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NBA 2K13: Top Five New Controls


NBA 2K13 has been out for six days. Not only is this basketball simulation impressive, but it’s just downright fun. The authenticity of the way players actually play like their real-life counterparts is incredible. Not only is the computer great at emulating real-life players, but the way that the user can now control players makes the game that much better. A whole new control scheme has graced the NBA 2K series, and has pushed the game to a whole new level. 

Here are my top five control changes in NBA 2K13:


5. The Flop- I could have sworn I had seen it all, until NBA 2K13 added a flop button. In the NBA, players flop all the time. Adding a button to do it in NBA 2K13 is comical and realistic at the same time. Sometimes you will get a whistle for, or against you when using the flop. In most cases, there will be no whistle, which is a good thing because the flop isn’t overpowered. It changes the way some computer players play, especially if they have the charge card signature skill. Overall, the flop button adds a different dimension to the game’s realism. 


4. Hop-Step- Turning the hop-step into a single button that the user can utilize any time that they want was a great idea. With default controls last year, NBA 2K12 only allowed for the hop-step move to be made within a lay-up animation or an escape-dribble jump shot. This year, NBA 2K13 allows for users to press a single button that results in a realistic hop-step. You can combine this button with the shot button to create hop-step jumpers and lay-ups. Providing us with a separate hop-step button, 2K13 gives users an edge to be able to perform a nice move to create space for a score.




3. Alley-Oop- Not a huge change in terms of it’s effect, but the new alley-oop button combination is a lot more user-friendly. In NBA 2K12, the alley-oop was a combination of holding the modifier and pressing the fake pass button. Although many would say that last year’s button combination wasn’t difficult, I still believe that this year NBA 2K13 has made it easier. To perform an alley-oop in NBA 2K13, you press the shot and pass buttons simultaneously. It makes more sense that combining the shot and pass button would lead to something like an alley-oop. 


2. Manual Bounce Pass- This new control could easily compete for the best control change for me. I can remember constant situations in NBA 2K12, where I would have loved to have this control. Picture a two-on-one fast break. Now, in last year’s game, throwing a pass to that player running with you was a near turnover almost every time. This year, NBA 2K13 allows for manual bounce passing by holding the modifier, and hitting the pass button. Dropping a perfectly timed bounce pass on a fast break, or off of a pick and roll is incredibly satisfying.




1. Right Analog Stick Dribbling- There is nothing better in a basketball game than feeling like you’re in complete control. With the switch from left analog stick iso-motion dribbling in previous versions of 2k, to the new right analog stick dribbling, control has new meaning. Crossovers, in-and-outs, behind-the-backs, and spin moves have all become incredibly smooth and easy to do once you understand how to use the stick. To go along with new ankle-breaking animations and an improved speed and quickness system, executing these moves can create highlights that will leave players jumping out of their seats. Stringing along different types of moves together has never been so smooth in a 2k basketball game.


What new controls do you guys like, dislike, or have comments or questions about?

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Member Comments
# 1 rockchisler @ 10/08/12 04:44 PM
The manual bounce pass being added is simple and sexy at the same time. It just looks good when a guy cuts to the hoop and a well time bounce pass is delivered for the dunk.....Love it!!
# 2 DBMcGee3 @ 10/08/12 04:58 PM
Crazy that they ever removed that manual bounce pass to begin with, or the hop step button for that matter. Glad they came to their senses and got these features back in the game. Right stick dribble is so awesome, I don't care if they stole it from Live. Completely changes the game for me.
# 3 Gramps91 @ 10/08/12 05:00 PM
I really enjoy the right analog stick dribbling this year. These controls are the best they've had in a long time.
# 4 youvalss @ 10/08/12 05:27 PM
I agree. I'm having so much fun with this one! Only older 2K's (2K2/2K3/2K7) made me feel as much fun playing 2K basketball.
# 5 mauricehines23 @ 10/08/12 05:45 PM
I Love nba2k13 to the fullest. When are we going to ever see the college hoop series again
# 6 Peninc @ 10/08/12 05:57 PM
Manual Bounce Pass wins easily for me. I rarely even use the right stick dribbling but it is all awesome. The new controls have grown on me and its a whole lot of fun.
# 7 threattonature @ 10/08/12 06:05 PM
Manual bounce pass is definitely the biggest for me. Makes it possible to take advantage of fast break situations now.
# 8 pastrami1993 @ 10/08/12 06:05 PM
Why is everyone so amazed by the flop button. They had it in 2k12. All you had to do was press the take charge button, the flick the right stick away towards your back. It has me perplexed that people never knew that
# 9 teebee @ 10/08/12 06:43 PM
I flopped all game long last year, its just easier to do it this year
# 10 mgsmith119 @ 10/08/12 06:44 PM
I found it very easy to Hop-Step in 2K12. All you had to do was push the Right stick the right direction as you were driving to the hoop. As long as you let go of the Right stick before your player landed he would stop, allowing some pretty effective fakes.
# 11 DJ @ 10/08/12 06:57 PM
I was very glad they brought back the hop-step button. One thing I do miss is the signature gathers that were in 2K11. Anyone know why they never expanded on that and just removed it all together?

