Feature Article
Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher
When Andrew Bynum made his debut as the Lord and Savior, the future of EA Sports basketball was in immediate danger. The backlash of the YouTube video and NBA Elite 11 demo led to the series being shut down for two years.
When Scott O’Gallagher tore his hamstring last June, his wife asked him what he wanted to do if he couldn’t play professional basketball anymore. He responded with what he considers, a joke.
“I told her I wanted to make video games,” O’Gallagher said.
Within months EA Sports turned that joke into something more. O’Gallagher became NBA Live 13’s newest gameplay designer.
O’Gallagher has more than just his gaming experience at his disposal. The 6-foot-1 developer used to play point guard. Between having interest from the Denver Nuggets, Portland Trail Blazers and Utah Jazz, O’Gallagher took his talents everywhere from Portland State University, Bulgaria, New Zealand, Australia to Macedonia. But his injury led him to focus on his other hobbies: gaming.
Hitting the sticks has always been one of O’Gallagher’s pastimes. He created his own website, OGSports, where he focused on NBA games. He earned the respect of simulation gamers and made his stamp on Sim Nation.
His involvement in the community earned him one of seven spots on EA’s NBA Live 13 Advisory Council. Back in April he flew down to Orlando where he hit it off the development team.
“I really liked the direction EA was going with the game,” said O’Gallagher. “I loved their ideas and concepts.”
O’Gallagher is confident that his experience playing the sport will help him take NBA Live to new heights.
“I think it’s huge that I’ve played in every system overseas,” he said. “You know every nuance, how the players sync, how they play. The game in Europe as a whole – they’re more fundamentally sound over there.”
After an unimpressive showing of a way too early build of NBA Live 13 at E3, EA received backlash from all corners of the Internet. The community wasn’t necessarily outraged, but you could sense that 2K Sports' NBA 2K series was slowly pulling away from the competition.
By deciding to bring in someone directly from the community, EA is hoping to show that they mean business when it comes to putting out the No. 1 NBA simulation game on store shelves. O’Gallagher is first and foremost a gamer, so he knows what the community is looking to see. 
“I know exactly what the community wants,” he said. “I am the voice of the community and will never for get where I came from. I know how important it for them to feel involved. That’s what it’s all about.”
O’Gallagher, known as OGSports on Operation Sports, is already putting in more than 40 hours a week creating Live 13. His connection to the sports gaming community is no joke: he is well-known by Operation Sports, EA’s Game Changers, Dynasty League Gaming and even everyone’s favorite Sim Nation Leader, Da_Czar. And, he is just as nit picky as the worst of us.
"Scott ... is a die hard sim gamer," Da_Czar said. "He brings with him the shared passion and enthusiasm that any of us would have given the same opportunity. That energy and passion can only mean good things for the Sim Nation as well as for EA and Live."
So with the well-deserved backing from the community, and the experience he has garnered playing overseas, O'Gallagher is poised to make big changes for NBA Live 13.
EA Sports just might have found their new savior.
You can follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottOGallagher.

NBA Live 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 cbass1 @ 07/16/12 07:17 PM
That's cool EA brought in someone that actually played the game on a professional level. Good luck to you Scott!
# 2 bigsmallwood @ 07/16/12 08:01 PM
This is great to hear!!!! ........now Live 13 videos please ;-)
# 3 22cedric @ 07/16/12 08:08 PM
I believe Scott will make great things happen for NBA Live in the future. He knows his stuff & will rep the sim nation well.
# 4 MostlyChilly @ 07/16/12 09:09 PM
Sounds promising, like all NBA Live 13 articles, however, the verdict will not be out until, us, the community finally sees the first gameplay video.
# 5 fsufan4423 @ 07/16/12 10:36 PM
Hope this translates to a better Live 13
# 6 leoribas3 @ 07/16/12 10:39 PM
what the hell people ? all we know about the game is that the passing game is
more advanced and realistic now ? thats ALL we know about the damn game...

# 7 BiggD @ 07/16/12 10:50 PM
Hype article...
# 8 NoTiCe_O @ 07/16/12 10:58 PM
I guess he fits EA's theme of building a team that knows the game of basketball, and is dedicated to the sport and success of this game.

Hope he does make an impact.
# 9 RUFFNREADY @ 07/17/12 12:17 AM
I hope he isnt the only guy with actual bball game experience? EA needs to bring something good to the table or the "Community" will start eating their own! Watch OG!

# 10 NYdreams @ 07/17/12 01:43 AM
blah blah blah blah nba live interview
blah blah blah blah 2k announces pre order add in
blah blah blah blah nba 2k13 trailer w/ 2k12 gameplay
blah blah blah more nba live interviews
blah blah blah nba 2k13 gameplay (early stage)
blah blah blah more nba live interviews
blah blah blah nba 2k13 shows cover
blah blah blah more interviews for live

see where this is going .....
wheres gameplay to show this game is a serious contender... its been 2 years shouldnt live be the first 2 start ??
# 11 23 @ 07/17/12 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
I guess he fits EA's theme of building a team that knows the game of basketball, and is dedicated to the sport and success of this game.

