Feature Article
Slide Protection: Can you trust it?

One of the new additions for Madden and NCAA this year that excites me in the new four-man slide protections. Since the offensive and defensive lines will not receive an overhaul this year, at least having something at our disposal is a plus for building protection schemes. As I sat and played NCAA 13, I discovered some good and some bad about slide protection. In the end, I think users are still left with a critical question: can you trust it?

Credit Gridironstrategies.com for Image.

The above diagram showcases a four-man slide protection scheme with the Center, Left Guard, Right Guard and Right Tackle working in tandem and sliding to the right side. The left tackle is Big on Big; the halfback kicks to the left side and slams the B gap closed in the event the backer rushes. This all makes sense and looks great. Let’s look at this in NCAA 13 and see if it mirrors what is going on here.


Credit primamadden.com for the image

The two plays I will put on the field here are Singleback Slot Levels Divide, which has two option routes on the right and the Levels Concept on the left making for a multiple option play.

I run this play against 4-3 Stack OLB Fire Man.

Credit primamadden.com for the image

The Fire Man is a perfect play to showcase this with since both the Will backer and the Sam are rushing.

Credit GridironStrategies.com

Going back to our four-man slide diagram above, I should be able to slide the offensive line to the TE. The HB will be blocking to the weak side, picking up the linebacker as he fires through the B gap. With any type of blocking skills, the quarterback should be able to scan the field and get the pass off with this six-man protection in the face of the 4-3 Stack Fire man.

Credit GridironStrategies.com

When we look at the Madden screens and video, just like the diagram here, the Left Guard is not covered although there is a one technique shade (this may play into keys to look for how to slide your line that I might cover in a later article) that might throw off the blocking. I’m not certain. With a slide-right call, the linemen should be looking to the defender to their right and checking gap responsibility right. The left tackle is big on big so he should take the RE.

The above screenshot showcases all the adjustments described above. This also looks exactly like the diagram for four-man slide protection that I began with. The question is, does it work as described?

On the snap of the football we encounter a big problem. The Center does not slide to the side of the call. The Left Guard does not slide either. The Right Guard and Right Tackle slide. This creates an open lane for the Left Defensive tackle.

The halfback, who should be stepping up into the B gap to pick up the Will backer slides back over and attempts to block the free rushing defensive tackle and whiffs. The result of the play is a sack.

If the defensive line is reduced and the linebackers are lined up over to the tight end side one would think that if the offensive line slides to the Tight End and the HB blocks back side with the left tackle it would be the proper call. The result is the same. The Center does not slide and the defensive tackle runs right up the gut untouched. The halfback will slide back over on occasion and attempt to pick the big guy up. Say what? Yes a HB attempting to pick up a DT.

Let’s look at the tape.

Now that was pretty bad. Again, I want to be clear, there is some good with the slide protection. Just do not expect it to run like it would in real life because as the tape showed, that is not going to happen. There are also times where linemen will shift behind each other, which does not make sense with slides. As I tinkered with the slide protection, I saw no communication between the Center, Left Guard, Right Guard and Right Tackle. They should be committing to the slide. The Center would actually step to the opposite side and the Left Guard sometimes would shift behind him and warp over to try to make a block.

With all of this said, how are gamers supposed to trust the tools that EA gives when we think they work a certain way and they do not? Why have the producers or someone from the A.I team not do pre-release videos on how they understand it and how it works in the game, rather than having the user think this is going to work a certain way? Let’s get on the same page. It would actually put out a lot of fires.

NCAA Football 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 LBzrule @ 07/30/12 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by killer miller31
We have had slide protectiong for 3 or 4 years now its not new...........
This statement shows misunderstanding of what the article says. It does not say slide protection itself is new. It says four-man slide with back side tackle in big on big is new. Why can't people understand this?
# 22 moose1619 @ 07/30/12 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
Yeah, this is new. I know that in Madden if you slid the protection say to the right side your LT would leave the end unblocked as the whole line would shift and the end would have a free run at your QB, unless you changed a RB/FB to block to that side, or you moved the pocket and got rid of the ball quickly.
I know in easy high school blocking schemes when u slide left the rb blocks off right edge and if you slide right the rb blocks left edge. Like you have stated if you slide you have to manually adjust the RB, most people probably do not realize this. Having a Tackle stay on a DE is a nice touch as long as the RB can fill for a blitzing LB.
# 23 TajDeni @ 07/30/12 04:57 PM
on passing plays ive always hit down on the slider protection, to reinforce the pocket, cept for designed rollouts (ie. boots) then i would slide the protection that way.

personally i would never slide the OL to a given side on passing plays, outside of a designed rollout, so i guess my answer would have to be no i would not trust it.

what i would trust is to hit down on the pass protection to get the OL to pinch, then id use 1 of 2 options...

1. set my HB/TE (maybe both) to block to the side i thought the pressure was coming from

2. or try to better identify where the pressure was coming from pre-snap reads and work on developing a hot route to replace the spot the pressure just came from.

both of these option i would trust before i slide my OL to a given side to help pick up pressure.
# 24 shaunlmason @ 07/30/12 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
This statement shows misunderstanding of what the article says. It does not say slide protection itself is new. It says four-man slide with back side tackle in big on big is new. Why can't people understand this?
You should edit how you worded that.=)
# 25 at23steelers @ 07/30/12 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Shaun Mason
You should edit how you worded that.=)
Agreed, I have found out even in a few page threads, some people just write a response based on the title and don't even read the thread. If you edit it, maybe there will be less of those type of responses. Keep up the good work!!
# 26 Smoke6 @ 07/30/12 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by THE YAMA
The slide protection for me is a 50/50. Half the time it works, half the time it doesn't.
Wish it worked on run plays, I got zoo sick of people running thru the LOS with a clear lane at any given time on run plays. And before people yell, counter it with tosses, I hate being restricted to a small amount of plays due to jerks who can't stop plays conventionally.

