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OS Roundtable: Where does NBA 2K13 Stand?

NBA 2K13 has received some complaints in some areas, but generally it's clear the game is still quite good. If you are an online player, the server issues are probably driving you batty but if you play offline you might be enjoying one of the better playing games on the hardwood ever.

So simply put, to you at this point: where does NBA 2K13 stand?

The Dream Team vs. Dream Team matchup isn't the only thing 2K13 has going for it.


Matthew Coe: For me, NBA 2K13 stands alone right now. It's at the pinnacle of the sports gaming mountain looking down upon all of it's fallen competition. If you're a basketball fan it doesn't get any better than this year's iteration. NBA 2K13's gameplay is an even bigger upgrade on the floor than I expected, and it's subtle tweaks and fixes that have made all the difference.

I honestly haven't had this much fun with a sports game out of the box in this entire console generation. Sure I've made a couple of slider tweaks to fit my play style, but I've mostly just set it to simulation and played. I know there is room for improvement in the plays and playcalling among other areas, and some bugs are still in need of a patch, but this game truly feels like a game that's worth $60 unlike two recent sports games; NCAA Football 13 and Madden 13. I may come off sounding like a raving "fan boy", but NBA 2K13 just nails it.

Bishop Tart: As a person who enjoys playing offline Association more than online, NBA 2K13 stands as one of the best sports games this generation -- which is something we seem to say every year with this franchise. I do wish offline association got more time and love, but I'm still enjoying every game I play.

Although it's something some people seem to be complaining about, I really like the new controls featured. Yes, some of them will take some practice before you get the handle of them, but they really increase the fun factor by 10. The new animations are also outstanding and they make NBA 2K13 much more fluid. The improvements they made to certain modes might not be for everybody, but Visual Concepts made some significant gameplay and design changes. Simply put, those changes are phenomenal.

When it comes down to it, the NBA 2K series is always in the discussion for sports game of the year (even though I wasn't a fan of NBA 2K12 last year). Despite the fact that it may be a bit early, I'm just going to go ahead and say it -- NBA 2K13 is the best sports game to release in 2012.

A lot of the changes in this years edition make the game feel more 'right'.

Steve McPherson: At this point into its life, the NBA 2K series and every new iteration of it are a little like the blind men and the elephant. When it started, there was just the game of basketball as played in the NBA and your only options were basically exhibition or season. Then they added franchises. Then 24/7 mode. Then online. Then My Player. And now MyCAREER, weird capitalization and all. In essence, this means you can immerse yourself in one corner of the game now and never touch areas that don't appeal to you.

I myself have only begun to explore NBA2K13, but what I can definitively say is that judging by the most basic yardstick for any sports game—how it renders the sport on the field of play—it's much better than NBA2K12. For lack of something more precise, things just feel more ... possible than last year. The first Rubio bounce pass I threw to Love for an open baseline shot; the first time I drove past a defender with Derrick Rose; the first self-alley-oop from Gerald Green off the glass: these things made me jump out of my seat a little bit, and that's at least half of what I play the game for in the first place. I could go through and list the little things: the more realistic way balls get poked loose, the way the Signature Skills make the game quirkier and more realistic, the way the ballhandling feels more true-to-life. But the main thing is that the aggregate has a sort of "feel" that was lacking in the at least the last two versions of the game, in my opinion.

Of course, there are problems. Rebounding is sneakily weird, as when Kirk Heinrich managed to outduel Kevin Love and Nikola Pekovic directly under the board. And some of the choices in MyCAREER are hardly transparent. Separating the MyPLAYER stuff out meant that I played a half-dozen games before realizing I could change the height of my socks. (For the record, I just dislike medium height socks.) Additionally, one of the things that has kept me coming back again and again to every NBA2K since they introduced My Player was making new My Players and trying out different positions and styles of play, so this anchoring of the game type to just one MyPLAYER may end up limiting the replay value of the mode down the line.

But looking at NBA2K13 as a part of the entire NBA2K series means trying to figure out how it fits into that lineage. For a couple years, between 2002 and 2006 or so, the series hit a kind of sweet spot where the basketball just felt right. Not arcade-y, but not arcane. I feel reasonably assured in saying that if you went back now, though, and played any of those games you'd find them noticeably lacking. And yet in the past couple years, perhaps without the competition from NBA Live, things have gotten complicated. IsoMotion was dialed back, almost to the point of uselessness. Passing got harder, but so much so that basic pick and roll gameplay felt like a chore, not a joy. It may have been more realistic, but it was also too complicated. It's too early to make a definitive statement on NBA2K13, but there are signs in the new Control Stick and in things like Signature Skills that realism may once again be dovetailing with fun the way it felt a half decade ago.

Fear the beard? NBA 2K13 says yes, moreso like real life than ever.

Keni Glover: NBA 2K13 is not without its flaws, but all in all is the best basketball game ever created. I would go as far as to say that the NBA 2K series in general is inching closer and closer to perhaps being the best sports franchise on the market.

