Feature Article
Madden NFL 15: Everything You Need to Know About Connected Franchise

EA SPORTS is excited to finally bring you news about the big changes we made in Connected Franchise Mode (CFM) this year. I hope you agree that we definitely saved the best for last!

This is the stuff you hardcore fans wait all year to hear about, so it's time to break down every major change we made this year.

Game Prep and Confidence
The biggest change to Madden NFL 15’s Connected Franchise are the additions of Game Prep and Confidence.

These new systems replaced two features from Madden NFL 25: practice and hot/cold streaks. Game Prep allows players to make sure their team is prepared every week, AND allows them to earn valuable XP for backups and young players.

Every player now has a confidence rating between 1 and 99. That confidence rating is dynamic and will change based on what happens to the player and his team from week to week, and is is NOT an indication of how confident the player generally is in real life.

Among the things that can change a player’s confidence are losses, poor performances, trades, etc. How much confidence fluctuates is determined by several different factors: whether the player is a starter or backup, their consistency rating, and how big the game was. Get blown out by a rival at home? Confidence drops more than a one-point road loss.

Wondering how much each player’s confidence changed after a big win? There’s a screen that shows every player’s individual changes, allowing players to go back and track the changes in confidence.

So what does confidence do? Simple. If a player’s confidence is high, their key ratings temporarily increase. If it gets too low, those same key ratings drop.

This was done to represent players that outperform their expectations, as well as players that are struggling. Before last season, did anyone think that Josh Freeman would be a free agent at the start of October? That’s what Madden 15 is trying to capture with this new system.

Quick Tip: Every player starts Connected Franchise with a “normal” confidence rating of 50. Once confidence start dropping to below 25-30 or increasing to 75-80, that’s when ratings changes will occur. 

Game Prep
Game Prep replaces Madden 25’s practice mode, and was designed to allow you to make the ultimate choices in developing your team. Each week, players are given a set amount of time to prep each week.

This time fluctuates based on season schedule, so bye weeks or Monday night games will impact preparation for the following week, just like the real-world NFL.

Players have multiple activities to choose from each week, and each activity costs a specific amount of time per player.

There are two types of activities in Game Prep – one increases players’ confidence, while the other earns XP. If you’re trying to develop a young team like the Jaguars or Bucs, focus most on getting your players XP. If you’re a team like the Seahawks or 49ers, it’s better to focus on increasing confidence, so that the team is prepared each and every week.

CPU teams have extensive logic that determines what they work on every week. Bad teams will focus mostly on developing their players, while contenders will focus on confidence first and then earn XP if confidence isn’t an issue.

How much XP or confidence each player earns depends on factors such as coach traits and a player’s development trait. If a QB possesses the “Superstar” development trait and has Jim Harbaugh as a coach, that player will earn more XP or confidence than a player with an average coach/trait. NFL coaches like Andy Reid and Jim Harbaugh are known for developing QBs, and that is what the development team attempted to capture.

Players also have the choice to run in-game skill drills for XP or Confidence, with points rewarded based on success in the activity. We want to reward players for putting in the time with in-game skill drills, so those are more valuable than activities that do not occur in game.

Game Prep is not designed to be a grind. If players choose to ignore Game Prep on any given week, we’ll use the same logic that CPU teams use to automatically reward a player with XP or Confidence. It’s up to you when you want to jump in and control how players are developing.

Quick Tip: Check out the depth chart to see which key ratings have increased or decreased.Ratings that have increased will be green, while decreased ratings are red. This carries into games, as well.

Free Agency Redesign
Offseason Free Agency has undergone a redesign that adds several different factors when attempting to sign a player. When a player evaluates whether they want to sign with you, they no longer take only money into account. Now they evaluate your team’s needs, scheme, coaching ability, etc. All of those factors are displayed on the screen, which makes it easier to see why a player spurned an offer. The other team may have just been a better fit.

Random Draft Classes
For the first time in CFM, draft classes are entirely random. Every name, rating, trait, face, etc. is randomly generated every season. No two classes are alike or predictable. This is something we’ve wanted to do for the past few years. Our fans have been very passionate about random draft classes, and this addition adds unlimited replayability to Connected Franchise.

Random Branching Storylines
Rookie Branching Storylines are now completely random. This allows us to have more players change throughout the season, and also opens up the ability to have a lot more commentary during the NFL Draft. All storylines are based on the storylines we’ve added to the game over the last two years.

