Feature Article
MLB 2K12 Reviewer Impressions

A lot of gamers wondered if 2K would be phoning in their effort this year. After playing a number of games, I see a lot of improvements but also a lot of issues. This game seems to be very polarizing. Some animations are improved, and some look terrible. For instance, outfielders sometimes have strange hitches as they catch the ball; they also still crow hop when the situation doesn’t call for it. Base running seems better, but the runners run with their heads up. I also threw a wild pitch and the CPU just stood on first as the ball went all the way to the backstop. These are the little details that 2K tends to miss.

The biggest sin in this game is the frame rate. In 2012, a game should not have severe frame rate issues. It seems like on every foul ball the frame rate takes a hit. Sometimes its so bad the game literally pauses for a second. This is something 2K needs to address via patch now.

I am also not sure if I like the new dynamic pitching system. A pitcher's rating should not take a hit after giving up a single. Once I get more time with the game I will see how this affects gameplay more.

Speaking of pitching, it’s still one of 2K’s strongest points. The intuitive controls remain the same, and the reward for a perfect gesture is very satisfying. At this point, there isn’t much more you can say about the pitching system. When it's good its good, and it's still good.

MLB 2K12 is best described as a game you love and hate.

Hitting for me is a mixed bag. It does feel more realistic, but I still would like to see a zone hitting mechanic implemented instead of just timing alone. The swings do look better, and the hit variety is improved as well. I have seen shots down the line, balls getting through the holes and balls dropping in front of the outfielders. This at least makes for a more authentic experience. Another thing I noticed is that it seems a lot harder to hit homeruns this year. This could be a good or bad thing depending on who you ask. I think it’s a good thing. It seemed like homeruns were a little too easy to hit in past iterations of the game.

Fielding is adequate. It nothing spectacular, nor is it terrible. The new throwing meter is implemented well. You have to set your feet and try to release the button in the fielder's green zone. Each fielder has a different size green zone depending on the complexity of the throw. This is very intuitive. The problem lies in the animations. They seem to play out way to fast. It makes the fielders look out of control at times.

The Presentation is still the game's strong suit.

The strong suit of 2K baseball over the past few years is its commentary. This year its no different. All sports game companies should attend a 2K seminar on how to do commentary the right way. The little details the announcers talk about is amazing. In a game I was playing last night as the Indians, they talked about Jason Kipnis his whole at-bat. There was no generic commentary. It was all about his numbers, his future and what he could mean to the team. If only 2K put this much effort into other aspects of the game.

As I continue to delve deeper into the game I am sure I will find more things I enjoy and more things I dislike. That seems to be the tone with this game. For every step forward it seems to take one step back. While the graphics on the PS3 are improved, they still look bland. The player models also seem to have gotten worse -- oh, where are the 2K7 player models? I do have to say that 2K does a great job with the stadiums. They are extremely detailed. Progressive field looks pretty much perfect. You have to commend 2K in that department.

As of now, I feel like this is a mediocre game. For every strong point it has a weak point.

Be sure to check out the Modes article coming soon.

Major League Baseball 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 tril @ 03/10/12 03:58 PM
mlb 2k12 as usual delivers a good, fun game of baseball with sim style stats. once in a while Ill see a flukey animation but tahsta bout it. other than that it runs pretty smooth. this is the pc version.

every year both titles provide a good game and somewhat different feel to baseball.

another good thing about 2k is the amount of time it takes to play a game. The presentation/commentary makes the game feel as though its moving at a good clip.. deosnt go through the lulls that are typically found in baseball.
# 22 Skyboxer @ 03/10/12 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
thats fine, i agree, BUT he mentions that the game needed a patch, and one was already released.
Yes but that has zero to do with how the game was released to the public. It's fine to review also after patch or say a patch may fix issues, but the game should have a review strictly about released state.
# 23 Skyboxer @ 03/11/12 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by celtics6
The game was released with the patch on release for the 360 though which is it's main platform. Most people playing the game never even saw these issues. Shouldn't the game be reviewed on it's main platform? It's like reviewing the show on the psp.

If you look at sales for this game it's basically a 360 baseball game. So most people aren't going to be seeing these issues.
Sorry but the game has to be reviewed in it's release state, period. Another review can and probably should be done after the patch.

