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Phil Varckette

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
01:22 PM - January 25, 2012. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

Ever since Madden landed on next-gen consoles, there has been a plethora of issues that seem to go unfixed every year. As gamers, we cannot seem to get an answer one way or another as to why these issues persist -- Is it just not possible to fix these issues given with what the developers have to work with? No matter the answer, the issues remain. With Madden 13 possibly being the last Madden to be exclusively on the current-gen systems, will we see some of the fixes we have been clamoring for, or do we simply have to put this generation behind us and hope for best on the upcoming new systems?

Without further adieu, here is the top five fixes EA must make for Madden NFL 13.

Read More - Five Things EA Sports must do for Success in Madden NFL 13

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 77 - View All
Monday, January 16, 2012
12:19 PM - January 16, 2012. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

It was September 1, 1995.

If I recall correctly it was a cold and rainy day. I had been saving money for months in anticipation; It was Sony Playstation's launch. My father and I drove to a local department store that had no ridiculous linesorn campers. We just walked right in and there it was. My dad grabbed the system and I grabbed the game I had been longing for months: NFL Gameday. 989 Sports was born.

When we got everything home and set up, my dad and I decided to play a game. I couldn’t tell you what teams we were, but the one thing I do remember was how awesome the game was. It was a true leap in quality from anything we have seen in the past. Not only were the graphics amazing for their time, the gameplay was as well. Who could forget the thunder and lightning on a big hit while playing in the rain. Those memories will always stay with me.

Read More - The Rise and Fall of 989 Sports

Thursday, January 5, 2012
10:57 AM - January 5, 2012. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

While the snow might be piling up across the land (or not), things are heating up at the SCEA studios. Info regarding MLB: The Show 12 is steadily starting to trickle out day by day.

But if you are looking for wholesale changes, look elsewhere. SCEA follows a strict policy of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This is certainly not a bad thing. Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel, we consistently see building blocks, but this isn’t to say there is no innovation.

Read More - A Quick Look at MLB 12: The Show

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS VitaVotes: 55 - View All
Thursday, December 29, 2011
01:55 PM - December 29, 2011. Posted by DustinT. Written by Phil Varckette

It may seem daunting, but rebuilding the Cleveland Cavaliers is not an impossible task.

Read More - NBA 2K12: Rebuilding the Cleveland Cavaliers

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 102 - View All
Monday, December 5, 2011
12:35 PM - December 5, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Dustin Toms

Sales of NBA 2K12 look to be well below last year's record-breaking totals. By all accounts the NBA Lockout, plus a less than enticing effort, has given many gamers enough reason to not fork over $60 for the game this year. Given the end of the lockout and the reintroduction of accurate and up to date rosters, should gamers who passed up on the game initially take a look at the game one more time?

Read More - OS Roundtable: Should Gamers Take a Second Look at NBA 2K12

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC / iOSVotes: 102 - View All
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
02:03 PM - November 30, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

Anytime a game improves, it should be considered a success. That’s exactly how I feel about WWE 12.


A marked improvement over Smackdown vs. Raw 2011, This year’s game has a new control scheme that harkens back to the basics of the series. The initial grapple buttons are mapped to A and X respectively based on the system. From there you can use the right stick to chain grapple. This will set up different moves based on the position you are relative to your opponent. The animations of these moves are similar to previous years, but still look great. THQ did a good job making sure that every superstar has all the moves in their repertoire.

THQ also added a new limb targeting system. This helps especially with superstars who use submission as finishers. So if you are Alberto Del Rio, it is probably a good idea to target your opponents arm to set him up for the cross arm breaker submission.

Read More - WWE '12 Review (360/PS3)

Game: WWE '12Hype Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 26 - View All
Monday, November 28, 2011
10:21 AM - November 28, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

In a wrestling videogame, few things are more satisfying than applying your favorite superstar’s finisher to win a match.

Since I have the privilege of reviewing the game this year, I thought I would share with you the top 5 finishers I love to apply in WWE 12.

Read More - The Top Five Finishers to Apply in WWE '12

Game: WWE '12Hype Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 26 - View All
10:15 AM - November 28, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

With WWE finally returning to our gaming consoles, new game modes have popped up right in front of our eyes. Today, I'm delve deeper into each mode, explaining to you what each entails.

Read More - WWE '12 Game Modes Impressions

Game: WWE '12Hype Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 26 - View All
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
11:21 AM - November 23, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

What a difference a year makes.

From the moment my first match started, I was immersed in the world of WWE 12. The presentation of each match is so authentic when comparing it to a TV broadcast.

The wrestler’s entrances are done well for the most part. Their themes blare and their mannerisms are replicated to near perfection. Also the crowd will cheer for the favorites, but when the baddies come on stage expect to hear all the boos echo.

Read More - WWE '12 Initial Impressions

Game: WWE '12Hype Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 26 - View All
Thursday, November 3, 2011

OS Staff Writers, by now you have all heard the news about the fourth NCAA title update not including a fix for player tendencies. To some this is an absolutely huge deal and to others it seems as if they are perfectly content with the game as-is. But let's go beyond that; let's discuss whether the string of bugs this year, plus the lack of any patchable resolution will be detrimental to NCAA 13, or will the blunders of NCAA Football 12 be forgotten by many next July?

Read More - OS Roundtable: The Player Tendencies Snafu - Short Term Blunder or Long Term Mistake?

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 104 - View All
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
11:59 AM - October 26, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

With the World Series coming to a climax the next two nights (Editors note: or one if my Rangers have their way), you may be thinking that it’s a bit early to start looking forward to next season. But with free agency starting not long after the Classic ends, time will start to fly by. After all, MLB 12: The Show is the next big sports game release.

Here are a few things I think could improve the annual SCEA release.

Read More - MLB 12: The Show Wishlist

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes: 55 - View All
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
11:11 AM - October 12, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

One of the most important aspects of football in general is being able to read the defense. As a quarterback, it is your responsibility to know the type of defense and recognize the coverage packages it might be employing. This also holds true in Madden and NCAA 12.

The very first thing we should all know is the basic defensive formation you are up against. In most cases it will be the 4-3 or the 3-4. There are some occasions when this will change, such as a 3rd-and-long situation or when you are trying to keep every play in front of you at all costs.

More defensive reading tips after the jump!!

Read More -- The Basics of Reading a Defense in Madden NFL 12

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3 / WiiVotes: 44 - View All
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
10:49 AM - October 4, 2011. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Phil Varckette

Hunting games have always been a niche genre. There has never been anything about them to reel in non-hunting gamers. While Cabela’s Big Game Hunter ’12 tries to change this with a story based hunting experience, it never really delivers anything but a mediocre venture.

Read More - Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012 Review

Game: Cabela's Big Game Hunter 12Reader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes: 0 - View All

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