TreFacTor's Blog

{} EA forum Moderators paid to limit negative feedback {}
Posted on October 23, 2009 at 09:21 PM.
The second infraction he read to me was not regarding the game at all, and was instead directed to one of the new moderators and was not inflamatory, or biligerant. He said your second infraction was for this post to a moderator created thread.
"If you had the opportunity to be at the Ea Studio, and put some aspect into madden what would it be? And why would you want that in the game? For me, I would put in a feature where we can watch other ppls online ranked games, i think that would be awesome to watch other ppl. how about you?"
"My Response"
a new game engine.... something physics based.
New AI that doesn't rely on cheating to provide a challenge
Player ratings that MATTER
Coaching (The computer now does not recognize tendencies, and doesn't adjust to the player)
start em sit em recommendations from the sunday football team on espn
Monday Night football presentation from espn
Better collision detection
Manual touchdown celebrations
Replays that run from walking to the line of scrimmage until the play ends.
Roster updates for online franchise
Random weather offline, online, franchise, play now
progressive lighting
Are mods the only members allowed to make useless posts? Another mod should come through and lock this post."
Yes the bold line is what the moderatore reported as a TOS violation. When I initally called customer suport, the rep blew me off, and said he would contact me within 24 hours. The 24 hours passed and I felt that nothing ws going to be done so I called and immediately asked for a manager regarding "connection issues" I then told the manager my situation and he put me on hold to look up the issue. After getting to the bottom of my 3 day slap on the wrist, I was shocked that a forum moderator could infact have my ONLINE account banned for a post I made on the forum.
An even more shoking surprise was that they only have to attach what they feel is in violation. It is never reviewed or taken into consideration that they themselves need to be policed! EVEN MORE SHOCKING was finding out that the moderators lie about working for EA. The manager let it slip when I pressed the issue that the remarks were in the grey area to say the least, and that no one had final say over the moderators opinion.
I asked so the moderators can take any negative remark regrading EA or their games or their employees as a TOS violation, and delete any negative information regarding bugs, or glitches... his response was "That's what they get paid to do". To make sure I heard him correctly, I repeated "ohh so they do get paid to limit the amount of negative exposure regarding the game"... he reitterated "yes that's what they get paid to do".
He then proceeded to tell me to wait out the suspension, and to watch what I post in the future. Now I have 3 other live gold memberships, and don't have any other EA games that I play so this really is no big deal, but I do frequent the EA forums to offer help, suggestions and complain and since I have never played an online game this year I was certain that my ban came from my comments regarding this years flawed game, now I know watch what you say on the EA forums if you plan to play online. The moderators have free reign, and you are at their mercy should you hurt their precious feelings!

# 2
19 @ Oct 24
Sorry, but in this country no one deserves to be silenced simply for stating their opinoins and answering a question that EA themselves put forth. If EA can't deal with thier critics they shouldn't have a forum where people can discuss the game, as long as there isn't anything vulgar or offensive put forth by the poster. Sometimes the truth hurts. It would be different if Madden wasn't the only game in town, but it is. IMO the frustration has a lot do with if a game has a lot of bugs out of the box, which this one does, consumers have no where else to go and must wait 2 1/2 months for a patch so the game plays decent. Bottom line, they shouldn't ask us what we think if they aren't prepared for comments from people who like the game and from people who feel it could be improved.
# 3
mike24forever @ Oct 24
That being said, "in this country" have a choice to buy or not buy a product. Your logic is faulty. There is also a difference between stating flaws in a game, and comstantly complaining about it. Once a person has stated their opinion, it's done (move on). To continue stating the same thing is redundant.
Games being patched is tiresome and pushes the patience of all consumers, however it's the reality we live in. Especially with sport games and their short development cycles.
Another solution, would be to hold off on buying a game until it has been patched.
Games being patched is tiresome and pushes the patience of all consumers, however it's the reality we live in. Especially with sport games and their short development cycles.
Another solution, would be to hold off on buying a game until it has been patched.
# 4
HiTEqMETHOD @ Oct 24
While I agree that Madden is definitely not what it's made out to be (good or even great according to some people) your ranting and continuous "whining" about how the game is bad isn't a tactic I agree with. Sure Madden sucks and sure people should let EA know that we want a decent NFL game some time in the next 10 but you have to be smarter about it. If EA is going to play dirty and moderate their forums that way then that's some shady business you'll have to deal with, and by deal I don't mean make an even bigger fuss out of it.
