Author Bio
Caley Roark

Home Town: Lancaster, PA
Sports: Football, Baseball
Games: NFL 2K5, MVP 05, NBA 2k series, Civilization
Teams: Phillies, Eagles, Sixers
OS Username: CPRoark
Tags: Live: Mr Rockit
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
04:15 PM - June 17, 2009. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
There was a time when working out meant going to a gym, or at the very least, venturing outside. To be honest, I wasn’t very good at doing either consistently. Thankfully, fitness games have made "in-home" training possible.

To varying degrees of success, a number of games have made getting in shape comparable to playing games and earning achievements. In some cases, like Wii Fit, fitness is about having fun in a relaxed workout environment. But EA Sports Active, EA’s first foray into the fitness game market, is about a more intense workout experience.

Instead of mini-games that promote fitness, Active is more of a virtual trainer. It replaces mini-games and yoga with actual workout activities. Some come close to what we’ve seen before (inline skating, aerobic boxing), but many are mundane by comparison: biceps curls, lunges and even jogging.

Read More - EA Sports Active Review

Game: EA Sports ActiveReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: WiiVotes: 5 - View All
Thursday, May 28, 2009
12:52 PM - May 28, 2009. Posted by ChaseB. Written by Caley Roark
I’m not sure how many OS readers have kids -- or soon will -- but due to a recent addition in my own household, I’ve started to pay more attention to games aimed at children. Now, my daughter is too young to pick up the controller, or at least too young to know what to do with it, but I have no doubt that gaming will be a part of her upbringing.

Read More - Backyard Baseball '10 Review

Game: Backyard Baseball '10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: WiiVotes: 4 - View All
Friday, May 8, 2009
01:38 PM - May 8, 2009. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
This summer, gamers will have the chance to grab 2K's second iteration of its arcade baseball title, The Bigs. The sequel has been getting some media attention as of late, so here is how it is doing so far.

Read More - The BIGS 2: What's Hot and What's Not

Game: The BIGS 2Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / PSPVotes: 11 - View All
Thursday, April 23, 2009
03:21 PM - April 23, 2009. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
If baseball management simulations were players, Out of the Park might be your team’s superstar -- the player all the kids want to be. Front Office Manager would be the highly touted, yet extremely disappointing rookie who has nowhere to go but up.

In this analogy, Baseball Mogul would be represented by a quality journeyman, a solid player who performs consistently, though with little flourish. Never too exciting, but never too disappointing either. The player your team trades for once the elite players have been snatched up.

What makes Baseball Mogul 2010 so ordinary? To be honest, there is not much technically wrong with this game. It does everything it sets out to do pretty well. It is just that there is nothing too exciting here that you have not seen in other games, both console "action" baseball games and PC sims.

Read More - Baseball Mogul 2010 Review

Game: Baseball Mogul 2010Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PCVotes: 3 - View All
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
09:53 AM - April 7, 2009. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
For baseball purists, one of the biggest additions to MLB 09: The Show has been the inclusion of authentic professional transactions within the franchise mode. No longer are virtual owners stuck with the limited options of trades and free agency -- now the full spectrum of rosters moves are available to budding Billy Beanes.

However, within this new framework there is a slight problem. Since video games have ignored realistic roster handling for a long time (outside of Acclaim’s All-Star Baseball), many users do not know what all of the new moves mean. The developers of The Show have tried to help by including a handbook on the disc, but for those interested in reading a less "textbook" approach, here is a primer for getting a grip on your roster.

Read More - Noob Guide to Transactions in MLB '09: The Show

Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes: 90 - View All
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
10:21 AM - February 18, 2009. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
Most news headlines serve as a daily reminder of the current economic crisis. So, it can be hard (and expensive) to be a gaming enthusiast. It may be even harder for sports gamers, as the genre features annual titles that retain very little value. To help, here are five tips to help maximize your gaming dollar.

1. Game and Trade

For years, I traded games at my local Gamestop and did not care how much I got back. I figured that any money I got in exchange for a game that I would never play again was worth it. While this may be technically correct, I soon figured out it was hardly fair. I once witnessed an employee take my game, credit me with $10, print a new sticker with a used price of $55, and stick it on the shelf. Thus, 30 seconds of work resulted in a potential Gamestop profit of $45.

Read More - Five Tips to Keep you Gaming Through the Recession

Monday, January 26, 2009
09:32 AM - January 26, 2009. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
If you have been browsing Operation Sports during the last few weeks, you may have noticed the occasional ad for "Baseball Boss" (baseballboss.com), which is billed as an online trading card game with hints of fantasy baseball. Like other "free" online games, such as whatifsports.com or goallineblitz.com, this might not take time away from MLB: The Show or NCAA Football 09, but could serve as a fun distraction now and again.

Once registered, Baseball Boss invites you to select a "starter pack" of cards. You can choose from historical players, modern players, a mix or a pack heavy on players from your favorite team. One neat aspect is that you can actually reveal the cards one at a time, preserving the fun of ripping open a physical pack of cards.

Read More - Baseball Boss; What is It?

