Feature Article
No EASHL, GM Connected, OTP, or Live The Life in NHL 15 (Interview)

It’s official: EASHL, GM Connected, OTP, and Live the Life will not be in NHL 15.

The modes which will be in the game, will include play now, Be A Pro, Be a GM, Online Vs, Hockey Ultimate Team, and NHL Moments Live. The plan, as of right now, is to deliver Online Team Play via a patch after launch.

We sat down with Producer Sean Ramjagsingh to discuss why those modes were not included and to talk about the modes which are in the game. The discussion also turns to how to the team deals with community reactions and plans for the future of the franchise, which admittedly are quite exciting. See for yourself after the jump!

Update: After realizing we had no quotes from Sean on GM Connected we reached out to EA for a comment. Here is an official response from EA on why it was excluded: "GM Connected was one of our lowest played modes. We’ll be looking to see how we can bring a better online GM experience to the franchise in future iterations"

Operation Sports: Tell us about what modes are in NHL 15 and why users should be excited about them. What's new with modes shipping in NHL 15 for XB1 and PS4?

Sean Ramjagsingh: First of all with the move to the new console for us,  it was about creating a great gameplay and presentation experience. Really it was about getting into that space and settings us up with a foundation for development on this generation of consoles. What we’ve done with gameplay and presentation this year, we are very, very, proud of.

We truly changed the gameplay experience and have delivered a brand new presentation. With the modes themselves, we are offering a suite of modes which will offer different ways to play our game on Gen-4.

We have Be a GM, Be a Pro, Online Versus, Hockey Ultimate Team and NHL Moments Live, which is a scenario mode where we will continuously update with moments from the real world.

OS: With five modes failing to make the transition to next-gen (Live the Life, NHL 94, OTP, EASHL, GM Connected), do you think the enhanced visuals and gameplay of NHL 15 are enough of a reason to justify users buying the next-gen version?

SR:  The big one which most people have been asking about is about OTP and EASHL. The reality there is, we had to start with the core and we had to get the online up and running. The team has been pushing as hard as we can to get OTP in for launch.

As of today, which is our beta date looking to get the game in the package-goods product for consumers to pick up on the first day, we had to make the decision that OTP will not be in the game for launch. It was a very tough decision for us. Obviously we recognize that OTP and EASHL are huge modes for us. Our fans, our community are very invested in those modes, so it was a very tough decision and tough day for us. But the reality is, its not going to get there for launch.

We are however, committed to releasing post-launch patches like you’ve seen in EA Sports UFC — where we continue to update content and get OTP in as part of one of the patches we release post launch.

OS: What would be the timeline for the OTP patch?

SR: We’ve been pushing hard to get OTP. So if you would’ve asked me last month, I would’ve told you our goal was to get OTP in at launch. It’s a very complex mode. You have, at any one time, up to 12 user controlled players playing the game at the same time from different screen perspectives.

To be completely transparent, with screen perspectives it’s not overly complex. The complexities come within the gameplay itself, and coordinating the 12 user controlled players in their different living rooms. Balancing with the servers to make sure there’s no glitches. The gameplay, which is different because its all user controlled, is very tight.

So we’re pushing as fast as we can. I can’t commit to an exact date right now, but what I can tell you right now is that we are committed to being transparent around the development of OTP. As we make progress with OTP we’ll be speaking to fans and the community about that.

OS: What development challenges led to the removal of key modes? How long ago was the decision made to remove these features?

SR: If you go back a little bit, we weren’t there for the first year of the new consoles. The team was focused on delivering the best possible experience we could, really maxing it out on Gen-3 (PS3/360) with NHL 14. The reality is that we had 12 months to develop NHL 15 itself.

Again, we started with the core. We started with the gameplay and the presentation to ensure we truly innovated in that space and took our game to another level and setting us up for the future.

The next part about developing on the new consoles for us was that it was exciting with new opportunities to discover new things. As you overcome new development hurdles you would unlock new things you could do, so we had to make design decisions on the fly. The downside of that is because of some of the roadblocks you hit developing on the new consoles, despite learning from other games within EA Sports, bringing our codebase over and trying to rebuild it to set it up for the future had its own set of challenges.

As we hit each one of those challenges, to be honest, they were just very time consuming to overcome. They sucked up a lot of our resources, so there were just some significant challenges there on the development part of it. As we hit those challenges and tried to overcome them, it just minimized the time we had to devote to other modes in NHL 15.

OS: Are steps being taken to prevent this kind of scenario next year? What steps are being taken to ensure all of the modes from Gen-3 are in next year’s NHL?

