Feature Article
Madden NFL 15: Why The Presentation Hasn't Quite Arrived into Primetime

Madden’s presentation has always been a spot where the franchise simply didn’t measure up against the competition. This lack of quality presentation seems to, at least partially, be the result of a disastrous start on the last generation of consoles where a TV-style presentation simply wasn’t even included in the game in the first edition.

This year, Madden finally arrived with a broadcast presentation which is much more believable to the eyes, unfortunately your ears will leave you wondering what went wrong.

Visual Elements

When playing a game of Madden, the game simply looks the part of an NFL broadcast. There are a few cameras which you’d never be able to find on the field in a real NFL game still, but I’m not sure they’re as big of a deal as some make them out to be since they are camera angles most of us probably wish we could have on Sundays anyways.

Madden sorely needed a TV-producer’s touch to enter into the picture and make this game shine from a graphics standpoint and it got exactly that this season. Not only do the TV-graphics look better, they actually fit within the context of the game typically rather well. There are still hiccups, but the overall visual presentation has improved once again.

Another bonus is the sporadic use of real footage for QB intros. I’m never sure what I think about the mixing of real and virtual visual elements in video game format, but I think Madden could stand to really get an infusion of real NFL action. Maybe even to the point where tailgaters and such were part of the pre-game intro.

There are still other graphics I’d love to see, including historical references and tie-ins and even the famed ‘Aflac’ Trivia Questions — Madden certainly took a step forward in its visual use of on-screen graphics and how it presents information to gamers while they’re playing on the field.

The camera angles could use more work, with more shots of fans and general stadium atmosphere needed. However, Madden did take a sizable leap forward this year and at least matches up decently well against the competition.

Crowd Audio, Stadium Audio

The crowd audio seems more responsive this year, and much more reactive to what’s going on the field. I have had instances where the crowd does react to a play, but it’s more of a slight rise in volume to a big play rather than a realistic pop from the crowd. The audio itself is captured pretty well, but if I’m playing in Kansas City and the crowd sounds like a country club crowd — the mark was missed with regards to in-stadium audio.

I can’t help but get the feeling that Madden NFL 15 is still missing quite a bit of what makes a real stadium atmosphere tick.

The first problem is that stadiums are all the same, and anyone who has spent time in multiple NFL stadiums knows that each home atmosphere sounds and feels different. Kansas City and Seattle are very loud, Miami isn’t nearly as much so. Maybe in future editions stadiums will sound more to their part.

Another thing I’d love to see is more accurate crowd swells as a big play develops, or a big pop when a big hit is delivered. The crowd audio seems to be in the background most of the time, and rarely seems to come to the forefront. This is both a mixing and possibly a production issue in the sense that the crowd simply doesn’t react as it should to the atmosphere on the field.

One thing many sports gaming developers get is that more accurate presentation would add more to the gameplay experience than a minute tweak of how zone defenses run, especially when it comes to audio. It would be far more exhilarating to break a big run if the crowd realistically swelled and then roared to life as you broke into the open field. How awesome would it be to break into the open field, have the crowd roar to life only to have a safety come out of nowhere to stop the run and the crowd then lets out a big, “Awwww!.”

See? Far more effective. As Cubs fan say, “Maybe next year.”


Let’s be positive for a couple of sentences — the commentary from Simms and Nantz is better than last year, it really is. The lines flow better, you don’t have mismatched splicing, and all in all you have a few new lines which do add to the experience. This area did move forward this year.

But moving from atrocious to simply bad is not the progress people are looking for.

You will hear in every game repeated lines, wrong lines, wrong players named out who aren’t on the field, insights which don’t match the situation, and corny one-liners you’ve heard every game in your Madden career up to this point.

The lack of quality lines to choose from is not a disk space issue, that’s not a plausible explanation anymore since Madden isn’t using at least half of the available space on PS4/XB1 disks. The lack of proper execution is even more indefensible, in no way shape or form should you ever have the number one rated defense and a line is delivered that indicates your defense is the worst in the league — that really happened to me once.

So while Madden’s commentary moved forward, it’s still possibly the worst in our genre. Repairing it will take a more concerted effort and a commentary team willing to log ridiculous hours into giving lines in the booth. Then, those lines are going to have to be delivered properly, there are far too many repeated lines and mistakes for this not to be a seriously lazy programming effort.

Madden’s commentary did go from an F- to an F+ this year, but it’s far from being amongst the best in our genre.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, Madden has nailed half of the presentation pretty well. The visually presented half is done quite well, especially compared to its peers. The graphics and the cameras, along with the in-game cutscenes now, make the experience a visually believable experience. Madden’s presentation would likely be regarded as one of the best in sports video games if the audio half was even just above average.

As it stands, the visual elements do need a few tweaks, but the audio needs a complete overhaul and improvement to go from genre’s worst to something that’s even passable as average. But if and when that does happen, do not be surprised if Madden suddenly starts feeling a lot better than it does now simply because the presentation is top-notch.