Platform: PC
Friday, December 19, 2008
11:45 AM - December 19, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
For the past few Christmases, one of my personal Yuletide traditions has been to browse YouTube for random '80s commercials in an attempt to awaken my inner child. Between Barney sliding down the chimney to steal Fred’s Fruity Pebbles and a creepy voice hawking the Clapper, I recently stumbled on a classic Super Mario Bros. 3 ad.

I was hit with an extra wave of nostalgia because unlike cereal and geriatric gadgets, this game was something I actually wanted. Somehow, this commercial had lodged itself in the the recesses of my mind, and seeing it instantly transported me back to elementary school.

Following that bit of classic advertising, I took pause to reflect on just how much video games, specifically sports games, have affected my almost-30-year lifespan.

Read More - Looking Back in Time at 30 Years

Thursday, December 11, 2008
03:25 PM - December 11, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
About 10 years ago, my college roommate and I found two scratch-off game cards tucked under our door. Like so many other marketing gimmicks aimed at students our age, they were littered throughout every hallway of the dorm. While I cannot remember what they were advertising, I certainly remember one of the prizes.

You see, for some reason, my roommate and I bothered to try our hand at winning -- instead of discarding them with the rest of the credit card applications and free samples of shaving cream. But before putting coin to cardboard, I remembered a trick I learned on the school bus during the days of a Topps Gold Card promotion. One properly equipped flashlight later, we were both "guaranteed" winners of a Sega Dreamcast.

For some reason, my roommate only received a T-shirt in the mail. I, however, found a large box with my name on it upon returning home for Christmas break.

Read More - How 2K Can Expand Their Lineup of Games

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
11:49 AM - November 26, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
From the outset, Need for Speed: Undercover does its best to imitate a summer blockbuster: a Michael Bay-like credits sequence, loud over-the-top chases, high-contrast lighting, and heavily stylized cut-scenes set the scene. Unfortunately, like so many big-budget summer films, the game also features a rather shallow experience with forgettable characters and a meaningless plot.

Read More: Need For Speed Undercover Review

Game: Need for Speed UndercoverReader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes: 8 - View All
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
10:58 AM - October 15, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
We have just posted our review of the XBox Live Downloadable Game (for 800 Microsoft points mind you) MLB Stickball.

"A few years ago, while browsing through clearance items at a sporting goods store, I came across a stickball set. It was a good price and it was decorated with my favorite team’s logo, so it was an easy purchase; I was excited by my seemingly thrifty and unique purchase."

Game: MLB StickballReader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes: 3 - View All
Thursday, October 2, 2008
04:22 PM - October 2, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
Soon enough, this era of innovative, individualistic modes in sports gaming must end much like the newness of online play and franchise modes before. So what is next on the horizon for sports gamers to get excited about? Our own Caley Roark says it's the all-purpose digital athlete. Check out his thoughts and let him know what you think!

"Sports games have essentially always been about role playing. Initially, with the earliest sports games, you were cast as the manager, making decisions for the entire team. Sometimes these games allowed you to only give directions or orders; others allowed you to directly control the team, albeit one player at a time."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
04:37 PM - September 23, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
As the MLB season winds down, the time to review certain aspects of the regular season has now definitely come to a head. One such aspect is Caley's MLB 2K8 All-Underrated Team from the month of May. In his latest article, Caley revisits the team and reviews his selections to see how spot on he was with his analysis.

"Back in May, I took time out from playing MLB 2K8 to analyze its player ratings. While most seemed to be in the ballpark (pun unavoidable of course), some players’ ratings didn’t seem to be accurately reflecting how they were playing. To that end, I put together the OS All-Underrated Team; a squad of players who were outplaying their 2K8 ratings as of the first half of May."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes: 74 - View All
Friday, September 19, 2008
10:41 AM - September 19, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
What would happen if you mixed the world of comic books with sports games? Caley Roark joins us today to mull over that question and to see what kind of an answer he can get. Check out his thoughts in his article, Holy Operation Sports Batman!

"You've been living in your own Batcave if you've failed to notice the impact comic books have recently had on the entertainment industry. TV shows, games, and movies are capitalizing big time on what used to be (and perhaps still is) a relatively niche product. I heard a young person recently say that the, "The Dark Knight is the "defining movie of his generation," yet when asked, admitted he'd never picked up a Batman comic. (A similar claim could probably be made for many casual sports gamers; how many "Maddenites" have never watched an NFL game from whistle to whistle?) Regardless, comic properties are hotter than ever, and are finding their way into mainstream avenues like never before."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
09:59 AM - September 10, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Caley Roark
NFL Head Coach 09 is a game which has risen up from the ashes of it's older brother to stand out on it's own as a good game. What will the game mean to console sports gaming in a few years? Is Head Coach 09 the start of a trend or just an aberration? Join our very own Caley Roark as he looks at the potential future implications of a successful text-sim/console game hybrid.

"The first iteration of NFL Head Coach failed to make an impact on console gaming. First, it was released at the end of a generation, a time of transition for gamers who had either moved on to new consoles or were saving up for them. Secondly, it wasn't a well-received game by critics or consumers."

Game: NFL Head Coach 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3Votes: 64 - View All