Feature Article
OS Staff Roundtable: MLB '11: The Show Demo Impressions

What are your impressions of the MLB '11: The Show Demo?

Christian McLeod:
To be perfectly honest, I didn't come away as blown away by the MLB 11 demo as I thought I would. Upon initially hearing about the new analog hitting, pitching and fielding scheme I was overjoyed. If any franchise needed to adopt analog controls, it was The Show. The implementation of both the new analog hitting mechanics and pitching mechanics work well enough (throwing in the field is another story), but the rest of the game feels like a carbon copy of MLB 10, which felt darn near like a carbon copy of MLB 09.

In the two-plus hours I spent with the demo, I was hard pressed to notice any new animations, something I was sure that I would see because of the new control schemes, and I was especially bummed to find out that Eric Karros' commentary was actually a downgrade from The Show's oft-criticized color man Rex Hudler. Graphically the game looks like a slight downgrade from MLB10 -- something that may have to do with the constraints of the demo. Player models look fantastic though, and the absence of T-Rex arms is very noticeable.

At this point in its lifespan, I think we have really seen all that the MLB franchise has to offer, and I can see it becoming a victim of its own success this season. It's almost not fair to knock a game that is as technically superb as The Show has become, it's just that I'm growing increasingly bored with the on-field product, much like I am with EA's NHL series. There isn't really anything wrong with the way the MLB 11 demo plays, it just is not all that exciting after three solid years -- mainly because of predictable batted-ball trajectories, foul ball cut scenes and player animations. I was sure analog controls would inject some much=needed life into one of my favorite sports gaming franchises of all time, yet based on the demo, they didn't quite make the impact on the game that I had expected.

Some think The Show could be washed up, not unlike Manny Ramirez.

Dustin Toms: I'm with Christian. This is arguably one of the most disappointing demos to date.

Thanks to the nice long download time of two hours, the anticipation only grew, but it was nothing but letdown in the end. Firstly, it feels just like MLB 10, and that is both good and bad. Last year when '10 came out people were upset with how unchanged it was compared to '09. Well, most people won't be happy because it feels like there is even less change in the game.

The game does look beautiful, as usual. You can notice the improvements on that front, and it helps to show why The Show has the best graphical presentation of any sports game. As for the new controls, I have never been big on analog controls -- they just bother me. I like my buttons. It's the same here. Regardless, the controls work well, especially for pitching. One problem I saw, though, was the delayed reaction when fielding and throwing a simple grounder to a base.

Hopefully, the retail version will be better and this is simply a stripped-down demo.

Caley Roark: I was also a little underwhelmed, but not as disappointed as my colleagues. I say underwhelmed because, outside of analog controls, the game plays much like MLB '10, which really is a good thing. There was nothing earth-shaking in the demo; even the analog controls did not seem that revolutionary -- probably because I have played NCAA Baseball and MLB 2K10.

I suppose, however, that is the course that we should expect from Sony and MLB. It's kind of the anti-Madden approach. Instead of throwing in flashy gimmicks on the back of the box that may or may not stick, MLB has been carefully groomed over time. So, when playing from year to year, nothing tends to really blow me away -- but I know it will play well.

So, back to the demo, it does play very well. I like the analog controls, even though I thought the pitching seemed a little finicky; I could not always get the "upswing" to go where I wanted it to go. And, you have to be really focused the entire pitch -- no more mindless and rhythmic button presses.

The same can be said of hitting. Analog swinging, I think, will help me take more pitches, since it forces you to be focused the entire pitch.

I was disappointed with the repetitive commentary and some funky animations. I am hopeful, though, that the biggest improvements to this game -- weather, custom cameras, revamped Road to the Show -- will surface when the full game drops in a couple of weeks. 

Of course, many still see the Show as being in it's prime a-la Joe Mauer.

Chase Becotte: Who pooped in your guys' cereal? Really, I want to know.

I mean come on, the game doesn't feel different? The graphics in the game are a downgrade from last year's? Go back to MLB '10, and tell me the lighting and player models in MLB 11 aren't improvements. Go back to MLB 10, and talk to me about the feel of the analog controls in that game. Oh wait...

Look, I get that some people get fatigued by a series or grow tired of one, but that should not take away from what's here. If someone picked this game up today having not played a baseball game in a couple years, he or she would absolutely freak out.

As for the demo itself, I think it's a testament to the series that I could have an eight pitch at-bat with Aubrey Huff using the analog controls, then switch back to the old-school zone hitting and have a 10 pitch at-bat with Pablo Sandoval. It not only shows that you can have a similar experience with both control schemes, it once again shows how amazing the battles can still be in this game on a bat-to-bat basis.

