FIFA 14: A Beginner's Guide to the Attack

Hey everyone, Dre here back at it with another FIFA 14 feature. This time, I'm going to focus on what we're ALL here to do in FIFA, and enjoy doing...SCORE GOALS!
If you're struggling against high level AI opponents, or can't be consistent online, I'm here to help with some basic tips on how to improve your offensive game, and hopefully, make you a more intelligent attacker in FIFA 14 and beyond!
Note: Now this guide is a little noob-proof to help everyone out, and I try to mention Ultimate Team as little as possible as the arcade-style nature of boosted stats within the mode makes it easier for nearly everyone to score anyway, but there's some tips across the board that are relatable regardless of mode. Enjoy!
If you're struggling against high level AI opponents, or can't be consistent online, I'm here to help with some basic tips on how to improve your offensive game, and hopefully, make you a more intelligent attacker in FIFA 14 and beyond!
Note: Now this guide is a little noob-proof to help everyone out, and I try to mention Ultimate Team as little as possible as the arcade-style nature of boosted stats within the mode makes it easier for nearly everyone to score anyway, but there's some tips across the board that are relatable regardless of mode. Enjoy!

Know your offence, know your team(s)
Now I know, some FIFA players know if they had a distinct play style, but if you don't, get to know the style of offence your team is best at running. If you're unsure, take a look at your teams offensive players, like the wingers/side midfielders, your Attacking Midfielders and your forwards, and see what they're good at it, and try to focus on that once you're on the field.
For example, look at Bayern Munich. Their best offensive players are Franck Ribery (90) and Arjen Robben (87), their wingers. They are both incredibly fast, have high levels of skill moves (5 and 4 star respectively), and are able to cut in and shoot on their stronger feet. On top of that, their main striker is Mario Mandzukic (83), who is a demon in the air and is one of the best headers of the ball in the game this year*. So you can use Bayern Munich's crossing game if you want to focus around Mandzukic, or use Mario Gotze upfront as a False 9 to use their speed. Maximising the assets of your team is always the best way to win, and is good common sense.
I know a lot of online players tend to stick to using only one or two teams, especially when it comes to Head-To-Head play, but I recommend using a range of teams if you can, with different offensive strengths. For example, there's Barcelona tik-tak style of offensive passing, or Dortmund's style of speed kills (Reus, Blaz, Lewandowski, Gundogan ALL with more than 80+ Speed), or PSG, where a lot of their play revolves around Zlatan Ibrahimovic holding up the ball well (As well as everything else about him)
Now I know, some FIFA players know if they had a distinct play style, but if you don't, get to know the style of offence your team is best at running. If you're unsure, take a look at your teams offensive players, like the wingers/side midfielders, your Attacking Midfielders and your forwards, and see what they're good at it, and try to focus on that once you're on the field.
For example, look at Bayern Munich. Their best offensive players are Franck Ribery (90) and Arjen Robben (87), their wingers. They are both incredibly fast, have high levels of skill moves (5 and 4 star respectively), and are able to cut in and shoot on their stronger feet. On top of that, their main striker is Mario Mandzukic (83), who is a demon in the air and is one of the best headers of the ball in the game this year*. So you can use Bayern Munich's crossing game if you want to focus around Mandzukic, or use Mario Gotze upfront as a False 9 to use their speed. Maximising the assets of your team is always the best way to win, and is good common sense.
I know a lot of online players tend to stick to using only one or two teams, especially when it comes to Head-To-Head play, but I recommend using a range of teams if you can, with different offensive strengths. For example, there's Barcelona tik-tak style of offensive passing, or Dortmund's style of speed kills (Reus, Blaz, Lewandowski, Gundogan ALL with more than 80+ Speed), or PSG, where a lot of their play revolves around Zlatan Ibrahimovic holding up the ball well (As well as everything else about him)
It may compromise you to start off with, but in the long run, it'll make you a better player. It worked out that way for me. A little homework can go a long way.

Know what the engine gives you
DISCLAIMER: Now I don't endorse this, because we've ALL come up against certain players online who will take advantage of what the game makes "over-powered", but if you really want to win, there are ways to give yourself a better chance using the game's engine itself.
Remember how I was talking about Mario Mandzukic earlier? Did you know he's the 2nd most commonly scored with player in FIFA this year? A big part of that is the Bayern team behind him, and another is that the abilty to score from headed goals which have been increased in effectiveness in FIFA 14.
You can definitely take advantage more from set pieces (Especially corners), in this year's game, even after the original patch. Hence what I was saying before, about using Wingers, they are even more valuable in FIFA this year, than in previous years.
If you can, chipped through balls are still very strong, even with average passers, when done right, especially down flanks.
Also, the Finesse Shot is definitely relevant again after a year of relative obscurity in FIFA 13. That ability has definitely been strengthened this year to compensate for weakening the ability for goalkeepers to be incompetant when it came to saving shots to their near post.
Also, using the 1-2 pass (Left Bumper + Short Pass), is stronger than ever and can be easily used to beat defensive players in space, now more so than ever.
DISCLAIMER: Now I don't endorse this, because we've ALL come up against certain players online who will take advantage of what the game makes "over-powered", but if you really want to win, there are ways to give yourself a better chance using the game's engine itself.
Remember how I was talking about Mario Mandzukic earlier? Did you know he's the 2nd most commonly scored with player in FIFA this year? A big part of that is the Bayern team behind him, and another is that the abilty to score from headed goals which have been increased in effectiveness in FIFA 14.
You can definitely take advantage more from set pieces (Especially corners), in this year's game, even after the original patch. Hence what I was saying before, about using Wingers, they are even more valuable in FIFA this year, than in previous years.
If you can, chipped through balls are still very strong, even with average passers, when done right, especially down flanks.
Also, the Finesse Shot is definitely relevant again after a year of relative obscurity in FIFA 13. That ability has definitely been strengthened this year to compensate for weakening the ability for goalkeepers to be incompetant when it came to saving shots to their near post.
Also, using the 1-2 pass (Left Bumper + Short Pass), is stronger than ever and can be easily used to beat defensive players in space, now more so than ever.