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Member Comments
# 41 TreyIM2 @ 08/31/14 08:34 PM
Definitely believe that this title is exaggerated but like someone mentioned earlier, one thing about presentation is the repalys showing such zoomed in shots most times. Need varying broadcast can angles thrown in. The qb intro needs variations with the qb 'trot in' animation cuz they all do the same exact thing with the trot and hand clap. Overall, with the presentation, I just want more variation in everything so we don't see the same animations and cuts so frequently.

The commentary just needs a whole new system or lesser known voice actors so they can pay them less and work them more to give more commentary that far varied than what's there, now. Otherwise, I'm good with this Madden. Great step in right direction.
# 42 statum71 @ 08/31/14 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Dozer
They need to hire a dozen no name (see: cheap) voice actors and record a TON of commentary. No one buys Madden because Simms and Nance are in it.
I disagree.

They just need to do it correctly. I don't wanna hear make-believe announcers on my NFL game. I actually like Nantz and Simms.
# 43 statum71 @ 08/31/14 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
This! I know I'm probably in the minority but I miss the radio guy from Madden 06 - 08. He was energetic & made me feel like I was in the game as opposed to watching it. EA needs to scrap the Sims & Nantz experiment. Sims is ok but Nantz makes my ears bleed lol. The main problem is how EA puts the commentary together. I thought Gus Johnson was a wasted opportunity because EA doesn't seem to know how to program commentary to be seemless ala NBA 2K basketball. They should just hire some generic guys that they wouldn't have to pay as much & use those resources to improve other parts of the game.
You miss the radio guy? Are you drinking??

We don't EVER want that again. Don't even get that started.

And by the way.....he was ATROCIOUS!! The worst ever, easily.
# 44 Steelers4190 @ 08/31/14 09:41 PM
I'm all for getting no names if it means having multiple personalities and flavors in the booth..........
# 45 sheredia @ 08/31/14 10:15 PM
it makes no sense that ncaa 14 integrated the espn presentation with commentators and halftime show while this is nowhere to be found in madden. they could go the monday night football route (with tirico and gruden) for night games and add simms and nantz for sunday games. it would really be a nice touch. it irks me that they can do this with the college games and not the professional games. even nhl 15 has NBC presentation now. it's a shame the flagship title for EA doesn't have the best presentation of all sports games.
# 46 dazzelle @ 08/31/14 10:43 PM
I wouldn't mind being able to read the stat overlay's that pop up before they disappear, whats the point even having them if they can't be read.
# 47 robo3687 @ 08/31/14 10:53 PM
i made it through one drive before I turned the commentary off...and there were several repeated lines in that one drive.

Jim Nantz is fine but I just cannot stand Phil "Captain Obvious" Simms. Even when he's calling an actual game I switch to some other commentary option so I don't have to listen to him.

I would rather have Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth back....Hell, I'd rather listen to Buck and Aikman than another line out of Phil Simms' mouth...

Actually to take it further...I'd rather have Ian Eagle (the worst NFL commentator ever) do solo commentary on Madden than listen to Simms again.

right....that's out of my system now...lol...
# 48 jaynral @ 08/31/14 11:17 PM
Madden is Madden......I usually turn off commentary, throw my headphones and dive into the game.. I love hearing the crowd, the players on, etc....BUT the one thing, and i mean the one of many things that i think is pure *uckery is the stadium announcer not saying the player names...this is too many has me that the point of no words....To the point that i have a bad disc and that they do say the names...NO excuse for this stuff.......and also, Im already tired of the 6-8 different defensive after play celebrations....Im so tried especially the stupid basketball shot!!...hate it now
# 49 TexasFan2005 @ 08/31/14 11:28 PM
For the 10th year in a row, I'll ask EA nicely to please change the stadium PA Announcer. I don't care who they put, or if they remove him altogether, but his voice is so bad.

I seriously might be the only person who really hates this guy's voice, so I don't think it'll ever change.

"Number 28 on the carry..............

5 yard run.....on the play"

# 50 Trick13 @ 08/31/14 11:43 PM
I am fairly certain that it would be cheaper - and give EA much more material to work with if they just used their NFL films license agreement and used the tape of previous game commentary.

In truth most people don't care if they "personalities" are real or not cause it is extremely unrealistic or Simms/Nance to commentate every game on your schedule anyhow. It doesn't matter how thy do it, just do it right already...

Perhaps the biggest issue in my mind is that they can't seem to properly "key" the commentary to the field action in a way that makes sense. Big hits get little or no commentary response and drag down tackles result in big hit "lines". Lob passes get "raves" about arm strength and the only time a ball carrier move is mentioned - is right when 5 more tacklers arrive to finish you off- stiff arm commentary only occurs when the move it self fails - t is really bush league...
# 51 mnuccio @ 09/01/14 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by DrYCeLL
So not only is the title hilariously false and not even an accurate representation of the article, the author can't even spell the announcer's names right and we're supposed to take this article seriously? Nope.
If you're going to nitpick the article's spelling, at least use proper grammar (apostrophe should be after the s, not before).