The AI should never be overlooked here either. During one game I played, C.J. Wilson was under the gun in the fourth inning and going up against Huff. With a runner on second, Wilson clearly decided he was going to try and make Huff fish. He proceeded to throw virtual Huff five straight sliders (only one of which was a borderline strike), and I just could not lay off. That's awesome, and it will always be awesome.

As for the controls, it's hard for me to figure out what I'll end up doing with the control schemes. I enjoyed each one of the analog control schemes, but if the PCI is improved enough (hard to tell without playing more games with more teams), then I'll still stick with zone hitting because I have always struggled to check swing and work the count with analog controls in baseball games. I love meter-based pitching, but both systems seems so solid, I will, again, have to play more games with more teams. However, I definitely will be sticking with analog fielding. It was weird (and even seemed broken) at first, but then I realized that you just have to be super gentle with the sticks. Once that revelation came together with my thumbs, everything went smoothly.

In short, The Show still does pitcher vs. batter duels better than any other series ever, and that is what's always going to matter the most when battling through a 162 game marathon.

MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 PsychoBulk @ 02/25/11 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
No. Not really. It's a representation of the game but not a final product. Hence the disclaimers.

In any case i think some staff writers need a visit to eye doctor.

Chase is spot on with his observations, the others...well, i just dont know what people expect, its baseball after all, theres only so much you can do to improve what is in essence the same thing year after year, its not like COD with new maps etc.
# 22 Raskal @ 02/25/11 06:30 PM
I guess my point was that a demo should demonstrate the new features in the final product very well. That is the point of the demo.

The poster said that just because the demo is 2 1/2 months old that does not justify the impressions the writers gave about the analog controls and I disagree. The analog controls are going to be very close to what we see in the final product.
# 23 statum71 @ 02/25/11 06:40 PM
I haven't finished downloading but I'm glad Chase had a positive perspective. I was afraid I was in for a big disappointment.

But after reading what the rest of you guys are saying.....it sounds like the game IS INDEED good. But sometimes an already great game can create unrealistic expectations.

And I never cared for analog anyway so that won't affect my view of the overall game.
# 24 Skyboxer @ 02/25/11 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by PsychoBulk

Chase is spot on with his observations, the others...well, i just dont know what people expect, its baseball after all, theres only so much you can do to improve what is in essence the same thing year after year, its not like COD with new maps etc.
It's the Madden syndrom. It conditioned people to expect some new feature (usually pointless) each year that mainly tried to disguise the many faults of the game.
Its baseball. We have mutliple ways to play. Graphics/lighting improved, new fielding and hitting mechanics etc.....

Felt like '10?????
# 25 brinks @ 02/25/11 07:40 PM
From where I sit, the aspect of 10 that was most troublesome was the franchise mode. The FA and trade logic were poor and the menus and interface needed work. The on field product was about as sound and customizable as you could ever expect from a video game in this generation. They've added new control mechanics and, I think, improved the lighting and animations.

However, it all means nothing if the franchise issues aren't fixed. For most of us, that's as important as the on field product-- and we've seen nothing of it yet. The demo serves as a teaser trailer, noting more. It doesn't even offer the full range of the on field experience. So, I don't know why any would conclude anything about the game's long term viability from the demo.
# 26 DickDalewood @ 02/25/11 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I kind laugh when people say it is like 10. Duh,it is the same devs making the game. What game ever feel completely different from one year to another? I mean every game I have ever played feels like that last years game. If I was to play the devil avocate here. The show has new controls, better player models, more animation and more life like stadiums and yet it feels like 10? Really?
Exactly... I mean, no **** it feels like 10. And oh no, it feels like one of the greatest baseball games ever made!?!? Come on SCEA, this game should be completely remade from the ground up so that it feels NOTHING like the previous version

Seriously though, will this be the thanks this team receives for having made such an authentic representation of the game? There is only so much more they can do to the gameplay each year. And what will happen next year, if they completely revamp the commentary? Will that again no longer be enough because the game already plays so well?

The "it feels just like 10" argument is just so incredibly ignorant IMO when it concerns this series. Other sports games? Yes, I could see the complaint, but here? To each their own I guess...
# 27 Tommyklaid @ 02/25/11 07:52 PM
Don't fix it if it ain't broke - this game seems like '10, because '10 was the BEST game - they added features, polished it up, etc, etc...

