Feature Article
Pucking Ridiculous: Dear 2K, You Can't Give Up on NHL 2K

Hello everyone and thanks for choosing to read the second edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). Last week's subject was respect and courtesy towards the NHL developers here on the boards at OS -- or any Web site you may see them for that matter -- during this intense stretch of time leading up to release day in September.

First and foremost, I want to apologize for not choosing my words more carefully when I implied that we were overly rude and demanding. Most of us here at OS are very constructive in our criticisms and complaints. If we were not that way, OS would not have the solid reputation it has. Simple, really.

I did not mean to project the idea that our treatment of developers had been over the line in a negative direction. I was simply trying to push the community towards constructive criticism and a moment of gratitude for the things we are lucky to see in today's games. We live in an age of technological magnificence, and sometimes we are so desensitized to the exposure of true brilliance that we tend to forget how brilliant it all really is.

This week, however, I have a strong feeling about the folks over at 2K Sports.

At this point, I suppose it's beyond obvious that NHL 2K has somehow fallen from the pinnacle of its sim roots to its potential demise as a series. At this point in time, I might safely assume that there are not many of us who could say that their hopes are flying high for an NHL 2K12 for the 360/PS3.

That's just wrong.


Do you recall, like I do, giving as much or more attention to NHL 2K's release every year? I remember the days when ignoring what EA was releasing was simple, if not natural, because the standard that 2K had set in regards to realistic play was top notch. At the time, with the exception of NHL 2004, 2K Sports was producing the ultimate hockey sim each and every year.

NHL 2K3 (PS2). NHL 2K5 (PS2). NHL 2K6 (PS2). NHL 2K8 (360).

I don't know about everyone reading this, but I have spent countless hours playing those four games completely alone while loving every minute of it. Those games were golden. 2K hockey built its niche by giving gamers realistic gameplay, and the developers never should have abandoned those roots. However, apparently it is hard to stay the course when you repeatedly put the game in the hands of a different development team every couple of years. Sad.

What happened?

Well, we all know the story. Along with the evolution of the game consoles that the games were being played on, EA also evolved as a company by taking a more simulation approach with its NHL series. With a new control scheme and fresh vision, EA has gone on to great success in recent years, and the company now releases one of the most highly anticipated sports games on an annual basis.

I am glad EA got its act together, but I did not expect 2K to just quit on us. Basically, it seems like 2K has abandoned all of us 360/PS3 owners while prancing over to the Wii and smacking us all in the face with videos of players racing through the offensive zone while juggling the puck in the air using superhuman stick-handling skills. It is embarrassing.

2K Sports, I challenge you to once again make a game worthy of your name. And, I'll even tell you exactly where to start.

Take a page from the NBA 2K and MLB 2K teams at 2K Sports and implement the same presentation into your NHL series. (Yes, I realize the Wii version this year is boosting its presentation elements, but I still have my doubts. And even if the presentation is better, the graphics will not give the presentation elements the impact they need.) This would seal my purchase before we even got around to fixing the gameplay. If you have not seen the presentation in NBA 2K10 or MLB 2K10, let me just tell you that it's downright beautiful.

Several times per game you get very detailed stat overlays showing how hot or cold a player is over the last 3, 5, 7, 10 games. The NBA and NHL installments from 2K Sports have statistical presentations that are almost as comprehensive as the ones you would see during a live broadcast, taking immersion readings to record-high levels. Every game they show the standings, talk about a player's recent performance and show upcoming schedules for both teams.

Truth be told, if presentation like this were ever put into a hockey game, I would be rendered completely useless.

2K Sports, go back to the sim roots from which the NHL 2K series carved out its reputation. The developers at 2K were at their best when they were trying to make the most out of the details within the game of hockey. Honestly, I would buy a tweaked version of NHL 2K8 if the developers would just throw in NHL Today presentation, but that's just me.

I miss the feel of a good 2K hockey game, and I want the series to return with a vengeance.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). And I know I'm not the only one who misses NHL 2K.

