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OS Fact or Fiction: NBA 2K13 Edition

The NBA 2K13 Online Issues are just inexcusable at this point.

Aaron Ondrey - Fiction. Let's start with the servers. They are not perfect, maybe not even up to par with expectations, but compared to last year the servers have made strides in the right direction. I've played more games that are perfectly smooth online, than games that have constant lag and/or connections dropped. While the occasional "waiting for opponent" countdown screen pops up, it's a greatly improved over last year.

As for online gameplay, it still has it's problems. Steals and three pointers are still a bit overpowered. Spin dunks and off-the-glass oops are very easy to do, which can get tiring to deal with. Overall, the stability has been a lot better than expected, and the 3v3 Blacktop Mode has been a surprisingly fun mode.

Bishop Tart - Fiction: It seems as though every year we have a discussion about how bad the online connectivity is. Good for Visual Concepts and 2K that 2K13 is immensely better than past years *cough* 2K10 *cough*. In my short time with the online, I had some minor issues but nothing as bad as past iterations. The servers seem much more stable and online games are not as jittery.

NBA 2K13's gameplay is the best for a basketball game ever.

Aaron Ondrey - Fact. I can't remember a time outside of NBA 2K11 that provided this type of gameplay in a basketball game. From the dribble controls, to the improved physics, to the variety of animations, to signature skills. Players perform more realistically than they ever have, and the game speed is as close to perfection as I've ever seen. NBA 2K13 has the best gameplay for a basketball game ever.

Bishop Tart - Fact: The new controls and animations make this year's gameplay much more enjoyable, on top of being a more smooth all-around game. The player's weight mean more this year. Add that to the new animations, and you get a much more refined look and feel. As Ondrey mentioned, the speed of the game is near perfection and the all-new signature skills are simply superb. No question; this is hands down, the best gameplay featured in a basketball game ever.

"No question; this is hands down, the best gameplay featured in a basketball game ever." - Bishop Tart

2K13 is sorely missing the historical modes this year.

Aaron Ondrey - Fiction. For me, I only played the historical modes last year at the beginning because they were fresh. I actually prefer the modes not being in the game because I can just go into a quick game and play with whatever matchups I want to, without having to spend a lot of time unlocking all the historical teams.

Bishop Tart - Fiction: These modes were great in theory and fun for a little while, but it's time they move on. The gameplay and other modes are great on their own that we really don't need them anymore. Honestly, I'm going to say a very small percentage of people kept playing those modes a week or a month after the game's release anyway.

Playing as the Dream Team is a cool feature that was worth all the time and money invested.

Aaron Ondrey - Fiction. Once again, this was a very cool feature on the first day or two. Now that a bit has gone by, I find myself having only used the team once or twice, and that was against the 2012 Olympic Team. I don't know how much money and time was invested to bring the Dream Team into the game, but I would imagine it wasn't worth the lack of time I will be using it. Perhaps if NBA 2K13 included a FIBA, or Olympic tournament mode, I would definitely say that it was worth it.

Bishop Tart - Fact & Fiction: Playing as the Dream Team is a cool feature, that part is 100% fact. However, I don't think it was worth the time and money to include it in the game. Much like the historical modes, the majority of people probably will play as the Dream Team only a couple of times and then move on. That time and money could have been used to improve offline association a little bit more, but I won't get into that here.

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Member Comments
# 1 bxphenom7 @ 10/17/12 12:10 PM
A FIBA mode (maybe even integrated into Association and MyCAREER) is overdue.
# 2 Gramps91 @ 10/17/12 12:13 PM
Not Sure: As far as online I don't play online a lot but I played the demo online a lot and it seemed pretty smooth.

Fact: Yes the gameplay is the better than it's ever been. Shooting and defense are top-notch this year.

Fiction: Historical modes don't matter a lot to me either. I actually like how we got all the historical teams this year right out of the gate. I just wish their weren't so many missing players.

Fiction: It's cool that the dream team is on the game. Especially the appearance of Charles Barkley but the Dream team will be rarely used by me as I'll be playing My Career and Association (with today's players) more than anything.
# 3 Gosens6 @ 10/17/12 12:16 PM
Takes me to a screenshots page when I click the link
# 4 tsbmolina @ 10/17/12 12:21 PM
The greatest compliment I can give NBA 2K13 is it's gotten me back into gaming. The instant I played my first game I was hooked. The realism and fun factor is through the rough and this is coming from a harsh critic who bought 2K12 and played all but a handful of games and thought the gameplay was lacking something. I haven't felt this instant gratification since NFL 2K5! NBA 2K13 is truly a masterpiece and should be enjoyed by all. This game will be the one that truly etches the series in the upper echelon of not just sports games but videogames period!
# 5 Vni @ 10/17/12 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Takes me to a screenshots page when I click the link
Yeah, me too.
# 6 Taer @ 10/17/12 12:50 PM
I enjoyed and now miss the historical modes. This mode provided a glimpse into what the game of basketball was like in prior times... it gave me a sense of perspective you can't get in quickmode...

The basketball gurus seem heavily biased towards the online experience. Too bad the desired "fixes" for online play usually interfere with offline play and in years past even makes things worse...

