Feature Article
Breaking Down Madden: The Run Game

Editors Note: Andy McKenzie was a designer of the Backbreaker video game series. In this series he is writing, Andy is going to break down the Madden NFL Design and the implementation of features from a game developers perspective and to see exactly where Madden succeeds and where it doesn't. This should be an interesting series to say the least. Read Part One.

"Three things can happen when you throw the football, and two of them are bad" - this quote pretty much sums up my offensive philosophy when playing Madden.

I love to run the ball in football games. But, if like me, you've played a whole lot of Madden then after awhile each rushing play begins to feel the same. This is because of the very simple blocking system that governs the run game.

The entire library of blocking animations in Madden 12 appears to be two-or-more person animations. This means that every possible outcome is scripted by the game, and is limited to what animations they have in the library. Each block on every play appears to be decided by one overarching formula that pits the stats of the two players involved together, and is then heavily influenced by the difficulty setting.

Each offensive lineman that engages in a one on one block with a defender enters in to a standard two man blocking animation, where the offensive player has inside leverage over the defender.

This is problem number one for me.

As a player at this point, the only visual feedback you’re getting is that your blocker has his hooks in a defender's chest and that his block is more than likely to succeed. For the majority of Offensive Linemen in the NFL, if they get their hooks in to your chest plate, it's game over.

This animation probably lasts up to 10 seconds at its full length (it never plays that long in-game though) and is just a state for the players to be in so that they look correct while the formula figures out what to do with them. The reason this animation is so standard looking is every possible outcome of the block stems from this, and they all need to blend seamlessly otherwise you would have some rather noticeable glitches in animation.

It’s at this point where the difficulty setting usually comes in to play. The two players remain in this animation where the defender is effectively blocked for a short period of time until the block resolves itself with either a block shed or a pancake animation. This always takes longer on the lower difficulty settings.

On the higher difficulty settings you will notice that even though your offensive player starts out with leverage, he is always a few seconds away from being defeated by a defender, usually one that is right in your path. The most popular (and most unrealistic) animation I see is the defender just completely shedding the block to the side that you're running, and then he usually makes the tackle.

This block shedding happens so often that you can even begin to rely on this and use it to your advantage. You start running inside or outside of a block on all-pro or higher and you can pretty much guarantee your guy will lose the block to the side you're running, meaning if you time it correctly you can usually cut behind the block shed, fooling the defender because he's locked in animation.

Now, I understand that blocks sometimes get completely blown up in the NFL, but the most important thing in this situation in a video game is that it looks realistic and you as the player can see why your blocker lost. It's the "why" that makes this either a fun or incredibly frustrating experience. If you watch a rushing play on replay against an All-Madden CPU, you will most likely see several defenders in the front 7 simultaneously shed a block at the point of the handoff. This makes for a really frustrating experience as a player because the only information you have at that moment is the visual feedback of seeing your blockers making good blocks, only for them to be completely destroyed as soon as you gain control of the half back.

So the main problem with the ground game is the lack of variation in the blocking animations. It's a very binary system: A player is either being blocked, or he isn't.


I would like to propose a middle ground with a variety of blocking animations that show the defender winning the battle, perhaps fighting to get one shoulder free and take outside/inside leverage, but with the offensive player continuing to attempt to make the block.

This would expose another problem with the current blocking system and brings me on to my next suggestion: there is little-to-no lateral movement in any of the blocking animations. If you do a quick comparison of an outside run like HB Stretch in Madden Vs a similar play from a real NFL game, you'll instantly recognise how wrong this looks in-game. The reason for this is probably to stop players running sideways in to each other, for example if one pair is moving laterally and another pair isn't you might get some pretty terrible glitches. So I would like to see lateral movement implemented in the blocking system for Madden, I think it would really add to the realism of the running game.

The need for lateral movement in blocks to be implemented becomes even greater when you consider playing run defense in Madden 12. There is nothing more frustrating than flowing with a defender to make a tackle against the run and being caught up and locked in a blocking animation. The current system really doesn’t take weight and momentum in to account when defenders collide with blockers, so you often feel a little cheated when your 260lb Linebacker is halted in his tracks immediately by a passing blocker even though you weren’t running straight in to him.

Slight contact with an offense lineman like this should never stop a defender from moving his feet, and so I would like to be able to control my players’ movement through the block and also feel the resistance from the offensive lineman. This would probably have to be accomplished with separate animations for the blockers and defenders (as opposed to the two-man animations that they currently use), meaning that the interaction might not look as crisp as you’re used to seeing, but I think ultimately it would be worth it.

Another argument for blocking on the run can be made for special teams blocking, particularly when trying to block the gunners when you’re on punt return. In a real NFL game, players on the punt return team will sometimes run 20-30 yards downfield whilst maintaining some kind of block or contact with the gunner. In Madden, all of the blocks you see are short collisions meaning they are never held long enough for you to make an effective return.