Those that do not have the 360 (or PS3 for that matter) hooked online would not get the patch and therefore have the issues.
# 24 Yeats @ 03/11/12 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Sorry but the game has to be reviewed in it's release state, period.
Sorry, but publishing a review a week after the game comes out and not mentioning that the issues discussed in the review were actually fixed Day 1, is unfair and misleading, period.
# 25 archangelkatana @ 03/11/12 06:51 AM
I wasnt real impressed with the demo of mlb2k12. But I dropped in to a best buy, and saw they had the full game to demo at the store. I played as the angels against the marlins at the new marlins stadium. And I really enjoyed it. It was fun to play, and I shopped around and found a guy selling a used copy of mlb2k12. I got it to the house and am really happy with it. I am eager to see the new rookies like the cuban cespedes, and yu darvish when they get added to the rosters in mlb. Apparently new players must be approved by mlb and be active in real season games before they can be added. But in any case the game is fun. I have never played the show, but since I have a 360 I dont have the option, and I am not gonna buy a ps3 just for one game. I am looking forward to next season to see what happens when more developers allowed to make mlb games. I hope the nfl and ncaa opens up their licensing as well.
# 26 Skyboxer @ 03/11/12 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Yeats
Sorry, but publishing a review a week after the game comes out and not mentioning that the issues discussed in the review were actually fixed Day 1, is unfair and misleading, period.
Go back and try reading what I wrote again.....

Where did I say they could not mention a patch?
I said the REVIEW must be based on release state of the game. I also said another review could be given and should be given after patch.

It's not misleading to tell a consumer how the game plays as it was released.
# 27 Yeats @ 03/11/12 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
It's not misleading to tell a consumer how the game plays as it was released.
It is misleading when the writer fails to also mention that his main gripe with the game was completely fixed days ago, hours after the game was released in fact, and is no longer even an issue. If the intention of writing the article is to fully inform consumers regarding the game, then the individual failed in that task. Pretty simple. Maybe "misleading" is the wrong word, and "important info completely missing" is a more correct analysis.
# 28 Skyboxer @ 03/11/12 02:20 PM
Again who said they couldnt mention the patch???
Mention it all they want but the REVIEW should be strictly on how it was released.
And once again I'll say a review could then be done later once patch is done. Then any issues the patches cause, if any, can be mentioned also.

Lastly how many times was a reviewer blasted for not mentioning a glitch that was later noticed after review? Then this issue was fixed in a patch later. Wonder how many of those "your review sucked" posters went back and appoligized to reviewer because the issue was fixed. I never seen anyone tell a reviewer its ok to not mention an issue because a patch will fix it.
Bottom line is every game is going to get a patch to fix issues but how the games was shipped is just as equally important to report as is what any subsequent patches fix.
# 29 PVarck31 @ 03/11/12 03:38 PM
I will make mention of the 360 patch, and the upcoming PS3 patch.
# 30 BustinLoose @ 03/12/12 09:59 AM
Why can't 2K make MLB2K12 more like NBA2K12? NBA2K12 is the benchmark for all sports games, including Madden. You would think it shouldn't be that hard since they're both made by the same company.
# 31 IceCool183 @ 03/12/12 03:58 PM
2ks baseball game is alright, the my player mode is ok, but the player faces u have to choose from are scary lol, it just kills me they bread and butter the nba 2k seris and i know its great but come on 2k put a lil more effort into ur other sports games..
# 32 econoodle @ 03/20/12 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by IceCool183
2ks baseball game is alright, the my player mode is ok, but the player faces u have to choose from are scary lol, it just kills me they bread and butter the nba 2k seris and i know its great but come on 2k put a lil more effort into ur other sports games..
scary is being kind.
# 33 Money99 @ 03/23/12 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by thevaliantx
Are you suggesting that the demo available off the PS3 Store is not representative of the retail release? Sorry, I don't buy it. I just played the demo last night, half and inning is ALL I NEEDED to see that very little was changed to the game. I've been playing baseball games for many, many years and so I don't need to spend a lot of time with a product to pick up its flaws (of which there are obviously many in MLB 2K12). My wife says that I'm too analytical and detail oriented, but hey ... it helps when it comes to determining which games are stinkers, and which ones aren't.
To each their own.
I didn't care for the Batman Arkham Asylum demo but after a friend lent me the full game, I couldn't get enough.
Same with the 2K12 demo. I thought it was 'meh' but then I got the full game and I fell in love.
I was inches from buying a new PS3 for the other game. I'm so glad my brother lent me his PS3 with his copy of the other game. I also rented 2K12 at the same time.
After an hour with each, I unhooked the PS3. I'm really enjoying 2K12.
That's not to say the other game is bad by anymeans. When I had a PS2 and briefly a PS3, I owned the other game with both consoles.
Maybe I needed a change? All I know is I'm having a lot more fun with 2K12 than with the other choice.
# 34 econoodle @ 03/23/12 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
To each their own.
I didn't care for the Batman Arkham Asylum demo but after a friend lent me the full game, I couldn't get enough.
Same with the 2K12 demo. I thought it was 'meh' but then I got the full game and I fell in love.
I was inches from buying a new PS3 for the other game. I'm so glad my brother lent me his PS3 with his copy of the other game. I also rented 2K12 at the same time.
After an hour with each, I unhooked the PS3. I'm really enjoying 2K12.
That's not to say the other game is bad by anymeans.
When I had a PS2 and briefly a PS3, I owned the other game with both consoles.
Maybe I needed a change? All I know is I'm having a lot more fun with 2K12 than with the other choice.