SR: When we kicked off NHL 15, we literally had nothing up and running. So it was about taking eight years of development on the previous generation of consoles and bringing the best parts over to the new generation. So just getting the game up and running was a challenge in NHL 15, as it was on all of the sports titles on the new consoles.

The different next year is that we will have a game foundation set up and running that we are extremely proud. We set it up from a tech perspective so that we can deliver bigger and better things in our modes, gameplay and presentation in the future. We’re set up very well for the future and we have a game that is up and running that we can continue to build on. The most exciting thing for us is that we’ve overcome the hurdle of getting a quality game up and running.

Yes we acknowledge we’ve lost some of the depth we had with OTP and EASHL, however we are very excited about the foundation we’ve built. With the gameplay, presentation, and the modes and what we can do with the modes going forward and specifically what we can do with OTP and EASHL which I know our fans are very passionate about.

OS: What does the dev team think of all of the feedback this omission has gotten and will be getting? I assume the feedback is being heard.

SR: With social media and two-way communication, the NHL franchise and myself take pride in communicating with our fans and having that one to one communication. So yes, I have seen the negativity around the rumors about whether EASHL was going to be in the game or not. For us, I understand it, I understand the confusion. We didn’t want to create more confusion by putting out a message without all of the information until literally today, when we made the final call on whether OTP or EASHL are going to be in the game.

Announcing anything earlier than today would have created more questions than solving answers for us. It’s tough to see all of the speculation and not be able to reply to it, but the team here has been really focused on pushing forward and delivering as much as we possibly could for launch and for the patches coming for NHL 15.

OS: What would you say to the folks who've enjoyed the team and co-op aspects of the NHL series at this point? What do they have to look forward to, considering all of the time and effort they've dedicated to team and online modes in the past 5+ years?

SR: First and foremost, once they get their hands on the demo and start experiencing the gameplay, it’s a truly different experience. We tried to innovate and rebuild our gameplay and presentation from the ground up and the core to EASHL and OTP is a great gameplay experience. So first and foremost, I think our fans will appreciate the great gameplay.

What they have to look forward to is leveraging that foundation we’ve built on the technical side to allow us to do bigger and better things. I’m committed to EASHL, the franchise is committed to EASHL. Our goal is not to just bring over the EASHL you knew from Gen-3, but to do it bigger and better. We want to engage the community and get their feedback, and have them help build that experience with us.

OS: What about the modes in the game, what is Be-a-Pro bringing to the table?

SR: In Be-A-Pro, you’ll be able to play with a character in BAP, play in the NHL. It’ll be the same as before, the depth is there. With regards to setting us up for the future, the one piece that is not there is the Life the Life piece. Looking at the bar being set by other sports games, and us wanting to set ourselves up for the future and be better with all of our modes, so Live the Life is not there this year.

As a development team, we’re going to go back, and create a new strategy for creating a bigger and better Be-A-Pro experience.

OS: What about Be-A-GM?

SR: In Be-A-GM, you have the opportunity to control your own franchise and guide them to a Stanley Cup. All of the basics of the mode are there: there’s free agency, trading, and the rookie draft. You can play up to 25 seasons as well. The core of that mode is there.

We’re continuing as part of our updates to bring back some of that depth in different ways. We’ll have more details on what the patch plans for Be-A-GM specifically at a later date. The goal was to create a solid foundation to continue to build upon and to bring back things our fans have been asking for which we haven’t been able to in the past because of other technical limitations we’ve had.

OS: How much work went into the current-gen version of NHL 15? Why should someone buy the current-gen version? What is being added?

SR: The full suite of modes from last year’s PS3/Xbox 360 version of NHL are in NHL 15 on the same consoles. We’ve added some multiplayer physics to the game while changing the gameplay experience by taking some of what we did from the new consoles. We obviously couldn’t do everything because of the difference of the power of the consoles.

One of the requests fans have had for years is replacing the commentators, our new commentary team (Mike "Doc" Emrick and Eddie Olczyk) is also present in the PS3 and 360 versions of NHL 15.

OS: With how everything has really gone down on social media, is there anything you would like to do different in communicating with fans?

SR: We were pushing as hard as we could for as long as we could to get OTP and EASHL in the game. And today is the day we kind of had to make the final decision. The team was driving as hard as they could to get as much in as possible for launch.

It’s tough because we pride ourselves in that two-way communication but the community doesn’t have that visibility to see what we’re doing day in and day out. They don’t see how we’re pushing, the late nights we’re putting in to get as much in as possible. It’s really about delivering a clear message when we communicate with our fans, and communicating anything before today would have probably led to more questions than answers.

That’s why today is so important to us, we officially made the decision on what will be in there at launch. Now that we have the information and want to make sure we answer those questions with the right amount of information.

