Feature Article
Full List and Description of NBA 2K15 Badges

Chris "LD2K" Manning and the NBA 2K15 developer team just sent us the full list and description of the NBA 2K15 badges.

(All of the following applies only to Xbox One, PS4 and PC):

This year we combined Personality Badges and Signature Skills into one “Badge” list.  Badges uniquely identify players in two ways:  Personality and Skill.  They affect how players react to various emotional situations, as well as how they perform in specific in-game scenarios.

  • We have a total of 77 badges in 2K15
  • Personality:  28 of the badges are categorized as “Personality Badges”
  • Personality badges have just one tier
  • They affect hot/cold streaks, ambient animations, facial expressions
  • Skill:  The rest of the badges are categorized as “Skill Badges”
  • Skill badges have three tiers -> Bronze, Silver and Gold
  • They’re categorized as Outside Scoring, Inside Scoring, Athleticism, Playmaking, Rebounding and Defense badges
  • NBA players can now have up to 70 badges and the skill badges they have are not limited to just one tier (in 2K14, NBA players would have just the top tier of the Signature Skill).  This means James Harden can be a GOLD Transition Finisher, while Harrison Barnes can be a BRONZE
  • NBA players cannot have all 77 badges because some badges conflict (i.e. a player cannot have both Alpha Dog and Beta Dog)
  • LeBron currently has the most in the NBA with 47 total badges. 
  • Badges are earned in MyCareer based on how you play, how you respond to situations in scenes, and how good your regular attributes are. Once you earn the bronze version, you can then purchase with VC the silver and gold versions(note that the personality badges just have one tier to them).



Alpha Dog - Steps his game up when his teammates are performing poorly

Beta Dog - Steps his game up when an Alpha Dog teammate is out or is playing poorly

Road Dog – Elevates his play when playing in road games

Prime Time - Elevates his play in games of great significance

Cool and Collected - A player who remains fairly consistent throughout the course of the game

Closer - Steps his game up in the 4th quarter and overtime when the game is close

Fierce Competitor - Elevates his game when being outplayed or instigated

Spark Plug - Energizes teammates with big plays

Swagger - Gets himself going by making big plays

Mind Games - Gets his opponent out of rhythm by getting into his head while guarding him

Enforcer - Wreaks havoc on the floor with physical and tough play

Mentor - Gets younger players focused in on the game when they commit mistakes

Heart and Soul - Rallies team when things are getting out of hand. Helps team stay focused

Floor General - Makes his team better offensively just by being on the floor

Hardened - Plays through fatigue and injury without experiencing full negative consequences

Defensive Anchor - Makes his team better defensively just by being on the floor

On Court Coach - MyCareer specific.  A player with this badge can get the ball, call plays and tell teammates to shoot whenever he wants

The following have no gameplay affect.  These badges simply help drive the emotional reactions to various in-game situations:

o Friendly - An outgoing and typically well-liked player

o Reserved - A quiet player that generally keeps to himself

o High Work Ethic - Works harder than the typical NBA player

o Legendary Work Ethic - First one to the gym, last one to leave and the hardest worker at all times

o All-Time Great - Strives to be known as an all-time great

o Low Ego - Values team success more than anything

o Keep it Real - Responds best to tough love

o Pat My Back - Responds best when coddled

o Expressive - Has no problem expressing his feelings

o Unpredictable - Can be erratic in his behavior

o Laid Back - Generally pretty chill at all times

The Rest

Volume Shooter – Heats up with every shot, make or miss.  However, lack of shots can make him cold

Microwave - Only needs a limited amount of made shots to get hot

Unfazed - Timeouts as well as quarter breaks do not cool this player down offensively

Corner Specialist - Known for his ability to knock down threes from the corner

Screen Outlet - Excels as the screener in the pick & roll game

Deadeye - Not bothered as much by defenders when it comes to making contested shots

Limitless Range - Known for knocking down three pointers well beyond the three point line

Bank Is Open - Excels at banking in jumpers

Fade Ace - Excels at making fadeaway jumpers

Shot Creator - Known for making tough shots off the dribble after creating space to shoot

Lob City Finisher - Finishes alley-oops at a high rate

Sprite (R) Posterizer - Known for attempting to dunk on opposing players whenever possible

Spin Lay-in - Excels at making spin layups

Hop-stepper - Excels at making hop-step layups

King of Euros - Shines in his ability to make euro step layups

Acrobat - Can change his shot in air and attempt difficult shots with few consequences

Tear Dropper - Excels at making floaters and runners

Post Spin Technician - Dominates the post with his ability to beat his defender spin and drive moves

Drop-stepper - Adept at beating his defender in the post with dropsteps

Post Hoperator - Excels at making hop-shots out of the post

Post Stepback Pro - Shines in his ability to use the post stepback move to score in the post

Dreamlike Up and Under - Uses an array of up-fakes in the post to fool his defender into jumping

Killer Crossover - A ball-handler who excels at breaking his defender down with crossovers