Contrary to playing offense where the blocking is mostly out of your control, on defense you as the player have the opportunity to interact with the blocking system by trying to shed a block pressing the Right Analogue Stick Left, Right or Down. The great thing about this is that you get to see your defender attempting to shed the block as soon as you press the control; however, you are often left frustrated and wondering why you lost the battle. This seems to be randomly successful depending on the difficulty level you are currently playing on. Most of the time when I try to shed a block or generate a pass rush when playing on All-Madden mode, my defender ends up getting pancaked. Again, I understand that this happens sometimes in the NFL, but I feel that you need to give the player context as to why they lost that specific battle. I think a more in-depth control system would help, because currently it feels like you enter a block, press one of three controls for block shed and then the computer just decides if you won or not. I would like to see some sort of timing based mechanic for when the first collision is about to occur which would decide whether you win first contact and gain the leverage over the blocker, kind of a fight for lower pad level. Then you would have to use the Left Analogue Stick to control your foot position and combine that with a block shed move that you select on the Right Analogue Stick. This gives us plenty of ways for you to excel at block shedding and also plenty of ways to mess it up, which will ultimately make for a less frustrating experience when playing run defence in Madden.

So there are just a few observations, thoughts and suggestions about the gameplay systems involved in the run game in Madden 12. If you can think of any features you would like to see improved or added to the run game in Madden, please leave a comment down below or send an email to [email protected] with “@MADDEN” in the subject bar and we’ll try to talk about it in the future!

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Member Comments
# 21 btemp @ 08/22/12 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by frankwyte81
Because the blocking is the same way in Madden 13, that's why he wrote this fantastic piece of work. Great write-up Andy....
# 22 liberaluser @ 08/22/12 02:10 PM
If this new dev team delivers bigtime next year I will surely buy Madden as a day one purchase. But until then I can't suffer another mediocre entry.

When the old team gave up on ProTak is when I stopped buying. Yes, I know that was kinda gimmicky to begin with but the fact they wouldn't even improve upon it and the rest of the gameplay made me lose all hope for Madden this generation.
# 23 chi_hawks @ 08/22/12 02:10 PM
Fantastic write up. Agree on all counts.

And to people wondering why he used 12' instead of 13', line interaction is the exact same in 13' (Dev's have already confirmed this).
# 24 Feldman011teen @ 08/22/12 02:29 PM
I've got the retail version as well, and at higher difficulties, it doesn't matter, there could be two defensive lineman and they suction off their blocker on to your RB or QB. I guess they stated it's a passing league, so they hope you take advantage of that.
# 25 Only1LT @ 08/22/12 03:48 PM
Very good read, but as PG said, this blog could have been written by me, or any number of other people on this forum. That isn't a knock against the author, and as taz says, it's nice to see validation from an industry professional, it just makes it that much more obvious how wrong the direction on this game has been, and more frustrating because I'm not sure when or if it will change.

Their philosophy on animations, in general, and their delusion that the user needs to be in control at all times, will continue to be one of the biggest impediments to getting a realistic game from this dev house ever. Seems even rival developers know this.

I'm sure Tiburon knows it too. Question is, will they muster the courage, and perhaps discover the humility, to change?
# 26 atc43 @ 08/22/12 05:57 PM
Beautiful write up! Again like others have said it really is great to see someone who has experience in programming talk about the flaws in Madden's genes. I have some programming experience(and by some i mean 1 year) and what the OP said is very much more than likely true. With that said I'mm positive Tiburon knows the same things. They said they'll address line play in 14 hopefully along with player momentum(foot planting).

If Madden can ever get any semblance of this in the game it would be an incredible, i repeat incredible improvement.

skip to 4:40

# 27 Cnada @ 08/22/12 10:26 PM
Fantastic break down

So true about knowing how the animation is going to play out so good players see it coming and then go around the way they will break from the block.

Also very much needed about expanded controls their is little to no skill is D-Line and their should be a chess match going on, on every play.

Great breakdown i think expanded physics will fix alot of this.
# 28 UMhester04 @ 08/23/12 12:06 AM
The run game and the return game are now the only two areas that do not play to a level I expect them to play at at this stage of the console cycle. Passing game this year is pretty solid, but the running game is very vanilla. I agree with the OP that lateral blocks need to be implimented in the game as I stated in another thread. It is the reason that there are so many runs that can be easily broken to the outside, because the line blocks straight forward and coupled with the EXTREMELY unrealistic player movement you can just take 2 steps to the outside and be running full speed down the sideline.

SPEAKING OF player movement whos bright idea was it to have the ball carrier keep their "shoulders square to the line of scrimmage" in the first place? I could forgive some of the player movements but this part of it is just laughable. I kno everyone knows what I am talking about when you are running with the stick up and to the right and then you move it up and to the left and your player literally takes 0-1.5 steps with their off arm in the air like they are gonna shed an incoming tackler. I swear to god I could live with some ice skating if only the movement LOOKED like I was actually running, like say instead of the terrible square your body to the line of scrimmage all the time b.s we have they would just have it so if we moved the stick too far away from where we were holding it the runner would just make a cut animation...Swing and a miss on that one EA.