In-Game Overall Ratings
Another big change in Madden NFL 15 is seeing the same overall (OVR) ratings in game as the depth chart. If a QB is an 85 overall in your scheme in the front end, they’ll be an 85 OVR in game as well.

Completely ReDesigned Relocation Uniforms
The uniforms shipped with last year were not up to our team’s quality standards, so I took it upon myself this year to learn how to make uniforms in Madden and redesign every relocation uniform in CFM.

You’ll no longer see the same uniform style for every team; each team has different styles that reflect what future uniforms might look like. We also were very excited to work with the community in the Uniform Design Contest, and incorporated several of the winners’ designs into the game.

Redesigned Buy Packages Screen
One of my favorite changes this year makes it easier to buy packages as a player, coach or owner. Players can now buy multiple packages at once and commit to changes with one press of a button instead of having to buy one package at a time like previous Madden games. We’re hoping this change makes it easier to upgrade players going forward. We’ve also added a filter to the coach buy package screen that should allow for easier navigation.

Owner Mode Financial Model Changes
Our team listened carefully to fans, and made big changes to Owner Mode. Every sellable item (concessions, merchandise) now has a sweet spot that determines the maximum amount of profit that can be earned. If prices stay at their default levels, you will always leave money on the table.

Owner Mode is now much more challenging when it comes to making a profit, and teams with older stadiums in smaller markets may be better off building new stadiums or relocating altogether.

As always, the best solution in Owner Mode is winning. Win and the fans will spend money. Our goal was to make Owner Mode much more challenging this year, and we feel like we’ve accomplished that.

Sim To
One of Madden 15’s late additions is very helpful to players that like to simulate multiple seasons at a time. Players can sim to a point in the future (the next draft, the offseason, next season), and the game will advance weeks until it reaches that point. We even added an option to simulate ten years into the future! In online leagues, only commissioners can simulate to a point in the future.

Removed FOURTH Down Watching
Last year, Madden kept you on the field on fourth down if you were a holder on extra points or blocker on a field goal. We’ve removed that, creating a more seamless experience.

Progression/Regression Recap
We’ve added a screen that tracks when players regress or progress in Connected Franchise. This should provide clarity as to why player regress in the offseason, whether it’s failing to reach season goals or losing a step because of old age. There are also news stories that talk about players “losing a step.”

Redesigned Weekly Goals
Weekly goals for players and coaches have been completely revamped with refreshed goals that, react to player status, team ratings, types of games, etc. Goals now take into account where you are in the depth chart. You will no longer be expected to rush for 100 yards as the third-string running back.

Multiple Commissioners
The team sat down early in the development cycle with our EA SPORTS Game Changers, and one of the things that came out of that meeting was a new commissioner tool. Online commissioners can now assign other league users as commissioners so that you always have someone who can advance the league if the primary commissioner is away.

Autopilot Control
Another suggestion that came out of our discussions with the Game Changers was allowing players to determine how long to put a team on autopilot. If you’re going on vacation for one week and want autopilot to turn off after one week, you have that ability.

Relocation Tuning and League Setting
Along with creating all new uniforms, we tuned CPU relocation so that it very rarely happens early in CFM. Teams still rebuild stadiums in their home city, but it’s pretty rare for a CPU team to up and move. At the request of the Game Changers, we also added an additional setting that allows you to prohibit CPU teams from relocating at all.

Injured Reserve (IR) Changes
Users can now remove an injured player from IR if they heal quickly. Use this functionality carefully, as it’s only allowed once per season.

Hire/Fire Staff During the Season
In order to give owners more control, it’s now possible to hire or fire staff members (head coach, trainer or scout) during the season.

Pro Bowl Update
The Pro Bowl now mimics real life, as conference affiliations have been removed in favor of two legends serving as captains.

CPU Uses Alternate Uniforms
CPU teams now have a chance to wear alternate uniforms in a regular season game. There’s also a news story that reacts to the team doing it.

Sim Engine Changes
The simulation engine now includes things like consistency, confidence and development. In Madden 15, young players with great development traits will have slightly better “simmed” stats than normal. This allows great young players to progress quickly and become stars in the league.

There you have it! We’ve made tons of changes to Connected Franchise Mode in Madden NFL, and we’re already at work on designing ideas for next year’s game!