OS: Last question, what is the one thing fans should be truly excited about with NHL 15?

SR: We’re extremely proud of the package we’re delivering this year. It’s a truly next-gen experience when you start with our gameplay. With what we’ve done with the next-gen player models and characters, being built from the ground up, having cloth on the players for the first time, the brand new A.I. system which will really be a foundation for our A.I. system moving forward.

We’ve rebuilt our gameplay from the ground up, with our new multi-player and puck physics.  What you see on TV is what you’re going to see in our game, with brand new commentators done in a way you’ve never seen in a sports game before — we’re actually taking the real commentators and putting them in the game.  We’re trying to innovate with everything that we do.

We’re trying to set the bar with our visuals, with over 9000 new crowd models. You’ll see the home team fans, the away team fans, the super fans, the vendors. We really brought the arena to life and captured every detail. The backend experience is really second to none, we’re extremely proud of that.

On the game modes side of things, we’re bringing over the key modes in a way that sets us up for the future. The tech is set up now to do things in a bigger and better way. We’re in the process of building OTP right now, which we’re going to be transparent about, and OTP is basically the foundation of the EASHL experience. So that foundation is there for us to deliver an EASHL experience that is bigger and better than anything anyone could have imagined when we originally did the mode in NHL 09.

The future is bright. With NHL 15, we’re extremely proud of the package we’re delivering this year. It truly is a next-gen experience with a changed gameplay and presentation while bringing over our key modes, and we’re set up for OTP in EA Sports Hockey in the future.

NHL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 201 Dave Pearson @ 08/20/14 08:39 PM
The gameplay for this game better be fan-freakin-tastic judging from how little confidence he displayed on Be a GM. Not like the mode was ever anything to write home about in the first place either. Not a good sign for those that don't play with friends constantly.
# 202 Bcolt93 @ 08/20/14 11:10 PM
well EA wont be getting any money from me this year, which will be the first time since 1997. Over the last 17 years whether its NHL, Madden, FIFA or NCAA i've bought at least one of their games. I havent bought Madden in about a decade now, and dont intend to buy it ever again after the 06 debacle. The NCAA series was by far my favourite and thats been cancelled, so thats not an option. And as great as FIFA is i will not give EA my money after the way they treat their customers.

Cutting these features is a low blow and its incredibly disheartening that they will charge us full price for this game. That would be like me cutting a paper in half for school and still expecting the grades for the "work" put in. And timetables shouldnt be any excuse ever. Its your job to develop these games and have them working properly on time. Its not like they didnt know when the game was going to launch. Add in the fact that they skipped last year for the sole purpose of preventing this and it just further alienates their fan base. There is a reason many people are cynical when it comes to games made by EA and this is part of the reason. The lack of communication, the fact that many in the community in most of their sports titles feel like their suggestions and complaints are falling on deaf ears and then the buggy and glitch-ridden final product all creates anger in distrust.

Part of me is glad that thanks to EA this year in one way or another, i saved $200, really closer to $600 if you include the price of a next-gen console, because i didnt purchase their titles this year. Instead im going to wait until christmas to pick up a PS4 and buy F1 2015 in the spring. However im incredibly saddened that the games i've grown up playing as a kid by a company that has produced many great titles have dropped off this far. at this point i expect to be disappointed when buying the game, and now i dont even bother.

thanks EA, you drove a loyal customer of over a decade away
# 203 Mongo14 @ 08/20/14 11:15 PM
Is NHL 15 coming out Last Gen? Will that have Live the Life?
# 204 turbineseaplane @ 08/21/14 12:30 AM
I don't play online at all.....

And not even a basic offline season mode is included?

This is simply incredible. Not even sure *what* they are releasing?

Why bother at all?

"Play now" mode for $60?

Couldn't cancel my order fast enough.
# 205 hockeyyt988 @ 08/21/14 01:04 AM
Can anyone shed any light on the difference (if any) between live the life and Be a pro?

Seems to be they're the same thing, minus the stupid text interviews....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 206 Penaltybox4ever @ 08/21/14 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by hockeyyt988
Can anyone shed any light on the difference (if any) between live the life and Be a pro?

Seems to be they're the same thing, minus the stupid text interviews....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, pretty much that. All LTL added was stupid questions and 4 meters how the fans, team, management and family (?) liked you. Dont remember if those had any impact at all...
Gamewise there wasnt any difference between LTL and BaP.
Wont miss it at all...
The idea of aftergame interviews and life outside arena would be a cool addition if implemented with more than a poorly executed text rpg sidequest made in under an afternoon...
# 207 Penaltybox4ever @ 08/21/14 02:04 AM
Im abit worried that season mode isnt mentioned among gamemodes since I like to play SHL season now and then. But this is such a basic mode, can they really left it out?
If they not revamped BeaGM to support other leagues I wouldnt see the reason to have 10 leagues in game without ability to play seasons...
Oh wait, forgot the reason, to add more cards to HUT of course!