Possession Football is King, play the right passes
Sadly, while FIFA is still a simulator, there is still an issue where posession is largely rewarded. This isn't like Dortmund where their distinct counter-attacking style will win you the majority of the games with 40% possession (When their team ISN'T getting injured), in FIFA 14, the person with more possession, especially online, tends to win.
Having a decent passing midfield will definitely give you a better chance of winning. Possession wise, you need to be aiming for about 60%. Keep practising, and knocking the ball around in games, trying to find openings. It does work, trust me. Like I said, the better the passers within your midfield, the easier this'll be. I recommend Bayern, Juventus, and Barcelona for this kind of play.
Passing accuracy wise, around 90% is a good idea. If it's a bit lower than that, it's okay, as long as your play is coming from deeper within the opponent's side of the pitch. This is because the opposing defence has less space to work with, and as they sit back, their chances of making a tackle, or an interception increase. Y'know, a bit like Tony Romo in December.
I also say to make sure your passing is good, because under conventonal settings, the AI DOESN'T MAKE PASSING ERRORS. It's awful. They could be Accrington Stanley on Amateur difficulty, and they'll still have a pass accuracy of 85-95%. See, FIFA is unfair, and you have to try and beat the AI at their own game sometimes.
Sadly, while FIFA is still a simulator, there is still an issue where posession is largely rewarded. This isn't like Dortmund where their distinct counter-attacking style will win you the majority of the games with 40% possession (When their team ISN'T getting injured), in FIFA 14, the person with more possession, especially online, tends to win.
Having a decent passing midfield will definitely give you a better chance of winning. Possession wise, you need to be aiming for about 60%. Keep practising, and knocking the ball around in games, trying to find openings. It does work, trust me. Like I said, the better the passers within your midfield, the easier this'll be. I recommend Bayern, Juventus, and Barcelona for this kind of play.
Passing accuracy wise, around 90% is a good idea. If it's a bit lower than that, it's okay, as long as your play is coming from deeper within the opponent's side of the pitch. This is because the opposing defence has less space to work with, and as they sit back, their chances of making a tackle, or an interception increase. Y'know, a bit like Tony Romo in December.
I also say to make sure your passing is good, because under conventonal settings, the AI DOESN'T MAKE PASSING ERRORS. It's awful. They could be Accrington Stanley on Amateur difficulty, and they'll still have a pass accuracy of 85-95%. See, FIFA is unfair, and you have to try and beat the AI at their own game sometimes.

For Ultimate Team: Be fast, and aggressive, play the opponent
Now, for FIFA Ultimate Team, because the game is so heavily favoured around attacking, with forwards often boosted beyond all belief with card boosts, In Form cards and chemistry of 10 being WAY better than any head to head game, you have to be aggresive. The AI is awful in this mode as they have no chemistry rating, putting them at at severe disadvantage.
Against human opponents, I'd advise to play fast, be aggresive and try to put as much pressure on your opponent as possible. It's harder to defend in this year's game, and the more you can keep the pressure up, the more suspectible the opponent is to make a mistake. And because FUT14 is more arcade style, and played with a much higher tempo, it favours faster build-up play and better attackers. (Seriously, Mario Balotelli and Christian Benteke are BROKEN this year)
Try these tips out, and let me know if they worked? Got anymore tips? Feel free to comment below, or tweet me @Harrison101HD. Hope you enjoyed the read, and have a wonderful Holiday season!
Now, for FIFA Ultimate Team, because the game is so heavily favoured around attacking, with forwards often boosted beyond all belief with card boosts, In Form cards and chemistry of 10 being WAY better than any head to head game, you have to be aggresive. The AI is awful in this mode as they have no chemistry rating, putting them at at severe disadvantage.
Against human opponents, I'd advise to play fast, be aggresive and try to put as much pressure on your opponent as possible. It's harder to defend in this year's game, and the more you can keep the pressure up, the more suspectible the opponent is to make a mistake. And because FUT14 is more arcade style, and played with a much higher tempo, it favours faster build-up play and better attackers. (Seriously, Mario Balotelli and Christian Benteke are BROKEN this year)
Try these tips out, and let me know if they worked? Got anymore tips? Feel free to comment below, or tweet me @Harrison101HD. Hope you enjoyed the read, and have a wonderful Holiday season!