The gameplay and controls of the game really shine this year. Perhaps my favorite implementation the dynamic shot creator, allows for what seems to be limitless scenarios/animations when attacking the basket. This introduces an organic element never before truly present in a basketball game. The control stick is a long overdo addition which along with improved on the ball defense creates a true-to-life cat and mouse dynamic between the offensive and defensive player. What really amazed me this year though is the unique feel that virtually every player in this game possesses. This can be partially attributed to my other favorite addition to 2K13, Signature Skills. Never before in a 2K basketball game have guys like Dwayne Wade and Kevin Durant truly felt like themselves on the court as they do in this rendition in my opinion. Basketball is a sport in which each individual player is a brand and a style, and NBA 2K13 captured this well.

Though spectacular in many ways, NBA 2K13 does have some flaws. As a heavy offline gamer there are a few issues with the AI in this years rendition. I applauded NBA 2K12 for having one of the best AI's in any sports game but the AI in NBA 2K13 seems to play in a less than simulation fashion even when on my preferred setting, Superstar/Sim. The computer fast-breaks nearly every play even when defenders are in the vicinity, and rarely calls plays. The real culprit however seems to be your still flawed AI teammates, who arbitrarily leave assignments or sit around and watch as the game is happening around them. This is a frustrating problem which artificially creates opportunities for the computer and makes gameplay balance very difficult, even with slider adjustments. Generally, defensive reactions are just a bit slow, and most players feel Kobe-like with their ability to drain shot after shot irrespective of defensive challenge. Offensive rebounding, which was my major complaint in 2K12, is still severely skewed in favor of the CPU. As a guy who plays 12 minutes, these issues make it difficult to achieve realistic results at the end of games. These issues along with many graphical inaccuracies, outdated courts, limitations with accessories and some questionable player appearances sap some of the excitement out of the game.

Nevertheless, it seems that annually we don't get the full or final NBA 2K experience until at least the first gameplay patch is released, and these issues seem very fixable. What 2K does have with NBA 2K13 is a rock solid foundation from which to build upon for future iterations. It is scary to think what the 2K team can achieve with NBA 2K14, if they build upon what 2K13 started.


What about you OS? Where do you feel 2K13 fits in this season? Is it the greatest of all time?

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Member Comments
# 21 youvalss @ 10/15/12 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by JasonMartin
The thing is, 2K could have avoided a lot of these issues/bugs (seriously, do they test this game?) and it would have been a homerun.

Maybe they could, maybe they can't. I'm ok with that, as long as we receive a patch while the game is still new, that takes care of most of them or at least the worst of them (that's not too much to ask).

Still, the game just has it. Some games have it, some don't. 2K13 definitely has it.
# 22 VDusen04 @ 10/15/12 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
As long as a rap battle doesnt begin when I press start, I couldn't care less of Jay-Z (or anyone else for that matter) ex produced the game.
NBA 2K14 = Dynamic NBA Rap Battles?
# 23 nyj721 @ 10/15/12 10:06 PM
You would probably have to buy punch lines with VC.
# 24 The_Wise_One @ 10/15/12 10:30 PM
Post defense is my one and only complaint
# 25 BRxSKINSx @ 10/15/12 11:24 PM
2k13 is awesome.... But, I'm gonna say that regardless cuz I'm a 2k Fan... It's got a few flaws, it's not perfect... BUT, it's getting closer and closer to being that PERFECT NBA game... So long Live and any other future competition....
# 26 da ThRONe @ 10/15/12 11:43 PM
The game play is outstanding minus a few hiccups.

However I only play MC and the biggest change to the mode is the name change. There's some minor but well received changes that are improvements. However there are a few more changes and things taken out that are for the worse. Unfortunately the mode is just stale and with the addition of VC it has taken a huge step back from being a true simulation.
# 27 erickonasis @ 10/15/12 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by BRxSKINSx
So long Live and any other future competition....
u must not have played Live because its somewhat similar unfotunately
# 28 lavy23 @ 10/16/12 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by JasonMartin
Wait what, can we even play """"offline"""". We have to be connected to the servers at all time to even enjoy this game.
What are you talking about?
# 29 Superchunk @ 10/16/12 12:22 AM
Very good game overall, with a few rather glaring issues surrounding rebounding/player positioning.
# 30 Boilerbuzz @ 10/16/12 12:28 AM
I don't know why people expect sports games to come out without quirks. Every year, they have to pack a ton of crap in enough to warrant a purchase, but they don't get the 4 to 6 month QA like or genres do. Never can a sport game say it'll be out "when it's ready". So, the game isn't perfect, but it's clearly taken step forward.
# 31 23 @ 10/16/12 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I don't know why people expect sports games to come out without quirks. Every year, they have to pack a ton of crap in enough to warrant a purchase, but they don't get the 4 to 6 month QA like or genres do. Never can a sport game say it'll be out "when it's ready". So, the game isn't perfect, but it's clearly taken step forward.
It really has taken a step forward in gameplay and 2k has to know this and keep plugging at it

