Feature Article
Madden NFL 15: Your First Impressions (Roundtable)

It's release night of Madden NFL 15, and so far it seems like release day is going about as planned. As our official review says, on the field Madden may play the best brand of football you can find. And while there are still some nagging issues, it seems the franchise is more than on the right track. However, it seems that when you get to the facade around the on-field gameplay that the title shows some weakness.

Most of our staff have gotten just as much playtime as most of you at this point, so here are some initial thoughts from the guys who will be covering the game in the coming days and weeks...

Phil Varckette: It's hard not to be wowed when looking for a first impression of Madden 15. The game is absolutely stunning to look at. Easily on par with other next-gen sports titles. But the real question is how does it play? Well I can say with my limited time with the game that it plays very well. While I do still believe animations need an overhaul, the game feels more organic, and just flat out plays better football than we've seen in years. I feel like the CPU AI is making better decisions, and presenting me with more of a challenge than in the past. And this is on All-Pro difficulty.

The X's and O's game seems to have improved. I don't feel like I'm getting lucky by stopping plays. I feel like I'm stopping them because I out-smarted the AI. I've noticed that if you stick with a 4 man rush a good CPU QB will pick you apart. To me, that's football. If I start to mix in blitzes I notice their completion percentages start to drop. This is how it should be in my opinion.

It seems like overall the game has more balance this year. Things that should be happening are happening, and things that aren't, aren't. While not perfect, the game feels like its getting to that sweet spot. It feels like EA wants us to learn how to play Madden like real football, and are finally giving us the gameplay to back it up.

Ben Vollmer: There's a lot to be happy about, with Madden '15. First and foremost, the game is beautiful. Madden has finally caught up to its peers in terms of visuals -- with the only outlier being a (still) funky physics system that results in a few eye sores. Secondly, the game plays a lot better. Everything from tighter passing lanes to defense actually being just as fun to play as offense helps give the game a fresh coat of paint.

But that doesn't mean the game is anywhere near perfect. Players still don't feel unique in the way that they play or look. Running animations are still pretty poor and they're often paired with odd animations. About one in every ten tackles, the ball carrier is flung backwards like they just ran into a rubber wall. Commentary is still really bland, but the presentation is a bit better overall. Though, I'm glad that gameplay took the brunt of the work for this iteration.

Madden '15 is a good game, and leaves the door open for the series to take some innovative and risky moves in the future. I think football fans can rejoice in the fact that we finally have something that is playable, fun, and plays pretty realistically.

Caley Roark: I agree with most of what my colleagues have said. Madden 15 looks very good on the PS4, especially with the newly added broadcast elements. I love the little video clips that introduce your QB--though I imagine they'll get old pretty quick. The menus also look good, but are a bit cumbersome; sometime flash gets in the way of functionality.

On the field, things are improved from last year. Running seems a bit more challenging. Defense has gotten a major overhaul--to the point where playing as a LB or CB is equally as fun as a DE. The tackling cone is not only unobtrusive, but also functional. In fact, I'm finding that I'm relying on it the more I play.

I also like the "professional" approach EA took to the Skills Challenge, incorporating real football strategy and reads into the training mode. As someone who love watching football, but doesn't understand 100% of the intricacies, I appreciate that I'm learning while I play.

I do see some issues, especially as others have pointed out in the animations. Also, what's that strange sound I sometimes hear when tackles are made? It sort of sounds like a beachball hitting a brick wall. And, for all of the improvements in the broadcast, commentary is still pretty bad. It's also time for EA to ditch their "own" broadcast IDs and use ESPN or the NFL Network.

As Chris stated in his review, this is probably the best Madden in years--at least from my initial plays. Hopefully the shine doesn't wear off too quickly...

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Member Comments
# 21 Junior Moe @ 08/27/14 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
I'm enjoying the game so far. My biggest issues are the constant player clipping/morphing post play & the sloppy physics. Too often I'm seeing players walk right through players laying on the field post play. I know it's probably challenging for EA being that there's so much going on the field at once, but if they can clean up the physics & eliminate the clipping/morphing it would make the game so much better. It really kills the immersion when I see it.

Gameplay is definitely better. Time for EA to really start to differentiate how players feel & animate. Signature animations are a must going forward.
I agree with everything you said, especially the signature style stuff. But I personally appreciate the wonky physics. It feels like Madden 13 felt, only better. I would like it cleaned up a bit, but I am fine with it as is. I had a scrum with Stephen Jackson where 3 defenders converged on him and it looked great. It may not have been a "gangtackle", but it looked great. In M13 they toned the physics down too and it made the game feel stale and like the same old Madden. Madden 15 just feels like a whole new ballgame to me. This game is legit and it has depth! Madden is back!
# 22 roadman @ 08/27/14 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by knucklesdaclown
I don't like it all so far.

