Feature Article
Dynasty Musings: NHL 11's Be a GM Completely Misses the Mark

Hey everybody, I'm back for another edition of Dynasty Musings. This week I will be talking about the debacle that is NHL 11's Be a GM mode (BaGM for future reference), and the bugs that have made it completely unplayable until a patch comes out.

First off, there are some things that I like about Be a GM. The fantasy draft AI, for the most part, is absolutely fantastic. Teams appear to build their franchise somewhat intelligently, either going for a younger more higher-potential team or a veteran-laden squad that tries to win as soon as possible. This is very refreshing when you compare NHL 11's fantasy draft to other games' counterparts, such as the annoying logic in MLB 10: The Show in which nearly every closer is taken in the first three rounds, or in Madden 11 where you can assemble a team of young superstars by simply only taking guys under the age of 27. In BaGM, that's really not an option. If you want to create a young team, you HAVE to sacrifice short-term success.

Second, the addition of restricted free agents and unrestricted free agents is a great addition and something that's been needed for a very long time. Unfortunately, the bugs in the mode really get in the way, but the general idea is very good and hopefully it is fixed with the next patch (a patch that is horribly overdue already).

Either way, the game mode is unplayable as it stands now. Let's take a look at some of the problems that myself and others have found with the game.

1. Trade Logic - The trade logic is absolutely brutal. Any player under the age of 25 requires an extraordinary amount of effort to acquire. For example, I attempted to trade for Magnus Paajarvi of Edmonton, one of the most exciting players in the NHL this preseason. As the Wild, I offered 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 first-round picks, in addition to Mikael Granlund (Minnesota's first-round pick from 2010). I was rejected. I then tried the same deal for Mike Green of Washington (a proven NHL superstar), and it was accepted within seconds. The game simply values cheap contracts way too much.

2. Trading Block - The trade-block screen is basically worthless because it's very difficult to actually get accurate readings on what the team actually wants. Why? In real life, if I was a GM and I were to call another GM about a potential trade, would he really try to confuse me into what he is looking for? Does that make any sense to anyone?

3. 1,500 XP Glitch - A topic that has been discussed throughout the community -- it's also one of the biggest complaints -- dealing with players not gaining anymore experience after reaching the 1,500 XP point barrier in a season. This really should have been fixed in testing.

4. Junior Players Losing Rights One Year After Draft - I absolutely LOVE the idea of being able to stash prospects in juniors and signing them when I please. I absolutely HATE the idea of losing their rights for no reason after one year instead of two. Being able to keep the rights of a player who's not quite ready to play in the NHL at 19 years old should be one of the best features in this mode, but it's ruined by this glitch.

5. 20-Year-Old Players Not Being Able To Play in the AHL - Junior hockey is junior hockey, not 20-year-old hockey. Once my player turns 20, I should be able to put the prospect in the AHL if I sign him. Again, that's not the case here. I had to send Jordan Eberle back to juniors even though he's not even eligible to play there.

6. Lack of Decent Prospects - I've done eight or nine separate entry drafts, with my first-round pick ranging from the top to the bottom, and it's still very difficult to actually pick up a legit NHL player. And never mind getting a goalie, they are almost impossible to find (again, just like previous years) in the draft. I've taken a top-five or top-10 rated goalie three times, and all three times, after five years of simulating and making sure the goalie gets consistent playing time, the goalie has never reached past an 85 overall.

7. Attributes of Prospects - This is another issue that's been longstanding within the game. If I draft a 5-foot-10, top-five rated left wing, he better have at least 75 speed to even be considered an NHL player. I can't count how many times I've drafted a player with completely unrealistic attributes. I've drafted a 6-foot-6, 230-pound defender with 95 speed and 91 agility that was rated a sixth rounder and ended up being 63 overall. In real life this guy would never even sniff the second round. Big defensemen that can skate always get picked very high in real life, which is just not the case in this game.

8. Awards Going to Goalies - If you win the Cup, your goalie is a lock to win the Conn Smythe, even if he gives you a 4.50 GAA in the playoffs. I won the Stanley Cup with my fantasy draft team, playing every game in the playoffs, and Mikko Koivu finished with nearly two points a game. Josh Harding finished with a 3.37 GAA and a .883 save percentage and ended up taking home the hardware. Is there a reason for this?

9. Poor Simulation Logic - The big issues that were apparent last year are still there this year -- those being the goalie stats being absolutely awful, and the unbelievably terrible stats for all fourth-line players. In the last BaGM mode I simulated, Ryan Miller led the NHL in GAA with a number of 2.48 (which was the lowest I've seen in about 13 total simulated seasons, with the average being around 2.55 or 2.60 for the leader). Last year, in real life, Tuukka Rask of Boston led the league with a 1.98 GAA, and Ryan Miller came in with a 2.22 to lead goalies who got the bulk of their starts. This happens every single simulated year in this game. In addition, the fourth liners again are horribly underrated in terms of plus-minus. Patrick O'Sullivan led the NHL at minus-35 last year, and there were only eight players that were worse than minus-20. In NHL 11's Be a GM mode, there were 29 players that stooped to a minus-20 or worse. It's just unrealistic and should have been fixed already.