NHL 2K11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 MoutonDocile @ 07/15/10 06:19 PM
We need 2K sports back in the game. EA is doing a good job with the NHL franchise but competition is an healthy thing to have in this genre. I miss 2k hockey and hope they ditch this damn wii crap.
# 2 Uncle Stumpy @ 07/15/10 06:59 PM
Hard to believe it wasnt that long ago I had pretty much ignored EA hockey but 2k was better. No longer the case, obviously. Unfortunately, the hockey market (the people that pla the games) is way too small, and they don't make enough money even on a successful game.
# 3 stlstudios189 @ 07/15/10 08:13 PM
I agree with the presentation element MLB 2k10 is downright awesome in that dept.
# 4 Money99 @ 07/15/10 09:15 PM
Nice subject. I became a 2K fan with 2K2 and especially 2K3.
If they do decide to come back to next-gen next season, they really do need to start from scratch.,
And they absolutely HAVE TO copy the Skill-Stick. EA's Goliath isn't going down to no measly pebble.
Skill stick, 2K online hockey league, big-time presentation and great AI has to be present in order to take back the crown.
It's almost unfathomable to think that at one time, 2K's hockey title owned over 50% of the market share.
Sitting on an outdated engine built on the Dreamcast isn't going to keep you ahead of the game.

Reboot and do it right.
# 5 Flyermania @ 07/15/10 11:04 PM
Nice read, but the writing is on the wall for this series. Bug-filled games, lack of post-release support, and poor marketing have enabled them to dig their own grave over a few short years.

Moving away from the 360/PS3 wasn't a good sign, and now EA has moved onto the only arena 2k has left -- and has added one of the most (if not THE most) recognizable faces to help market the title.
# 6 Stormyhog @ 07/15/10 11:46 PM
2K thought they were smart by just releasing this years game on the Wii thinking they would make some kind of profit after abysmal sales on the PS3/360 last year. That was until EA announced a game of their own with Gretzky promoting it with the Wii motion hockey stick. I think it is safe to say which game will get the most sales on the Wii this year. I loved 2k hockey for years but those days are long gone and just like their lack of customer support it appears everyone else has bailed on them as well.
# 7 AtlusSaGa @ 07/16/10 02:18 AM
I still feel bad about playing EA's title now even though it is clearly the better game. I remember being sick of EA's arcadey NHL series and picking up 2K3 for the PS2. I was in love from the beginning. I barely even recognize what 2K has become. I hope they can get it together next year. I hate supporting EA's franchises.
# 8 Money99 @ 07/16/10 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by AtlusSaGa
I still feel bad about playing EA's title now even though it is clearly the better game. I remember being sick of EA's arcadey NHL series and picking up 2K3 for the PS2. I was in love from the beginning. I barely even recognize what 2K has become. I hope they can get it together next year. I hate supporting EA's franchises.
Same here brother.
But 2K3 was developed by Treyarch. Unfortunately, they were hired by Activision to develop a Spiderman game and Kush was hired on for 2K4 - 2K9.

You're always going to get a different feel after you change developers.
But I still wonder what could have been if Treyarch stayed on.
# 9 Eddie1967 @ 07/17/10 03:03 PM
I don't agree with EA's series being better, but I do agree that 2k has to do something to make their game as or more popular than the other game. Adding something like NHL today and other presentation upgrades will go a long way towards making the game more enjoyable for the consumers. Of course making it bug free is important and I think this year was much better than previous versions when it came to that. This year was far better than years past but as evidence by visual concepts taking off a year, they still have a ways to go.
# 10 Diehardfan @ 07/25/10 10:14 AM
They know what they're doing...unfortunately, that only applies to their Online League setup. Its extrodinary. Sorry to say the NHL2K series as a game, is not. I will say that they tried but the fact is that they are making video games and video games are supposed to be fun...the 2K series was a lot of things but fun wouldnt be a word I'd use to describe it.

Bottom line is that "sim" sports games wont pay the bills...2K soon realized that and tried to be the best of both worlds(arcade & sim). They failed on both counts, miserably. They need a reboot....a BIG reboot to get back in the war against EASports. I dont see it happening.
# 11 tabulaRasa @ 08/03/10 08:41 AM
Competetion drives excellence.

