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NHL 12 Reviewer: Initial Impressions

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Judging by my first 10 or so games, I think the NHL series is nearing some dangerous territory. I won’t say the series is about to plateau, as that sort of has a negative connotation. It’s just that, as the game continues to refine itself, the major changes will become harder to find if you're not a hardcore fan. 

Some big changes are included this year, and readily apparent for those with an intimate knowledge of the game. Things like the new anticipation engine make for a much more fluid game, especially in transition; signature style and traits certainly put a focus on star players as they take the ice; new animations and stick-work for battles around the net give a tactical and physical feel to those exchanges, and puck physics continue to impress (it feels like flip dumps lead to all sorts of different outcomes, for example).

Yet as meaningful as these changes are to the hardcore hockey fan, the other additions --those likely added to attract the more casual fan -- don’t quite hit home. The new mode, Be a Legend, feels like a half-hearted attempt at bringing something brand new to the table. The Winter Classic is pretty enough, but it would probably be better if it was current rather than about "reliving the 2011 Classic." (To be fair, the NHL hasn't really solidified all the details yet, but people know it's going to be Rangers/Flyers.) 

In some ways, this intro is a back-handed compliment. Sure, at the end of the day, there are not any groundbreaking improvements. That being said, NHL 12 is still a rock solid game. The small changes affect the game and the way you play it -- they just are not "game-changing."

In a lot of ways, this version of NHL reminds me of this year’s MLB: The Show. Both are representative of games reaching their peak and changing things that will likely only be appreciated by the most passionate of fans. When the gameplay is already good, as it is here, improvements are usually found in the details.

With all of that in mind, a few things did grab my attention, for better or worse, and are worth mentioning. I do like the presentation in this game. It might not be saying much, but it’s probably the best overall presentation in EA’s current lineup. The replay packages are especially good, and they are usually on-point in terms of hitting on a big event that just occurred in the game.

The commentary is less stellar. It is often a victim of recycled lines (another aspect this game shares with MLB 11), and the replays contain solid visuals but lack some punch because the commentators don't really shine light on them. Still, the commentary here is way better than, say, Madden’s commentary. However, it falls well short of anything 2K has done recently.

I also love EA’s Action Tracker, which is essentially a controllable game summary with embedded replays. It’s a really clean and quick way to view the game’s highlights.

Sometimes replays highlight the flaws in the physics engine, especially when clipping is apparent in limbs and sticks. Hits can look spectacular, or occasionally "off" on the ice. I once broke a pane of glass on what looked like a glancing blow. The implementation of hits has become more of a risk/reward, especially with players playing more to their style. It's easy to whiff on a hit, so you need to play it like the real NHL, not NHL Hitz. I still think it's too easy to skate yourself out of position, but the vision control (L2 on PS3) helps to keep your player lined up. 

Some passes are a little strange, and certainly not what you'd expect to see in a real game -- I'm talking long and crisp backhanded passes through multiple defenders. Not that they are impossible in real life, but just improbable and ill-advised. But these are not that common, and they are occasionally of my own design. 

Finally, I love the addition of Ultimate Team 24/7, which downloads another user’s team to play against offline. This is certainly better than grinding against the worst real team over and over. What’s more, your team is eligible to be downloaded, and you can earn EA Pucks even when you don’t play. 

Final Thoughts

It may not sound it, but I am really excited to spend more time with NHL 12. I just caution those users who are looking for the game to reinvent the wheel year after year. The gameplay here is familiar, but it’s no less fun or engaging than in the past.

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Member Comments
# 21 GrandMaster B @ 09/08/11 11:07 AM
Everyone wants the same things: Online Dynasty, Improved Be A GM, better presentation, etc....yet one of the most requested features was goalie fighting? I don't know who is requesting this stuff or where they are getting their requests from, but it is BS.
# 22 druez @ 09/08/11 11:58 AM
What is wrong with the Be a legend mode? He said it felt tact on. I thought it looked real solid and what I was looking most forward to.
# 23 gigadkc @ 09/08/11 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
The game is called NHL, not Russian Hockey League where old Washed up NHL'ers go to play.
yeah but there are also other leagues in the game. In Europe there are very likely more KHL fans than NHL fans, so putting the KHL into the game would increase sales for EA imo. Plus the KHL has a lot more NHL caliber players than some might think.
# 24 Tide311 @ 09/08/11 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by gigadkc
yeah but there are also other leagues in the game. In Europe there are very likely more KHL fans than NHL fans, so putting the KHL into the game would increase sales for EA imo. Plus the KHL has a lot more NHL caliber players than some might think.
Those players would rather be big fish in a small pond then come play with the big boys. KHL has so much financial trouble that I imagine that more will have no choice but to come play in the NHL.
# 25 adayinthelife @ 09/08/11 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by gigadkc
yeah but there are also other leagues in the game. In Europe there are very likely more KHL fans than NHL fans, so putting the KHL into the game would increase sales for EA imo. Plus the KHL has a lot more NHL caliber players than some might think.
No doubt the KHL would want a pretty huge chunk of change for this, which is probably part of the reason.