I'm lovin' the demo - I can't even imgaine how fun the retail version is going to be!
# 28 tabarnes19_SDS @ 02/25/11 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I kind laugh when people say it is like 10. Duh,it is the same devs making the game. What game ever feel completely different from one year to another? I mean every game I have ever played feels like that last years game. If I was to play the devil avocate here. The show has new controls, better player models, more animation and more life like stadiums and yet it feels like 10? Really?

Disclaimer: I have only played about 7 innings of demo.

Playing Devil's Advocate here, I think people may have been looking for improved ball physics such as choppers and hump back liners etc. I think that would "freshen" it up some.

Things subtle to the AI that would make it play a little more realistic, such as injuries to pitchers on come backers,....

Again some of these things may be in, but I did not see them.
# 29 tabarnes19_SDS @ 02/25/11 07:57 PM
I think it is too early to pass judgment one way or the other. We need to play final build and go from there.

I also agree that bug fixes and tweaks are all that is needed to improve a game each year. We'll see March 8th...when I pick up my copy!!
# 30 PVarck31 @ 02/25/11 08:16 PM
On the surface I could see why some would think its not a big improvement over 10. The game plays largely the same. Should we change the gameplay then? Its tried and true. Most would agree that this games represents baseball more than any other game represents its sport. So we should change that?

Analog controls give you a completely new way to play the game. I know they aren't for everyone, but at least give them a shot. In my opinion analog pitching revolutionized pitching in baseball games. I got into why I think that in the impressions thread. The new player models are spectacular. Players now look height weight proportionate and not stretched out to fit their body type. Don't even get me started on the lighting. Just ridiculously good.

As far as some other things that separate 11 form 10 are the ball physics. You can see the slicing and hooking the ball does in real life. The stances look better and more natural. I have also seen many new animations. Outfield play seems to have improved as well.

Look, I know I might sound like a shill for this game. Maybe in a way I am. Been playing it since 2005, but I admit its not perfect. There are definitely issues that still need worked out. Like the gloves not closing. lol this annoys me. They really need more catcher animations as well. Some choppers in the infield would be nice too.

I have faith they will fix these issues at some point. Until then, there is no reason to fix what isn't broken. Just continue to make it better.
# 31 sbmnky @ 02/25/11 08:20 PM
It's hard to believe people want a completely different game than what The Show has been building for the last several years. It's a testament to the developers that they are allowed, due to the aforementioned foundation, to fine tune elements of the game to create the most authentic representation of baseball; a game full of subtleties. While I agree analog is not revolutionary, it was a much needed feature for this series.

I've read many posts complaining about the demo, but very few recommendations detailing improvements. The developers don't shy away from constructive criticism - community day is representative of this - so if you have an issue with the game, expound on it with an idea for improvement.

I love reading OS Staff Roundtables, but I am in disagreement with most of the thoughts presented. However, much like Chase, I love analog fielding and I think it's going to be the most lauded feature when the dust settles.

The demo give us all a very minor taste of what's to come for The Show '11. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the retail version March 8th.
# 32 sbmnky @ 02/25/11 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Kearnzo
Wholeheartedly agree. All I can do is shake my head at the "feels too much like last year" argument.
Or your shake-weight - zinger!!

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread...
# 33 Skyboxer @ 02/25/11 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by 31
On the surface I could see why some would think its not a big improvement over 10. The game plays largely the same. Should we change the gameplay then? Its tried and true. Most would agree that this games represents baseball more than any other game represents its sport. So we should change that?

Analog controls give you a completely new way to play the game. I know they aren't for everyone, but at least give them a shot. In my opinion analog pitching revolutionized pitching in baseball games. I got into why I think that in the impressions thread. The new player models are spectacular. Players now look height weight proportionate and not stretched out to fit their body type. Don't even get me started on the lighting. Just ridiculously good.

As far as some other things that separate 11 form 10 are the ball physics. You can see the slicing and hooking the ball does in real life. The stances look better and more natural. I have also seen many new animations. Outfield play seems to have improved as well.

Look, I know I might sound like a shill for this game. Maybe in a way I am. Been playing it since 2005, but I admit its not perfect. There are definitely issues that still need worked out. Like the gloves not closing. lol this annoys me. They really need more catcher animations as well. Some choppers in the infield would be nice too.

