Operation Sports users are known all over the web for the slider sets they make every year for sports games. In this piece, we're gonna focus on some of the best slider sets available for NCAA Football 12.
1) Oraeon1224's Statistics and Sliders NCAA12 set - Last updated 9/14/2011
I love Oraeon1224's NCAA sliders and have used them for NCAA 11 and NCAA 12. The most appealing thing about this slider set is that it attempts to use real world statistics and averages to come up with a set of sliders, while also taking gameplay issues into account. Oraeon writes that All-American with default speed is the only way you can get a balanced game without artificial boosts or vice versa for the AI. His recommended quarter length of 9-11 minutes hits a sweet spot for me as well.
Some of the things his sliders claim to improve are wide receiver drops, improved CPU ball carrier AI, second level blocking in the run game and more realistic broken tackle ratios. His idea regarding penalties is to allow one roughing the passer penalty to account for the fact that Pass Interference is never called in NCAA Football 12. This set is both fun and gives realistic results. I recommend everyone give these a shot.
2) mkharsh33's Varsity / Slow Speed / 8 Min set - Last updated 9/12/11 (No Patch) & 9/9/2011(with Patch)
I don't know what it is about mkharsh33, but he makes good quality sliders for pretty much every sports game he plays. His MLB 2K11 sliders are great, he has a very good set out for NBA 2K11 and his NCAA 12 sliders are really good, too.
There are two slider sets here, and both call for the Slow speed setting to be used and for an increase to Player Speed Threshold.
One set is for playing without any of the game play patches that have been released by the NCAA development team. Many feel that these patches have reduced the quality of the game significantly. If you are among those, than I'd definitely give these a try. Mkharsh33 recommends a few "house rules" for his No Patch setup. Auto Sprint and Auto Strafe are to be ON, and Player Speed Threshold is at 85. Home Field advantage is to be turned off, and he provides an optional conservative game plan too.
Using his set made for users who play with the patches, the Player Speed Threshold increases to 100. Auto Sprint and Auto Strafe are still ON, and Home Field Advantage is set to OFF. Mkharsh33 also provides Sub In/Sub Out settings for both slider sets.
Many seasoned NCAA Football players will scoff at the notion of playing on Varsity level. But if you try it with mkharsh33's sliders, you just might find yourself singing a different tune.
3) Sydeburnz's HEISMAN Dynasty Coaching Sliders (COACH vs CPU) set -Last updated 9/30/2011
Sydeburnz gives OS user 'SECElite3' credit for the basis of these, so I will do the same. 'SecElite3' has made both Heisman level and All American level sliders are both are worth a look.
The difference with this set is that it's for those that like to play Coach Mode. If you prefer to call the plays and leave the stick skills to others, you will find a really good experience with these sliders. I have always struggled to play NCAA Football on Heisman level, so a Coach Mode setup without the requirements of Heisman level stick skills is something I can appreciate.
These sliders call for a Speed Threshold at 0 and a Slow speed setting. The 9 minute quarter length is a really good amount for my limited time to play the game. When playing on Heisman level, you do have to accept that some things aren't going to seem fair. It's the nature of the highest skill setting. I will say however, that calling a great game and winning on Heisman level with these sliders is a very satisfying experience.
On the Field Volume settings are included with this set to add to immersion and I feel like the lack of commentators does give you a feeling closer to being on the field as a coach. Penalties and sub sliders are also included.
If you're like me and your stick skills aren't quite up to par on Heisman level, than give these sliders a shot.[/b]
4) Strategy Over Skillz All-American Sliders posted by NDAlum - Last Updated 10/9/2011
This set of sliders is a really good option for just about everyone playing on All-American level. These call for Slow speed, 8 minute quarters, and a Player Speed Threshold of 0. Home Field advantage and Ice the Kicker are set to ON.
NDAlum has also added some additional tweaks he recommends such as creating custom playbooks for the CPU and removing plays that don't work on offense and defense. All of us who play NCAA Football 12 know about these plays, like 'Four Verts' on offense and the 'Engage 8' on defense. The CPU AI simply isn't good enough to utilize these plays intelligently. By removing these plays, you get a much more competent opponent.
This set is so well balanced I feel like I can recommend these to anyone. The game plays great with the tweaks from this set and encourages smart user play calling as well.
5) Jistics NCAA Football 12 All American Sliders - Last Updated 8/1/2011
How could I make my list of Operation Sports' top sliders without including Jistic's set for NCAA Football 12? Jistic is well known among the hardcore slider guys for his past work across many, many sports games. For NCAA Football 12, Jistic took a minimalist approach to his slider set. Instead of tweaking and re-tweaking, he just posted the set the he uses, and to no one's surprise it is very popular on the forums.
Jistic uses a Speed Threshold of 65, which is a bit different from most sets available on the forums. He calls for All-American level, 9 minute quarters and Slow speed.
It hasn't seen a single major revision through three patches, tuner updates and other discoveries about the way NCAA Football handles ratings. That is kind of remarkable considering the nature of sliders. I don't know what it is, but these just work. They really help in getting a fun game of football out of NCAA Football 12.
Final Thoughts
The five sets I've listed here have given me the best experiences to date with NCAA 12 and I can safely recommend all of these to everyone. The best thing about this list is that it covers all types of players, Varsity, All-American, Heisman and Coach Mode.
The set that I find myself using for my offline dynasty is Oraeon1124's. They just feel right. They have given me the kind of experience that I enjoy inNCAA Football, both last year and this year. Slider sets are very much about "feel" and can't be judged on just a handful of games. The sliders that one player loves, another player hates.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who can take major issue with any of the slider sets listed. I would absolutely use any of the sets on this list without hesitation.
What do you think OS? Chime in with your favorite slider sets for NCAA Football 12.