Feature Article
OS Roundtable: What do you think of the NCAA Football Gameplay Enhancements?

Bishop Tart: From everything I've seen of NCAA Football 13, it looks like EA is actually trying this year. A majority of the things implemented this year -- shovel pass, five- and seven-step dropbacks, throw-on-run animations, etc. -- should have been put into past iterations. But hey, at least we're getting them now, right?

The big new feature in NCAA 13, for me at least, is the fact that super LB's and super DB's are basically no more. With new pass trajectories and the fact that DB's will now read and react to plays instead of just jumping routes, expect games to be played a lot differently online.

Being able to lead your receiver on slants and fades, and throw it high for jump balls is another big feature. All of that will be done with the left stick and I think that -- along with the lack of super LB's -- will make passing a little easier this year.

Last year you would see the same catch animation a dozen times a game. Thankfully, with the introduction of 430-plus catch animations, that won't happen in NCAA 13. Also, with 16 more dropback animations than in NCAA 12, the offensive side of the ball is going to feel much different than years past. Making it to where you can't throw a ball to a receiver until "he reaches a point in the route where he expects the ball or is looking at the QB" is a great addition to the game as well.

Players staying in their lanes during punts and kickoffs, THANK YOU EA & TIBURON! That's always been a nuisance for me; trying to return a punt but then six or seven defenders all swarm you immediately after fielding the punt.

Honestly, I could go on all day giving my thoughts on the improvements in NCAA Football 13, but I wanted to focus on the things that intrigued me the most. Usually this time every year I get excited for the game, and I'm usually disappointed come late July after the game has been out for a few weeks. I see that changing this year, though. With the vast improvements being applied this year, I think I can safely say NCAA 13 looks like a solid winner in my book.

Jayson Young: Modern football has transformed into a game dictated by quarterbacks, their pass protectors and the other team's pass rushers.

While NCAA Football 13 features some great upgrades for quarterbacks, the early gameplay footage shows no noticeable improvements for blockers and blitzers. Regardless of how much NCAA Football's quarterback play improves, those two key parts of its passing game continue to look unrealistic and outdated.

Double team pass blocking remains absent, as offensive linemen who are not engaged still stand in place, twitching and turning around looking confused. This is inexcusable for a football franchise entering its seventh season on the Xbox 360/Playstation 3.

Interior defensive linemen still appear content to play "patty cake" and slap hands with blockers instead of driving their man back into the quarterback's face.

Defensive ends are still getting stuck in hand-fighting animations at the line of scrimmage instead of sprinting upfield at the snap. The NCAA Football team said during the live stream that they wanted to prevent users from holding down the joystick and dropping back 20 yards as soon as the ball is snapped. Letting the defensive ends get up the field would solve that issue instantly.

Finally, "suction blocking" was marketed last year as having been "fixed" in EA's football games, but I'm still seeing instances where pass rushers break free with a clear path to the quarterback, only to get "suctioned" into a blocker and turned away from the play.

Matthew Coe: With the gameplay reveal on April 17, I saw a lot of things I like. I also didn't see a lot of things that needed to be improved, changed, or just plain fixed. We've seen nothing about OL/DL interaction which is where the game of football is often won or lost. The lineman play has been a real low point for both NCAA and Madden this generation. WR/DB interactions were similarly not shown. The jostling at the line of scrimmage, the hands on the receiver five yards down the field, etc. I guess I still have a lot of questions about things I had hoped that EA would address.

Sure, the changes to the QB position seem like winning improvements. But the other areas that seem to have been neglected again, are really bothering me.

On the bright side, the improvements to passing are long overdue. I welcome the new pass trajectories and the promise of "super-linebackers" being toned down. I'm suspect of the new read and react defense, I hope it's not just animations on top of the same old psychic defense. The promise of 430 new catch animations and the ability to hot route running backs into more appropriate routes make me very happy. The new play action tweaks might just make them something other than useless clutter in the playbook this year.

The early sound and gameplay reveals have me cautiously optimistic about NCAA Football 13. While we've seen and heard some pretty cool improvements in the audio & gameplay department, I'm still in wait and see mode.

Dustin Toms: I love how they added in a huge load of receiving animations, but in order to get the ball to your wideout you need to protect your quarterback. That's where the line interactions come in. I want to see if lead blocking is actually working or if blitzers can walk through my linemen. The game of football, like Matt just mentioned, is won in the trenches. We never hear anyone complain about receiving animations, so put a little focus on the lines and go from there.

The drop backs and fake play action plays are nice, but after watching the footage, it all still looked a little too systematic. Hopefully I'm just being picky, or wrong in general. And that pump fake...I am not a fan of it.