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Member Comments
# 301 DNMHIII @ 08/07/14 11:22 AM
So in a nutshell for CFM they really just changed practice to game prep and adjusted the functionality of current features to work better and really just tried to clean up their work over previous years.

I know a lot of us say this every year, but maybe next year we'll be really blown away. It's the only thing I can tell myself without just throwing in the towel.
# 302 mestevo @ 08/07/14 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by bucky60
How is confidence "ground breaking" when it was in M25?
Are we already pretending there isn't a bunch of stuff involving confidence in 15, just because it was 'in' M25?
# 303 Pixx4Sixx @ 08/07/14 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by bucky60
How is confidence "ground breaking" when it was in M25?
I'd love to hear how this confidence feature was in Madden 25. I sure as hell haven't been practicing with individual players and choosing to boost their XP or Confidence and having it actually affect their performance and the game.
# 304 therealsmallville @ 08/07/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by bucky60
How is confidence "ground breaking" when it was in M25?
I think someone doesn't understand how confidence will (supposedly) work this year.
# 305 DNMHIII @ 08/07/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Pixx4Sixx
I'd love to hear how this confidence feature was in Madden 25. I sure as hell haven't been practicing with individual players and choosing to boost their XP or Confidence and having it actually affect their performance and the game.
Maybe confidence = Consistency and the just pulled a marketing 101 on us. I actually don't mind that they change the name of something and make it function better if thats what they did, but Im just not sure its an entirely new feature and they completely re-worked player momentum and removed Consistency.
# 306 roadman @ 08/07/14 11:53 AM
I really think we are starting to get hung up on "words"

What might be a slight exaggeration from some, could be an over exaggeration from others usage words and phraseology.

It's a matter of opinion at this point.

Let's just all see if it works as intended and advertised.

If it does, great, if not, time to ask why and why not.
# 307 Pixx4Sixx @ 08/07/14 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by bucky60
Confidence was a trait. I know it was. I saw it. The confidence trait affected hot and cold streaks. They changed it from a trait to an attribute and added some functionality. How is that "groundbreaking"?
I'm not on board with calling it "Groundbreaking" but I can't agree that what it is now, was in 25 as it sounded like you said. I think it adds a whole new layer to our CFM seasons and such.

I won't call it groundbreaking, but I certainly think, being the way it will affect the mode that it is certainly close. But then again, we won't know until the 26th or if EA Access rolls out to us Xbots.
# 308 Pixx4Sixx @ 08/07/14 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by bucky60
I think people are using over the top terms like "ground breaking" to describe something that is a nice enhancement.

Somebody said it wasn't "ground breaking" and got jumped on over something that I wouldn't consider to be "ground breaking". It's a nice enhancement. I'll leave the "ground breaking" term to things that are actually "ground breaking".
Didn't mean to jump on you by any means, still pretty early here so I apologize if that's how I came off.

# 309 charter04 @ 08/07/14 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
Maybe confidence = Consistency and the just pulled a marketing 101 on us. I actually don't mind that they change the name of something and make it function better if thats what they did, but Im just not sure its an entirely new feature and they completely re-worked player momentum and removed Consistency.

Consistency is still in. It's a rating now. It helps determine how much a players confidence is affected one way or another.

I'm not sure if I would call it "groundbreaking" but, it does have potential to be much better than these to traits used to work.

In the past if your QB started off playing terrible there wouldn't really be a reason to bench him because his ratings really didn't change. Now if you have a low consistency player and you start the season with 1 TD and 10 picks his ratings should take a major hit and he might be worse than you back up. Now you have a real reason to pull him for the back up.

The same is true for having a young players playing great. His ratings will go up and really have more if an impact.

Also the fact that coaching and personal moved affect confidence adds another layer to trades and not resigning a player.

I still want to see how it all works but, in paper it's much better than 25 and 13 IMO
# 310 DNMHIII @ 08/07/14 11:57 AM
So no more cold hot and cold streaks and now its confident or frazzled. I think both actually will function the same and affect in game attributes being raised or lowered. Its the exact same thing as confidence isn't it?
# 311 Sheba2011 @ 08/07/14 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I really think we are starting to get hung up on "words"

What might be a slight exaggeration from some, could be an over exaggeration from others usage words and phraseology.

It's a matter of opinion at this point.

Let's just all see if it works as intended and advertised.