2Khockeys concept(SIM and community(2k3-2k6) and then 2K got an identity crisis (2k7cinemotion,fog,control switches,2k9 reboot,going ****** etc)
2K had boardplay,Defensive sticks, manual passing, dynamic goalies, close crease garbage goals, presenation etc long before EA had it... a damn shame that they didnīt keep their strong sim base.

Never lose your core.
# 12 tabulaRasa @ 08/04/10 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Money99
Same here brother.
But 2K3 was developed by Treyarch. Unfortunately, they were hired by Activision to develop a Spiderman game and Kush was hired on for 2K4 - 2K9.

You're always going to get a different feel after you change developers.
But I still wonder what could have been if Treyarch stayed on.
Well 2k3 was great, but 2k5 was the best hockey game ever made when it came out. Total concept. Pure brilliance. So Kush did great with that and 2k6 on XBOX.

I think management ****ed up with 2k7 and onward. But think about it , 50% still bought EAs game when it sucked balls and 2K owned them.
2K had bank passing, free passing , D stick controls , dynamic goalies, EA also bought 2Ks proven PBP tandem, board play, etc WAY BEFORE ea. The lack of competetion on the next gen consoles worry me. Just look at MAdden...
# 13 savoie2006 @ 08/07/10 05:26 PM
I'm gonna miss playing both games this year and I really hope that 2K/VC come back rebuilt and strong on at least the 360. I'm not gonna get my hopes up though and at least EA is making steady/serious strides with their game. Can't wait to see sports games in 3D. Just imagine playing as the goalie and the puck flying at you in 3D.
# 14 tabulaRasa @ 08/08/10 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
They, they being Bish, management and the PR department, lost their vision for the series and have been fumbling around ever since. The second Ben started talking about cinemotion and party games etc. and how "great" it was going to be, is esentially the same instance that I knew the series was in trouble. Fast foward a few years the series is on the verge of extinction and from the early videos of the Wii version of 2k11 looks more arcadey then ever.

Competition is a nice thing, choice between titles is a great thing. People put so much stock into competition though and its imo not as big a deal as people make it out to be. It comes down to a few things, budget for your title, developers with vision and a plan, and decent enough marketing to get the news out there. EA has had a direction for the NHL series for this gen and has continually moved forward and improved the title yearly. Granted some additions have not been huge leaps year to year, still though the title HAS improved every year since 07.

They've done this without having any competition from 2k at all as NHL2k has esentially been on a downslide since its first appearance on this gen of consoles. Now I'm sure you're saying to yourself "but Realm, 2k8 is great!" Thats all well and good, I know there's folks that loved pro control and think 2k8 was dandy, I'm not one of them and sadly a series I once held very highly has mattered less and less to me through this console generation's lifecycle.

With that being said though, its not too late and you need look no further than EA as the perfect example of that. Who honestly though at the height of the PS2/Xbox1 era that EA would turn it around, focus on the community feedback and make a more realistic hockey title that still had enough elements to cater to the ****** crowd as well, all while making sure their game is above all fun to play.

All I ask of 2k is to take a page out of the EA NHL team's playbook, make a hockey game that looks next gen, and more importantly FEELS next gen with solid, responsive controls, skating, and an emphasis on authenticy and sim and those wayward fans will gladly welcome 2k's brand of hockey back with open arms.

Incidently OBG, great article, look foward to future iterations of Pucking Ridiculous.
Great post, and so true.
Btw, never liked 2k8s controls over EAs (09). 2K8 still had a sim approach engine wise and in prinicpal, something 2k9 onwards , atleast to me, didnīt have.
# 15 kerosene31 @ 08/09/10 11:33 AM
Sadly, there was a good hockey sim under the hood in 2k9 and 10. There were just too many AI problems and other issues that unfortunately never got worked out. If they had the resources to keep refining it year to year I think it could have been a fantastic game, but unfortunately I doubt we'll ever see it.

It took EA 3 versions to get from garbage (NHL 07) to a great game in NHL 10. Given 2ks limited resources, it would probably take a lot longer. They lost a few years as the series sat in limbo and they never recovered.

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