Manual bounce passing is very clutch and while the old alley-oop controls weren't hard, I like the change to the shoot+pass combo this year.
# 12 Joka2122 @ 10/08/12 07:13 PM
I really appreciate the addition of the forward momentum shots being a new feature. You can also set yourself up to run a grab the rebound off the shot. I also appreciate that they've updated players shots like Carmelo Anthony and the likes. They've even tweeked shooting so that at the buzzer you have a better ability to get your shot off with multiple types of new animations.
# 13 piccolomair @ 10/08/12 07:57 PM
im not a fan of the new alleyoop config, but i think its more subjective to how i play. I sometimes pull up for a shot just to see at that exact moment a wide open guy under the rim or a cutter, or i realize im way to well defended for the shot to work. So i pass out of the shot, but i tend to hold X as i press the pass button. IN my rookie showcase game i ended up throwing the ball away twice because instead of throwing a simple pass, i hurled a bullet that anthony davis wasnt read for....it happened twice....it bummed me out
# 14 TreyIM2 @ 10/08/12 08:02 PM
GREATEST sports game of all time, period, imo. I can't say it enough of how 2K13 has me addicted like crack. NEVER felt that way about ANY of the previous NBA2K's, point blank and numbers 1-4, especially, 1, help me feel this way.

That being said, only minor probs I have with one and two is that #1, the right stick dribble control is not the only way to control your dribble which makes for some wonky dribbles and dribbling not going exactly as planned. I spoke on this before in the Advanced Controls forum that Mike Wang posted. I hope he read it and REMOVES dribble control from the left stick. That should be for moving your feet ONLY.

The prob with #2 is that the CPU will randomly select bounce pass when you DON'T want a bounce pass. Again, the bounce pass should be ONLY when you call for it and NOT when choosing to do a regular pass. No bueno.

At any rate, I've gotten used to these niggling things, and like I keep telling my boyz, I think 2K sprinkled a little crack on this game because I CAN'T STOP PLAYING THIS GAME. It's messing up my life. Heh...
# 15 al2k4 @ 10/08/12 08:04 PM
2k having NBA live's freestyle dribble controls is a dream come true for me also the alley-oop pass can double as a lob pass if you pass in right situations. The game is simply great!
# 16 TreyIM2 @ 10/08/12 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by threattonature
Manual bounce pass is definitely the biggest for me. Makes it possible to take advantage of fast break situations now.
YEZZIR! Fastbreaks are too damn fun, now, especially since they go the speed and flow of it correct. That bounce pass during those breaks are a thing of beauty.
# 17 statum71 @ 10/08/12 08:16 PM
Maaaaaaannnnnn. ALL of it!

I didn't think they could top 2K11. But they did.

This one......is basketball. Period.
# 18 VUUAASSHHH! @ 10/08/12 08:16 PM
I give 2K13 a 7/10.
I dropped 0.75 points because there's way too much jay-zee on the set list and another 0.75 because I saw bieber in the game. Other than that, game is playable with new controls.
# 19 xirdneh132 @ 10/08/12 08:25 PM
I enjoy the new dribbling controls as well and part of the fun (and frustration) was getting ready to go for a dunk or a shot and being so conditioned to using the right stick that when I went for a power jam I ended up making some dribble move instead and screwed everything up. I was both mad and laughed. I'm almost at the point of being able to play without having to think so much about what controls to use. It's made the game better and more fun.
# 20 xirdneh132 @ 10/08/12 08:29 PM
Correction, when I went up for a shot or layup I screwed it up.

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