EA knows they are slacking that's why they pay their mods to police the boards like that, so just be patience and revel in knowing the bigs over at EA are pissed their game isn't selling like it used to.
EA knows they are slacking that's why they pay their mods to police the boards like that, so just be patience and revel in knowing the bigs over at EA are pissed their game isn't selling like it used to.
# 5
TreFacTor @ Oct 24
My intention on the EA site was to provide feedback to the development team, which was asked for. The fact that the moderators can manipulate what is ultimately received by the development team is hindering some very constructive and helpful feedback. Will this help or hurt, no one knows, but I am not the only person who is trying to get the message out, here or on the EA forums, and I am hardly a troll, as a matter of fact my posts all of last week did not insult the game or the developers, or the forum moderators, I was merely helping out. This I did purposely! Since my post the week before were being deleted, I tried the sugar versus salt approach and still received the same treatment.
No I don't have to buy the game, but it is the only NFL game available so my choices have been made for me by EA themselves. I you don't want to hear or read my diatribe you surely have the same choice that you advised me on, even more so... I didn't lie to you to get your attention!
My intention on the EA site was to provide feedback to the development team, which was asked for. The fact that the moderators can manipulate what is ultimately received by the development team is hindering some very constructive and helpful feedback. Will this help or hurt, no one knows, but I am not the only person who is trying to get the message out, here or on the EA forums, and I am hardly a troll, as a matter of fact my posts all of last week did not insult the game or the developers, or the forum moderators, I was merely helping out. This I did purposely! Since my post the week before were being deleted, I tried the sugar versus salt approach and still received the same treatment.
No I don't have to buy the game, but it is the only NFL game available so my choices have been made for me by EA themselves. I you don't want to hear or read my diatribe you surely have the same choice that you advised me on, even more so... I didn't lie to you to get your attention!
# 6
mike24forever @ Oct 24
I appreciate the people that spend their time providing feedback to developers so that games get better. It has never been more apparant then this years Madden. The community has helped a lot. However, being constructive with feedback is onething, continually attacking is another.
You yourself said you tried "the salty" approach. So you deserved to be banned or blocked from the forums for 72 hours. The fact that you tried to change your ways and approach the forums with a more enlightened design after your period away from the forums is a good thing. However, your previous words were taken into account and you paid for your previous behaviour. Actions have consequences.
AGAIN, it does not matter is Madden is the only NFL game in town (GOD I hate that saying), you still don't have to buy it.
See the game for what it is...EA's representation of NFL football and not yours. Maybe then you will be able to enjoy the game. Stop playing the game looking for it's short comings. Hopefully, this new patch will help with the enjoyment of the game. If not, walk away, knowing that you tried to help.
You yourself said you tried "the salty" approach. So you deserved to be banned or blocked from the forums for 72 hours. The fact that you tried to change your ways and approach the forums with a more enlightened design after your period away from the forums is a good thing. However, your previous words were taken into account and you paid for your previous behaviour. Actions have consequences.
AGAIN, it does not matter is Madden is the only NFL game in town (GOD I hate that saying), you still don't have to buy it.
See the game for what it is...EA's representation of NFL football and not yours. Maybe then you will be able to enjoy the game. Stop playing the game looking for it's short comings. Hopefully, this new patch will help with the enjoyment of the game. If not, walk away, knowing that you tried to help.
# 7
TreFacTor @ Oct 24
# 6 ms24forever
I wasn't and still am not banned from the forum. They banned my EA server account to play online. Your right, I don't have to buy the game, but I bought it under false pretenses. What I thought I was paying for wasn't what I got, and I'm not alone in that feeling. i have the right to buy whatever I can afford, and the right to complain when it doesn't perform the way it was intended.
I will not walk away, that is the short sighted view. I ahve purchased every madden since the 16 bit days, and I consider myself a loyal customer, and when THE DEVELOPERS themselves provide a public forum for open, and constructive criticism, but can't take what is being criticised then there is a mixed message being sent to it's consumers, much like the Madden 10 product itself. If you spend any time on the forum, reading the "Madden 11 wishlist" threads or "Developer Q & A" thread, you will surely see the vast majority of the complaints are concerns that the current development team did not address the issues of the past.
