In March of 2009, prior to learning of the new leadership at Tiburon and the new direction for the Madden franchise, I wrote a forum post titled "Why Madden 2009 Sucks". This was at a time I was extremely frustrated with the quality of Madden as I had just finished up my 1000 points on the XBox 360 and couldn't even continue playing franchise offline.
I was looking for screenshots for Madden Ultimate Team and came across this image. If you are familiar with Madden and his love for Brett Favre, then you'll appreciate the pic. Enjoy!
There's been a lot of discussions regarding Madden sales, whether they are down or up over the last 5 years. Everyone seemed to have a different opinion on the matter. To clear up the confusion I decided to take a few minutes to graph it out. I used as the source. Unfortunately they did not have any PC numbers for the game, so I believe the graphs don't quite tell the whole story.
PC sales slid over the years to the point they stopped supporting the PC back in 2008 ... Read More
Awhile back I blogged about Better Fight for the Fumble Controls in Madden. Since then, I have spent more time with Madden 10 with the Fight for the Fumble turned off. This has allowed me to gain a new appreciation for the animation that's taking place on the screen. I personally can't remember seeing a fight for the fumble in a video football game before Madden 10 and the animation on the screen in Madden really adds to the excitement of the loose ball.
I just figured out how to save and upload highlight vids. Here are a couple from the last week when playing my custom 'Texas Longhorns' team. These all occurred while utilizing the NFL Simulation Sliders.
Compared to other software, games easily have far more bugs than their business software counterparts and of the various types of games on the market sports games are easily the buggiest. I have been playing Madden NFL 10 off and on for the last couple of months and over that time I have easily seen roughly 100 bugs and dare I mention NBA 2K10 as an example, which upon release was easily the buggiest game I have ever owned and I own over 600+ games.
If your on OS, then odds are you're a fairly avid sports fan. As such, do you remember your first sports video game? I have always thought of the Atari game 'Football' as my first sports video game, but when Steve posted today's Other Stuff, he asked what your favorite gadget. I listed my iPhone as my favorite gadget today, but it got me to thinking of the gadgets I have had over the years, especially of the hand held gaming devices I have owned, which led me to rediscover what I now believe ... Read More
Downloaded and played through several games today, and wanted to share my impressions of the patch. I played the games utilizing the NFL Simulation Sliders. My general take away is an utter sense of disgust at EA Sports refusing to remove the Popup / Overlay Ads, frustration at interception slider not working properly (0 still results in INTs), and happiness over QBs no longer making poor passes and tucking the ball and running (I'll be able to alter the NFL Sliders now to better represent the ... Read More
I haven't delved too much into the 'Madden Store', but as I approach the end of my 4th season in Franchise mode with the Dallas Cowboys, I'm starting to have players that are getting close to retiring.
From reading threads in the Madden forum, it appears that it's impossible to entice a player to stay after they have retired. I'm fairly certain this was a feature in ESPN NFL 2K5 nearly half a decade ago, yet it's not in Madden 10.
If you have played Madden 10 at all, then you are probably familiar with the little overlay popup Ad that is displayed during a game. If not, take a look at the picture below.
Since acquiring the NFL license back in 2005, EA has been seen in a negative light by many gamers. Many believe the NFL exclusive license was obtained through back room dealings. This view was only buffeted when the ... Read More
Madden 10 is a step in the right direction for the series, but problems with passing, coverage, physics, momentum, and footwork continue to plague the game wreaking havoc on the outcome of plays. For this reason many people do not find Madden Challenging are unable to reproduce realistic statistics in their offline Franchise games.
The best way to make the game challenging is to use a set of sliders. If you enjoy Slow or Very Slow Speed, then I suggest using the NFL Simulation Sliders ... Read More
After trying out various sets of sliders on the forums and finding problems with them in one area or another, I decided to put together a set that was tuned for the hardcore football strategist whose looking for a realistic yet challenging game in Madden.
If you plan on using these sliders, then there are a couple of things you should keep in mind.
1. Play 15 minute Quarters, accelerated quarters with 25 second runoff.
I have been seeing quite a few Fight for the Fumbles in Madden 10. I'm not sure if it's my tv settings, or the randomness of the camera, but usually it's a close up view that's above the pile, so you can't really see what's going on. Are others experiencing this camera view?
It happens so fast that you usually have very little time to respond. Worse, hitting the buttons (A, B, X, or Y) just doesn't seem to fit the frantic action that's going on as the guys scramble / fight for the ... Read More