Let's hope that this year, 2K can deal with the online concerns without harming offline gameplay as well. Something they have not done well in past versions.
# 7 eko718 @ 10/17/12 01:42 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed the historical modes in the last two games and missed them in this iteration. By rule, it doesn't seem like a good idea for a franchise to move backwards. There seemed to be reduced attention on historical teams and obviously there were no modes, unless you consider the Dream team vs Team USA to be a mode. Those historical modes are really what propelled 2K to the level it is now. They can still build on it and hopefully they do.
# 8 tril @ 10/17/12 02:24 PM
Gameplay is realistic but the speed of game is questionable. Too many games are played where 100 shots are taken.
I dont miss the historical modes because You can an association mode withh all historical teams.
With that said everything about 2k13 is awesome.
# 9 jeremym480 @ 10/17/12 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Takes me to a screenshots page when I click the link
Try this link

# 10 23 @ 10/17/12 02:47 PM
I don't agree that the legends need to go and all of that.

They werent even given any attention this year

More creative modes with yesterday's and todays stars are always a selling point.. Case in point it would've been great to market a dream team fiba mode or the screenshot we saw where they had current players greatest games or something of that degree

Online is and always will be secondary to the SP experience. You can't add all of that stuff without the foundation
# 11 wallofhate @ 10/17/12 03:52 PM
Im all for the legends being removed. Im 30 and its cool for nastalgia but i think its ran its course. Especially with them being just play now teams. Im ignorant to exactly how these games get made but no legends would open up a new money stream and more focus on the players likeness and movement to make an even greater game.
# 12 bigdoc85 @ 10/17/12 04:32 PM
I think it's an over-generalization and a false assumption to downplay the importance of the historical modes and teams to gamers, especially those 30 and older. And don't go dissin' Elgin Baylor and Jerry West! I love playing with those guys.
# 13 Optik @ 10/17/12 05:50 PM
Playing with the Dream Team is great when you're playing Team-Up. I've started about 15-20 Quick Match Team-Up matches (only finished about 5 of them) and that sensation you get when you see Team USA vs the Dream Team after seeing the Bobcats vs the Hornets so many times is great, and even greater when you realise that YOU'RE going to be controlling MJ! I've had this happen twice to me now. Both times I played in the match up I had Jordan.
# 14 BSchwartz07 @ 10/17/12 06:00 PM
I was hoping that the team USA aspect would be added into the Association and My Player modes... let your guys play in international events like the FIBA tourney or Olympics in the off seasons... that would have been AMAZING!

As for the classic games, I REALLY liked the feature. Not a deal breaker that it is gone, but I was a HUGE fan!
# 15 lavy23 @ 10/17/12 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by bigdoc22
I think it's an over-generalization and a false assumption to downplay the importance of the historical modes and teams to gamers, especially those 30 and older. And don't go dissin' Elgin Baylor and Jerry West! I love playing with those guys.
I always use the 60s Celtics and I wasn't born until 30 years after they played...
# 16 The_Wise_One @ 10/18/12 12:06 AM
The control in this game is unheard of especially for basketball.
# 17 EarvGotti @ 10/18/12 10:41 AM
Online Association games still drop in random network errors. If one of the devs see this, can you please contact me so I can give you our league ID and you can take a look? We get network errors every other game....
# 18 magicman32 @ 10/18/12 05:04 PM
The defensive recovery speed in the half court is still an issue especially online. Players should be punished for being out of position, but they aren't.

It's frustrating having to play teams (ie. the Heat), that use zone and you can't take advantage because the pass and catch animations are slow, but the recovery speed on defense is way too fast. 2k either needs to slow down the overall CPU recovery speed (help d). Or improve/speed up the pass animations and logic.

I like the classic teams and modes and hope they continue to bring us these modes. My son is 11 and we go at it all the time with the old school teams. He likes to play with those teams more than the new teams.
# 19 bumpyface @ 10/19/12 12:14 AM
For those who claim 2k13's gameplay as the best ever, what do you think of the defensive side of the ball?
# 20 mmathaifighter @ 10/20/12 10:46 AM
Prior to 2k11, the last intiration of ANY basketball game I bought was NBA 2K for the DC. The thing that got my attention about 2k11? The Jordan mode and the historical teams included therein. That's somewhat significant because I never missed a yearly virtual basketball release starting with Lakers vs Celtics and the NBA Playoffs for the Genesis in '91. I bought 2K11, 12, and 13 on release day. Honestly I've been spending 85% of game time on 2K12 and the amazing historical rosters sets that are on 2K Share. If the historical players get removed than I'll go back to not buying basketball games. I'll be 40 in Dec. and have had the amazing experience of watching gaming evolve from Pong, which I still remember my father bringing home when I was 5 in 1977, to what we have today. Sadly, I think the generation that's responsible for the game industry being alive today generally get gently pushed aside for the casuals and the teen crowd.

2k11 actually got me back in to watching the NBA and I had a great time watching the finals with the Heat and the Mavs. As I watched the regular season last year my interest waned again quickly. The modern NBA, like a lot of society today is instant satisfaction and me first mentality. What I mean is you have ball hogs, guys that don't play D, and my biggest pet peeve, when did guys start NOT following their shots?? The one thing the absolutely drove me away from the NBA again is guys launching a 3...and standing there with their shooting hand in the air watching the shot. Basketball 101...follow the damn shot! Post rant apology. The point is, I think the modern NBA has chased away a lot of guys like me, who growing up during the 80s and early 90s loved the NBA an has the 90s gave way to the 2000s we lost interest. Point of all this being, if you remove historical players and use only current rosters, a lot of buyers will go away also...me being one as I honestly don't know or care to know because I have no interest in how the game is played today.

I know of several people in my personal everyday life and those I met online who only buy the games for the historical teams. As someone said, "it's like playing EAs classic versus NBA Playoff games of the early 90s with modern technology. Doesn't get any better".

If 2K has no interest in continuing the historical teams, at least give the roster creators a VERY robust creation mode with plenty of slots for created teams. If you have no interest in pursuing that avenue why cut the creators off at the knees? Sadly, removing the ability to export teams is a very bad sign. I don't get why they did that...ppl want to play with the 2012 Heat or a user created Pacers team from the 90s they still have to purchase your game to make it possible. Just my not so humble opinion.

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