If it does, great, if not, time to ask why and why not.
I never knew using the word "ground breaking" would cause this much of an outrage. Maybe I should go back and edit to "it could be a really neat feature" that way so many people don't get so worked up over one person's opinion...
# 312 charter04 @ 08/07/14 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
So no more cold hot and cold streaks and now its confident or frazzled. I think both actually will function the same and affect in game attributes being raised or lowered. Its the exact same thing as confidence isn't it?

Yes no more hot cold. It's still not exactly the same though. The reasons for a hot or cold streak were not good. If you didn't meet certain goals you would go cold. The problem was the goals were crazy at times. Like a back up needing to get 100 yards rushing or a QB needing 3 TD passes. Not doing those things wouldn't always cause a player to be cold in real life.

The goals are more realistic now.

Also now you will actually see the ratings going up or down. Before it was all guessing.

Also I didn't notice hot cold having much affect in 25 like it did in 13. Seems like it's going to have more impact on played games and they said all these changes will have a impact on simed games.

Still going to wait and see if it's all as advertised but, it all sounds like a step in the right direction as far as getting CFM to be more than just 16 play now games with stat tracking
# 313 Pixx4Sixx @ 08/07/14 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
I never knew using the word "ground breaking" would cause this much of an outrage. Maybe I should go back and edit to "it could be a really neat feature" that way so many people don't get so worked up over it....
In all honesty it's a fair argument. I'm liking to debate.
# 314 roadman @ 08/07/14 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
So no more cold hot and cold streaks and now its confident or frazzled. I think both actually will function the same and affect in game attributes being raised or lowered. Its the exact same thing as confidence isn't it?
Hot/Cold Streaks are based on weekly goals.

Complete 2 or more of the weekly goals for the player, they are on a Hot streak.

Complete none of the 3 goals, that player is on a Cold steak.

Complete 1 goal, Normal.

Every player now has a confidence rating between 1 and 99. That confidence rating is dynamic and will change based on what happens to the player and his team from week to week, and is is NOT an indication of how confident the player generally is in real life.

Among the things that can change a player’s confidence are losses, poor performances, trades, etc. How much confidence fluctuates is determined by several different factors: whether the player is a starter or backup, their consistency rating, and how big the game was. Get blown out by a rival at home? Confidence drops more than a one-point road loss.

To me, the differences seem clear. Confidence much different than reaching lofty weekly goals, but that's just my interpretation.

Also, good explanation Charter.
# 315 DNMHIII @ 08/07/14 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
I also think it's a nice enhancement. We may disagree on how significant of an enhancement it is. I don't think it's close to ground breaking. There are so many other things I would consider groundbreaking that would have a far more reaching and significant effect on the game. Some of those things existed in Head Coach, a game that existed quite a few years ago.
I'm 100% on board with anything they do to make existing features better and I'll embrace all of it.

I'm always uncertain of how the game will be when they take something out and then add something new because I always fear they'll remove something good and replace it with something really horribly done and when you combine it with all the other stuff thats horribly done year after year its a disappointment for another year.

25 was the first playable Madden since PS2 in my opinion and Im just praying that 15 takes it another step forward.
# 316 charter04 @ 08/07/14 12:07 PM
Someone say "groundbreaking " one more time!!!
# 317 Cowboy008 @ 08/07/14 12:08 PM
One thing I hope we get is if a CPU teams starting QB struggles and his confidence gets real low they will put in the back up if his confidence is higher.
# 318 MajorSupreme @ 08/07/14 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
Someone say "groundbreaking " one more time!!!
Groundbreaking. Deal with it, big man.
# 319 roadman @ 08/07/14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
I'm 100% on board with anything they do to make existing features better and I'll embrace all of it.

I'm always uncertain of how the game will be when they take something out and then add something new because I always fear they'll remove something good and replace it with something really horribly done and when you combine it with all the other stuff thats horribly done year after year its a disappointment for another year.

25 was the first playable Madden since PS2 in my opinion and Im just praying that 15 takes it another step forward.
I feel the difference is they are taking out something that wasn't received so well(hot and cold streaks) and replacing it with, hopefully, something better and more "groundbreaking."

Sorry, Charter, you threw me a softball on that one, lol.
# 320 Sheba2011 @ 08/07/14 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I feel the difference is they are taking out something that wasn't received so well(hot and cold streaks) and replacing it with, hopefully, something better and more "groundbreaking."

Sorry, Charter, you threw me a softball on that one, lol.
I like what I started. That word is going to sweep the OS forums!!

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