Author Bio
Daniel Hee
Home Town: Honolulu, HI
Sports: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Racing
Games: NCAA Football 08, Forza Motorsport 2
Teams: Hawaii Warriors, LA Angels
OS Username: OS: hdaniel1
Tags: Live: hdaniel1
Home Town: Honolulu, HI
Sports: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Racing
Games: NCAA Football 08, Forza Motorsport 2
Teams: Hawaii Warriors, LA Angels
OS Username: OS: hdaniel1
Tags: Live: hdaniel1
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
IGN has posted some screenshots of NHL 09.
12:25 AM - July 9, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
You like the links? Talk about it!- Rumor: Wal-Mart Memo Says 40GB PS3 to be 'Replace' in August (Joystiq)
- Gears of War 2 Splash Page Strongly Hints at Nov 9th Release Date (Joystiq)
- Activision Blizzard Merger OFficial (Kotaku)
- Happy Birthday, Big Mac!
- NanoMarkets Predicts Thin-Film Solar Cell Industry Will Produce more than 26 Gigawatts by 2015
- 11 Powerful Firefox 3 Add-ons That Can Replace Standalone Applications
Do you guys remember the Flowbee? This guy at work order something similar to it but better and he received it today. He says it is better than the Flowbee. I thought it was hilarious!
My car battery is dying a slow death. Maybe because I don't drive it that much or is it because I bought the battery at Costco. The battery is a little over a year old.
- QOTN: How many hours of sleep do you get?
UPDATE: More links!
- Rumor: Microsoft Prepping New 60GB Xbox 360 (1up)
- This Wii Hard Drive is so Damn Phony (And Funny) (Kotaku)
- iPhone 3G Definitive Guide: How to Score One This Friday
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
01:40 AM - July 8, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
Midway has just sent us their press release, announcing Blitz: The League II. They have also sent us six screenshots.
01:40 AM - July 8, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
Gamespot has posted six new screenshots of FaceBreaker.
01:39 AM - July 8, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
Pasta Padre has posted a hands-on report of NBA Live 09.
01:39 AM - July 8, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
IGN has posted ten new screenshots of Golf: Tee It Up.
01:36 AM - July 8, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
IGN has posted the following NCAA Football 09 updates:- NCAA 09 Play of the Day: 7/7 (360)
Quote: "Our first rivalry is the "Bedlam Series", pitting Oklahoma State University against the University of Oklahoma. While the actual series itself consists of games and meets across multiple sports, the "Bedlam Game" refers specifically to the football matchup between the two." - NCAA Football 09 Screenshots (PSP)
- NCAA Football 09 Videos (PSP)
- NCAA Football 09 Interview (PS2)
Quote: IGN: "We noticed that there's now specific matchup play prep for an opponent with crowd noise in this year's game. Can you talk a bit about that?"
Rick Lopez: "This was something we added to Dynasty mode to help prepare the User for each week's games. Practice mode was reorganized to allow for training against the upcoming opponent's specific defensive playbook and along with that you can adjust artificial crowd noise during practice to better prepare for the game atmosphere."
01:35 AM - July 8, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
The following websites has posted updates for Skate It:- 1up: Skate It Preview
Quote: "The Wii Remote controls are still surprisingly intuitive and responsive, with you moving the motion controller as you wish to move the skateboarder -- turning it left and right to turn, tilting it up and down to manual and nose manual, and flicking it quickly upward to jump." - Gamespot: Skate It Updated Hands-On
Quote: "When you first step on the balance board, it will automatically detect your center of balance and set that as the neutral point in terms of steering and doing manuals." - Gamespy: Skate It Preview (DS)
Quote: "Using a stylus, you draw quick strokes on the skateboard to simulate shifting your weight or kicking. For instance, a quick swipe from the rear of the board to the front will do an ollie. A similar swipe from the back of the board and then off to either side will do a kickflip or heelflip." - Gamespy: Skate It Preview (Wii)
Quote: "Using the Wiimote to control a skateboard is actually surprisingly straightforward. You simply point the controller at the TV and hold it level, imagining that the controller is the deck of your board."