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
# 32 Jett_Set11 @ 10/16/12 12:47 AM
Anybody having any trouble stopping Carmelo anthony?? He makes literally everything!
# 33 TeeDogg @ 10/16/12 12:49 AM
the game is phenominal. Ive been playing since release and its getting better and better. the amount ou detail, variation, and depth of gameplay is outstanding. even for 2K/VC. presentation continues to be stellar. even with a few questionable asthetic choices, the implimentaion is top notch. its hard to imagine how they can wow us in next Gen (other than graphicaly ) we'll see
# 34 javnsixers @ 10/16/12 01:42 AM
It stands upright, on it's base; as any other Xbox 360 videogame does.
# 35 jmarcguy @ 10/16/12 05:50 AM
Well I only play offline association & I haven't even started yet! Still mastering plays & tweaking sliders. I've enjoyed it so far though. Love the controls! I've had some decent games. Using sliders posted here I've gotten rid of some of the glaring issues. I do wish they put more work into the classic arenas.

It's early but no big complaints. Last year I practically reprogrammed the game I tweaked so much!
# 36 Doomz92 @ 10/16/12 08:53 AM
NBA 2K13 stands as a basketball game that is fun and it's hard to stop playing but disappoints me as a customer and Fan for not receiving the full game(for the second straight year). All I play is MyCAREER & MyPLAYER Blacktop here's my input.

MyCAREER is Perfect I see no Changes to it only improvements, my only problem with it is How much VC you get from drills and you don't receive a + on an attribute. Honestly, the next big thing for MyCAREER to me is making it online(MyCAREER Online). This is very similar to Madden's Connected Careers but this would be the next big thing for MyCAREER in NBA 2K14(imo).

MyPLAYER Blacktop is not perfect, there needs to be more courts(only 2) you can't block dunks, anklebreaker doesn't exist, the player checking the ball shouldn't be able to shoot only pass and this mode clearly could of been 5v5 Fullcourt, although I play this more than any other mode It's the only MyPlayer Online Mode and that is a major problem we need more "MyPLAYER Online Modes". Let me be Clear "WE NEED MORE MY PLAYER ONLINE MODES" since MyCAREER is the cornerstone of NBA 2K why do we get limited with the using our MyPLAYERS online? Either way I feel these problems can be patched even the 5v5 Fullcourt that'll be so F'in great and make so many people happy. 2K say their listening to us but clearly they're not.
NBA 2K13 - 6/10 before the patch
# 37 STLRams @ 10/16/12 10:20 AM
Gameplay has taken a big step forward, I think some of the things that hold it back is the online aspect, the lack of stability,still with no lobbies and other options we need to have in this day in age. For example the game is greater than Madden13 but Madden 13 online interface, options, etc destroys NBA2k13. Also I think some of the annoying bugs and glitches in the game that we notice right away didnt get fixed. Also the option to turn off autosave not being present is just crazy, also I don't even think then NBA Today feature hasn't worked since release date. NBA2K13 took 3 big steps forward, but then it kind of stumbled back one step in a few things. I think what annoys people is the game is close to be perfection if it wasn't for a few things that 2K needs to address in a patch. So post patch, or patches, this should be brought up again.
# 38 F0rl3fclov3r @ 10/16/12 10:26 AM
The best basketball game ever and currently either 1 or 2 of all sports games either behind or ahead of Madden.
# 39 BezO @ 10/16/12 10:29 AM
I think it stands as the best sports game of all time. I can't think of a game that represents a sport better, though I can't help but wonder what they would've done with football. Though the offensive rebounding & points in the paint can get out of hand, my experience improves when I spend more time with the coaching settings. I don't play online & have made slider adjustments.

There's always something though. My understanding is that adjustments & additions during programming can affect unintended areas, but there always seems to be a glaring issue that we have to look forward to being fixed next year. I'm starting to wonder how unintentional the annual issue is. The effectiveness of boxing out seems like something that could be addressed in a patch. My suspicion grows if it's not.
# 40 demfl @ 10/16/12 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by thetalkofanation
Oh my god man. When did the internet become something for a bunch of whiners and babies. People hating on Jay-Z. Crying about VC please man. You have to play the game to get VC and as you do that.. HOLY CRAP YOU GET BETTER. This game is clearly the best sports game of all time. Yes is the rebounding ridiculous sometimes.. absolutely. If you watch real basketball and know how to play it then the game is top notch. STOP CRYING ABOUT JAY-Z PLEEASSEEE. I actually wish he had picked out more songs. The only problem with the game really is online but that's because of cheesers.. not 2k. STOP WAITING AND CRYING FOR PATCHES. Once again if you played real basketball you'd realize that you don't always just play your position.. Jesus. This forum is worse than the romney forums.

Man oh Man, It annoys me that some refuse to acknowledge many of the little things that 2k Basketball refuses to fix that make the game feel very annoying to sim players. Oh yeah, when did the internet become crowded with folks who don't understand what a quality product is? As long as the product cosmetically looks good, they're very satisfied with mediocrity. These people also complain about User's who simply expect a quality product when they spend $60 and scapegoat by calling knowledgeable consumers cry babies. They call a game great despite 101 bugs.

Is 2k13 a good basketball game...Yes but it also feels like like I'm playing a beta version.

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