Will the next patch fix the game so that "we" can enjoy the game, I hope so, but 4 months after purchase is a long time to HAVE to wait to enjoy any product you've put your hard earned money towards isn' it? Would you wait 4 months to unolck all of the tracks on a cd? Would you wait 4 months to wear a pair of jeans until the zipper came? Would you wait 4 months to watch cable until they bought the converter box they were supposed to install at the inital insallation? If you would, you have the patience of a saint, and will surely be welcomed in heaven and probably fall under the theives mantra that a fool and their moeny are soon parted. (not calling you a fool, just using an anaology)

# 6 ms24forever
I wasn't and still am not banned from the forum. They banned my EA server account to play online. Your right, I don't have to buy the game, but I bought it under false pretenses. What I thought I was paying for wasn't what I got, and I'm not alone in that feeling. i have the right to buy whatever I can afford, and the right to complain when it doesn't perform the way it was intended.
I will not walk away, that is the short sighted view. I ahve purchased every madden since the 16 bit days, and I consider myself a loyal customer, and when THE DEVELOPERS themselves provide a public forum for open, and constructive criticism, but can't take what is being criticised then there is a mixed message being sent to it's consumers, much like the Madden 10 product itself. If you spend any time on the forum, reading the "Madden 11 wishlist" threads or "Developer Q & A" thread, you will surely see the vast majority of the complaints are concerns that the current development team did not address the issues of the past.
Will the next patch fix the game so that "we" can enjoy the game, I hope so, but 4 months after purchase is a long time to HAVE to wait to enjoy any product you've put your hard earned money towards isn' it? Would you wait 4 months to unolck all of the tracks on a cd? Would you wait 4 months to wear a pair of jeans until the zipper came? Would you wait 4 months to watch cable until they bought the converter box they were supposed to install at the inital insallation? If you would, you have the patience of a saint, and will surely be welcomed in heaven and probably fall under the theives mantra that a fool and their moeny are soon parted. (not calling you a fool, just using an anaology)
# 8
mike24forever @ Oct 24
I understand what you are saying, however since you have been playing Madden since the 16 bit days, you then know that the game
(all games) have their flaws. You say "we" as if there is no one enjoying this game. The people that come to these forums are a small minority of people who buy the game. My students love Madden and they think it's amayzing. Only a relative few know of the issues the game has.
You have a right to complain about anything you like, however when will you start to see that it is falling on deaf ears. I just don't understand how people take it personally. It's only $60, that's less then what I pay to fill up my truck. The way I see it, it was $60 well spent. (I guess that's the whole "a fool will soon part with his money thing?) Like I said, the discussions with the dev teams on OS have produced a great game of Madden this year.
I like your examples, I actually laughed about the cd thing, yet they are not comparable. Sorry, the game is playable out of the box and it's a great game. Perfect...No...unplayable...No. Therefore, we are luck EA is patching the issue that the "SIM" community wants addressed.
(all games) have their flaws. You say "we" as if there is no one enjoying this game. The people that come to these forums are a small minority of people who buy the game. My students love Madden and they think it's amayzing. Only a relative few know of the issues the game has.
You have a right to complain about anything you like, however when will you start to see that it is falling on deaf ears. I just don't understand how people take it personally. It's only $60, that's less then what I pay to fill up my truck. The way I see it, it was $60 well spent. (I guess that's the whole "a fool will soon part with his money thing?) Like I said, the discussions with the dev teams on OS have produced a great game of Madden this year.
I like your examples, I actually laughed about the cd thing, yet they are not comparable. Sorry, the game is playable out of the box and it's a great game. Perfect...No...unplayable...No. Therefore, we are luck EA is patching the issue that the "SIM" community wants addressed.
# 9
TreyIM2 @ Oct 24
Tre, my dude, you are really overdoing it. You gotta take the anger out of your life. Yes, Madden is a game we all want to be the best it can be, especially in light of the fact that there is NO other current day NFL football game that we can buy. This will help you see that while Madden is far from perfect, you may actually enjoy the game. You are too fanatical and flying off the handle with your words is not how to get things done in the grownup world...unless your very rich, famous and our powerful which of course you are not and that's why YOU are sitting up here blogging like this. Ha...but I'm not joking.
People like me who are very mature and can deal with things NOT being as perfect as they would like them to be, in this world, go about things in a different way. You've said the phrase, already - constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is void of barbs and stated in a mature fashion and then when you rant, you become known as a "complainer", to put it mildly, then if you continue to stay a "complainer", you become known for your habitual rants and no one of mature minds wants to hear all that.