All in all, it would be nice to see a review that doesnt bow down to the god of EA in fear of not getting an advance copy and tells it like it is. Or maybe start out with the stuff they never fix before stroking EA's ego in the begining paragraph out of fear.
Welcome to OS.

I'm assuming since you are new, you didn't see this demo review of Madden 25 last year, with some of the same round table folks.


It's not bad to praise a game if warranted, and it's not bad to constructively criticize a game, either, no matter where it appears in the paragraph.

While I do still believe animations need an overhaul

funky physics system that results in a few eye sores.

Here's one whole paragraph from beginning to end:

But that doesn't mean the game is anywhere near perfect. Players still don't feel unique in the way that they play or look. Running animations are still pretty poor and they're often paired with odd animations. About one in every ten tackles, the ball carrier is flung backwards like they just ran into a rubber wall. Commentary is still really bland

And another paragraph:

I do see some issues, especially as others have pointed out in the animations. Also, what's that strange sound I sometimes hear when tackles are made? It sort of sounds like a beachball hitting a brick wall. And, for all of the improvements in the broadcast, commentary is still pretty bad. It's also time for EA to ditch their "own" broadcast IDs and use ESPN or the NFL Network.

To me, this roundtable seems well balanced. A person will read what everyone has to say, not just pick out bits and pieces if they are interested in everyone's opinion or impression.
# 23 KuruptOwnz @ 08/27/14 02:44 PM
I agree this is better gamplay, but the connected career issues are game breakers for most.
# 24 Armor and Sword @ 08/27/14 02:46 PM
First Impressions from a pioneer console sports gamer.

Pioneer you say? Yes. I played Atari 2600 football. Yeah you know the one with three guys moving in unison kicking and throwing a square ball. And then we got Intellivision NFL Football. We were talking about a play book on your game pad!!

Well you know the drill. I have been playing console sports games since Pong. So I have played and seen it all in regards to the virtual gridiron. 1991 was when I first played John Madden Football on the Sega Genesis and it has been quite the journey with this series ever since. From incredible high's like Madden 93, Madden 99 and Madden 2005 to incredible lows like Madden 97, Madden 2006 (360/PS3) and Madden 13 (yes I consider that a low overall but a necessary one) to now Madden 15 on the new generation of consoles.

I was not going to take the leap till next summer. I am a Show junkie and was waiting for a true next gen version of the game as this years was a very solid and polished port. But then the videos started coming out and what I was seeing was the makings of a truly great football game. My video game sickness started kicking in to overdrive. Can this be the Madden I have always wanted but never got since the PS2 days? A focus on defense, something that seemed to get lost in translation after the glorious and ground breaking Madden 2005.

I have always loved playing Maddens brand of video game football. Is it the most sim? Oh no of course not we know that. But is it a lot of fun? Yes. When they get it right (and they have several times in the past) they get it right. You have to approach Madden knowing a few things going in. It is a game made for the masses in mind. It is a game that is rich in modes (CFM, MUT, Online CFM etc). But something was different with this next gen Madden. It seems like they really focused on the AI. And that to me is the biggest key and greatest success of this years game.

You better understand real football strategy if you want to win against the CPU and against a Sim minded human opponent. You gotta understand there are many different "Madden" players.

1. Sim approach players offline solo CFM - guys/gals looking to try and emulate what you see on Sunday with playcalling, stats and just a real table top (Strato-matic/Statis Pro) approach to sports video gaming.

2. Arcade approach - Hey...this is when your buddy comes over and your trash talking all over the place and your going full tilt to win. It's fun, furious and Madden allows you that flexability to do just that.

3. Online CFM Leagues - Madden has a great online league set-up IMO. probably the best next to NHL's EASHL (which NHL players will see again i am sure on the new gen consoles).

Madden player number 1 has felt like the wicked step child for a while now. It was not until Madden 12 that a light started to shine. But that game IMO fell so flat on the field. In my opinion it is overrated because of the offline love in it's customization features, but the sterile and awful presentation, and lifeless and souless interface for franchise made the game....feel stale within one year for me personally. Madden 25 was a good attempt to get the offline player engaged again. It certainly did that for me. It was the first Madden I had a total blast playing in 10 years. Well the team that started this new journey on Madden 13, cleaned up on 25 has now brought us what I feel is the best version of Madden football ever.