I agree on the bolded
I played a game and a half and there is improvement off the demo.
To me anyways.
# 35 Eddie1967 @ 03/25/12 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by thevaliantx
For anyone who thought that 2K's lack of screenshots and gameplay video was just because they don't know how to market or are unaware of the importance of marketing your game, don't kid yourselves. This coming from someone who LOVES the 'fun' factor that has been in 2K baseball games.
What does this comment mean?
# 36 Eddie1967 @ 03/25/12 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
I am reviewing the PS3 version. I can only report on what I see.

Maybe I missed it but did you mention that you were reviewing this for the PS3 anywhere in your review? If not, then that would go a long way to stop people from being confused when they don't see the same issues.
# 37 Tyrant8RDFL @ 03/25/12 05:26 PM
I will like to state that 2k12 is a solid title. Yes we know about the hiccups with animation and frame rate, but outside of those technical issues the game is very enjoyable.

I have the slider set where I love them and the game is solid. This is the first year where I did not purchase the show, and went with 2k.

The show is solid , but I felt having the show 11 with a roster update is all I needed to keep playing the show.

With 2k12 I saw allot of new things I like, and the game is different.

A patch for the technical issues and this game is even better, but I personally don't care if they ever patch it for the technical issues. It doesn't effect my results.
# 38 Beastly Wayz @ 04/02/12 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
I will like to state that 2k12 is a solid title. Yes we know about the hiccups with animation and frame rate, but outside of those technical issues the game is very enjoyable.

I have the slider set where I love them and the game is solid. This is the first year where I did not purchase the show, and went with 2k.

The show is solid , but I felt having the show 11 with a roster update is all I needed to keep playing the show.

With 2k12 I saw allot of new things I like, and the game is different.

A patch for the technical issues and this game is even better, but I personally don't care if they ever patch it for the technical issues. It doesn't effect my results.
Definately Agree, Solid Title, Really needs that Patch though, I get the freeze screen after every foul ball hit to left field. Annoying, but still a very good game

# 39 fearwhatnow @ 04/03/12 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by Rdrunner
I wonder how many of the video glitches are caused by people's systems. I have the PC version on a all-in-one PC and I don't see any of the video problems. Oddly, I used to have a problem with slowdowns in animation in 2k11 when trying to play full screen but even that is running glitch free now.
Only owners of PS3 (mainly) and X360 seem to have these problems.I have the pc version (my ps3 always run The Show) and it runs smoothly without a single problem at 1920x1080,4xAA,all other video options maxed out.My system?Kinda old: q6600,8800gt.Ofc is 10 times stronger than the consoles that's why it runs perfect the game.

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