To sum all of these issues/glitches up, the mode is marred by bugs, and the fact that it has been over a month since the game was released and there still is no patch to fix any of these bugs is simply unacceptable. It really is a shame because the changes that the developers did make to the mode are very conducive to a deeper, more enjoyable experience. For franchise nuts like you and I, it really is a shame to see how little attention was paid to the mode when it has such a vast amount of potential.

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Member Comments
# 1 steeluk @ 10/15/10 10:47 AM
I have to say, I agree with this article completely; it's a shame these bugs weren't discovered before release, and we need to see a patch for it.

But to say "...and the fact that it has been over a month since the game was released and there still is no patch to fix any of these bugs is simply unacceptable." is a bit extreme. It would be nice for the dev team to acknowledge the bugs exist, and let us know a patch is in the works, but think about how much time they spent making this game. I think they are entitled to a break once the game is released, and I get the feeling some of these bugs would take a lot longer to fix than you think.

I enjoyed the article though, and i'm looking forward to the patch when it finally drops. But i'm prepared to wait in the hope of a good quality patch, which hopefully won't break something else in the game!
# 2 nickjamesm7 @ 10/15/10 01:00 PM
Patches are all fine and dandy, but developers and testers should really have all these bugs figured out before the game is even released. With the age of online availability they have really been given an easy road, kind of BS, but kind of resourceful as well. EA seems to be the worst of the bunch when it comes to this. It's a race of who can get the game out first, not of who can make the best. Madden has no competition to make themselves better but them and the rest of the sports genres should have no excuse. Can EA hire some people who would actually take the time and put in the effort to make the best games possible? HIre people who specialize in a specific area of the game, so that person can concentrate his efforts in a smaller area. I'll nominate myself for the job, shamelessly
# 3 Perceptor @ 10/15/10 01:38 PM
Well written article and I'm hopeful that a patch will be released soon. Testing aside, EA knows a patch is needed and let's hope we get one and a roster update sooner rather than later
# 4 thegoons21 @ 10/15/10 02:20 PM
No timely patches or roster updates are going to shelf this game for me. Even if a patch is released I doubt it fixes all of these issues.
# 5 patsfan188 @ 10/15/10 05:40 PM
I know Im gonna get a lot of complaints but I don't really like the game. Online gameplay is pretty much determined by luck of penalties because we all poke check a lot and u know it but usually only one team gets all the penalties all the times. Be a GM hasn't changed much in my opinion, trade logic is bad, they put in RFA's and the CHL players don't progress throughout their CHL career. For example the 1st NHL draft u have in Be a GM mode you'll get realistic overalls then the next year u get 1st round players who have ratings as good as later round players in the year before draft. Then the year after you get players rated like 58. It's terrible. The only game mode I like is Ultimate Team. I haven't picked up this game for like a week now, and have probably played it about 3 times this month.
# 6 ramenite @ 10/15/10 07:48 PM
Totally agree about those sim stats.

I had a season, where Ovie wasn't even top 10 in scoring. That's with 82 games played. The who's who of the NHL struggles to even make the top 10, it's guys like Gionta who are leading the league.

Some of the problem is WHOs getting the goals. If you watch the super-sim, it's just random people getting assigned points. Key PP guys for a team aren't getting PP goals. They don't respect your lines in the simulation. I've seen goals that were Max Talbot, assisted by Crosby and Kennedy. All three guys are on three different lines.

There's really only three things to have in a great franchise mode. A realistic sim engine, standings that make sense(I'm not even going to open THAT bag of worms), and trade logic. The point is to build a team, and see how you do against the rest of the league. If all the above is broken, what's really the point? All the stuff like having the CHL, restricted free agents, doesn't even matter. There's no reason to go though the mode.
# 7 onlybygrace @ 10/15/10 09:53 PM
...which is why I'm playing Season Mode and just enjoying the game.

I get to play as the Pens, Caps, and Blues along with the real schedule. When I have the time, of course. I'm gettin' old.
# 8 Vikes1 @ 10/16/10 03:50 AM
Yeah it's a shame that a game like NHL, that has imo, such solid game play, has so many issues with it's franchise mode.[BEAGM]

Of course it's great that patches are now possible. But it sure at least seems like waiting for weeks/months for patches is now commonplace in today's gaming. For the games to be what they were advertise to be at release.
# 9 [Icy] @ 10/16/10 04:31 AM
Sadly this is the norm with all franchise modes in sport games, see the great NBA2k11 having similar issues, FIFA11, etc. Online gaming probably killed offline gaming and the programming of good offline AI.
# 10 Klykan @ 10/16/10 05:04 AM
I agree, and it's a shame.