From the moment you slip the disc into the console and get into the introduction....you knew something different was taking place. We are talking about a huge presentation revamp. This is NFL broadcast quality football. Visually Madden 15 is a stunning game. Easily the best looking football game ever made to date bar none. Audio has been revamped as well. Crowd swells have come to life. The timing of those crowd swells has been tuned and now it feels like your in an NFL stadium. I dare you to crank up your 7.1 and let the sounds of Madden reverberate in your game room. It is pretty awesome.

So audio and visual upgrades are very prominent and jump right off the screen and speakers immediately.

But what about the gameplay stupid!!!

Gameplay - For the first time since Madden 10 but to a much higher degree and with far more quality players look and feel as real as they ever have. Players have momentum and weight. The difference between a RB like LeSean McCoy and bowling ball Giants rookie Andre Williams are clearly felt and seen on Madden 15. With McCoy you have speed and shakes while with Andre Williams your a wrecking ball without much wiggle. WR's like Calvin Johnson and Andre Johnson are physical and can snatch balls out of the sky but then you play with Randal Cobb or Mike Wallace and you get fast agile post runners with deadly sprinters speed after the catch. Gameplay for the most part feels smooth, intuitive and more lifelike than any football game I have ever played before it by far. The lead passing system works really really well and with adjusted QB Accuracy sliders I can say with a lot of certainty pass inaccuracies are in. Knowing your QB's strengths and weakness's is vital in how much or little you will use certain trajectories. By using the full arsenal of pass trajectories you open up a world of animations for the WR's as well as open the door to a more life like sim of QB's having either a great or bad day. And the new player confidence will play into the hands of QB Accuracy.

Tackling and physics - The Ignite engine has taken the next step with Madden 15. I have seen some glorious 4-5 man pile ups, some consecutive hits and stumbles (again I have adjusted my sliders on All-Pro and am working on a sim set) some crushing hits, some big whiff's etc. The new tackling controls and cone are great great additions and makes tackling a mini game in of itself. The new DL controls are also fantastic and are another layer of a game within a game. Playing defense has never been better on any video football game ever made than on Madden 15. I did have to tone down the sacks (simply by finding a sweet spot with CPU and Human pass blocking) but gone are the days of your LE getting all the sacks. Now they come from all over the place. And if you think rushing 4 will net you sacks on a regular basis...think again. You will have to take some calculated chances. The physics still have some wonky animations here and there, but are really good this year overall. YOu can see how this game has really evolved from Madden 13 to Madden 15. Truly it is showing tremendous progress on the field in player interactions (line play is just really solid now) as you are getting real pockets forming and running the ball takes skill in being patient and flowing with the pile and hitting the hole if it opens. Running the ball is highly rewarding and really fun. Having a power back is different from having a dynamic back like Jamal Charles. You see and fell the difference now. Speed ratings are not king anymore in regards to production.

A.I 2.0 - This is where you now know your playing a next gen title. It's all about the vastly improved A.I. The CPU is no joke on All-Pro. The great defensive teams are just that. They can lock you down. They can easily pick up on your play calling tendencies. They will jump curl routes and slants are no longer automatic. Also you better make your reads. So far I have seen the CPU typically cover 3 out of 4 targets and if you do not progress through and recognize who is going to be covered quickly....you will get pressured into a bad throw, a dump off and yes a sack. Defense is back and better than ever. As far as on offense, the CPU is also a lot better. Sliders are needed to boost their running game (which is fine) and pass protect (again that's what they are there for) and once you settle in you will see elite offenses scorch you if your not calling a good game. Which brings us to play calling. YOu better have a good working knowledge of football. This is a football fans game IMO. Having a gameplan, being able to find the weakness and right match-ups (the match-up wheel menu is a great addition as well to see how your slot WR matches up if your #1 is being covered by Sherman). The level if pre play information has gone to new heights.

Playcall menu - Yes...it has been overhauled. And yes at first it is quite daunting and may I say overwhelming. But once you get into a rhythm and understand all the different options you will be calling all the plays you want easily in no time. Trust me it is a great system. The only real draw back is having to always back out from the previous formation, or type of play call screen to get the main menu up again. It is a tad cumbersome...but again once you know that..it becomes an automatic button push to circle (PS4) out to the main play call screen. Another con is CPU offenses call their plays quick and snap the ball a little too quick....if I know exactly what adjustments I want to make once the huddle breaks I can maybe get in 2-3 max with a 25 sec runoff. So that is a little bit of a let down. That hopefully can be patched of offline gamers. I understand why they did it for online games...but offline we should be able to make adjustments a little bit easier. Don't get me wrong...I don't mind it a little quicker to simulate real life but this is a tad too quick by about 7-10 seconds and that is a lot.