I would like to know if create a team is in, but I doubt it...
# 208 Jellobiafra @ 08/21/14 06:28 AM
I wonder how the only mode that was able to sneak in was Ultimate team?

Parents beware! do not allow your children access to your credit card # and expiry- EA will drain you of money you have not earned yet by selling your kids virtual baseball cards. The humanity of it all!
# 209 SWEGAMER @ 08/21/14 06:41 AM
All the time i spend on playing NHL 98% is probably EASHL, with it not being in the game I went from "buying for sure" to "probably not buying it". Still, I was keen on playing it, have a few beers and start an offline season, maybe play a battle for the cup against a friend and maybe an co-op playoff.

This is so damn basic i took for granted that it was included but after a few min on google i´m not sure anymore and I dont feel like spending too much time searching for this.

These modes cannot possibly have been cut out?
# 210 Södy @ 08/21/14 06:43 AM
Season mode was out for NHL 07 aswell. Plus NHL 07 only had the NHL, no AHL or international leagues.

I don't play EASHL or GM connected. I only play Online-VS, Be a GM / season mode and HUT.

The only thing I need in Be a GM is trading and drafting. I don't care for all the other stuff.

So the news don't affect me but I can understand those people who love those game modes being pissed.
# 211 Splitter77 @ 08/21/14 08:34 AM
this news doesnt affect me/
but one thing is for certain.
The gameplay better be top notch, and as good as they say it is, for me to purchase a ps4 and the game.

I'll know by the reviews this site gives out on the demo.
I'll be especially interested in seeing how posters like meep, bigwill, canuckss, fiddy etc,.. and others feel about the gameplay.
# 212 EliJ27 @ 08/21/14 08:46 AM
Someone PLEASE tell me you can still create players in this game though, like single player, be a gm and so fourth. I like the customization aspect of games and really i feel like a lot of people should feel this way, it gives you a sense of control over your game that you pay $64.19 for.... I know a lot of people are fed up with EA and they know that too. So with that being said I can't imagine EA would want to open up that can of worms if they took that out.
# 213 Gerg04 @ 08/21/14 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Anyone buying this is a part of the problem, no way should it be 60 bucks, or it should have been delayed until 2016. EA has a monopoly on hockey and no competition, this is what you get......
Nailed it.

The shame of it is, hockey has such a passionate fan base, we need our fix. And we're force fed this BS on a yearly basis with no other alternatives. NHL happens to be the 1 game I not only play the most, but play the most socially; and with friends who are not as "into" gaming the way I am.

In reality if EA and/or Rammer were actually sincere and gave 2 craps about us, they'd have dropped the game to $49.99 at least. However we all know hell would freeze over, melt, then freeze again before EA did anything like that.

Until someone comes along to show EA competition this will continue (the word "this" is referring to more than the lack of game modes).
# 214 Sip_16 @ 08/21/14 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
@SIp_!16, that is a strawman argument.....The end consumer should not care what politics, effort has to go in behind the scenes, the end product is all that they should or have to care about,. Other sports franchises have not came out a year later missing half the modes. Do you criticize the president? Hope not you have never been right? You dont need to have done something to be able to cricize, there are many other comparable products to compare it to.
Okay I wasn't trying to say you have to be able to do what you are criticizing. I have a lot of criticisms regarding Be A GM and the AI and I can't create video games. I just saw on youtube that the EA NHL team apparently only took 12 months to make this game when they skipped 14 for next gen. If that is the case that deserves criticism because it lead to EASHL not being put in the game.

Wasn't trying to anger anybody, just was saying no matter what you believe or not believe, only EA seems to know why or why not it was kept out.
# 215 drog1602 @ 08/21/14 10:48 AM
For me the EASHL was the only reason that myself and three other teammates played this game. There is zero resaon to purchse NHL15, even if they did patch it. Its too little too late.

When they do bring back the EASHL it had better exceed my expectations, not be a rehash of what we currently have (though I have little faith this will happen).

The way that EA SPORTS has handled this whole situation, has really left a bad tatste in my mouth and I sense that it has done severe damage to NHL series with other customers as well.

At this point I think we need a new game and new team that can start fresh and build back some of its damaged reputation. Perhaps the EASHL could be released as a stand alone product.