You gotta learn that you are NOT going to always get what you want (hmm, sounds like a song. Maybe I'll be the first to write it - Haa) in life and going ape **** about something so minor as Madden makes you look well as crazy and renders you even more powerless. U think "crazy" people are looked at as people to "respect" or as people that others want to be around and/or deal with? Think about that...
gamer23 - LOL, that's been my point for so long not only about Madden but multiplat games that goto the PS3 and I even spoke on that on another site that posted about MS denying rumors, again, about going Blu-ray for the 360. Yet, I do understand the possible reasons why this is going on although some games DO get "more" on the PS3 when released multiplat...but usually they come out much later than the 360 versions of the games.
People like me who are very mature and can deal with things NOT being as perfect as they would like them to be, in this world, go about things in a different way. You've said the phrase, already - constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is void of barbs and stated in a mature fashion and then when you rant, you become known as a "complainer", to put it mildly, then if you continue to stay a "complainer", you become known for your habitual rants and no one of mature minds wants to hear all that.
You gotta learn that you are NOT going to always get what you want (hmm, sounds like a song. Maybe I'll be the first to write it - Haa) in life and going ape **** about something so minor as Madden makes you look well as crazy and renders you even more powerless. U think "crazy" people are looked at as people to "respect" or as people that others want to be around and/or deal with? Think about that...
gamer23 - LOL, that's been my point for so long not only about Madden but multiplat games that goto the PS3 and I even spoke on that on another site that posted about MS denying rumors, again, about going Blu-ray for the 360. Yet, I do understand the possible reasons why this is going on although some games DO get "more" on the PS3 when released multiplat...but usually they come out much later than the 360 versions of the games.
# 10
TreFacTor @ Oct 24
# 8 ms24forever
We will have to agree to disagree, because we could banter about this until Madden 11 releases (LOL). You have the right to stand up for the game that you love just like you would do for the woman you love, or your students, just like I have the right to complain about a product I feel was misleading in it's advertisements, as well as in it's makers interviews leading up to release. No game is perfect, and the majority have flaws, but I am a very selective buyer, and I research every game I intend to buy that way I'm not like one of those people on the gamefly comercials (yelling and throwing the controllers in uncontrollable tears). I could disagree that the game was not playable upon release, that would be partially true and false at the same time. Within 10 minutes of playing, I found 4 bugs/glitches where as people in the UK got theirs without online Franchise codes.
I have had games that I regreted buying like Mercenaries 2, but it is rare... come to think of it that game was made by Pandemic which is owned by EA... should have learned my lesson I guess, but it remains that Madden is my only alternative, and since I bought it, I will continue to off my opinion on it. Maybe they will listen (the developers), maybe they won't but there are enough people that feel as I do that maybe they will address the issues we have concerns about.

# 8 ms24forever
We will have to agree to disagree, because we could banter about this until Madden 11 releases (LOL). You have the right to stand up for the game that you love just like you would do for the woman you love, or your students, just like I have the right to complain about a product I feel was misleading in it's advertisements, as well as in it's makers interviews leading up to release. No game is perfect, and the majority have flaws, but I am a very selective buyer, and I research every game I intend to buy that way I'm not like one of those people on the gamefly comercials (yelling and throwing the controllers in uncontrollable tears). I could disagree that the game was not playable upon release, that would be partially true and false at the same time. Within 10 minutes of playing, I found 4 bugs/glitches where as people in the UK got theirs without online Franchise codes.
I have had games that I regreted buying like Mercenaries 2, but it is rare... come to think of it that game was made by Pandemic which is owned by EA... should have learned my lesson I guess, but it remains that Madden is my only alternative, and since I bought it, I will continue to off my opinion on it. Maybe they will listen (the developers), maybe they won't but there are enough people that feel as I do that maybe they will address the issues we have concerns about.
# 11
TreFacTor @ Oct 24
I never said Madden was a bad game, it just didn't deliver as advertised. IMHO
I never said Madden was a bad game, it just didn't deliver as advertised. IMHO
# 12
mike24forever @ Oct 24
Hey, no problem. We can agree to disagree! I hope that the patch makes Madden playable.
# 15
TreFacTor @ Oct 24
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Now, if you really want to help the developers at EA (Madden), besides complaining about how "they already have your money", go to school, learn how to program a video game, write a resume, apply to EA Sports, get the job, and become a game programmer for Madden. (I know a run-on sentence).
Now put it to rest, you deserved to be silenced. The best thing about the internet is that anyone can use it. The worst thing about the internet is that ANYONE can use it.
Yours Truly,