Secondly, the KHL and NHL don't exactly get along at the moment, so why would the NHL authorize them being in their game?
# 26 Vikes1 @ 09/08/11 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by GrandMaster B
Everyone wants the same things: Online Dynasty, Improved Be A GM, better presentation, etc....yet one of the most requested features was goalie fighting? I don't know who is requesting this stuff or where they are getting their requests from, but it is BS.
Pretty hard to argue with this.
# 27 Money99 @ 09/08/11 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by gigadkc
yeah but there are also other leagues in the game. In Europe there are very likely more KHL fans than NHL fans, so putting the KHL into the game would increase sales for EA imo. Plus the KHL has a lot more NHL caliber players than some might think.
But we don't know if EA was able to obtain the rights to KHL licenses. Perhaps they priced themselves out?
I'd bet that's the story, not because EA didn't want those leagues in there.
# 28 savoie2006 @ 09/08/11 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by GrandMaster B
Everyone wants the same things: Online Dynasty, Improved Be A GM, better presentation, etc....yet one of the most requested features was goalie fighting? I don't know who is requesting this stuff or where they are getting their requests from, but it is BS.
They are called casuals, the people EA,2K, and most every developer is going to try to cater to first.
# 29 13whitebread @ 09/08/11 06:59 PM
I hope EA sports is listening this year and we will see changes next year that should have been addressed this year. Still can wait to try it out
# 30 bwiggy33 @ 09/09/11 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by savoie2006
They are called casuals, the people EA,2K, and most every developer is going to try to cater to first.
Yep, no doubt. There are more little kids and non-sim gamers, then there are full sim players. It sucks but it's the truth. With NHL being one of the least selling sports titles EA offers, they have to do it this way otherwise they wouldn't make money. This game would fold in an instant if it turned away those casual gamers. I think I've finally come to realize that we probably won't ever get the sim game that some of us hardcore guys want. The only way I can see it is if they actually split up there game styles so that hardcore plays true sim, while casual and arcade play much more "fun" I guess you could say. I think casual= less fun and full sim= greatness, but that's just my opinion on it.
# 31 onlybygrace @ 09/09/11 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by savoie2006
Well everyone knows this is gonna happen at some point with sports games. It's hard to reinevent a sport. However, there is still plenty that can be done and something that would please the casuals/hardcore fans. Revamp the Presentation (commentary included) and beef up BAGM. Those two improvements would make everyone happy and be quite noticeable. That said, improvements to the physics and AI will always be welcome as well.
A freakin men, Savoie...

In fact, if they don't revamp presentation next year, I'm holding out on NHL 13 because the gameplay has maxed itself out. Bring the presentation to life please...a million times please!!!.
# 32 Vikes1 @ 09/11/11 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
I think I've finally come to realize that we probably won't ever get the sim game that some of us hardcore guys want. The only way I can see it is if they actually split up there game styles so that hardcore plays true sim, while casual and arcade play much more "fun" I guess you could say. I think casual= less fun and full sim= greatness, but that's just my opinion on it.
Completely agree, Bwiggy.

It'd be great if the Hardcore setting, actually provided a hardcore...ie, sim like hockey gaming experience. To where the cpu and Human AI controlled players were very..."active'. Rather than seeing AI players, as it is in many cases now...kinda just stand there. Or pucks that should have never gotten passed a player...does, etc...

And of course to have a "Normal" setting. Pssst...casual. For those who prefer the more up and down style of play. It's nice imo that the idea is there, with the hardcore settings we currently have. But they just don't go quite far enough to the sim side of things.
# 33 matt8204 @ 09/13/11 06:11 PM
Have we reached a point of diminishing returns on all sports games? There comes a point where you can only put in so many new features without them feeling gimmicky.
# 34 Donovan @ 09/13/11 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by matt8204
Have we reached a point of diminishing returns on all sports games? There comes a point where you can only put in so many new features without them feeling gimmicky.
Maybe, but every 3-5 years an awesome new mode comes along like HUT or something. But in the mean time the expectation should be refine and polish, and after 3 years of Be a GM I have yet to see the polish. I mean look at Maddens franchise mode, they have had relocation for like 10 years now, along with all the other awesome little things. DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH!

Be a GM is better than the old dynasty mode we had, but its not polished enough yet, and needs some serious work, or Chase is right the series will enter dangerous territory and risk becoming stale.

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