Spin Kingpin - A ball-handler known for breaking his defender down with spin moves

Stepback Freeze - A ball-handler adept at freezing his defender with stepback moves

Behind the Back Pro - A ball-handler who catches his defender off guard with behind the back moves

Hesitation Stunner - A ball-handler adept at freezing his defender with hesitation moves

Master of In and Out - A ball-handler known for breaking his defender down with in and out moves

Pet Move Sizeup - A ball-handler who uses elite size-up moves to break his defender down

One Man Fastbreak - Excels at taking the ball coast to coast on a fastbreak

Transition Finisher - Adept at running the fastbreak and finishing at a high rate

Flashy Passer - Known for throwing accurate flashy passes

Break Starter - Starts fastbreaks with accurate outlet passes

Pick & Roll Maestro - Known for orchestrating the pick & roll game as the ball-handler

Lob City Passer - Throws accurate alley-oop passes

Dimer - An elite passer known for hitting teammates in the correct position to score, giving them a boost on their shot %

Hustle Points - Known for immediately scoring following an offensive rebound near the basket

Scrapper - A hustle player who wins loose ball battles

Tenacious Rebounder - Relentless in going for rebounds

Perimeter Lock-down Defender - A defender that automatically counters the perimeter offensive badges of opponents

Post Lock-down Defender - A defender that automatically counters the interior scoring badges of opponents

Charge Card - Adept at placing himself in position to win charge calls

Pick Dodger - Doesn't get caught up on screens very easily

Interceptor - Adept at stealing passes

Pick Pocket - Known for his ability to strip the ball from a ball-handler

Eraser - Amazing shot blocker who counters inside-scoring badges of opponents

Chase Down Artist - Chases players down on fastbreaks and effectively swats their shots from behind

Bruiser - The physical nature of this player drains energy from his match-up

Brick Wall - Sets extremely effective screens

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Member Comments
# 101 Trackball @ 09/20/14 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by dmann1oo
the heat beat them the year before with the same team in the finals you are hilarious i bet you pray to lebron when you go to sleep and before you eat right?

I'll just let 23 take care of you...
# 102 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/20/14 04:41 PM
Expressive - Has no problem expressing his feelings
Unpredictable - Can be erratic in his behavior

Would these be for guys like Joakim Noah who pretty much live to troll anyone who isn't on their own team? I wish they would have had one along the lines of "Pest," just so we'd be clear that they're more or less antagonistic, and that they do it on purpose.

But I guess this works also implemented well.
# 103 Steelersking @ 09/20/14 05:04 PM
Why not for ps3 and xbox 360, might as well do all of the platforms
# 104 Blackhail92 @ 09/20/14 05:42 PM
47? Sheesh that's a lot. Not saying he doesn't deserve them because we all know how good Lebron is. I just hope my man Melo has at least half of that lol and interested in seeing how many KD has as well
# 105 Anthony292 @ 09/20/14 06:26 PM
Does Bron have 47 skill badges or 47 total badges
# 106 City_foxx @ 09/20/14 06:58 PM
I always ran plays as a pg. The ai would strickly adhear to the offensive point of emphasis set by the ai coach.Refusing to take jumpshot cause coach said drive the basket. Also what so unrealistic about yelling 'SHOOT IT"? If cp3 threw a ddime to reddick who was wide opean, and yelled "shoot' you really think he just say nahhh and drive into bogut?
# 107 gamingsinceatari @ 09/20/14 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Anthony292
Does Bron have 47 skill badges or 47 total badges
47 badges total
# 108 rbfn04 @ 09/20/14 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by dmann1oo
i have no problem with lebron game i said hes the best player in the league but i questioned the 47 badges and stated he might be overpowered everybody said hes overpowered in real life well if so how he lose 3 nba finals dont give me his teammates because the heat had a better team then the spurs
Don't feed the troll.
# 109 2_headedmonster @ 09/20/14 08:41 PM
do these skill badges have unique animations, and do they vary with each level?
# 110 23 @ 09/20/14 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by dmann1oo
Yea I'm trolling by stating facts lebron must be African because he has like 8 wives here in this thread
Originally Posted by aholbert32
A little under two weeks from release, the mods will be paying specific attention to the NBA 2k forums. Zero Tolerance is generally in effect throughout all of OS but mods will be significantly less lenient when it comes to trolling, agenda posting and personal attacks in this forum.

Let me reiterate what is expected out of you, the OS user:

[b]Do not, under any circumstance, attack a user or guest of OS. That INCLUDES staff, game developers, and regular users. You may question (CONSTRUCTIVELY) an opinion. But if you attack the user (includes name calling and calling them a liar) you will be banned.

Easy as put... you didn't listen and continued this multiple times so sorry
# 111 Phreezy P @ 09/20/14 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
Expressive - Has no problem expressing his feelings
Unpredictable - Can be erratic in his behavior

Would these be for guys like Joakim Noah who pretty much live to troll anyone who isn't on their own team? I wish they would have had one along the lines of "Pest," just so we'd be clear that they're more or less antagonistic, and that they do it on purpose.