As for the Sights and Sounds released a couple weeks back, I loved all of it. Improved sounds and commentary is a huge issue in the football games. Madden 12's commentary is what ultimately led me to shelving the game. But by taking another page out of 2K's book, EA had the three anouncers come in and just go with the flow. That's exactly what needed to happen.

All in all, I'm expecting a solid game this year in NCAA 13. I doubt it will be life altering, but I'll get my fair share of hours in.

Chris Sanner:  Any excitement I do have is going to be tempered by what we know is the two steps forward, two steps back mentality of EA Football this generation. For everything that goes right, it seems like a few other things tend to go wrong.

With that said, I really like the additions to the gameplay. Those who have read my thoughts on the NCAA series for years know that a better passing game with WR/DB interactions needing vast improvement plus better passed ball trajectories has been one of my sticking points. So the fact this is at least being revamped this year is a big step up.

However, the questions people are asking are valid. WIll the offense be overpowered? Will the animations actually work? Will receivers actually look towards the QB when they are supposed to? A million things could still go wrong, but if executed correctly this year's NCAA Football promises to easily be the best playing one yet this generation (as it should be).

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Member Comments
# 41 Manslaughterin9 @ 04/19/12 10:12 AM
GUYS... LETS BE THE CHANGE... LETS FORCE THEM TO MAKE A BETTER GAME OR STEPDOWN AND LET SOMEONE ELSE GIVE IT A SHOT. all we have to do is not purchase this overpriced rendition of ncaa 10. Its really not that hard.. if we don't buy the supply then we force the hand on them..
JUST REMEMBER WHY YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH FOOTBALL IN THE FIRST PLACE. Everything we want in this game is being played out every weekend during the season, the best game series don't push out another title each year.. why are we settling for crap!!
I cant do this alone and I cant do this with just 100 of you, we really need to make a dent on this mothership.
I will not buy this game until we have real time physics, actual recruitment(travel,scout,build relationships) and great presentations from espn integrated.
anyone else in for making a real change!
If you think this is crazy then your not the right person for this movement!
Lets be the change guys, EA is not doing it, were the reason they can keep up with this trash, stop buying the supply.
We can do it guys, just one year!!!
# 42 ultralow36 @ 04/19/12 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Manslaughterin9
GUYS... LETS BE THE CHANGE... LETS FORCE THEM TO MAKE A BETTER GAME OR STEPDOWN AND LET SOMEONE ELSE GIVE IT A SHOT. all we have to do is not purchase this overpriced rendition of ncaa 10. Its really not that hard.. if we don't buy the supply then we force the hand on them..
JUST REMEMBER WHY YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH FOOTBALL IN THE FIRST PLACE. Everything we want in this game is being played out every weekend during the season, the best game series don't push out another title each year.. why are we settling for crap!!
I cant do this alone and I cant do this with just 100 of you, we really need to make a dent on this mothership.
I will not buy this game until we have real time physics, actual recruitment(travel,scout,build relationships) and great presentations from espn integrated.
anyone else in for making a real change!
If you think this is crazy then your not the right person for this movement!
Lets be the change guys, EA is not doing it, were the reason they can keep up with this trash, stop buying the supply.
We can do it guys, just one year!!!
Like who is going to make a NCAA football game 2k could have made one years ago and didn't...Who...any football coming on the market will get ran out of town just like backbreaker did...

Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
# 43 Manslaughterin9 @ 04/19/12 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by ultralow36
Like who is going to make a NCAA football game 2k could have made one years ago and didn't...Who...any football coming on the market will get ran out of town just like backbreaker did...

Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
my friend,
I would rather watch real football than playing this series for another year. We can make them change. The only reason they haven't is because we still buy the game. No risk no reward, bigger the risk the bigger the reward.
Its to big of a market for another company not to give it a try. You gotta have faith, we are the sole reason EA football is still around.
# 44 LBzrule @ 04/19/12 10:33 AM
This has been my sentiment all along. It just wasn't enough for me to say YES I'm going to go out and purchase NCAA. Knowing that Madden will be similar in many respects I just cannot purchase two games with the same frustrations. Also, I will agree with Boilerbuzz here, while it is great they will have 25 trajectories, this is still part of the problem with their football games. All of those trajectories will be "fixed" in a sense. Like he said, unless there is a ball physics engine in the game, it only feeds into the problem and I am not convinced that they cannot add a ball physics engine to the game. It all comes down to decisions and how those things will impact the game later on.

I want these games to be great and I'm willing to give them a shot through Season Pass. But the habit of buying them just because must stop. That said, I'm not going to fault their effort.
# 45 The_Gaming_Disciple @ 04/19/12 11:15 AM
Has anyone addressed to EA abut the cut scenes during gameplay where the crowd is facing backwards...SMH
# 46 Eski33 @ 04/19/12 11:36 AM
I think the enhancements sound awesome. If they work as advertised should be a better effort.