CFM - I am doing my beta CFM right now and I love the game prep feature that was added. It adds a whole new layer of team building strategy and I look forward to really diving in deep into that new CFM feature. We all know the simulated stats need a patch and hopefully we get it soon. But overall I think CFM is a deep and immersive franchise mode that is only evolving and getting better with each release.

Skills Trainer - it is a really cool feature and quite frankly if you want to get the most out of all the play calling, new controls and new defensive options you have at your finger tips, I would encourage everyone to do all of them.

Overall - Madden 15 is the most complete package on the field we have ever seen, from next gen visuals and sound to the best AI this game has ever had to date, to life like player models, TV quality broadcast presenetation, Madden 15 for me rates a:


EA really worked on this game. It shows in so many ways. This is a fresh new football game and the dawn of hopefully a foundation that the PS4/ONE generation dev team can keep expanding on.

I took away points for legacy issues that still remain like.

1. A fully functioning sim like penalty system
2. Fully functioning replay system
3. Formation subs menu like the NCAA series still missing and mass subs
4. Auto subs in CFM still bugged and not allowing us to set the values like we can outside in play now
5. WR/DB interaction still needs to be improved like the DL/OL has.

But from all indications many of these legacy issues are being fixed for future releases. Judging how well Madden 15 plays I do believe EA is committed to fixing these issues that were basically and obviously unfix-able last gen.
# 25 SIR924 @ 08/27/14 02:47 PM
Madden 15 is a good game! Graphics are very nice and stadium sound is very realistic. Game play is best madden I've played, but still room for lot's of improvements better running animation. Give this game a few fixes:
1. Better running animations
2 .Tighter physics
3. Multiple commentary teams that can be selected manual or random. This would give the game a different presentation and sound.
But overall this is a good and fun game.
# 26 statum71 @ 08/27/14 04:19 PM
Good reviews.

While not perfect (and no sports game is), this is the best Madden yet in my humble opinion.
# 27 Mos1ted @ 08/27/14 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by fpliii
Haven't played Madden in a few years, strongly considering picking this up for PS4. Couple of quick (closely related) gameplay questions:

1) Is passing more difficult? That is to say, is it more challenging to consistently complete passes?
2) Are users punished enough for attempting difficult passes and failing to complete them?

Apologies for my ignorance, only been following the leadup to the release loosely.
I would definitely say that the improvements to the defense have made offense as a whole more challenging -- in a good way.

I play on All-Pro, and I'm loving the fact that my running back's abilities actually matter. When I'm playing with a good back, I can eat up yards on the ground. With an average to below average back, I'm lucky if I can manage to average 2 yards a carry.

The passing game requires you to approach the line of scrimmage like a real QB. You have to really look at the defense, analyze your receivers' routes, make adjustments if necessary, and really go through your progressions once the ball is snapped -- all while counting to 3 in your head to make sure you get rid of the ball before the pressure gets there. Also, some of the money plays from previous years aren't as effective. For example, four verticals is no longer the guaranteed first down/touch down that it used to be -- for me at least.
# 28 CuseGirl @ 08/27/14 08:10 PM
Gameplay is pretty good. The feel of it is what I like the most. I feel like the players are running, not skating or gliding.

The main issue I have is the lack of customization of my individual player. I still can't help but compare it to NBA 2k, where I can choose my pre game ritual, my introduction dance, and how I shoot/dunk/look. All madden has is the throwing style. There should be a list of TD celebrations I can add to my arsenal. Even a special routine during important timeouts.

Also, I still don't like the user interface, particularly when upgrading my players abilities. Just give me a ratings slider. Is it that hard?
# 29 leeahnee @ 08/27/14 09:07 PM
The on-field portion of the game is pretty solid, the skills trainer is fun (if a bit infuriating at times), and as someone who is just getting into MUT, I'd say they've done a good job there too.