Hope he does make an impact.

Mike Wang did too but I guess they didnt want that
# 12 PRO318 @ 07/17/12 05:24 AM
its 3 months left ea shown us nothing but snippet clip of live 13 with lebronattacking the hoop during montage of other EA Games during E3. I need see in depth gameplay defense, playing calling, new passing system and Online Features.
# 13 TreyIM2 @ 07/17/12 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Mike Wang did too but I guess they didnt want that
Lol. I wonder what really happened between MW and EA....

As for this post, I started to comment yesterday that once again, just another hype interview and STILL no actual gameplay footage for we da public. I'm not digging this unless the Live team is so hunkered down in devving the game that they're gunna pull a rabbit out of the hat and at least present a game that's more respectable than what I'm hearing was shown at E3.
# 14 simfballcritic @ 07/17/12 07:54 AM
What up OG, it's your boy Sim. I see ya Fam!
# 15 SHAKYR @ 07/17/12 08:10 AM
EA is great for hyping their fans up! EA love using the most well respected members, by using things like the community events. They gather who the community respects and force their ideas on them. I went to EA before with a 268 pages well written document of ideas and wishes from both the fans and me, an athlete who had experience. Guess how much made it into the game 10%!

I'm crossing my fingers and hoping Scott actually make a difference but he better be ready to hear it from the people in the community when EA force feed him their perspective of what will work and what's in the best interest of EA. EA thinks a hybrid(sim/arcade) will not get noticed by the true sim fans....wrong!

I have been there, done that. Scott has a more hands on approach, so maybe, just maybe we will get better results. Scott doesn't want to be a sim nation outcast
# 16 Blak_Baki_Hanma @ 07/17/12 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
Lol. I wonder what really happened between MW and EA....

As for this post, I started to comment yesterday that once again, just another hype interview and STILL no actual gameplay footage for we da public. I'm not digging this unless the Live team is so hunkered down in devving the game that they're gunna pull a rabbit out of the hat and at least present a game that's more respectable than what I'm hearing was shown at E3.
Not to be the bearer of bad news.... but...

NBA Live is terrible. It has been terrible for as long as anyone can remember. Can anyone recall when NBA Live was even remotely realistic as a basketball game? Unless you owned a SNES or PSOne, YOU CAN'T.

The reality of the situation is really quite simple. No one at EA Sports is a competent basketball game developer... Period. So much so that EA gave the franchise to a HOCKEY GUY.. I repeat, A HOCKEY GUY! I still have the NBA Elite 11 DEMO on my 360... and it STILL makes me laugh uncontrollably! No ability to control your player's speed, graphics from 2 generations ago, no player-skill differentiation, and a shooting mechanic that can only be described as... INDESCRIBABLE. This is a company that is so disingenuous that they were literally SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS about how REVOLUTIONARY NBA Elite 11 was. This is the same as calling every single one of us an idiot... TO OUR FACES.

Please, EA NBA LIve Franchise, just go away. I don't think anyone is interested in hitting 30 step-back 3's while falling out of bounds with Chauncey Billups and JR Smith.... and that was on the best iteration of NBA Live... EVER. (Even Mike Wang couldn't save it... but I give him the utmost credit for actually trying).

The idea that competition breeds better quality games is true... but not applicable here. Live and 2K don't compete... in the same fashion that MW3 and Avatar Deathmatch don't compete.

So... who's really excited to play a game that's 2 years in the making BUT developed on an 8-month cycle with animations and A.I. mined from even OLDER versions of the same failed franchise?

Yeah... doesn't sound so appetizing when you hear it described without the hype, does it?

For the record... NO DISRESPECT TO SCOTT O'G.... he's just EA's latest designated fall-guy so no one points at the top brass.

ps... how 'bout some gameplay vids... so we can see Carlos Boozer taking off from the foul line... AGAIN.

# 17 bigeastbumrush @ 07/17/12 09:54 AM
The closer we get to 10/2 without any gameplay footage whatsoever, the less impact this hype machine is going to have.

I was interested in Live '13 even after the E3 abomination.

But as the weeks have gone by with nothing but interview after interview, it becomes nothing but a bore.

EA just released NCAA 13.
Madden 13 (with huge improvements) is next in August.
FIFA 13 is after that in September.

You're telling me that with no gameplay footage in 2 years, I'm supposed to be swayed by their redundant Sizzle trailers in one month?

And I'm supposed to drop $60 on their product out of what...loyalty?

Please EA. I don't care if you bring in the Dream Team to work on your game. If your animations suck...I don't give a you know what.
# 18 DBMcGee3 @ 07/17/12 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Blak_Baki_Hanma
Not to be the bearer of bad news.... but...

