people are sleepin on Madden 15. It's much improved. I can't disagree with anyone saying 2K15 has the best sports gameplay but it's not a runaway
# 13 BigDaneAyMane @ 10/16/14 03:02 PM
All-Star sim MyLeague was up 11 on the Cavs with my Wizards entering 4th thinking game was sealed and LeBron just absolutely took over and there was nothing I could do about it. Outscored 39-21 and took an L, but it did not feel like 4th quarter cheese. Felt like I was just outmatched. This is truly the first year where I think I will never get tired of playing the CPU.

With that said, the game plays a phenomenal game of basketball, but the lack of focus for online players with more options and better servers always keeps the title feeling like a bit of a disappointment in my eyes.
# 14 Jhawkfootball06 @ 10/16/14 03:08 PM
Playing competitively online is a mess. The defensive momentum coupled by the input lag makes it 'nearly' impossible to go step by step when someone is using dribbling moves. 2k11 had it perfect.
# 15 MaximuSR @ 10/16/14 03:38 PM
I dont like the online gameplay, but when you play single player its awesome
# 16 MaximuSR @ 10/16/14 03:38 PM
# 17 Factzzz @ 10/16/14 03:51 PM
MLB the Show
# 18 GHUFF @ 10/16/14 04:31 PM
Without a doubt!! "IMO" but if MLB the show can incorporate realtime physics when it comes to wall collisions, player collisions on the base paths and in the field ,we might have a tie but Nba 2k15 is the most authentic sports game to date if your talking just pure on the court gameplay
# 19 Ronoko @ 10/16/14 04:36 PM
It's a notch below mlb the show......then everything else follows as far as major pro sports games. PES 2015 has a chance to contend with realism on the pitch, but lacks games modes.
# 20 bxphenom7 @ 10/16/14 04:38 PM
I'd say it's at a tie with MLB The Show. I'd say these two games are more than great gameplay wise. FIFA is decent but not good, NHL is very good, and PES is very good. Can't wait to see WWE 2k15. Plus, the real upgrade for MLB The Show will be next year since this was just its first year on PS4. Major additions weren't made to the core gameplay.

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