I have faith they will fix these issues at some point. Until then, there is no reason to fix what isn't broken. Just continue to make it better.
The point for me anyways is why is the "Big Improvement" even discussed. It's not like the game needed a bunch of improvements. There's only so much you can improve on and a lot are dictated by technology available.
I've also played this series since it was 989 and it does get better each year. It's hard for any game to make huge strides in one year but the nature of the beast is we get a yearly release.
I just don't see where the game needs a "Big Improvement". Someone even posted that 2K made more improvements than the Show 11 like that was some negative on The Show 11....
2K had much more room to improve on so yeah if 2K wanted to of course they could make more improvements. (BTW I'm excited to see how 2K11 is coming around)
Other than lacing it up and hitting the field I don't know what more "Gameplay wise" SCEA can do that would amount to a "Big Improvement"
# 34 jestep123 @ 02/25/11 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
It's the Madden syndrom. It conditioned people to expect some new feature (usually pointless) each year that mainly tried to disguise the many faults of the game.
Its baseball. We have mutliple ways to play. Graphics/lighting improved, new fielding and hitting mechanics etc.....

Felt like '10?????
I think this is true. I mean when you say the game hasnt changed aside from a new control scheme, what is that supposed to mean? Yes, we have seen the controls before but there is only so much you can do that maps to the controllers functionality right.

I think alot of the indifefence comes from the learning curve involved in the analog controls along with a natural tendency for some to resist change. Chase was absolutely on the screws when he said that the mind blowing thing is that you can go between control schemes and you can achieve the same results. You have to work at it to do that but at least you know it can be done.

I think a more acurate description is that the gameplay seems unchanged outside of analog control. Outside of that there is going to be alot to like.

At least an attempt at threaded commentary (doesnt quite reach the 2k level but its an improvement)
User controlled errors
Balks (I keep trying to get one called and its not happening but apparently you can)
Co Op
Challenge of the week
Player Vault
Better day night transition.

I could go on. I think that is the issue with judging the demo because the gameplay may not have changed alot but the overall package is going to be miles ahead.

Also. I want to give a shoutout to SCEA for something. Most sports demos that are time restricted end when that time is up no matter the score. Last night I played "extra innings" into the 6th of a tie game before giving up a walk off. Its a small thing but since we are talking about the quality of the demo, I thought that deserved a mention. Good work.
# 35 B-Man1985 @ 02/25/11 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by travis72
Exactly, no need to fix it if it ain't broke. The show is the best video game of all time and nothing else is even in the same league. When I say all video games thats all I play is sports game(football, basketball and baseball). I have never in my life played anything else so thats all I got to go on,lol.
I second this
# 36 etched Chaos @ 02/25/11 09:36 PM
To those saying that a gradual change from year to year is better than massive chancges. You're right but on the other side if you improve very few things then it starts to become a $60 roster update and thats something I never hope to see. As it is from my POV the RTTS changes are enough to justify my buying it, thats and the analog controls. But if you removed those two additions and said to someone 'hey pay $60 for last year's game with better player models, weather and better lighting' do you really think they would?

Thats the problem with having an excellent product, eventually you have to add in new features or change enough to justify people paying $60 for the game. Fortunately for the Show, we still have the commentary system and Franchise thats left for a redesign and so its not likely to become a $60 roster update anytime soon.
# 37 Knight165 @ 02/25/11 10:29 PM
I'm really disappointed with Major League Baseball.
I watched a game today(granted...Spring Training)...and it looked like a game I watched last year...and even the year before that!!!!
I guess I'm a little underwhelmed.
I was fully expecting something different. I mean c'mon...it's been over 100 years and it's basically the same.
A roundhouse kick to the runner rounding the base by the 1st basemen......
A cartwheel from the pitcher after a K...SOMETHING different.

Yes...I did it.

Square table is more like it! You guys are FIRED!

# 38 JJT @ 02/25/11 10:32 PM
Some minor gameplay changes could make the game feel more new.

For example when you hit a foul ball, whats does this remind you of? Thats right, the show 10.

If they changed the animation for that and so forth, minor things but the game would feel more fresh this year.
# 39 NYJin2009tm @ 02/25/11 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm really disappointed with Major League Baseball.
I watched a game today(granted...Spring Training)...and it looked like a game I watched last year...and even the year before that!!!!
I guess I'm a little underwhelmed.
I was fully expecting something different. I mean c'mon...it's been over 100 years and it's basically the same.
A roundhouse kick to the runner rounding the base by the 1st basemen......
A cartwheel from the pitcher after a K...SOMETHING different.

Yes...I did it.

Square table is more like it! You guys are FIRED!


Lmao! Hilarious!
# 40 Knight165 @ 02/25/11 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by JJT
Some minor gameplay changes could make the game feel more new.

For example when you hit a foul ball, whats does this remind you of? Thats right, the show 10.

If they changed the animation for that and so forth, minor things but the game would feel more fresh this year.
So you're saying that a foul ball hit in this years version should feel more like what??.....a fair ball?!...a strikeout?...a walk?
C'mon...give us a hint!


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