I wonder about the future of this series, it smells a lot like the demise of the 2K hockey game.

We all saw this coming.

I guess when you build from the ground up every year, you remain in the basement!
# 216 htskr21 @ 08/21/14 11:28 AM
I apologize if someone has already made this point. Electronic Arts is first and foremost, a business. In order to remain in business, you have to turn a profit. (At least over the long term.) The NHL team's allotment of resources (staff, equipment, travel, oversight, etc.) would be based both on historical profit (or loss) numbers from previous year(s), especially the numbers following the first launch of the NHL series on PS3 and an extrapolation (best guess) on potential profit with the next-gen console. I firmly believe Sean and anyone else on his team truly do want to produce the best possible product but they are only human. They have to sleep, take vacations, get sick and are some days more (or less) productive than others. Same as any of us.

Everyone is correct in stating that HUT made it in solely because it generates revenue for the NHL title and other modes do not, (at least in a measurable way.) In order to increase the revenue and therefore, the resources that the development team is given in the future, the title must make money, plain and simple. Whether or not that is fair to the consumer or not, well there's only one way to really make your voice heard and that's not to buy the product. Of course, if enough people did that, EA's most likely response wouldn't be to pour more resources into NHL 16' because they feel bad for us, it would be to pull the plug on the product when their deal with the NHL runs out. Much like MLB 2K and EA's subsequent silence on producing a baseball game for next-gen consoles. As a side note, Major League Baseball, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Here endeth the lesson.
# 217 Qb @ 08/21/14 11:47 AM
You guys want a good example of an unacceptable junk post that isn't constructive and only serves to lower the standards of discussion at OS? Here you go:

Originally Posted by Jellobiafra
I wonder how the only mode that was able to sneak in was Ultimate team?

Parents beware! do not allow your children access to your credit card # and expiry- EA will drain you of money you have not earned yet by selling your kids virtual baseball cards. The humanity of it all!
# 218 JimmyDeicide @ 08/21/14 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by htskr21
I apologize if someone has already made this point. Electronic Arts is first and foremost, a business. In order to remain in business, you have to turn a profit. (At least over the long term.) The NHL team's allotment of resources (staff, equipment, travel, oversight, etc.) would be based both on historical profit (or loss) numbers from previous year(s), especially the numbers following the first launch of the NHL series on PS3 and an extrapolation (best guess) on potential profit with the next-gen console. I firmly believe Sean and anyone else on his team truly do want to produce the best possible product but they are only human. They have to sleep, take vacations, get sick and are some days more (or less) productive than others. Same as any of us.

Everyone is correct in stating that HUT made it in solely because it generates revenue for the NHL title and other modes do not, (at least in a measurable way.) In order to increase the revenue and therefore, the resources that the development team is given in the future, the title must make money, plain and simple. Whether or not that is fair to the consumer or not, well there's only one way to really make your voice heard and that's not to buy the product. Of course, if enough people did that, EA's most likely response wouldn't be to pour more resources into NHL 16' because they feel bad for us, it would be to pull the plug on the product when their deal with the NHL runs out. Much like MLB 2K and EA's subsequent silence on producing a baseball game for next-gen consoles. As a side note, Major League Baseball, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Here endeth the lesson.
This holds no merit when EASHL also has micro transactions which makes them a lot of extra cash, 2nd most to HUT .

So if its all about the money they should have just put in an NHL season mode ,EASHL and HUT.
# 219 canucksss @ 08/21/14 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
EA were deleting comments and even relevant questions regarding GM connected yesterday on there own forum.....really dispicable practice imo.

That's their actual practice ever since. I know some were not polite and really deserve to be banned. But its different if they cannot take any criticism and have the arrogance of not improving the game and expect us to be silent about it.

Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Anyone buying this is a part of the problem, no way should it be 60 bucks, or it should have been delayed until 2016. EA has a monopoly on hockey and no competition, this is what you get......
THANK YOU. I know the hockey fanatics need our fix, so those guys with X1 and getting the chance to play ahead of time can really do BIG FAVOR to this community. See what's in the game. If Only presentations, crowds and arenas are new and no improvement in gameplay, Live a life, BaGM etc, then we can say....no to 15 and a probable in 16.
# 220 ChubbyBanana @ 08/21/14 05:46 PM
While I understand the disappointment in modes that were in previous versions not being there the game does what I want it to. NHL Moments, Exhibition, Vs 1v1 Offline, and Be a GM.

I think however you guys saying I'm "not a real hockey fan" or "I'm contributing to the problem" for planning on buying a game that fits my needs is ridiculous though. It'd be like if I said you were crazy to like EASHL and play it all the time.

Just my thoughts.

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