Lets hope OD works out of the gate.

Overall excited to see the game in action.
# 47 ODogg @ 04/19/12 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
Loving it. It directly addressed the issues I had with NCAA 12 and kept '12 from being a worthy follow up to NCAA 11.
Ditto for me....I just hope that everything they are claiming is true. If so then July 6 can't come early enough for me!!
# 48 BlingBling19 @ 04/19/12 12:20 PM
OL/DL interaction will now be the focus for what needs improvement next. I have a feeling this CAN'T be fixed on this generation of console.

The next console I have a feeling will be able to remedy almost every complaint people have about these games. I get the idea that this system is pretty much tapped out. They are adding in everything possible this year because after this year the brand new consoles will be out.
# 49 Special27K @ 04/19/12 12:26 PM
I'm extremely happy that we have new pass trajectories and better WR/DB interactions. The new animations are always welcomed (hopefully actually utilized compared to the ones that introduced in '12). Everything they added is time well spent I guess.

But, for them to say enhancements and things is sort of what's frustrating to me. EA sort of gives us these things that they absolutely should do and are necessary for a better football and it comes off more like a gift to us when its something they should just do. While they're little improvements they aren't groundbreaking and unprecedented programming.

Its baby steps and I've been alright with them and have sworn it'll get us to the game we want. Its just the last few years there hasn't been anything other than coaching carousel that has gotten me out of my seat. Honestly that fell short of expectations for me even.

I love the game and will keep buying, they're still improvements.
# 50 Phobia @ 04/19/12 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I agree with some of this, but if EA was putting in extra stuff, fancy things, as in recent years, you'd hear backlash, too. So, with your point, they are darned if they do and darned if they don't.

I agree, this stuff should have been done yesteryear, but there isn't anything we can do to change that.

Even with games like COD, our son was son so disappointed with the changes in the last one, he said, don't get that series again. The 2k hoops forums here were just as loud or louder with 2k 12 issues. And every year, I pop in the MLB Show forums and people are complaining about the incremental upgrades for the last few years.

If these features work as advertised, this could be a good step in the right direction with NCAA, finally, but we will see.

No one was as frustrated as me with NCAA last year. The lack of communication with all the bugs was terrible and lackadaisical.
Road, my friend you are excellent at walking that line right down the center LOL......We don't agree on everything but we both have similar view points on almost everything. You just walk that grey area better than me

One thing we can both agree on, last year was a utter disaster with the bugs and lack of communication. Granted we did try and improve it.
# 51 Boilerbuzz @ 04/19/12 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by ultralow36
Like who is going to make a NCAA football game 2k could have made one years ago and didn't...
Wrong. The license is exclusive. How do you not know this?
# 52 Boilerbuzz @ 04/19/12 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
This has been my sentiment all along. It just wasn't enough for me to say YES I'm going to go out and purchase NCAA. Knowing that Madden will be similar in many respects I just cannot purchase two games with the same frustrations. Also, I will agree with Boilerbuzz here, while it is great they will have 25 trajectories, this is still part of the problem with their football games. All of those trajectories will be "fixed" in a sense. Like he said, unless there is a ball physics engine in the game, it only feeds into the problem and I am not convinced that they cannot add a ball physics engine to the game. It all comes down to decisions and how those things will impact the game later on.

I want these games to be great and I'm willing to give them a shot through Season Pass. But the habit of buying them just because must stop. That said, I'm not going to fault their effort.
I will say this: if the trajectories improve significantly (regardless of the under-pinnings), I'll give it a shot. By far my biggest issue with EA football was ball trajectories and how they f'ed up ball placement in the passing game.
# 53 ultralow36 @ 04/19/12 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Manslaughterin9
my friend,
I would rather watch real football than playing this series for another year. We can make them change. The only reason they haven't is because we still buy the game. No risk no reward, bigger the risk the bigger the reward.
Its to big of a market for another company not to give it a try. You gotta have faith, we are the sole reason EA football is still around.
if you think the people on this site is the reason EA makes this and Madden you have fell of your rocker...college students, kid sitting at home,older gamers are this site do hold that kind of force

Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
# 54 Manslaughterin9 @ 04/19/12 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by ultralow36
if you think the people on this site is the reason EA makes this and Madden you have fell of your rocker...college students, kid sitting at home,older gamers are this site do hold that kind of force

Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Not what I dictated. what i said and meant, is people on this site share the same thoughts on ncaa/madden that has faulted the growth of the game and genre. We need to stop thinking about buying this game blindly, and start paying for quality. The first step is boycotting and demanding better quality before we open are wallets.
god bless
# 55 ultralow36 @ 04/19/12 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Wrong. The license is exclusive. How do you not know this?
this Gen what about last Gen 2k2 college football was there last college ball and then they stop ...so they didn't make one last Gen when it was cheaper what changed? Its more expensive now they can't make a hockey or baseball game to save there lives boxing crap......

Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
# 56 jyoung @ 04/19/12 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by BlingBling19
OL/DL interaction will now be the focus for what needs improvement next. I have a feeling this CAN'T be fixed on this generation of console.

The next console I have a feeling will be able to remedy almost every complaint people have about these games. I get the idea that this system is pretty much tapped out. They are adding in everything possible this year because after this year the brand new consoles will be out.
There are two other football games already on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 (All Pro Football 2K8, Backbreaker) that figured out how to do lineplay reasonably well.

Lineplay is not a console issue. It's a developer issue (EA Tiburon).
# 57 Phobia @ 04/19/12 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
There are two other football games already on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 (All Pro Football 2K8, Backbreaker) that figured out how to do lineplay reasonably well.

Lineplay is not a console issue. It's a developer issue (EA Tiburon).
J I have to say though that BB is not the best representation either though. APF on the other hand is bar none the best representation of O-line vs D-line
# 58 Manslaughterin9 @ 04/19/12 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
There are two other football games already on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 (All Pro Football 2K8, Backbreaker) that figured out how to do lineplay reasonably well.

Lineplay is not a console issue. It's a developer issue (EA Tiburon).
exactly my friend.
I think half the battle is educating the masses.
God bless
# 59 btemp @ 04/19/12 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by krisxsong
I have two points to get across.

1) Nobody is holding a gun to your head telling you to buy this game. If you really don't want to spend 60 bucks on it, then go play it at a friends house, or wait a week and buy a used copy at gamestop. Try the game out, if you don't like it then just return it.

I don't get why so many people say "I spent 60 bucks, these guys scammed me". It's not that hard to think of ways to test it out without paying for it.

You can go to a friend who has the game, you can purchase a used copy from gamestop which is always refundable, or you can replay the demo enough times for you to get a feel for the game.

2) There's something that a lot of people don't seem to understand in the world of marketing.

Are a lot of these things that they are bringing out overdue? From a fan's point of view yes. These are basic things that should have been included in the world most realistic sim football game.

HOWEVER, from the developers standpoint, they need something to add every year.

If everybody got their wish and EA added every single thing possible in NCAA 13, who is going to go buy NCAA 14 for a different cover case?

Rosters? Nope. There are people here on OS that would just make new rosters. If there was nothing to improve on, they would lost tons of money.

I'm not saying I enjoy getting these features way later, but I most certainly understand why they stagger these features unlike a lot of 10 year olds on here that cry about how they get scammed 60 bucks because they don't know how to think.
Sigh. You're points are completely irrelevant to the issues I raised. To quickly summarize my points: (a) NCAA 12 was a horribly broken product, more broken than any EA football game to date, myself and many others found it upon release completely unplayable. (b) Many of these improvements are embarrassing to be added on the 8th year of next gen, things like 3, 5, 7 step drops or the much maligned "psychic" defenders. (c) The latest gameplay trailer is ugly to watch. As well, O and D line play is till completely broken on many, many levels.

I will address your points anyway.

1) This is a very dumb argument. The fact that something is testable doesn't change the fact that when purchased it should play as promised. So whether or not I can "try" a copy somewhere (which, by the way, is no guarantee to reveal flaws) when I buy it, it should work. In this case, what EA sold was a beta version - anyone else remember seeing that on the box? I can test drive a car around the block, but what happens if a week later I discover the folding seats don't actually fold and the entertainment system doesn't turn on?

2) This is what we call a "straw man" argument. Just because you've decided to call it "marketing" doesn't change that football basics are just now getting in the game. "From a developers standpoint" there are a plethora of things to add to NCAA/Madden, in fact I would posit that if EA chose to purely to add football essentials we'd still be twenty years from a finished product even ignoring modes like superstar and dynasty/franchise. Perhaps a more appropriate marketing slogan would be: "if its in pee wee football, its in the game - soon". In fact, the lack of improvement in the NCAA/Madden series (particularly NCAA) on next gen has been a very common complaint, reflected most recently in OS articles. You're trying to make an argument from a business standpoint and its both irrelevant to my point (that football basics and much maligned problems are just now getting fixed) and not a sound business practice (a great example is Apple, who are the kings of marketing, while Apple certainly holds improvements back it still sells a product that: has noticeable improvements, addresses consumer issues, and works really, really well).
# 60 DBMcGee3 @ 04/19/12 04:07 PM
If they would just charge $40 every year for this game and Madden, maybe I could handle the "lipstick on a pig" approach EA seems to take each year. I payed $60 for Madden last year and was completely over it by week 4 of the NFL season. Methinks I'll be Redboxin' that sumbitch this year. How much is that season pass again, $25?

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