But it needs to work on both runs and pass plays equally and even moreso when the defense is not properly equipped or chooses wrong play wise.
# 27 wat3 @ 07/30/12 07:21 PM
Welp, after watching the video it looked right to me. Everyone was sliding as usual.
# 28 killer miller31 @ 07/30/12 08:30 PM
Yeah the title indicates you are talking about slide protection as a whole.my bad
# 29 baller7345 @ 07/30/12 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Smoke6
Wish it worked on run plays, I got zoo sick of people running thru the LOS with a clear lane at any given time on run plays. And before people yell, counter it with tosses, I hate being restricted to a small amount of plays due to jerks who can't stop plays conventionally.

But it needs to work on both runs and pass plays equally and even moreso when the defense is not properly equipped or chooses wrong play wise.
No, I do not want slide protection to affect the running game. Slide protection is a pass protection blocking scheme and should stay that way. They should work on improving their run blocking schemes but don't put a pass protection option into the running game.
# 30 cbenti60 @ 07/30/12 11:16 PM
One thing to think about: Could there be a problem with the "awareness" stat?

I know the video looks bad, but could it be explained because the Center is "dumb" according to the game? I feel multiple tests could be done on this.
# 31 LBzrule @ 07/30/12 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by cbenti60
One thing to think about: Could there be a problem with the "awareness" stat?

I know the video looks bad, but could it be explained because the Center is "dumb" according to the game? I feel multiple tests could be done on this.
I thought this at first. Then I tried it with other teams and got similar results. Secondly, it is not just the center. It is also the left guard. A slide is about communication and commitment which is not on display here. Lastly, to put it on ratings is to actually give the developers unwarranted credit, to think they actually got that sophisticated with it.
# 32 bukktown @ 07/30/12 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
This statement shows misunderstanding of what the article says. It does not say slide protection itself is new. It says four-man slide with back side tackle in big on big is new. Why can't people understand this?
I think they first introduced four-man slide with back side tackle in big on big way back in Triple Play '99.

I mean, it's not new, I been using it for years!
# 33 sneezor01 @ 07/31/12 12:31 AM
While I agree with just about all of the comments in this thread. I would like to play devils advocate here... first of all allow me to preference this statement by saying that I have always attempted to to use slide protect with all FB games that I play. I just believe that it is a real part of football and that if you don't understand simple principles of o-line play then your offense can not win. And I also agree that EA FB games have missed the mark overall on current gen systems. With all of that said... Maybe ... just maybe... the reason why slide protect is hit or miss could be tied into the AWR rating and the Pass and Run BLK ratings. Maybe the way that the game is coded maybe it's just a numbers battle b/t the AWR with the D-line and the O-line.
# 34 cbenti60 @ 07/31/12 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
I thought this at first. Then I tried it with other teams and got similar results. Secondly, it is not just the center. It is also the left guard. A slide is about communication and commitment which is not on display here. Lastly, to put it on ratings is to actually give the developers unwarranted credit, to think they actually got that sophisticated with it.
Haha I liked the last part. "Come on guys, let's not give them too much credit"

O-Line is 100% about communication. Part of playing the O-Line is knowing what everyone else's assignments are on any given play. It's also why zone blocking has been such a problem in this game because that's all about feel and recognition on when to release to a linebacker (Double, block down to linebacker)
# 35 MacDiiddy @ 07/31/12 02:51 AM
Great write up. I am always happy to read and talk about Real football stratagy and technique. Unfortunetly this article is moot. The real question is can I trust the O-line period.

I have yet to see a zone step in this game, let alone a slide. There are constantly unblocked players on run plays.

Not missed blocks but no one trying to scoop up and block them. Or linemen sitting in the hole and not blocking anyone. Same flaws are in the defensive line.

I have been saying, along with many many more on these forums that the OL-DL interaction needs an overhaul.

I really dont understand why they can't take one year to address every problem in the game before they go off and start creating crap that no one really wants *cough* heisman challenge *cough*
# 36 cgalligan @ 07/31/12 08:42 AM
Why is it so hard for them to get the OLine correct?

I can't count how many times, on a Power-O or an outside run where my OLineman, who was supposed to be LEADING me down the field, stops, and starts running back to block someone who is chasing me from behind, rather than attacking the CB or Saftey that is in front of him...
# 37 sportyguyfl31 @ 07/31/12 12:21 PM
Ive been using slide protection a lot. While the mechanics are far from how you'd coach it, it works well for the game's purposes
# 38 PantherBeast_OS @ 07/31/12 06:27 PM
It seems to me that while they are working on the oline for M14. They really need to rework the whole oline protection in my opinion. Because at times I felt that slide protection wasn't working for me half the time. It's time for them to rework it and make it better overall.
# 39 shttymcgee @ 07/31/12 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Clint described it in an interview. I think people are reading this wrong. I'm not saying slide protection is new. I'm saying the 4 man with the back side tackle in big on big is new.
Obviously the video was a complete ****-up of how the protection should work, but why would you slide away from the numbers anyway?

Why would you put your back to the side of the combination?

Why is the defense reduced weak? (flipped)

I'd rather see the play with the defense normal (not flipped/reduced strong/over) and just the line slid left. Leave the back away from the combination, where he should be anyway.
# 40 shttymcgee @ 07/31/12 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by poster
I haven't and don't plan on playing NCAA, but I hope they worked on improving it for Madden. That was awful, and just as bad was the HB morphing over without even knowing the DT was there and the DT getting suctioned into the block.

Good article and video, LBzrule.
Why would the back not know the DT was there?

The animation was stupid, but he has eyes, doesn't he?

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