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NBA 2K13: Top Five New Controls


NBA 2K13 has been out for six days. Not only is this basketball simulation impressive, but it’s just downright fun. The authenticity of the way players actually play like their real-life counterparts is incredible. Not only is the computer great at emulating real-life players, but the way that the user can now control players makes the game that much better. A whole new control scheme has graced the NBA 2K series, and has pushed the game to a whole new level. 

Here are my top five control changes in NBA 2K13:


5. The Flop- I could have sworn I had seen it all, until NBA 2K13 added a flop button. In the NBA, players flop all the time. Adding a button to do it in NBA 2K13 is comical and realistic at the same time. Sometimes you will get a whistle for, or against you when using the flop. In most cases, there will be no whistle, which is a good thing because the flop isn’t overpowered. It changes the way some computer players play, especially if they have the charge card signature skill. Overall, the flop button adds a different dimension to the game’s realism. 


4. Hop-Step- Turning the hop-step into a single button that the user can utilize any time that they want was a great idea. With default controls last year, NBA 2K12 only allowed for the hop-step move to be made within a lay-up animation or an escape-dribble jump shot. This year, NBA 2K13 allows for users to press a single button that results in a realistic hop-step. You can combine this button with the shot button to create hop-step jumpers and lay-ups. Providing us with a separate hop-step button, 2K13 gives users an edge to be able to perform a nice move to create space for a score.




3. Alley-Oop- Not a huge change in terms of it’s effect, but the new alley-oop button combination is a lot more user-friendly. In NBA 2K12, the alley-oop was a combination of holding the modifier and pressing the fake pass button. Although many would say that last year’s button combination wasn’t difficult, I still believe that this year NBA 2K13 has made it easier. To perform an alley-oop in NBA 2K13, you press the shot and pass buttons simultaneously. It makes more sense that combining the shot and pass button would lead to something like an alley-oop. 


2. Manual Bounce Pass- This new control could easily compete for the best control change for me. I can remember constant situations in NBA 2K12, where I would have loved to have this control. Picture a two-on-one fast break. Now, in last year’s game, throwing a pass to that player running with you was a near turnover almost every time. This year, NBA 2K13 allows for manual bounce passing by holding the modifier, and hitting the pass button. Dropping a perfectly timed bounce pass on a fast break, or off of a pick and roll is incredibly satisfying.




1. Right Analog Stick Dribbling- There is nothing better in a basketball game than feeling like you’re in complete control. With the switch from left analog stick iso-motion dribbling in previous versions of 2k, to the new right analog stick dribbling, control has new meaning. Crossovers, in-and-outs, behind-the-backs, and spin moves have all become incredibly smooth and easy to do once you understand how to use the stick. To go along with new ankle-breaking animations and an improved speed and quickness system, executing these moves can create highlights that will leave players jumping out of their seats. Stringing along different types of moves together has never been so smooth in a 2k basketball game.


What new controls do you guys like, dislike, or have comments or questions about?

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Member Comments
# 21 NINJAK2 @ 10/08/12 09:20 PM
Disagree a little with Hop-step button. Very rarely do you see players perform a hop-step without immediately going into a shot. Players aren't just hopping around to create space. This was a move that was abused in previous 2k's which is why they tied it to shots before.
# 22 WaddupCouzin @ 10/08/12 11:14 PM
How quickly this becomes a whining session! Good article, Good read. I'm really enjoying the control this year.
# 23 ccoaxum @ 10/09/12 12:14 AM
smh this game does not give you full control of your player never have, don't know what they playing..yes they gave u the dribble stick (which still does not allow you to control everything the player does base on the type of input methods), still have animations in the game the sucks you inot things you dont want your playing doing. The game itself needs a patch quick cause i have seeing so many bugs..mostly during the online play. I'm not feeling the hop step either doesnt feel the same as 2k11(which was nice) this one its seem like the players do what they want sometimes when your trying to do the hop step in the rim or euro step. the passing in the alley oops are off sometimes compared to the last two games as well. smh..if it wasn't for the dribble stick and some of the new animations that was placed in this game it would be 2k 12.5
# 24 Jaybird10000 @ 10/09/12 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by deezy24
I still don't believe this game is better than 2K11. Sorry. It's ok but overall there is just something in 2K11 that feels more fun to play. The right analog controls to shot transition seem a tad bit to long and out of control. It's like you have to wait to gain control of the player while they do there juke move. Perhaps in 2K11 it was the Jordan factor of it? I skipped 2K12 so I can't compare but I believe people when they say it's very similar to 2k12 (2K13). Good game but not the best. Plays A LOT like EA Live.
I thought 2k10 was the best simulation ever, it was just missing the wide array of legends.
# 25 xAwakening @ 10/09/12 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
I was very glad they brought back the hop-step button. One thing I do miss is the signature gathers that were in 2K11. Anyone know why they never expanded on that and just removed it all together?

Manual bounce passing is very clutch and while the old alley-oop controls weren't hard, I like the change to the shoot+pass combo this year.
They still have the signature gathers just press "B" (Xbox) "O" (PS3)
# 26 bakesalee @ 10/09/12 01:39 AM
While it's nice they added some controls this year (bounce pass), did they remove the jab-step for 2k13?
# 27 baygamer707 @ 10/09/12 09:13 AM
2k12 had the best controls imo. You could do all those things in 2k12 you would know if you played the game L2+X bounce passed for me all the time on ps3. If 2k would have left the controls alone i would have bought it but they know 2k12 controls gave you more control over your player that added with the Defense woulda had people crying i cant score again. hope they bring back 12 controls i'd pay
# 28 Bulls321974 @ 10/09/12 11:46 AM
Controls this year are awesome. Major improvement! I was once skeptic when 2K announced this or that but this game feels completely different because it's much more realistic. 2K has never been so close to an NBA simulation like this year. Finally it's not (so) hard anymore to get the right number of offensive glasses in a game compared to real life action. Having 24 offensive glasses with Minnesota or 18 with Chicago just feels great.Great job, guys! P.S.: The right Analog Stick Dribbling is one big reason why this game is a beauty...
# 29 NINJAK2 @ 10/09/12 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by WaddupCouzin
How quickly this becomes a whining session! Good article, Good read. I'm really enjoying the control this year.
Don't think anyone in this thread is whining. They are just voicing disagreements with parts of the article. Most people like myself agree with the majority of it.
# 30 Grim @ 10/12/12 02:31 AM
I am struggling to get used to the new controls. I wish there were an option to have the right stick be the shot stick without the modifier like all other 2k's. Tired of having fast breaks, and use the right stick only to do some fancy dribble or crossover instead of a dunk. I know I will eventually get used to it, but it sucks right now.
# 31 Vni @ 10/12/12 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Grim
I am struggling to get used to the new controls. I wish there were an option to have the right stick be the shot stick without the modifier like all other 2k's. Tired of having fast breaks, and use the right stick only to do some fancy dribble or crossover instead of a dunk. I know I will eventually get used to it, but it sucks right now.
I'am pretty sure that's actually possible.

Have you checked the controller's options? I really think it's there.

But what you experience happened to us all I think. Well happened to me alot. You'll get the hang of it really soon man, no worries.
# 32 Cope Digital @ 10/26/12 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
I was very glad they brought back the hop-step button. One thing I do miss is the signature gathers that were in 2K11. Anyone know why they never expanded on that and just removed it all together?

Manual bounce passing is very clutch and while the old alley-oop controls weren't hard, I like the change to the shoot+pass combo this year.
I believe they said it had to do with this being the first year of the right dribble stick, and that they would have more time to work on signature gathers and moves next year.

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