However, as someone who primarily plays offline CFM, it feels like half of the product is broken. Game Prep is pretty cool, but the confidence rating doesn't seem to really work. The branching storylines are okay, but it feels like it doesn't pop up enough (Also, the all-black uni for every storyline player is weird). The news stories are a bit repetitive, and the sim stats wouldn't be in tune with the NFL of four years ago, let alone today. Pretty much everything other than the gameplay is mediocre at best.
# 30 BigRick47 @ 08/27/14 09:40 PM
It feels different for the better, not as easy to run or pass and that's a good thing! So far, so good! Menu's even take time to get used to, which kind of sucks, especially when playing online, time is not on your side defensively trying to navigate the play menu, but that too will come with time.
# 31 regroc88 @ 08/28/14 12:18 AM
Why do EA always
# 32 regroc88 @ 08/28/14 12:25 AM
Why Do EA always take things out of madden. The New consoles have more then enough space for .Player of the Game. C'mon EA this is the Easy Stuff I had a Big game with Arian Foster and Got Nothing No After the game interview Nothing. What did you guys forget to put this in" What"!!!!!!? Frickin Frustrating!!!!!! Put that **** Back!!! C'mon Mannnnnn
# 33 CuseGirl @ 08/28/14 12:48 AM
Also I'm still feeling like play action is broken. It's an automatic sack when I call one.
# 34 dmslapped @ 08/28/14 04:16 AM
I wish there was more penalty's, or any at all would be great
# 35 CT Pitbull @ 08/28/14 05:54 AM
Im definitely having fun with M15 so far. The visuals are finally getting there on par with the "other" basketball game. I really was expecting a lot more with living worlds this year, but seeing as there was no hype leading to release I knew there wasn't going to be any significant improvements.

The audio while sounding the same(same sounds) sounds much better, if that makes sense. The NFL films camera shots are beautiful at times.

Im really having fun with the defensive camera, and the camera switching on-the-fly keeps gameplay from getting stale. This is an underrated feature. We still need to be able to customize camera angles though.

Ive seen some improvements in tackling but at the same time, far to often when players collide they pinball off each other 3-4 yards away, that's too far. It needs to be tightened up.

By far M15 isn't a perfect game. It is the best game of football ive played in YEARS though, its getting there. There NEEDS to be more penalties added to the game (defensive holding) as well as the ones we do have need to work properly. So far for M15, penalties are non existent.

The intelligence of the CPU QB's also needs to be higher while at the same time the accuracy of there throws is still too high. I do feel a diffence between top notch QB's and scrubs but even the elite passers aren't as accurate as M15 makes them out to be. There is also a nice contrast of ability with different RBs. A power guy FEELS like a power back. A shifty RB definitely FEELS way different than a guy like Stephen Jackson or LeGarret Blount, which is nice. EA needs to keep running with that and give each player signature moves and traits.

The game definitely still has its issues but you can see there is some polish to some areas, now its time to build build build on this base. NO MORE subtraction of features, its time to add and then add some more. Like someone above said the "player of the game" interview is gone this year for some reason. WHY? This is something that EA has to stop doing yesterday. Stop removing features that don't need to be removed. This has been a huge part of their frustrated fan base for quite some time, the CONSTANT removal of things for seemingly no reason at all. Its the classic 1 step forward 2 steps back. Like Ditka says "STOP IT!!"

So far ill give M15 an 8 out of 10, its getting there just not as fast as all of us would like.
# 36 GisherJohn24 @ 08/28/14 09:28 AM
Honestly, this is the first NFL game where I can honestly say it feels like an NFL game for real on Sunday. No offense to poeople who like rap music and some of that current gen music out there today, but I'm glad those days of those terrible soundtracks are gone. It's not NFL Films music which I so adored in Madden 10 and 11 , but the new music is more of an orchestrated score and I'm completely down with that and it fits the mood of NFL Sunday in most respects. The closeups after a play, the replays, the camera angles, the awesome celebrations, the crowd atmosphere is even great! And do we have lively sidelines for a change? We certainly do!

After the virtual highlight reel the game put you in, you are offered to go into the training modes or dive into the ultimate team or other modes. The skills training is long and very entertaining, but most of all, you really learn a lot when you play the trainer. was a nice addition and I learned a lot about the new defensive mechanics and I was instantly having a blast learning how to play again. I knew if the training is fun, the main game had to be fun right? Well, let's see here...

The difficulty level has gotten tougher IMO. I let the Browns beat me (Eagles 14 to 10 in my first game) but it was a fantastic an exciting game and I didn't want it to end. But what stood out? I could play freaking DEFENSE!!! Although I was learning with that new defensive camera angle. Is it me, or did they somewhat borrow from backbreaker? That threw me off back in the day, it's throwing me off now, but it grows on you and I like playing behind the defense for a change and it works well.