NBA Live is terrible. It has been terrible for as long as anyone can remember. Can anyone recall when NBA Live was even remotely realistic as a basketball game? Unless you owned a SNES or PSOne, YOU CAN'T.

The reality of the situation is really quite simple. No one at EA Sports is a competent basketball game developer... Period. So much so that EA gave the franchise to a HOCKEY GUY.. I repeat, A HOCKEY GUY! I still have the NBA Elite 11 DEMO on my 360... and it STILL makes me laugh uncontrollably! No ability to control your player's speed, graphics from 2 generations ago, no player-skill differentiation, and a shooting mechanic that can only be described as... INDESCRIBABLE. This is a company that is so disingenuous that they were literally SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS about how REVOLUTIONARY NBA Elite 11 was. This is the same as calling every single one of us an idiot... TO OUR FACES.

Please, EA NBA LIve Franchise, just go away. I don't think anyone is interested in hitting 30 step-back 3's while falling out of bounds with Chauncey Billups and JR Smith.... and that was on the best iteration of NBA Live... EVER. (Even Mike Wang couldn't save it... but I give him the utmost credit for actually trying).

The idea that competition breeds better quality games is true... but not applicable here. Live and 2K don't compete... in the same fashion that MW3 and Avatar Deathmatch don't compete.

So... who's really excited to play a game that's 2 years in the making BUT developed on an 8-month cycle with animations and A.I. mined from even OLDER versions of the same failed franchise?

Yeah... doesn't sound so appetizing when you hear it described without the hype, does it?

For the record... NO DISRESPECT TO SCOTT O'G.... he's just EA's latest designated fall-guy so no one points at the top brass.

ps... how 'bout some gameplay vids... so we can see Carlos Boozer taking off from the foul line... AGAIN.

Agree to disagree I guess. I think Live 10 was better than 2k10 in nearly every way. Better player control, better passing, better contact animations, and most importantly, more realistic stats. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Live 10 is the ONLY basketball game I've ever owned that produced realistic stats when playing 12 min quarters, right out of the box with no slider adjustments. With 2k I spend more time tinkering with sliders than I do playing the game, which gets really old and frustrating.

I'll give 2k credit where it's due, they knocked 2k11 out of the park, and 2k12 was a good, not great, game. I guess for me it's just about wanting something new and refreshing. I saw that brief gameplay demo of 2k13 a month or so ago, and honestly I couldn't tell the difference at all between it and 2k12. Same crappy dribbling, same crappy collision animation, etc. I stopped playing 2k around January this year out of sheer boredom, so the thought of another nearly identical game coming next year just doesn't excite me....at all.

I'll agree that the lack of gameplay footage so far worries me about this year's Live, but it's gonna have to be really bad for me to not at least give it a chance. Hopefully it's at least good enough to, as you said, compete with 2k and force their hand a bit in the innovation category.
# 19 Amedu @ 07/17/12 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
The closer we get to 10/2 without any gameplay footage whatsoever, the less impact this hype machine is going to have.

I was interested in Live '13 even after the E3 abomination.

But as the weeks have gone by with nothing but interview after interview, it becomes nothing but a bore.

EA just released NCAA 13.
Madden 13 (with huge improvements) is next in August.
FIFA 13 is after that in September.

You're telling me that with no gameplay footage in 2 years, I'm supposed to be swayed by their redundant Sizzle trailers in one month?

And I'm supposed to drop $60 on their product out of what...loyalty?

Please EA. I don't care if you bring in the Dream Team to work on your game. If your animations suck...I don't give a you know what.
LOL SOO TRUE..EA NEEDS better animations for us to take the game seriously
# 20 NoTiCe_O @ 07/17/12 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Wilson24
Its like they dont know whats gonna be in the game cause know they wont have time to finish everything. Rediculous to take that much time off and not use it all.
There has to be a reason behind EA's silence. For all we know Live could have tons of stuff waiting to show, but just haven't yet. I feel like EA is withholding some valuable info so 2k can't take/steal ideas.

Anyone else notice that when NBA Live said passing was a major focus for them this year that 2k went out at E3 and said they've really reworked the passing game (even though the passing looked exactly the same). Then when the speculation about NBA Live having a physics engine came around, all of a sudden Mike Wang (who rarely tweets) tweets about the breakthrough that they've made in the collision system this year. NBA Live is smart for withholding info, they'll probably release info when its to late for 2k to implement any of their ideas.

2k is like that friend that always tries to outdo you, if you tell him you want a 2012 Accord, he want's the 2012 Accord coupe fully loaded. You tell him your gonna get an iPhone 4s 16gb, he gets the 32gb. You tell him your gonna get some oreos, he gets doublestuffed. Eventually, you just stop telling him stuff.

Live is smart to keep a tight lip

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