I hope EA will adress these problems in the upcoming patch, otherwise it's $60 right down the drain for me. I only play Be A GM-mode.
# 11 slickdtc @ 10/16/10 10:22 AM
Why did they half-*** some of these features? Maybe adding in that new physics engine was a bigger task then most of us think, because this series has only touched up and polished off its gameplay the last 2 years. You think, since the core gameplay engine has been in place, that they'd have more time to devote to polishing up BAGM and other modes. Or maybe it's like Madden 10's sim stats... you get either extremely overdone stats, or extremely underdone stats. The coding just won't allow for the actual realistic numbers no matter what they tweak.

My big question is, if they release a patch that fixes these issues (or at least some of them), will we need to restart our BAGM's? And if we don't, will that create more unforeseen issues? It's sticky! I can play through my VAN BAGM for now, but I'm holding off on starting my PHI BAGM until the rosters and patch is out. I can be patient as long as they're trying their best, I have no problems with that. Don't put out a half-*** patch, though. Don't string us along
# 12 clarkerots @ 10/16/10 02:03 PM
I've been updating NHL09 for the longest time now and I thought this was finally the year to move forward. Unfortunately it seems impossible for EA to ever upgrade gameplay and franchise at the same time. It's a shame too because now I can try to go back to 09 for a decent Franchise but the gameplay improvements between 09 and 11 will leave me with that empty feeling.
# 13 HeroWorship @ 10/16/10 04:27 PM
Oh god, what a nightmare.

And here I am, getting really excited to finish my first season in BeAGM, and I begin to hear about all this. I knew of the prospects, but the XP glitch and development makes this a bummer. Well, I can hope they patch it, so I don't have to worry. Because the game is excellent, much better than NHL 10 in terms of gameplay and features.

This almost compares to the lefty glitch in MVP Baseball 2004. That game literally got me re interested in baseball again. But seeing how I never could hit homeruns with left-handed hitters made me disappointed. (Thank god for MVP Baseball 2005. I still believe that is the best baseball game ever made. Sorry The Show fans.)

I pray for a patch. I still love the game, but damnit.
# 14 canucksss @ 10/16/10 05:35 PM
I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! my biggest concern is that why on EA keeps udating the Tuner (now we have version 1.04) in a matter of 3 weeks and the bulk is to address the issue on ONLINE games. Neglecting the OFFLINE users!!!??? By the way, this could have been avoided if PRIOR TO THE RELEASE they addressed this issues that are ALREADY THERE IN 2010!!! (with the exception of 20 years old cant play in AHL). It's been more than a month now, we still dont have any sign that these issues are being addressed (cmon now EA at least addressed one of these issues raised during the tuner updates).

i really like this game.... but im afraid i like the game BECAUSE I DONT HAVE ANY OPTION but to play EA's NHL 11 fro there are no other NHL game outthere for this year. im still hoping that EA will addressed these issues before December.
# 15 patsfan188 @ 10/16/10 06:16 PM
Ok I just tried to trade Joni Pitkanen 81 OVR 27 YRS, 1st Round 2010, 2nd Round 2010, Washington's 2nd Round 2010 and 1st Round 2011 from Carolina to New York for Marc Staal 83 OVR 24 YRS and it got declined.
# 16 DrPhibes @ 10/16/10 07:58 PM
Come on fellas. It's not THAT broken and it's not unplayable IMO.

Of course it would be nice to have semi-realistic simulation stats and to have the in season XP fixed, but I can deal with it. Players still progress in the offseason at a very fair rate and as long as someone starts the season at the draft you won't have top prospects hitting the UFA market at age 18. Yeah the trade market may be off compared to previous years, but blue chip young talent is worth their weight in gold because a) young b) cheap c) have them under control for several years. I like that one can't pull the sheep's wool over the CPU's eyes and load up on stacked young blue-chip talent while they agree to take back Wade freaking Redden.

Go look at NBA 2k11 My Player and how nobody can get past 20 games in because of a freeze. Could be worse.
# 17 moochu2 @ 10/16/10 10:05 PM
Any of you guys encounter an issue with guys demanding way too much money compared to their overall ratings? I had an 81 overall Adam Larsson demanding 6 million/year before he had even stepped on an NHL rink.
# 18 onlybygrace @ 10/16/10 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
That sounds good. Question----if I create a team,(Not relocate, create from scratch) can I also just play a season? Or do I have to enter BEAGM mode?
You can just play a season with a created team as well, Segagendude...
# 19 Dave Pearson @ 10/17/10 03:39 AM
Thanks for the comments guys. I echo a lot of your thoughts, especially the lack of communication from EA Sports even identifying the glitches that currently destroy the mode.
# 20 TDKing @ 10/17/10 10:02 AM
You left this off your list, " The option to customize season length in GM Mode 20/40/82".
Not wanting to sim any games and the daunting task of having to play 82 games a season
makes this mode unplayable for me.

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