The last college basketball game released was back in 2009 with EA Sports’ NCAA Basketball 10 and it’s been four years since 2K Sports released a college basketball game, with the much beloved College Hoops 2K8. Both series suffered from poor sales and it is believed that those figures, combined with the high cost of the NCAA license, led to their cancellations. The games were traditionally released in the middle of November, with the exception of a special download-only “March Madness” edition of NCAA Basketball 09 that was released in March of 2009. One frequently talked about issue with the sales involves the November release date. So it makes me wonder if that date was changed, would the sales increase?
Bad Timing
A November release meant that the college basketball games often got lost in the shuffle. The NBA games are normally released in early October, so many gamers were still fully involved in those games and probably didn’t feel the need to purchase another basketball game. The release date was also right in the middle of football season, so Madden and NCAA Football were still in many gamers’ rotations. Finally, November is also the most popular time for many big-name, non-sports game franchises to be released in time for the holiday season. Combine all of those factors and it’s easy to see how the College Hoops and NCAA Basketball series may have been overlooked by fans.
Not Prime Season
With a November release date, EA Sports and 2K Sports made die-hard college hoops fans happy by releasing their games right as the season was kicking off. While there are some very good non-conference match-ups and interesting tournaments early in the season, college basketball is barely on the average sports fan’s radar in November. The NFL is beginning its stretch run to the playoffs while college football in November features many of the big rivalry games and conference championships. The NBA, in non-lockout years, is just kicking off its season, while the NHL season is moving along, so there is a lot of competition for a sports fan’s attention. It’s safe to say that college basketball isn’t a priority for the average sports gamer during such a busy month for sports.
If Not November, When?
Obviously, March is the time of year when sports fans are giving the majority of their attention to college basketball. NCAA tournament gambling makes everyone an expert on whether Duke will win another title or whether Butler can make another Cinderella run to the Final Four. However, a March release for a college basketball game would limit gamers to about a month with their game before the actual season was over, making them reluctant to part with their hard-earned money for only a short time of having the game in their rotation. In addition, March usually sees the release of the baseball games that would compete for sports gamers’ dollars.
Early January would be the ideal release date for a college basketball game. Three months will have passed since the release of the NBA game(s), so basketball fans could be looking for something different to get their fix. In addition, the college football season has ended and the NFL has only a few playoff games remaining, so gamers may be phasing their football games out of their regular rotation. Meanwhile, college basketball has started conference play and many big rivalry games are being played. The game release schedule in January is usually lighter since the holiday shopping season is over, so there would be less competition from non-sports games as well. A January release gives gamers a solid three months of in-season play of the college basketball game, with plenty of time to get familiar, without getting burned out, before March Madness.
Final Thoughts
A myriad of factors led to the demise of the NCAA Basketball and College Hoops series. One of those was a poorly timed release date. Moving the release date back to January lessens the competition for gamers’ attention while still giving basketball fans plenty of in-season time with the game.
If the NCAA Basketball and/or College Hoops series were resurrected, when do you think the optimal release date would be for ensuring the long-term success of the game?