We wouldn't want you not to be taken seriously, now.
# 52 Sheba2011 @ 09/01/14 01:48 AM
They need to stop trying to hire the biggest name commentators and find some that are actually good. Simms and Nantz aren't bad in real life but they don't translate to a game, Simms commentary is too long and drawn out and Nantz just sounds robotic. There are many talented commentators that aren't found on the National Networks they are the radio broadcasters for each team. Take the money you pay Simms which I imagine doesn't come cheap and hire two sets of these guys so you can switch it up between games.
# 53 rudeworld @ 09/01/14 02:25 AM
How about adding more then one team of broadcasters... Like a Fox team nbc, cbs (simms & nantz) along with espn and nfl network guys. Im sure they can get the people to do it (ea has the rights to both nfl & espn). Just hearing a different voice during different games whether its an afc/nfc match up or sunday, monday or Thursday night match up. Get it done!
# 54 Skyboxer @ 09/01/14 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
"Four steps back" strikes me as a helluva exaggeration when this is easily the best total-package presentation suite that Madden has ever had.

The content of the article which is far more even-handed doesn't reflect the title sentiment at all, and IMO it's not fair to what the game has accomplished this year with respect to presentation. It really took a significant leap in every area except commentary (which is now actively holding back the audio experience of the game).
Well said.
..and changing the title doesn't change the feeling I have of the intention of the article.
Pretty disappointed in OS....more and more each day.
# 55 Jellobiafra @ 09/01/14 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by KennyJ1976
When the commentary is repeating lines and you've only played two games, it's time for a complete overhaul. I agree, just use voice actors. Maybe 3 different crews for 3 different fictional networks. Another thing that irks me is why are the cutscene graphics still better than the actual gameplay graphics, even when zoomed in at the same distance? I can't be the only one who notices that. I thought we left that with last gen.
Yeah - this would be a good avenue to pursue. Why not create three fictional TV broadcast teams. That would be great and really make you feel the difference between regular Sunday arvo to MNF. Assume it is a big job this commentary stuff as all games struggle. Another this is there should always be a step up when it comes to play offs and another step up for the Superbowl. Presentation wise I think MLB and NBA 2K are the best. Madden is getting better though I think its an improvement. The half time show is more spot on than the in game.
# 56 Sheba2011 @ 09/01/14 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by statum71
You miss the radio guy? Are you drinking??

We don't EVER want that again. Don't even get that started.

And by the way.....he was ATROCIOUS!! The worst ever, easily.
The radio guy was awesome! It sounded like an actual broadcast. They just needed to add a color guy for him. He had solid play by play, never took plays off and was both energetic and insightful.

If you think he was the worst ever you must have skipped the years with Chris Collinsworth and the present years with Phil Simms...
# 57 jakhamr @ 09/01/14 07:28 AM
Madden gameplay is always good to great. The commentary is horrific. The people in charge of this should be fired for such a horrible product. Every other sports game has awesome commentary, why can't madden?
# 58 snc237 @ 09/01/14 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
The radio guy was awesome! It sounded like an actual broadcast. They just needed to add a color guy for him. He had solid play by play, never took plays off and was both energetic and insightful.

If you think he was the worst ever you must have skipped the years with Chris Collinsworth and the present years with Phil Simms...
Are you kidding me. The radio guy was awful. Play a game with falcons and see how many times you hear superman. Like every play. He was very generic and only had the most basic things to say. Going from Madden and Al to the radio guy was la horrible way to start next gen. All those games were bumbling messes though so I guess that only fits it.
# 59 TreyIM2 @ 09/01/14 08:13 AM
Didn't complete my train of thought. Was at a cookout drinking and typing my remarks on my girl's phone trying to hurry up but to continue, as for the shots of the crowd - I can agree with the op but Madden's crowd still isn't quite ready for it's closeup. Faaar too many repeating ppl and animations. Living worlds is not quite up to snuff plus they don't react properly to situations on the field. No way a home crowd should be sitting yet sounding fairly boisterous when their team is to make or stop a comeback in the last few min/secs of a game, for example, which leads me to audio...

Audio as the op mentioned is still not quite up to snuff. The swells are definitely not right yet and there are still probs with the crowd reacting correctly to their own team ie instant replay challenges. Ever hear the home team crowd boo when a challenge goes in their teams favor??? For how many years have we heard this? How about u playing an away game in Dallas wyen u coulda swore Dallas was the home team (heh) yet the crowd seems to be confused about this aspect and cheer YOUR accomplishments on the field AGAINST their team????

Anyway, I digress. Next yr, hopefully, they'll rebuild or correct and improve audio along with crowd reaction....as well as penalties which is a completely separate unrelated entity in itself. Ciao
# 60 Gorilla Glass @ 09/01/14 08:43 AM
I think the article is a little rough on the state of presentation in Madden NFL 15, but what do I know, I'm the guy spamming the A button to get past that mess just to see the play call menu.

And the play call UI is what the article should really be about.

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