It is just frustrating because the tools are definitely there to make a great running game but it is neglected.
# 29 bjones16 @ 08/23/12 12:06 AM
Awesome write up! This and foot planting is the reason I wont buy Madden! I just can't.
# 30 DeuceDouglas @ 08/23/12 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Goodydog
I would love for all of the "Madden loyalists" to read this article, so that they could understand that the criticism that some have for the Madden series is legitimate. But you know what I expect to hear from those guys?...crickets.
It doesn't say anything we haven't already known for the last several years. It's been a well known issue for quite a while now. I honestly think the bigger problem doesn't lie in the run game, but the pass game in terms of the blocking.

The win/loss nature of the animations isn't as bad IMO when involved in the running game but when you do get those situations where three different lineman simultaneously pull the same 'win' animation to come off a block, it becomes more of an issue. In terms of the passing game, a win animation rewards an unabated blocker while the loss animation results in no pass rush whatsoever which is a HUGE problem.

I would have liked to see this year OL-DL interaction, get the same treatment that the catching got this year with all the additional animations. It wouldn't be the answer and it would still be flawed but it would have been a huge improvement over what we've had and would allow for, at the very least, more variety and results.
# 31 illwill10 @ 08/23/12 12:28 AM
For me it is not just getting the Physics right so you cant put a K/P on the line without consequence, or adding better Interaction animations, it is revamping the AI(not just for the OL/DL).

The AI in this game is horrible. Adding Traits isnt enough, to make players play like themselves or smarter. Players run with Tunnel Vision and dont use special moves, OL doesnt pick up defenders that right in front of them if someone is blitzing, Playcalling by CPU AI is bad and they dont adjust to what is going on in the game. It isnt a bad game, but it isnt a simulation football game that everyone wants. It feels scripted at times.
# 32 aussieBKR @ 08/23/12 06:38 AM
im not a *****, or hating on your article......but your about 10 months late on your deadline mate
# 33 rudyjuly2 @ 08/23/12 06:40 AM
Excellent write-up!
# 34 La Verite @ 08/23/12 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Demoncrom
He is so right - the line play in madden is trash and the only one to get the running to work properly at higher levels is to adjust the sliders.
This. Which actually shows how breaking tackles should work. You also see more animations. Try raising break tackle to 65 or 70. Run game feels better. I do it on all pro. Still only renting Madden tho. Depends on off-line CCM.
# 35 DetroitStyle @ 08/23/12 10:35 AM
You always have to adjust sliders anyway to tune it to your skill level. But I agree the blocking has been one dimensional for too many years now. It's just a coin flip with ratings and there's no visual cue to let you know whose going to win that battle. It gets worse on higher difficulties where you just see a whole defensive line shed 4 blocks all at the same time. It ends up looking like a kick return of Madden past, where the entire defense is coming after you and your blockers are all upfield lol!

There's some good news though, that wasn't mentioned in the write up...the Infinity Engine! Even though blocking may be a coin flip, with all the bodies on the O-line and D-line you may get a lot more "incidental" blocking where player models collide with each other or trip up each other resulting in a quasi-block.
# 36 La Verite @ 08/23/12 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cpterp22
Great read, but we already know the change wasn't coming til 14..

I have the retail.. Blocking is a little better with IE.. 14 will be where we really see it ( I hope )
People say that about every new game. When 10 came out, 11 was the new hope for changes, etc. And now 14 and 13 not out yet? Lol
# 37 atc43 @ 08/23/12 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
Do you have a souce for this information?
Theyve said they will address line play next year ask anyone and theyll most likely confirm, and about footplanting sorry i guess i didnt make myself clear enough. I meant HOPEFULLY they will also work on foot planting.
# 38 bigmalof00 @ 08/24/12 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Whomario
No offense, but why go through all this trouble breaking down the ´12 version instead of waiting a couple weeks and doing it for ´13 ?
lol probably because there's a 99% chance with it being EA's madden that the same problem will be in 13
# 39 geisterhome @ 08/24/12 03:06 AM
awesome read!
# 40 kjcheezhead @ 08/24/12 10:19 AM
Nice article. This sums up exactly why I dislike the blocking in Madden and I think it goes over to the passing game as well. I think this is the core of the problem tho..

This makes for a really frustrating experience as a player because the only information you have at that moment is the visual feedback of seeing your blockers making good blocks, only for them to be completely destroyed as soon as you gain control of the half back.
The movement of engaged players, addition of double team blocking, etc. are all desperately needed but if I can't trust what I'm seeing in the game it's more frustrating to play than fun.

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