But I guess this works also implemented well.
Mind games.
# 112 Anthony292 @ 09/21/14 12:35 AM
Sorry if I missed this but can players in myleague further develop a badge to a higher tier if the work hard? Can the CPU earn badges during the season? Can players lose badges if a injury causes them to lose athleticism, say lebron tears his acl and never fully recovers could he lose coast to coast?
# 113 City_foxx @ 09/21/14 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by KobeBean8
That's not what's unrealistic about it. You pressing "X" or "Square" and the CPU shoots it on command is unrealistic. IRL, if someone yells for someone to shoot the ball or pass it sometimes they ignore them and do their own thing. I see some players wide open calling for the ball or players posting up demanding the ball and still don't get it. Ive seen LeBron begging for the ball and Chalmers just look him off and do whatever. Same w/ Kobe and other players that's like on court coaches.

You're only controlling your player, you should not be able to tell the CPU what to do on command. I want to call for the ball sometimes, but not get it every single time I call for it.

They just need to work on the AI and make them play like the regular AI.
I agree with the calling for ball part. Shouldnt be 100 percent. But the flawed ai need a shoot prompt. Were all like 90% sim players in here we wouldnt ask our teamate to shoot at inappropriate times. The real reason i think this badge was created was to cover up some game play issues like not being able to let cpu pg call plays or coach. My career was almost unplayable out side the pg spot for me.
# 114 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/21/14 10:11 AM
I hope these make players especially superstars play like themselves . Still didn't feel like that in 14.
# 115 BoxyCougar @ 09/21/14 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Anthony292
Sorry if I missed this but can players in myleague further develop a badge to a higher tier if the work hard? Can the CPU earn badges during the season? Can players lose badges if a injury causes them to lose athleticism, say lebron tears his acl and never fully recovers could he lose coast to coast?
I'd like to know the answer to this as well
# 116 da ThRONe @ 09/21/14 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by KobeBean8

I don't consider myself "Sim" and definitely not a "Cheeser". People have too many variations of sim and some take it way too far which makes it unrealistic, but I just play basketball. Period. No gimmicky things, just basketball. Shoot how many 3s you want if that's what you do, just don't cheat me or exploit the game. I'm sorry, back on track...

I agree with a prompt and maybe they'll shoot, but I still feel they should have that mind of their own. I honestly don't like it, but that's not the reason I am upset it's in because I know I could just not use X. I am not the type to wish something wasn't in completely if I can avoid it. But I'm upset they'll pass it to you at will. Yeah, I could just not get the badge, but I do want to be able to call plays so I'll need it lol and I like to call for the ball.

It's not that big of a deal because I know some guys are thinking I am making it a big deal. Just something I didn't really like or understand, and hope they changed it from being on command.
The problem isn't what this option adds to the game. It's why, and the why has been because if when we haven't had this option the AI for your teammates results in them making bad decision otherwise. This is a classic example of a "Band-Aid on a bullet wound". The issue to date has been far deeper than giving the player the ability to call plays or to tell a player when to shoot. The fact that they added this option suggest that those issues still remain in 2K15. The fact that it's unrealistic is just a minor annoyance.
# 117 ronyell @ 09/21/14 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Trackball
Hakeem Olajuwon was the first player I thought of when I saw that badge's name.

I mean, come on. "DREAMlike." He's my favorite player of all time--how could I NOT notice that?

(be warned, despite this video having some pretty rare footage, the volume fluctuates wildly from clip to clip, so take off your headphones)

thank you for this. even without showing any of his defensive highlights or mind boggling stats as a center; this helps solidify my point in calling Hakeem one of the top THREE players in NBA history.
# 118 lakers24 @ 09/21/14 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
The problem isn't what this option adds to the game. It's why, and the why has been because if when we haven't had this option the AI for your teammates results in them making bad decision otherwise. This is a classic example of a "Band-Aid on a bullet wound". The issue to date has been far deeper than giving the player the ability to call plays or to tell a player when to shoot. The fact that they added this option suggest that those issues still remain in 2K15. The fact that it's unrealistic is just a minor annoyance.
Have you considered the reasoning for the band aid? Maybe they weren't able to solve the issue this cycle so they needed to add something to hold it over until they do? I'm just saying. Gotta look at it from both sides sometimes.
# 119 da ThRONe @ 09/21/14 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by lakers24
Have you considered the reasoning for the band aid? Maybe they weren't able to solve the issue this cycle so they needed to add something to hold it over until they do? I'm just saying. Gotta look at it from both sides sometimes.

I have a pretty good idea of why they are doing it. And if that's the case it may be an excusable flaw IMO. Again MyPlayer is the only mode I play so if it's not to my liking at an acceptable level I'll just pass like I did last year.
# 120 ronyell @ 09/21/14 05:58 PM
will some of these badges take the place of the corresponding ratings/tendencies & create less but more variable editing?

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