12:26 AM - July 8, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
Like the links? Reply with your favorites!- Rumorong: Nintendo DS Redesign not leaked by Disgaea DS ad (Joystiq)
- Rock Band 2 Wireless Instruments listed on Amazon (Joystiq)
- Happy Bungie Day! Halo 3 Cold Storage Map now Available (Joystiq)
- Massachusetts Ponders Cutting Game Devs a Break (Kotaku)
- New Sony Boss Yoshida Talks Concellations, Exclusives (Kotaku)
- Sony and Nintendo Expand in Asia (Kotaku)
- Listen to XM Radio on Your iPhone
- Behold, the iPhone 3G Display
- 30 Creative Date Ideas that Don't Cost a Lot of Money
Work flew by so fast because I was freakin' busy all day, well, except at the end of the work day. I could already see that tomorrow is going to be fun. Have to cover a section since that person is going on a vacation for one day and there is no backup, vacant position! Ugh!
My Fourth of July went pretty well. Saw the fireworks display right down at the bay, just a short hop to the bay. Then of course went to the bar. Heh!
- QOTN: How was the rest of your weekend? (Besides the Fourth of July)
UPDATE: More links!
- Pioneer Develops 16-layer, 400GB Blu-ray disc (Joystiq)
- CSS-Styled Lists: 20+ Demos, Tutorials and Best Practices
- Lots of Sex May Prevent Erectile Dysfunction
Monday, July 7, 2008
12:04 AM - July 7, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
Pasta Padre has posted some exclusive news about the rosters of NCAA Football 09.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
- Madden 09 Screenshots: NFC East
- Five Toughest NCAA Football 09 Dynasty Jobs
- Dynasties Past and Present
- NBA Live 09 Features Video
- ESPN NFL 2K5 vs. Madden NFL 08 Part Four
- FIFA 09 Producer Interview: Dave Rutter
- FIFA 09 Press Release, Fact Sheets & Screenshots
- Madden 09 Screenshots: AFC East
- Open Letter to 2K Sports
- FIFA Soccer 09 Preview (PS3)
- NCAA Football 09 Beginners' Tips
- A Feeling of Emptiness: Missed Game Series
- NCAA Football 09 Beta Screenshots (7-2-08)
- The Missing Link
- Five Games to Play Until NCAA Football 09
- NCAA Football Defensive Strategy: Safety
- Skate It Gameplay Video
- More FIFA 09 Information: Wii, PSP & PC
- Drafting is a Drag in NBA Games
- New Gameplay and Playbooks Open Things Up
- Top Spin 3 Give-Away - Enter Here
- Top Spin 3 Review (360)
- NHL 09 Screenshots
- Top Spin 3 Tips
- WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 Cover Athlete Announced
03:47 PM - July 5, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
IGN has posted a featured articled called Breaking Down FaceBreaker K.O. Party.
03:45 PM - July 5, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
Console Monster has the details of a new DLC pack for Race Driver: GRID.
03:43 PM - July 5, 2008. Posted by hdaniel1. Written by Daniel Hee
Like the links? Reply and talk about your favorite link!- Teen Breaks Own World Record in Guitar Hero III (1up)
- Top 5 Insanely Patriotic Videogames (1up)
- Sony Still Quiet on 2.4 Progress (CVG)
- ATI Announces Hot-Swappable Graphics Solution for Notebooks (Gametab)
- Video: PSP App uses GPS to Remix Tunes as you Walk (Joystiq)
- See a hot Anime Clip from Street Fighter IV (Joystiq)
- Burnout Paradise to Introduce Planes (Kotaku)
- Street Fighter IV Animation Drawings look Nice (Kotaku)
- PS3 Played Major Role in Blu-Ray Win (PSX Extreme)
- Editorial: Why I Prefer Sony Controllers (PSX Extreme)
- Capcom wants SF Gamers to Test Another Game (videogaming247)
- "No Plans" for more Brain Training, says Nintendo (videogaming247)
- Volkswagon to Make Limited Edition of 1-Liter Car (282 MPG!) in 2010
- If Your Last Girlfriend had an IMDb Page
- Do iPhone 3G's Screws indicate a User-replaceable Battery?
So I didn't post any news yesterday, since it was the Fourth of July. Decided to post today since most sites don't have the Fourth of July off. Turns out, not that much news anyways.
Stay tuned later in the day for the Weekly Wrap Up post. If you are fairly new here, every Saturday, I post a Weekly Wrap Up post containing links to OS original content posted through out the week.
- QOTD: How was your Fourth of July?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!
jobyadkins (35), WillC5 (26), Mos1ted (25), david_rudy_lee (21), jmood88 (20)
Friday, July 4, 2008
IGN has posted the following Madden NFL 09 updates:
- Madden NFL 09 First Details
Quote: "The first time the Madden series hit the Nintendo DS handheld was back in 2004 with the launch of the system. The original game wasn't a marvel by any means, with developer Exient trying to figure out the beast that is the DS hardware." - Madden NFL 09 DS Screenshots