Contact Trick13
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The last 10 visitor(s) to this Arena were:
Trick13's Arena has had 13,592 visits
- bloobloouk
- bucs90
- chitownwonder
- crossfit93
- DSThom
- jovanitoliver415
- kjcheezhead
- Rhudey
- stiffarmleft
- tsallen89
Trick13's Arena has had 13,592 visits
League Advances:
Preseason - Every 12 hours (One 48 hour cycle for cuts and signings)
Regular Season - Every 48 hours
Post Season - Every 24-48
Very basic sim rules...
1. Mix up your play-calls, the same plays should not be being used over and over.
2. Only go for it on 4th down in the 2nd half when you're losing.
3. Hurry up offense is only allowed in both 2:00 warning periods (End of each half).
4. NO CRAZY stat padding (if you've got a shot at breaking a record go for it, but should not see the same players going crazy week after week).
We're looking to kickoff the franchise on Sunday 11/8/15. If interested in joining add me on PSN (BUC_40) and I will add you to our PSN Community page