Again, I mentioned before, you do occasionally see some pretty outrageous animations especially near the end of a tackle with guys flopping around again like in 25, but it's definitely been addressed and toned down significantly and overall, it really feels and looks good.

Offense feels great as the defense does. The typical controls still will be right home with the Madden guys. Running game is a blast and run blocking continues to improve each year, and I feel the holes are easier to distinguish in this game. Passing is smooth and doesn't seem overpowering. I tried a few of my money plays I learned over the years and they all seemed to be contained. Computer A.I. is smart and mixes it up. I love the play calling screens. Nice and big and easy to see which is great for poeple who like to really get up close and personal. I really like the ability to look through so many plays and the reccomended plays always seem like a good option when you're wanting to do hurry up.

Graphics are fantastic. As good as MLB The Show and NBA2k?? I sure think so. The players faces are better than you would expect considering they are usually hiding under their helmets, but there is an amazing amount of detail especially for big name guys like Peyton Manning. Coaches are eeriely like their actual counterparts. So much love was to make this look more real than it already did, and Madden 15 gets nearly everything right in the graphics department.

The commentary is the only thing that continues to disappoint. It's an improvement from last year, all be it a miniscule one. I like Nance, but i think I heard his voice over the years too many times on NCAA. The halftime show and end game summaries are very nice though, the broadcast presentation as a whole truly feels like an NFL Sunday broadcast, can probably lean on CBS a bit with the vibe I get when I play.

The game offers online tournaments, connected franchise modes, online quick matches, roster sharing (woo hoo) and LEGENDS are back! I don't know how many yet, but nice to see I can make my own players too and make my own classic teams! Look out everyone, the 86 browns will be coming for you!

Madden 15 is not Madden 25 with updated rosters, this game feels great, feels new, and feels fresh. EA put a lot into their game this year and made me a believer that EA can still make a good football game on a yearly basis if they want to. Madden 15 is proof for me. I give it a 9 out of 10.
# 37 Killaice @ 08/28/14 01:26 PM
I'm all about presentation. Something madden has always lacked in compared to 2k games. That intro video/game with the Seahawks versus the Panthers. Give me that game. I would play something like that all day! But after all my bias years I will give madden some credit. It actually plays better(thank the heavens)
# 38 CuseGirl @ 08/28/14 04:33 PM
Played about 14 games so far and have not completed one deep pass. It doesn't matter how terrible the secondary is or how fast my receivers are, not ONE TIME has a receiver gotten behind a defender. I understand that it shouldn't happen often but its impossible to complete a deep pass ever. Also, the receivers don't jump for the ball, they just wait for it to come down and the corners are seemingly always able to get under deep passes. And this is single coverage on guys like Andre Johnson and Jimmy Graham. At some point these guys make plays.
# 39 slick1ru2 @ 08/28/14 06:40 PM
Unfortunately for those on the older consoles, we paid the same price but got an incomplete product. No pre and half-ti8me show is the biggest omission along with no community play input with success % rates. I didn't expect, of course, for the graphics to be any better including the crowd, but the other elements should have been included especially if charged the same price. I have to admit, if you have an XBox One or PS3, this purchase may be a pass since its basically Madden 25 with the elimination of Defense Assit and addition of two new ways to tackle. MUT went overboard. What we needed in MUT was a simpler way to find out where a card goes. They added it but changed it around so much its now confusing. Also the CC pregame seems like a waste of time. Last year's was too easy, this year is too complex and absurd. You get a tiny allocation of hours and have too much of a choice to spend it on. Its not like that in real life because in real life teams have a staff that works with each group.
# 40 slick1ru2 @ 08/28/14 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by slick1ru2
Unfortunately for those on the older consoles, we paid the same price but got an incomplete product. No pre and half-ti8me show is the biggest omission along with no community play input with success % rates. I didn't expect, of course, for the graphics to be any better including the crowd, but the other elements should have been included especially if charged the same price. I have to admit, if you have an XBox One or PS3, this purchase may be a pass since its basically Madden 25 with the elimination of Defense Assit and addition of two new ways to tackle. MUT went overboard. What we needed in MUT was a simpler way to find out where a card goes. They added it but changed it around so much its now confusing. Also the CC pregame seems like a waste of time. Last year's was too easy, this year is too complex and absurd. You get a tiny allocation of hours and have too much of a choice to spend it on. Its not like that in real life because in real life teams have a staff that works with each group.
I meant XBox 360 or PS3, obviously, not XBox One.

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