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fcboiler87 is offline
# 1
fcboiler87 @ Jul 10, 2013
Originally Posted by bschenkkan88
Hey man, thanks for your work on the Rosters for PS3, it is much appreciated. I have a question for you Regarding UVA, I know that you were responsible for their roster. I just want to make sure that you have some of the guys in the right spot, namely the incoming freshmen. I have posted on the PS3 thread, on page #22 the roster as it should look. On your template you were missing two very important recruits, and 1 was in the wrong position. Also, I have numbers for the freshmen as well. Can you please take a look and maybe hook it up for me? I would really appreciate it!
Can you send me the freshmen numbers please. Also, who is missing as far as recruits are concerned. Please provide detailed information on them. Thanks.

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